Jan 032024

Let me ask you a quick question. . .

How many times have you banged your fists into the table and shaken your head in disbelief because trying to get onto the Internet seems so frustrating?

If you have, it can feel like the world’s passing you by.

Your friends are ‘online’, your family’s ‘online’, heck even 5 year olds seem to have it mastered – and you – well you’re still trying to figure out how the whole thing just goes together.

Do any of these all too common problems drive you nuts:

Can’t connect to your ISP (Or Your Not Even Sure What That Is)
The modem won’t work (No matter what you try you just can’t get online)
You can’t send emails
You can’t receive emails
You’re worried about online viruses
And you’re to scared to buy online because of credit card fraud!

If that sounds like your experience with the Internet so far, or it sounds like the problems someone you know has and you want to help them then you’re in luck!

If you don’t know your ISP from your elbow, have no idea what the heck a ‘POP’ server is and don’t want to to fuss over a ‘Firewall’ . . . . but you simply want to get on with it and connect to the world-wide-web then our brand new video set called ‘The Internet Made Easy’ is for you!

Why Video?

Quite simply, we’ve found it’s the fastest and easiest way for people to learn.

Video training is the closet thing you can have to expert one on one tuition (without the expense) and you can learn at your own pace.

Imagine, saving time by doing the weekly shopping online and the great things you could do with the hours you’ll save. . . Picking up a great bargain or deal on a new holiday or automobile that makes you the envy of your friends . . . Having access to all the information you need from health issues and sports results through to local events and global news . . . Whatever you need, it’s all online waiting for you.

Seriously… who wants to struggle with ‘How To’ books that have been thrown together by rocket scientists for other rocket scientists to read – Or worse still, waste hours on premium rate telephone ‘Help Lines’ where the person you speak to is probably on the other side of the world and seems to have less idea than you.

The answer is right in front of you . . . It’s simple, insert the disk into your PC choose from the menu which area you need help with and spend ten minutes listening and watching to exactly how it’s done.

In a less than an hour all your online problems can be solved.

Just take a look at some of the topics we include in ‘The Internet Made Easy’

Here’s A Quick Summary Of What’s Included:

Choosing which is the best Internet Service Provider For You.
How to protect yourself with FREE Anti-Virus Software.
How to send and receive emails with ease with Outlook Express
How to use Internet Explorer and find what you need FAST!
How to buy online safely and securely
How to download and save files to your PC (including ZIP and PDF files)
How to get organized and work with files and folders
How to back up your information to keep it safe
How to use RSS feeds and gather news and information easily.

It’s All About Being Safe – Being Sure – And Being Online

For your copy of this amazing software please visit http://www.internetmadeeasy.akashop.com

Author: Darren Mallory

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