The ECA Stack Guide

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Dec 312023

The ECA stack is a popular drug combination, which is used as an energy booster and for weight loss. ECA is an acronym for ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin.

Ephedrine is the main ingredient in the stack for both fat burning and energy enhancing. Although it’s very effective on its own, combining it with caffeine makes it even more so. How effective is it? When used properly and can greatly speed up the fat burning process and you’ll loose those unwanted pounds. But before you go out and buy ECA stack there are a few things you need to know about.

Along with fat burning ephedrine will attempt to burn off your hard earned muscle as well. The best way of combating this fat loss is to supplement with protein throughout the day – not just once or twice a day, as is usually the case.

Ephedrine also acts as an appetite suppressant. How this works is not fully understood, but this aids in weight loss also. Unfortunately, these effects only last for a couple of weeks if the stack isn’t cycled because the body become tolerant of ephedrine to some extent.

Ephedrine acts to increase energy by acting on the brain to increase the release of nonadrenaline into the synapic cleft, and also works as a nonadrenaline reuptake inhibitor
due to the shared action between the two terminals.

In most cases the ECA stack is taken two or three times daily in a 1:10:10 or 1:10:15 ratio of ephedrine: caffeine: aspirin. These ratios vary across studies and across users, but in spite of the differences they seem to be effective. No more than 25mg of ephedrine, 200mg of caffeine and 325 mg of aspirin should be taken in a single dose and because ECA stack can contribute to insomnia it should not be taken past late afternoon.

Although ephedrine and aspirin are not addictive caffeine is, and users can develop a tolerance to lowered adenosine levels and this can lead to withdrawal symptoms from adenosine sensitivity if caffeine use is stopped too quickly. It is also possible to develop a psychological addiction to ephedrine and aspirin.

The most serious risk factor of the ECA stack is the effect ephedrine can have on a pre-existing heart condition. It has been linked to death in people with valve damage, cardiac hypertrophy, and other heart problems. Stimulants should not be taken by anyone with a heart condition. Evidence also exists that show that the long-term use of amphetamines can lead to heart damage, but this has not been shown for ephedrine use.

The use of ephedrine and caffeine can also raise blood pressure, so users who already have hypertension need to be careful that the stack doesn’t raise their blood pressure to dangerous levels – especially during exercise. The good thing is that the presence of aspirin in the stack does thin the blood and counteracts this partially.

Insomnia, dry mouth irritability, stress, headache, dizziness, irregular heartbeat and increased thirst are some of the other side effects of the ECA stack. Ephedrine has been linked to death causing many countries to outlaw or control it. The risk of ephedrine has caused many people to try “ephedrine free” stack formulas. There is no proof that any of these formulas are effective, but a great deal of evidence exists to support the effectiveness of the ECA stack, but with risks.

Guide to eBay: eBay University & eBay Research tools.

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Dec 302023

You’ve probably heard about how easy and how much money can be made on eBay. With dreams & promises of quick riches and easy money, you are probably ready to jump in with both feet – right now!

The best thing you can do if you are serious about making money with eBay, however, is to slow down. In fact, just stop for a minute. Don’t rush straight in. Take your time, and do it right.

eBay has over 100 million members. Think about that number for just a minute or two. When you get your eBay business set up, that is how big your customer base will be – instantly. 100 million people – 100 million people who are just waiting for you to get set up and running so that they can throw money at you!

Well, not quite. It is true that there are over 100 million members, but at this point, they don’t know that you exist. In fact, no matter how well you do on eBay, most of them will never know that you exist. 100 million is a very large number.
The most successful eBay sellers started out as buyers – and you should too. This will give you a sense of how everything works. It will also show you how things are from the buyer’s side of the fence.

Let’s call this period of time ‘consumer research.’ You are literally studying how eBay works, from a customer’s point of view. You may not realize this, but this eBay buyer experience will actually make you a much better seller – right from the very start.

(For information and help researching items on ebay, visit

Really pay attention to the customer service you receive from the buyer. Think about how you want to be treated as a buyer, and take notes. Take your time during this process. Interact with the sellers.

Get involved in hot auctions to see what they are like. In your spare time, start making notes about the hot items that you see. These notes will come in handy later.

eBay works just like any other business. You have to determine what people want to buy before you can hope to be successful. There are very specific items that sell really well on eBay – you just have to figure out what those items are.

There are many resources for finding out this information. Start with the lessons that eBay offers to their sellers. Strongly consider attending the eBay University as well. This is the next step in the process. After you have had the eBay buyer experience, it is time to learn how to be an eBay seller.

eBay University is the learning program that eBay established to help people become successful eBay merchants. For convenience, eBay classes are held in many locations throughout the United States, and classes may also be completed from home, using your computer.

You should note that all of the information you will learn through eBay University can be found on the website – for free. However, understanding that free information isn’t always easy. eBay University will teach you how to open a seller’s account, how to conduct research and create listings, how to improve listings for greater success, how to integrate Paypal with eBay, how to monitor your auctions, and how to complete transactions.

Once you’ve finished the Selling Basics course, you are ready for the ‘Beyond the Basics’ course. This advanced course will teach you how to start and grow an eBay business, how to choose and create listing formats that sell, how to use all of the eBay resources, how to market your business, how to pack and ship your items, and much more. Both courses are reasonably priced, and well worth the short amount of time that it takes to complete each course.

Visit to claim your free ebooks and learn all about ebay research, ebay tips & tricks and ebay in general!!

Read all of the information eBay provides for you at the site. The information is free and you will learn a great deal from it. Take full advantage of this – before you start setting up your first auction or your eBay store!

By reading through all of the resources, you will avoid making numerous mistakes that so many before you have made. This is another step towards building a successful eBay business.

Once you’ve made it through the learning process, you should know everything you need to know to get started with a money making eBay business of your very own.

Finance With Ease – Secured Homeowner Loan UK

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Dec 292023

Wedding of you children, buying the home of your dreams, starting a new business venture or financing the existing one, educating your child for a better tomorrow, or may such personal needs demands appropriate financial investment. With ability to fund all these needs and desires of yours, Secured homeowner loans are becoming the first choice of UK residents to get the funds in the form of loans.

Secured homeowner loans are loans which are secured by your own home as collateral or security. The loan lender in this case feels secured and act more flexible when it comes to interest rates and repayment terms and conditions. As obvious the interest rate is low and repayment term is longer, which results into small monthly payments keeping your monthly budget unaffected at the time of repayment.

Being secured this loan offers you to borrow larger amounts ranging from ₤5000 to ₤75000 and even more depending upon the value of the collateral offered and the requirement of the borrower. The repayment term is around 3 years for smaller amounts and goes up to 30 years for larger amounts.

That’s the story of a secured homeowner loan in the market. But if you want to get the loan better and faster, online option is better for you. It saves lot of time and energy as you can browse among numerous loan lenders websites within few minutes by clicking to their websites. These websites offers you free quotes to study and compare. There are also tools such as loan calculators; repayment calculators etc which can help you get your loan deal more accurate.

Applying for a secured homeowner loans in UK requires you to fill in the following details:

• Your name
• Address and contact information
• Mobile numbers and email ID’s for communication
• Amount you are applying for
• Value of the equity of collateral you are offering (Equity is market value of the home less any debts against it).
• Lender may ask about the purpose of the loan depending upon his loan policies.

Secured homeowner loans UK can also help you recover from bad credit score. Surprised??? But it is true. The loan amount can be used for consolidation of debts which helps in reducing the number of debts you are carrying with you. This adds to your credit score in a positive manner.

Secured home owner loans in UK take around 12 to 15 days for approval. The time is required valuation of your home. With so many benefits to look for secured homeowner loan UK is apt way for getting financed.

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Term Life Insurance Tips guide

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Dec 282023

Unlike the insurance policies that are everlasting, term life insurance is one that is meant to fulfill your short-term needs. The term insurance covers for a period of one or more years. If the insurer dies within this time period, the death benefit goes to the beneficiary recommended by him.

At present term life insurance is the simplest, cheapest and most preferable form of life insurance available in the insurance market. It offers low interest rates and an option to renew the policy for one or more terms even if the health condition of the policyholder changes due to some reason. But the premium of the policy increases with the number of times it is renewed.

Though simple to understand and advantageous to opt, the term life insurance should be purchased keeping certain key issues in mind.

• Pen down your requirements on a piece of paper and ponder over the fact of kind of insurance cover you require, is it permanent or temporary.

• Once you decide to go for temporary i.e. term life insurance carefully choose an agent. This holds good with any kind of insurance you seek to buy. Independent agents are a good option. Independent agents are those who are free to offer insurance products of different companies. This provides you with an option of choosing a term life insurance product that caters best to your needs and aspirations. Though such an agent will lay open various options in front of you yet it is always better to first obtain an online life insurance quote and then select an independent agent. Prior acquired information can save you from deceit.

• It is better to purchase tem insurance at an early age for at this age financial requirements are the least. So it is good to start early when both, your health as well as policy rates are good. By doing this you can financially protect your beneficiaries as early as possible.

• Purchase the term insurance when you have a sound health. Healthy people have the best mortality risks and thus are much cheaper for companies to insure. The customers in good health are offered lower interest rate in comparison to those who have any kind of health trouble such as diabetes, cardiac problems etc.

• Since term life insurance comes at affordable rates and is quite flexible, it is good to buy sufficient life insurance to meet all your needs. It is preferable if you purchase an amount of coverage equal to 6-10 times your annual. Though agents might try their best to sell you more coverage but stick to what you require.

• You can make savings in the form of various options for payment on which the insurance company offers discount. For instance several insurance companies have discount offers for those individuals who pay their premiums on time or those who pay by monthly electronic funds transfer (EFT).

• Though purchasing a life insurance through your employer is convenient in many ways but it might not be the best deal in the market. Usually the policies offered at the work place are based on a combined profile of the employees and expire as soon as you leave the company. Thus a cost-effective policy that ensures protection for your dependents too is a better choice.

Yellow Pages Advertising Design: Choose Your Expert With Eyes Wide Open!

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Dec 272023

Even with today’s technology, it’s nearly impossible to construct a persuasive, phone-ringing Yellow Pages advertisement in under 30 minutes. Where did I get thirty minutes from? In 1975, my first gig was designing Yellow Page ads for a large national Yellow Pages publisher. I considered it my “dream job.” Our tight-knit group of creatives would dole out dozens of Yellow Page ads per day, every day. We did our best to make each ad a selling masterpiece BUT we did have a daily quota of 10-15 ads to contend with…Arrange time for breaks, paperwork, etc. and that rate works out to about 30 minutes per ad.

OK, so it takes more than 30 minutes, but why worry about Yellow Page ads? Even as “online local search” continues to grow at a rapid clip, today’s print Yellow Page directories represent a not-too-shabby $14 billion a year industry, and has morphed into a broader medium that includes BOTH print and online capabilities. In fact, directional media (Yellow Pages, online local search and classified advertising) is expected to top $119 billion by 2010. For all of this, print Yellow Pages are still what they have always been, a very effective means of generating telephone calls and revenue from your most important local prospects.

So if the Yellow Pages designers can’t always produce great ads, who can? My two year stint working for a Yellow Pages publisher taught me a great deal about ad design and Yellow Pages advertising. But despite a promotion to Art Director status, I soon left the Yellow Pages to start my own graphic design company…

After twenty years of running a successful design studio and servicing Fortune 500 members, the corporate advertising world had become stale and left me underwhelmed. I decided to re-visit the Yellow Pages industry and created a niche service that, at the time, practically didn’t exist: “The Yellow Page Ad Design Specialist.” By improving the message and visual impact in my clients’ Yellow Page ads, I was able to unleash the incredible potential of the medium. Over the last decade, my clients and I have enjoyed phenomenal success, and my niche market has spawned many competitors.

How can you outmaneuver and outsell your Yellow Page competitors? While designing phenomenal Yellow Page ads takes more than a few tips – it takes real design talent, advertising experience, and expertise in the dynamics of Yellow Page advertising – the very best guidelines for Do-It-Yourselfers can be found in “Effective Yellow Pages Advertising for Lawyers” written by the late Kerry Randall. It was written for attorneys but its’ principles apply to any business appearing in the Yellow Pages. After exhaustive analysis, Kerry determined that nearly all effective, call-generating Yellow Page ads include six key elements. He taught that all high-performance Yellow Page ads should contain:

* Strong headlines that command attention and engage readers
* A laser-sharp focus; a willingness to ignore most readers
* Arresting, eye-captivating illustrations or photographs
* Clearly identifiable differences ( from competitive advertisers)
* Relevant copy (text) that covers less than 50% of the ad space
* Professional-looking, clutter-free layouts

I’ve developed and been preaching very similar principles to my Yellow Page clients for a decade so I wasn’t overly surprised when Mr. Randall emailed me kudos for our Yellow Page advertising efforts. Kerry’s recent passing was a big loss for the industry but he left behind a sparkling gem of a book that will continue to help countless Yellow Page advertisers. Whether you’re determined to create your very own Yellow Page ad or looking to hire an independent designer, Kerry’s masterful dissertation is an invaluable guide.

And you’ll need a guide in picking out an effective designer. Remember, every industry has it’s share of sneaky imposters. It only takes about $20 a month to hang out your electronic shingle these days and some Yellow Page ad “professionals” lack even a formal advertising design background, let alone a solid, direct-response experience, or a successful track-record for their clients.

Scrutinize prospective designer’s Yellow Page ad samples in light of these 6 principles. Make sure that the ads clearly and honestly speak to the prospects’ emotional needs and effectively persuade prospects by presenting the very best solution to their specific problem. Also verify that the Yellow Page design specialist you choose has a solid direct-response background and a successful track-record for their clients.

Otherwise, you’d be better off doing a little reading and create your own persuasive Yellow Pages advertisement. One that will deliver “off-the-hook” phone calls for you, 365 days a year! If you stumble along the way or you need a few pointers, let me know if I can help.

Business Ethics and Unethical Practices

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Dec 262023

The study of business ethics and its implications for different stakeholders have seen tremendous growth in the past few decades. There has also been a rise in the use and development of codes of ethics and announcements for ethical practices by many firms; however companies are still criticized for their unethical practices at different levels (, 2006). Business ethics, according to the literature has been entrenched with the philosophical details of Ethics (Trevino & Nelson, 1999). Ethics has been defined as ‘the activity of examining the moral standards of a society, and asking how these standards apply to ones life and whether these standards are reasonable’ (Velasquez, 1998; p. 11).

The literature on business ethics is divided on its views about the motivation and reason for businesses to have an ethical dimension. Drawing upon Harrison (2001), there are two major schools of thoughts, firstly those who suggest that firms are profit generating institutions and therefore business ethics is yet another way to attract customers, secondly those who support corporate conscience and intrinsic motivation for the adoption of business ethics.

Business ethics has been considered very subjective in nature and according to Paul (2001) is considered a function of time and culture. It has been established that with the passage of time business ethics have evolved and also that the cultural values and norms drive business ethics within national and regional boundaries. One of the major studies regarding the national values has been conducted by Hofstede (1983). According to this research, which was only based on four indicators i.e. individualism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity, there is a great deal of differences among values across different nations and consequently the business ethics. Globalization combined with standardization has made businesses financially efficient but at the same time poses questions regarding the standardized codes of business ethics across national boundaries.

Vinten (1991) has divided the business ethical issues at different levels i.e. international business, domestic business and professional ethics. At the international level ethical issues include free-masonry and socialism versus capitalism; at domestic level these include religious dimensions, social marketing and ethical education; and lastly at the individual level these include bribery, corruption and data protection (, 2006).

There are many reasons and criticisms for the failure of adoption of ethics in the business world. Firstly, the concept is considered to be overly theoretical and it also negates the basic purpose of any business i.e. to create shareholder’s wealth. Secondly, it has lack of direction and unanimity across different cultures and academic groups. Lastly, it has many inherent unresolved dichotomies that according to Sternberg (1994) make it a case of rejected relativism.


Harrison, J. (2001), Ethics for Australian Business, Prentice-Hall, French’s Forest

Hofstede, G. (1983), The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.75-89

Papers For You (2006) “S/B/92. What distinguishes ethical from unethical business activity and how significant are the principles of business ethics in modern business?”, Available from [17/06/2006]

Papers For You (2006) “S/B/49. ‘Should businesses strive to be ethical?’ Critically Discuss”, Available from [18/06/2006]

Paul, S. (2001), Cultural and Business Ethics, Cross Cultural Management: An international Journal, Volume 8 No. 1, pp 22-35

Sternberg, E. (1994), Relativism rejected: the possibility of transnational business ethics, in Hoffman, W.M., Kamm, J.B., Frederick, R.E., Petry, E.S. Jr (Eds), National Conference on Business Ethics. Proceedings from the 9th Conference on Business Ethics Sponsored by the Centre for Business Ethics at Bentley College, Quorum Books, New York, NY, pp.143-50

Trevino, L.K., Nelson, K.A. (1999), Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk about How to Do It Right, 2nd ed., J. Wiley & Sons, New York, NY

Velasquez, M.G. (1998), Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, 4th ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ

Vinten, G. (1991), Business Ethics: Busybody or Corporate Conscience?, Managerial Auditing Journal, Volume 5, Number 2, pp. 123-144

What’s the point? Why hire consultants? And How can you get the best out of them?

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Dec 252023

Moving from organizational life to consulting life didn’t seem like a big deal to me. I’d been doing internal consulting for more than a decade. I’d been bringing consultants into my organisation as an “extra pair of hands” or as experts to present programs or coach executives. What I found as an internal customer was that hiring a consultant can be tricky. Through a trial and error process of discovery I found that the nature of the consulting relationship is the key to whether the company is going to get what it needs or throw money down a consulting black hole. Although a company is “borrowing” talent, not “buying” it the way they do when they hire someone, it’s still a major financial and time commitment. I spent a lot of time managing consultants. I figured “What’s the point?” if I didn’t get the best out of them. And .for the consultant, the consulting assignment has both a financial and reputational impact. Why not make this arrangement a win-win?

To do that I found we had to learn to trust each other. The approach to low trust by the organization is often a “taxi driver” approach. The consultant is paid by the hour or day. This is a contractual relationship versus a relational contract. The consultant does what he or she is told. The good news is that this is a good way to use “one-trick ponies.” When you have a speaker who can do a great presentation about what they know best this is the best way to use them. If you want any in-depth work from a consultant it’s best to try the partnering approach. As one client said “We are depending on you to get our bench-strength ready for their next jobs. His approach was to put me into a relational contract where I was committed to his company’s expected outcomes.

“Taxi driver” approach or partnering approach

One of the nicest compliments I ever got was “You don’t think like a consultant.” I realised that I see myself as partnering with my clients, almost as if I become part of their organisation for a period of time. When clients want to hire me by the hour, or minutes, I find it very strange. At one point, I was contracting with a prospective client who came out of a supply chain background. He spent the contracting period penny pinching me in all the aspects of the contract. For me, he was concentrating on the wrong aspects. When I tried to concentrate on the outcomes rather than the specifics of the process, he just didn’t “get it.” He was so used to taking farthings off widgets that he just couldn’t focus on the end results. The “taxi driver” approach didn’t engender enough trust for me to continue the contracting. I pulled myself out of the process.

I try not to work like a “taxi driver.” I have found that thinking of consulting as day labour gets me, and other consultants too , to act that way. I prefer thinking like a partner in the project’s success. It’s vital for a company to think this way too. Partnering is a trust builder. There is a mutual commitment to success.

Consultant partnering trust occurs when there is both personal and professional trust. Personal trust is each party doing what they say they’ll do, when they say they’ll do it. Professional trust is demonstrating the talent, expertise and an understanding of the consultant’s craft and of human behaviour that enables a consulting relationship to work.

Create a contractual relationship or a relational contract?

“Relationships of trust depend on our willingness to look not only to our own interests, but also the interests of other.” Peter Farquharson, Early 20th century English cricketer

Even if you’re hiring day labourers, a company wants its money’s worth or more. Although many consultants are hired on a short time scale, their organisational “fit” is essential. One of the best ways to ensure fit is by knowing the company and its needs as well as the needs of the project or intervention that the company needs. When a company insists on a detailed contract they often get just what they negotiated and nothing more. My belief is that it’s vital to keep your “eyes on the prize.” What is it that the company and the specific client(s) want to get out of the relationship? Contracting is where you ensure that the commitment and professional expertise are there. There’s an old American saying that could apply to contracting, “Good fences make good neighbours.” By setting up the parameters in contracting the participants are then free to do more but not less.

It is vital that those who are doing the consulting be part of the contracting phase. If the person who initiates the engagement is the “finder” but doesn’t do the work it may not be a good idea. That also goes for having a “minder” and a bunch of “grinders” whom you don’t know well. If you contract with the experienced folks there is not enough pay-off from the rookies. It’s vital that you get to know the consultant(s) you’re using before, during and after the consulting engagement. Though the consultant(s) may not be employees they should be treated as if they are personally responsible. As an independent consultant, and previously as a corporate buyer of consulting services, I have found that independents are often the best choices. There have been at least a dozen situations when I’ve been called in after someone from a consulting firm hasn’t delivered what was expected. Don’t forget that you are hiring the person and not the company.

The way that a consultant (firm) approaches contracting is revealing. Are they happy to spend as much time as it takes in this phase? The time that it takes to contract and work with the company representative who is doing the contract is part of the big “bucks” that consultants charge. Part of the contracting should be a negotiated “package”, or programme price. Part of the package price is that the consultant should not be charging for every small cost like taxi fares for local work.

The package should include written information that is necessary for the process to work. That might mean something in writing that can serve as a roadmap for clients to follow as they work with consultant. A report at the end of the consulting process is not one of the worthwhile things to pay for. When the consultant has left, the report is rarely of use. It may feel good to get one but often goes on a shelf after the consulting engagement is finished.

Most of all, I believe in generosity of spirit on the part of the consultant and the company. That means giving more than the contract stipulates when it’s needed. That means consultants occasionally giving more consulting time, without extra fees, for those who need it and the company staying supportive and flexible with the needs of the consultant. In other words, the parties involved should be responsive to the other’s needs. Over time, this kind of attitude breeds trust.

Being a consultant is a bit like being an employee for a period of time. Just the way employees “hold” the needs of their job and the needs of their company in their consciousness, an excellent consultant “holds” clients and their needs and the work in their thinking time outside of the actual assignment time. I am constantly surprised when a client says that a workshop I gave was only six hours so they that they should not have to pay for the entire day of eight hours. How amazing is that? It may have taken days to prepare the work which may, or may not have been remunerated. Moreover, when a consultant is at one company for six hours there is no way that two more hours can be squeezed into that day. That is one of the reasons why daily fees don’t make sense for excellent work. The other is the thinking time that involves “holding” the client in your thoughts and plans.

Be careful with one-trick ponies and “consultant creep”

“The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action.” Frank Herbert , 20th century science fiction author

A company usually hires consultants for their expertise. In their area of expertise they need to be role models. I once hired a consultant who was superb at educating and empowering personal assistants to maximise their potential. When she was asked by an executive to work out a conflict among a group of personal assistants she overstepped her expertise and failed miserably. It’s not uncommon for this kind of thing to happen since expertise is often specialised.

It’s also the responsibility of the consultant to keep the company representative informed of every potential consulting request that the consultant gets to do additional consulting. Someone in the company needs to keep track to avoid “consultant creep,” or consultants running amok around the organisation. I find that someone to vet each request, and the appropriateness of the consultant(s) for the request, is the only way to ensure the trust that you have the right person in place.

Trust comes from bringing in consultants who don’t come in with a prepared idea of the issue and the solution. Consulting companies that have “models” that they use can be guilty of this approach.

Consultants need guts rather than glory

It’s too easy for consultants to be sycophants rather than speak what they believe needs to be said to individuals of power and authority. This is not the place where executives should be told what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear and learn. It is important that a consultant, beyond an “extra pair of hands,” be responsible for moving individuals, or the culture, to take action. The trick is that the “push” needs to be strong enough to show action and gentle enough not to cause reactive “push back,” or organisational resistance. This is a major area of trust!

On the whole, mature consultants who are beyond wanting their own days of personal glory make some of the best choices. If the consulting work isn’t satisfactory it’s time to give the consultant(s) feedback. The way that they accept and respond to feedback without defending tells you a lot about their professional trust. I love adapting as a consultant. It’s wonderful to get feedback and have a chance to adapt to the needs of the company and the individual(s) involved.

Consultants who need a lot of kudos and strokes can be trouble. A consultant can be a bit like a catalyst. They can have enormous impact for positive change yet not be part of the end result. If they need the glory they are not mature enough for this kind or work.

See more about Dr. Karen Otazo at the following – Executive Coaching

5000 Year-Old Medical Secret Uneathed

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Dec 242023

When you get sick, you go to the doctor. And the doctor will, of course, prescribe medicines. You will go and buy medicines. You take them, and hopefully, you get well.

This is how the health profession goes on nowadays – a cycle of diagnosis and prescription.

If anyone were to give you herbs for medicine, you would probably say that that person was a quack.

But nowadays, studies are being conducted to see if there are really is any merit to what is called natural medicine.

Natural medicine is the use of natural methods, herbal medicines, and traditional practices to heal ailments. Every culture has a form of natural medicine. In ancient cultures, village medicine men served as the doctors of the community, passing on medical knowledge to the apprentices that followed them.

Many categories of the healing methods fall under natural medicine. Among these are traditional medicine, complementary medicine, and alternative medicine.

Usually, natural medicine refers to medical practices that were in place before the advent of modern medicine.

This includes herbal medicine, or phytotherapy, which is prevalent in Chinese, Ayurvedic (or Indian), and Greek medicine.

Upon the advent of modern medicine, many professionals discarded the use of herbs in favor of man-made medicine. The fact that these treatments are based on the healing properties of some herbs was forgotten.

For example, opium, digitalis, quinine, and aspirin all have their roots in traditional medicine.

Natural medicine can be considered as a lost art. This does not mean that it has lost efficacy over time. In some cases, natural therapy is actually better than modern medicine. This leads some doctors to seriously consider and study the possible uses of natural medicine

Before we continue, it is important to stress that not all the natural remedies are legitimate. It would help to only try those remedies which have been thoroughly studied and are relatively risk free.

Take herbal medicine for example. There are many well-documented and studied herbal remedies available. However, only those that deal with minor ailments such as cough, colds, fever, skin rashes, and its ilk are likely to be recommended by health professionals. These remedies are sometimes superior to synthetic medicine. This is because herbal medicines are less likely to cause negative side effects.

Currently there are numerous organizations that study the effects and advocacy of natural medicine – among which is herbal medicine. Some governments and health agencies openly advocate the use of natural methods since they are inexpensive and relatively risk-free.

As their studies compile, more herbs and treatments are added to the list of accepted medicines. However, many herbs and treatments have been proven to be bogus medicine. This represents a challenge for both the user and the agencies because they have to ascertain that the treatments they either use or advocate are legitimate.

There exist today many alternative medical treatments that fall under natural medicine. However, not all of them have been proven to be effective. You could mention homeopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and other alternative medical treatments. It would pay to consult the experts as to the legitimacy of these treatments.

Natural medicine should also be thought of as an accompanying medicine. Right now, the current collective medical thought suggests that natural medicine be used only to supplement accepted modern medical practices. In that case of minor ailments your expert we actually advise you to take natural therapies instead.

The practice of modern medicine revolves around diagnosing an illness and prescribing treatments for such. Natural medicine is helpful because it suggests that treatment be not necessarily given only when sick. Natural medicine strives to make each patient practice good health habits. These habits include good diet, healthy living, and the regular natural treatment.

It is this same line of thought that leads our parents to tell us to eat our vegetables. Yes, a healthy lifestyle and will do no harm to our well-being. And this is the foundation of natural medicine – may it be massage, herbal medicine, aromatherapy or others.

It is funny but true that science, in its quest for excellence, is studying the knowledge of sages past. This, surprisingly, leads us back to the remedies nature offers. The possibilities of finding remedies to everyday illnesses in natural medicine are encouraging. So staying tuned to studying these remedies is worthwhile until we can verify that these therapies are truly helpful to our health and our society.

Health Savings Accounts Put You in Control of Your Healthcare

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Dec 232023

As Health Savings Accounts grow in popularity, there is growing fear among those who want to nationalize healthcare that they will not be able to put the cat back in the bag. There are already over 3 million individuals with an HSA, and by 2010, the Treasury Department estimates as many as 45 million Americans will be covered by HSA plans. They will have billions of dollars invested to cover future medical expenses, and by then it will be politically impossible to take that benefit away.

If you currently have a high-deductible health insurance plan, you can invest tax-free money in a Health Savings Account. You get to choose the type of investment – anything from savings accounts or money market funds, to a full brokerage house. If you invest wisely, you could have well over $500,000 in the account when you retire. You will be able to use that money to pay for your healthcare in whatever way you please, tax free. You can go to the best surgeons, or the least expensive doc-in-a-box. If you decide to treat a condition with acupuncture, homeopathy, or psychic healers, you can do that too. Whoever offers you the service you want with the best combination of quality and price should get your business. And since you are the one paying, it will be completely your choice. You have healthcare freedom.

If proponents of a single-payer system were to ever have their way, you would be at the mercy of a government bureaucrat when it comes to your healthcare. To see what this may look like, all one has to do is look at the state of health care in Canada, England, New Zealand, and the parts of Europe that have not yet abandoned single-payer systems.

Proponents of a single-payer system tend to point to Canada or England as countries that cover all their citizens with quality healthcare, while spending less money per person than the U.S. But if we look a little more closely, we see that these publicly financed health insurance systems are breaking down, the quality is low, and the costs can be quite high. Here’s what Canadians have to deal with if they need medical care:

Long waits. Hundreds of Canadians go to Detroit and other U.S. cities every year for procedures like CAT scans, which they can obtain treatment in a matter of days. In Canada, the wait is typically six months. Currently 876,000 Canadians are on waiting lists for medical procedures.

Difficulty in getting life-enhancing procedures done. If a Canadian is having a heart attack, they will be treated right then. But if the surgery is considered “elective” (meaning that possible death is not eminent), the wait could be months or years. Average wait for cataract removal is 18 months. Average wait for a knee replacement is one year.

Increased risk of dieing. The average Canadian waits eight weeks to see a specialist, and another nine weeks before getting treated. This is even the case with conditions that are likely to get much worse if there is any delay in treatment. For example, the median time for a mastectomy is 14 weeks, enough time for the cancer to spread to other parts of the body. In fact, 28% of those diagnosed with breast cancer in Canada die from it, while the mortality ratio in the U.S. is only 25%.

Things don’t look any better across the ocean. Each year the British National Health Service cancels 410,000 surgeries because of resource shortages. According to the London Sunday Times, there are currently over 1 million Brits awaiting elective surgery. Thomas Cook, a British travel agency, is even considering offering “sun-and-surgery” packaged trips to Indian hospitals for British citizens fed up with low standards and long waiting times for surgery.

The British and Canadian governments have the power to make healthcare “free”, but they are unable to control its costs. So the costs become longer (and potentially fatal) delays, and fewer innovations.

Its not surprising when you think about what is happening. Universal health insurance systems always encourage over-consumption by patients, and such over-consumption always leads to financial crises. The result is inevitably broken promises about universal access and quality care. Because there are always limited resources, single-payer systems tend to overspend on primary care for the healthy, while denying more expensive specialist care to those with serious medical problems. This is because most people (voters) are healthy most of the time, and the sick and dieing are less likely to be able to organize into a political force.

What makes the United States such a great country is the “freedoms” we enjoy. Though our freedoms seem to be constantly under attack, there is still no nation in the world that has the freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of association, or the free markets that we have in the United States. As anyone who understands even a smidgen of economics knows, free markets encourage competition and innovation, which lead to lower prices and better quality.

Though the U.S. system of health care can not really be considered a “free-market”, it is certainly much more free than any single payer system. Some of the benefits we see as a result of our current healthcare system include:

– U.S. medicine produces the best outcomes for virtually every patient, from premature babies to elderly cancer patients.

– American companies are the chief source worldwide of new treatments and procedures which each year are used to save millions of lives.

– U.S. medical training and research facilities are the best in the world.

Though Canadians might have to wait a year or two for hip replacement surgery, they can get the same operation done on their dog in less than a week. This is because veterinarians are competing for that business, finding innovative ways to deliver service more quickly and less expensively. Another example is laser eye surgery, a procedure that is rarely covered by insurance, so laser eye surgeons must compete on the basis of cost and quality. While costs for most medical procedures have been going up every year, the cost for this procedure has dropped by 80% over the past decade.

Unfortunately, U.S. healthcare policies still tend to limit competition, restrict consumer’s freedom to choose, and discourage consumers from shopping for value. Thus, there are too few choices and there has been little attention paid to price and quality of service. The answer is clearly not more government intervention, but instead letting competition and the power of the marketplace drive down prices and increase quality and access to care.

Health Savings Accounts are the Solution

There is increasing recognition that third-party health insurance payers are actually a major cause of escalating medical costs and the decline in the quality of service. The increasing adoption of HSA plans has already begun to cause greater transparency and competition in the medical marketplace. There are now physicians available by phone, medical kiosks setting up in malls, doctors that accept only cash (and who charge significantly less), and others competing directly for the consumer’s healthcare dollar.

Don’t be fooled by the politicians who advocate a single-payer system, claiming their only concern is the uninsured. If a single body (such as a government bureaucracy) controls healthcare, they control one seventh of the national economy. And everywhere in the world that central control of the economy has been tried, it has been a colossal failure.

As public policy reforms centered on individual choice continue to gain wider footholds, the result will be greater prosperity, greater choice, and a better value for all. The culture of dependence and entitlement will begin to fade, as millions of individuals demand further policy reforms that will reinstate the values of freedom and personal responsibility that helped establish this great nation.

As more consumers turn to health savings accounts, the market will respond. Innovative providers will begin to compete more on price and quality of service, and those that provide the best value will get wealthy doing so. And all consumers will benefit.

Payday loan tips guide

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Dec 222023

End of the month and running short of money to pay off your bills, unexpected expenditure or money required to repay a debt? Now all your worries can be resolved with the aid of instant cash available by virtue of payday loans. ‘Payday loan’ as the name suggests is the cash given to make your payment at the very day.

In current scenario when usually expenses are more than the earnings, payday loans are definitely a boon. But prior to taking a payday loan there are quite a few things that should be borne in mind.

At first it is important to know that since payday loans are extremely fast, you should not rush to have one without deliberation. You apply for the loan online and it might get approved that very day. As soon as the payday loan companies receive your information, they verify it. If the verification is positive, your loan is right on its way. So before applying you must have a clear idea of the APR, fees and the terms and conditions of the payday loan company you are applying in. Surf the Internet, hunt for more payday loan companies and compare the interest rates, fees and other services of these companies. If a company has concealed the interest rates, fees, penalty amounts etc., don’t deal with it. According to law it is mandatory for the loan offering companies to inform the loan seekers of this relevant information beforehand.

To save yourself from being tricked it is always better that you make sure that the company is registered with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Once you equip yourself with every piece of information, ponder over it and make a judicious move.

Secondly do not wait for a check to arrive at your place. Mostly the payday loan companies electronically deposit the required cash into your checking account in a day or two. So it is better that you take care of your financial emergency quickly.

Though payday loan is extremely beneficial you should not forget that the cash so taken is to be returned with a high rate of interest and that too at your next salary day. So if you are burdened by financial crisis, payday loan is not a wise idea. In this case you should also avoid going with companies that stretch the loan payback date because you might then be charged exorbitantly in the form of interest and the loan repayment can become all the more difficult.

At the end of the day it is better that you work out other alternatives such as planning a budget at the commencement of a month, minimizing your expenditure as much as possible by saying no to every weekend party, unnecessary shopping etc. In making a budget you can take help of a non-profit group in your state. These organizations offer credit guidance to consumers and at times this service is provided free of cost.

But if you still feel payday loan is the right choice then keeping the high interest rates in mind, borrow only the amount that you badly require, nothing more than that.

Student loan consolidation tips guide

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Dec 212023

During their student life, students accumulate a number of loans to secure their college degrees. These loans prove to be helpful for a while, however when the time for their repayment arrives, their numerous monthly installments with different interest rates pester the students causing them to lose their sleep and get diverted from the path of success in their career. Hence, the most desirable thing to do to avoid this kind of situation is to opt for a Student Loan Consolidation.

Student Loan Consolidation is basically a loan which absorbs all the previous loans taken by a student to finance his studies and other needs. By consolidating all his loans a student saves his time and effort as it is much easier to handle one payment monthly than several separate payments. Secondly, a consolidated student loan carries a lower interest rate than the various other student loans. Moreover when a student opts for a consolidated loan he has to pay only one interest rate, not several different rates. Also, a consolidated loan offers more flexible repayment options than the other loans. This type of loan is also generally free of any kind of prepayment penalty.

Student Loan Consolidation rates might vary depending upon the student’s financial situation. It will be very easy to acquire an excellent Student Consolidation Loan plan if one has a credit score of more than 660 (FICO score). Different lenders offer different monthly plans according to the student’s loan situation. Some lenders might offer 50% lower monthly plans than others. A student should review the terms and conditions of all the lenders and should select the one who offers simplest repayment options with a monthly payment that will not become a burden for him.

While considering consolidation a student should always opt for fixed interest rate rather than floating rate. This reduces the element of uncertainty and clearly defines what one has to repay in future. Hence, one should always choose a lender who is offering the lowest fixed interest rate. One should select the payment period, which does not burden him in any way. This is very significant as the rate of interest and monthly installments are both calculated according to the duration of the loan. Whether the lender will be able to extend the payment period according to the needs of the borrower should also be enquired first. Above all, it is recommended that a student should avoid Student Loan Consolidation if he has already paid a major part of his loans because opting for consolidation on this stage can reset the loan process, which will ultimately make him pay more than what he had planned for.

Keeping these tips in mind a student should first do his homework by carrying out a survey of what the numerous Student Loan Consolidation companies are offering him and then go for the best deal that will make it easier for him both financially and psychologically to get rid of his debt.