Girls, Puberty and Acne

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Feb 042024

The following article covers a topic that has recently
moved to center stage – – at least it seems that way. If
you ‘ ve been thinking you need to know more about it, here ‘ s
your opportunity.

Girls go through many physical and psychological changes
during puberty. These changes include body composition, fat
distribution, menstruation, growth spurts, body and facial
hair growth, body odor and skin changes. The body
physically changes as the fat tissue increases in the hips,
thighs, and breasts producing the natural hourglass shape
of females. With all these changes going on, what impact
does acne have on girls during puberty?

During puberty girls experience an increased likelihood and
severity of acne from the increased oil secretions in the
skin. Puberty is often a strenuous time and acne only adds
to the difficulty. During puberty girls usually experience
increased irritability, mood swings, and feelings of low
self esteem. Even girls who have been extremely sure of
themselves may suffer from low self esteem when puberty
sets in. These changes may be even more extreme in the girl
also suffering from acne.

The negative changes in girls during puberty are made even
worse if acne is a problem. You can help deal with the
changes when you know how to lessen the problems of acne.

Practical Acne Treatments For Girls…

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial
information about acne. But don ‘ t be surprised if you find
yourself recalling and using this very information in the
next few days.

Proper skin care is the first step in treating acne. The
face should be gently washed with a facial cleanser. There
are many skin care products on the market that may help
with acne. To kill the bacteria that generate acne the
cleanser should contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or
sulfur. Gentle cleansing is an important factor when
dealing with acne. A typical mistake is to clean the face too
often and with harsh cleansers. Careful cleaning of the face
twice a day is the best way to go.

There are some cosmetics that can be detrimental if you are
trying to control acne so it is important to use
non – comedogenic products. Non – comedogenic products are
less likely to cause acne, blackheads or block the pores of the
skin. Today there are many non – comedogenic products
available, such as makeup, lip stick, moisturizers, and
even acne medicated makeup.

The changes experienced during puberty can take a mental
and physical toll on girls. The onset of acne unquestionably
makes these changes even harder to deal with. It is a good
idea to visit with a dermatologist if the acne can not be
controlled with over – the – counter medications.

A dermatologist will understand the changes that are
associated with acne and will be able to offer advice and
treatment programs. It ‘ s also important to be sensitive
and offer support to girls as they go through the difficult
time of puberty.

Now might be a good time to write down the main points
covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will
help you remember what ‘ s important about acne.

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