Infertility Counseling: Is It Right for You?

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Nov 082023

Infertility counseling can help most couples that are going through fertility
treatment programs. There are two types of counseling that an individual or
couple may be looking at for fertility assistance; emotional counseling and
physical pregnancy support. Both types of counseling are an essential part of
successfully navigating the world of fertility.

Physical Pregnancy Help

This type of help is given from your doctor or specialist. They are the people
that do all the tests and give all the shots to assist you in your infertility
grant request. It is their job to help grant you the wish of having a baby. The
doctor’s knowledge of their specialty is an essential part of fertility support.
Without the doctor and their ability to help couples with pregnancy aid, it
would be impossible for some couples to get pregnant and have a baby.

Financial Help

The infertility doctor that you use will be able to offer you information on
other forms of pregnancy assistance as well as their physical assistance. There
are a variety of fertility grant and pregnancy grant programs available to both
men and women who are suffering infertility. Through this financial support it
may be possible for a women’s fertility treatments to be less expensive and even

Emotional Help

Another important aspect of fertility programs is their ability to successfully
offer infertility assistance on an emotional level. Both men and women that are
going through infertility issues can benefit from the counseling of and
individual therapist or a group therapy session.

Couples can visit a therapist to discuss their concerns and worrying regarding
the process of infertility. Both people in the relationship may be getting
discourage about the process. The emotional support that a counselor can give is
a great way for couples to deal with their emotions and concerns.

Community Help

One of the easiest ways to get support while going through infertility is to
seek an infertility group. These groups are a great way for infertile couples,
and those having problems getting pregnant, to express their concerns and
difficulties with the
fertility treatment
process. Everyone in the group is going through the same
emotions and physical changes and are able to help each other work through this
difficult time in their life.

Most fertility clinics will have information on a fertility support group in the
area. Most clinics actually run their own support groups several times during
the week. So it should not be a problem finding a support program that will fit
your emotional needs as you go through the fertility process.

Going through infertility is a process that is both physically and emotionally
draining. To make the process more enjoyable couples should utilize all the
resources that are available to them, including: financial, emotional, and
community support programs. The relief that they programs will give a couple
might be just what they need to try their fertility program a little longer.

You don’t have to suffer through infertility alone…. Using the resources
available to you will increase your odds of having a successful pregnancy.

3 Mistakes to Avoid When You Sell a Structured Insurance Settlement

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Nov 072023

Many people receiving payments from structured insurance settlements often wish they could get their money in a lump sum amount instead of receiving payments for what seems like forever. However, most do not realize that is a very real option for someone that wants to break free from the periodic payments of a structured settlement. If someone is really interested in selling a structured settlement for a lump sum of cash, there are a few common mistakes they should avoid.

Mistake #1 – Being to Hasty

Being in a hurry is often a bad idea when it comes to financial dealings. It is when we are rushed to complete something that we do not read the fine print and practice our due diligence in a business transaction. The same is true when selling a structured insurance settlement. Do not let the promise of a big check cause you to make rash decisions that are not necessarily in your best interest. In this process, it is better to take your time, research various companies, and choose wisely before you get caught up with a company that does not have your best interest at heart.

Mistake #2 – Wasting the Money from the Sale

Structured insurance settlements are designed to save people from themselves. They are meant to keep people from frivolously spending all of their money and being left with nothing. Show financial responsibility when making decisions with your newfound wealth.

Mistake #3 – Not Educating Yourself

You do not have to know every detail of the process of selling a structured settlement; however, if you have no knowledge, you are likely to be taken for a ride. You have heard the saying, “knowledge is power” – this is true in many realms of life, including selling an insurance settlement. Take the time to know what you are talking about to be sure to get the best deal possible.

What Is An Automated Trading System

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Nov 062023

In simplistic terms, an automated or mechanical trading system is a set of specific rules which when applied to the markets, signal entry and exit points automatically. The rules can consist of instructions with regard to the position of say moving averages, oscillators, or some other technical indicator, or maybe specific price patterns, or a markets proximity to certain key price levels, Etc. Most often several of the above are combines in order to create a full set of rules. As a simple example, if a 20 period moving average crosses over a 50 period moving average and the stochastic indicator is less than 20, then buy.

Once your list of rules are coded into a full system, you instruct your trading platform to trade the system on an automated basis. The system will from this point on, automatically place all of the buy / sell orders into the markets.

Automated trading systems take all of the guesswork, personal interpretation, gut feeling, instinct and emotions out of trading, thus eliminating many of the knee jerk reactions traders might find themselves making due to the fear and greed emotions that are part and parcel of non automated trading. Most Systems fall into one of three categories, either they are designed to trade with the trend, against the trend, or on a breakout.

Trend Following means that if the market is moving strongly in a particular direction, then you look for a good place to enter, in the direction of the current strong movement. Counter Trend or Fading means that if the market is moving in a particular direction, then you look for a good place to enter, as you predict that the strong move is about to end, i.e. the market could be overbought or approaching strong resistance. Breakout trades look for prices to move out beyond a certain range, i.e. if the market trades above the highest high of the last 20 bars, then buy. Or positions are taken if prices are breaking out of a particular chart formation, like a triangle for instance.

They can be designed to day trade, say on 1, 3, 5 or 15 minute charts, swing trade on say 60 minute or daily based charts, or trade long term on say daily or weekly based charts.

Day Trading is where traders look to make quick profits from the small market moves that occur during the day. They never hold positions overnight. Swing or Short Term Trading is where traders take a position in the market and look to hold this position for several days in order to make a profit from short term market movements. Long Term Trading is where traders take a position in the market and look to hold it for weeks, months or maybe even years.

Other aspects that are included in the development of a trading system should be risk management, i.e. using a stop loss, trade management, i.e. using a profit target or trailing stop and money management, i.e. how many contracts to trade in relation to the account size.

A person who wishes to trade the markets with an automated trading system has 3 choices, either develop a trading system themselves, have an expert code the system for them, or purchase an existing trading system. Developing a profitable trading system yourself is by no means an easy task. It requires a great deal of understanding with regard to the indicators, the various parameters and how they all interact with each other.

A second option is to write out your desired trading rules and then have a professional code those rules into a fully automated trading system. This can be a very expensive exercise. One way to reduce the costs of this is to use a specialist broker, such as, who have a panel of trading system coding experts. They will send out your requirements and then inform you as to the lowest quote for the coding to be completed.

The third option is to purchase a trading system, however, with every system developer out there claiming that their system is most definitely the greatest system available, how do you filter through all of the hype, promises, clever marketing and sometimes downright misleading information in order to find genuine, proven, profitable trading systems that are right for you. Fortunately there is a company that can solve this dilema for you. Which Trading System specialises in fully impartial testing, monitoring, and publishing performance ranking tables for hundreds of futures, stock, options and forex trading systems. Not only this, but they also publish detailed individual system performance reports for every trading system in their database. You can access a free detailed individual system performance report for the best performing trading system in their database by visiting their website.

Where Can I Get a Free Structured Settlement Quote?

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Nov 052023

Obtaining structured settlement quotes is key to getting the best price for your asset. You will never know how much you can really get unless you get out there and test the water. This is especially true considering you probably have no experience selling a structured settlement and do not know what the process is or the going rate. However, when you check with various companies and see what they have to offer, you arm yourself with the information to barter a better deal and better ensure that you do not sell yourself short.

Now you know the importance of getting quotes, but where do you actually get them? Perhaps even more important, where do you get free structured settlement quotes?

As with many of the questions in modern day, the answer is available on the internet! Many of the largest and most predominant companies have websites to cater to potential clients and answer questions regarding the buying and selling process. Not only are these valuable resources for someone considering selling a structured settlement, they are a great source of quotes to know how much your structured settlement may be worth to some of the most successful companies. This is definitely an important step in the selling process.

Another useful aspect of obtaining structured settlement quotes is that you can better compare the available companies, not just in terms of price, but customer service and procedure. Companies may differ like night and day; some specialize in larger assets, while others prefer smaller ones; some hold friendliness in high regard, while others just want to get the job done. These little details will determine how enjoyable the process of selling your structured settlement is. On the other hand, if the bottom line is the dollar sign, the quotes alone are priceless.

Debt counseling – How to deal with creditors

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Nov 042023

Have bills being piling up lately and you are unable to make payments? Are you unable to make even the minimum payments on your credit cards? Are you not picking up the phone due to fear of the caller being your creditor? Does all of your debt problems lead to anxiety and depression?

Relax, there is hope.

Pick-up the phone.

Not picking up the phone is not the best of choices I would recommend. You never know, your creditor might be willing to reduce your obligations or slash down the late fees. Pick the phone and talk it out with your creditor and see what is in store for you.

Be calm and factual.

When you are calm, you can very well expect the other party to be calm as well. Be brief about not being able to make payments and be factual if there is any good explanation.

Convince the caller.

Convince the caller that you will start to make payments very soon. Create an impression that you are knowledgeable and trustworthy. The caller is just someone acting on behalf of your creditor and may very well not be your employer. Making his task easier will give you a breather. Give him a chance to respond better and before you know, he might recommend ways of getting out of the debt mess. More than your past history, your current calm attitude will go a long way in convincing the caller that you are more likely to cough up the money.

Explain your problems.

While explaining your problems be factual as far as possible. Give them events or dates when things started to get out of hand. Tell them the mistakes you had made and how you intend to pay them back. Do everything you can to improve your relationship with the creditor and avoid getting in hot water with them.

Suggest a time-line

Suggest a time-line during which you will start making payments and the amount you can currently afford to pay. Creditors will be more than willing to accept your time-line because frankly most of them do not have other options. Convince them you will stick to your schedule and cut out checks as soon as money is available.

Credit counseling.

If you think you will not be able to get out of your debt problems, contact a reliable credit counseling or debt consolidating firm in your neighbourhood. Consolidating your debts might be the answer to unlock the hidden equity in your home and free you from the debt burden. Even if you do not own a home, debt consolidators will still be able to help you with novel ways of reducing debt.

Mortgage Comparisons and Shopping Your Loan, Made Easy

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Nov 032023

Trying to compare loans, their fees, and which one really makes sense for you can be a job in itself. Smart shoppers compare different interest rates, but how do you know you are getting the best deal that you can? Interest rates are important but there are terms of the loan that must be considered. Is the loan a fixed rate so that the loan payment will remain the same for the next 30 years? Is it a loan that expires in 2,3,or 7 years or is it a fixed payment for a period of time and then the payment adjusts with the changing interest rate? Some loans actually will allow you to pay smaller amounts per month, however this could cause problems when selling your home. You could owe more that you borrowed. In other words you may have to come out of pocket or you may not be able to sell your home. This is because there isn’t enough equity in the house to pay the fees associated in a home sale. Comparing mortgages can save you $1000’s. A free resource can be found at the end of this article. It will allow you to compare loans, their terms, and easily determine which loan is saving you more money.

When shopping for a mortgage you must not only consider the loan and it’s terms. You must consider the loan officer and their business practices. Does the loan officer give you a direct phone number to reach him/her? Does that loan officer call you back during the process of shopping for a loan? Having direct access will improve your chances to get the loan you are applying for, especially if the loan officer knows you’ll be calling. It makes them more accountable. Talk to at least 3 or 4 loan officers during a 14 day period. During this 14 day period you can have as many loan officers pull your credit (only for home buying in this case) and it will only be considered 1 inquiry on your credit report. Remember it is not a good practice to keep pulling your credit outside this 14 day period because it can plummet your credit score. Pick two loan officers and compare what they have to say about the loan that is right for you.


• Ask each lender and broker for a list of its current mortgage interest rates and whether the rates being quoted are the lowest for that day or week.
• Ask whether the rate is fixed or adjustable. Keep in mind that when interest rates for adjustable-rate loans go up, generally so does the monthly payment.
• If the rate quoted is for an adjustable-rate loan, ask how your rate and loan payment will vary, including whether your loan payment will be reduced when rates go down.
• Ask about the loan’s annual percentage rate (APR). The APR takes into account not only the interest rate but also points, broker fees, and certain other credit charges that you may have to pay expressed as a yearly rate.

Points are fees paid to the lender or broker for the loan and are often linked to the interest rate; usually the more points you pay, the lower the rate.
• Check your local newspaper for information about rates and points currently being offered.
• Ask for points to be quoted to you as a dollar amount-rather than just as the number of points-so that you will actually know how much you will have to pay.

A home loan often involves many fees, such as loan origination or underwriting fees, broker fees, and transaction, settlement, and closing costs. Every lender or broker should be able to give you an estimate of its fees. Many of these fees are negotiable. Some fees are paid when you apply for a loan (such as application and appraisal fees), and others are paid at closing. In some cases, you can borrow the money needed to pay these fees, but doing so will increase your loan amount and total costs. “No cost” loans are sometimes available, but they usually involve higher rates.
• Ask what each fee includes. Several items may be lumped into one fee.
• Ask for an explanation of any fee you do not understand. Some common fees associated with a home loan closing are listed on the Mortgage Shopping Worksheet in this brochure.

Down Payments and Private Mortgage Insurance
• Ask about the lender’s requirements for a down payment, including what you need to do to verify that funds for your down payment are available.
• Ask your lender about special programs it may offer.

If PMI is required for your loan,
• Ask what the total cost of the insurance will be.
• Ask how much your monthly payment will be when including the PMI premium.
• Ask how long you will be required to carry PMI.

Obtain the Best Deal That You Can
Once you know what each lender has to offer, negotiate for the best deal that you can. On any given day, lenders and brokers may offer different prices for the same loan terms to different consumers, even if those consumers have the same loan qualifications. The most likely reason for this difference in price is that loan officers and brokers are often allowed to keep some or all of this difference as extra compensation. Generally, the difference between the lowest available price for a loan product and any higher price that the borrower agrees to pay is an overage. When overages occur, they are built into the prices quoted to consumers. They can occur in both fixed and variable-rate loans and can be in the form of points, fees, or the interest rate. Whether quoted to you by a loan officer or a broker, the price of any loan may contain overages.
Have the lender or broker write down all the costs associated with the loan. Then ask if the lender or broker will waive or reduce one or more of its fees or agree to a lower rate or fewer points. You’ll want to make sure that the lender or broker is not agreeing to lower one fee while raising another or to lower the rate while raising points. There’s no harm in asking lenders or brokers if they can give better terms than the original ones they quoted or than those you have found elsewhere.
Once you are satisfied with the terms you have negotiated, you may want to obtain a written lock-in from the lender or broker. The lock-in should include the rate that you have agreed upon, the period the lock-in lasts, and the number of points to be paid. A fee may be charged for locking in the loan rate. This fee may be refundable at closing. Lock-ins can protect you from rate increases while your loan is being processed; if rates fall, however, you could end up with a less favorable rate. Should that happen, try to negotiate a compromise with the lender or broker.

Remember: Shop, Compare, Negotiate
The Easy Loan Compare Guide that offers easy instructions and will help you determine which loan is right for you. Take it with you when you speak to each lender or broker and write down the information you obtain. Don’t be afraid to make lenders and brokers compete with each other for your business by letting them know that you are shopping for the best deal.

Escape the Cubicle and Enjoy Yourself in Waikoloa

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Nov 022023

These days, taking a vacation isn’t as easy as it should be. Rising gas prices, slave-driving bosses, and your own personal sense of duty might be impeding your natural desire to jet off to an exotic location for a few days of blackberry-free lounging on the beach. If this sounds like you, here’s some advice: life is short, and leaving work for a few days isn’t going to stop the world from spinning on its axis. Don’t let your vacation days go to waste, and treat yourself to a break by heading to beautiful Waikoloa on Hawaii’s Big Island.

Since this is your first vacation in a while, it’s good that you’re going to a place that has it all. History, culture, scenery, and a plethora of activities will define your stay in Waikoloa, located on the northwest part of Hawaii’s main island. Once you’ve landed here, you probably won’t want to spend very much time in the car or on a shuttle bus, so settle down in a vacation home on the Kohala Coast and enjoy the feeling of having everything you want and need at your fingertips.

The fact that the rolling green hills and sandy strips of beach are peppered with condos and cottages means that you’ll have your pick of a number of great places that will help you to leave your work worries behind. Forget about the inbox for a bit and focus on the crashing waves heard from your lanai, the scented breezes wafting in your open windows, and the plentiful and modern amenities that will let you live as you are used to living (without the alarm clock and the laptop, of course).

From your Oceanside condo, you’ll be within easy walking distance to lots of good restaurants, even though the kitchen in your place will allow you to whip up a home-cooked meal if you should desire it. When the swimming urge strikes, just grab your towel and head down to the crystal water for a some aimless splashing around. The close proximity between here and there makes running home for a snack or more sunscreen as easy as can be, so don’t worry about stressing out about a single thing.

On that note, a stroll in the other direction will bring you in contact with places like Kings’ Shops and Queens’ MarketPlace, where you’ll be able to get all your shopping done. You know it’s been a while since you allowed yourself to buy anything special, so let loose and treat yourself to something nice. These are also great places to drop in on a live musical performance or another cultural display of authentic Hawaii. Follow the sounds of the Ukulele and sample a sweet pineapple to finish out your day here.

The activities you can sign up for at the nearby beach are all incredible, but in order to avoid tiring yourself out you’ll probably be fine with picking just a few. Whale watching, surfing, snorkeling, and sailing are just some of the unique diversions that will certainly be more fun than what you’re usually doing on a weekday, so smile to yourself at the thought that there’s a conference call going on without you as you feel the salty spray of the ocean sprinkle you with its gentle caress.

If you do decide to go inland a bit, you’ll be greeted with lush vegetation and hiking trails that take you near waterfalls and cool, rushing streams. Watch for birds and other wildlife, perhaps snapping a few pictures to show the poor saps back home. If you feel a little achy after a day of stretching your legs, then return home for a nice long soak in your hot tub. No communal business here; this baby’s at your disposal so take as long as you like.

Another thing you’ll appreciate about your vacation rental is its accessibility to the world-famous golf courses, several tennis courts, and an exercise room. With all of these at hand, you won’t feel guilty for indulging in a few pina coladas or macadamia nuts. You can stick to your normal schedule of working out regularly, but remember, you’re here to forget about “normal” for a while. We won’t tell anyone if you skip your routine just once and hit the pool instead.

Because you’ll have such a great time and due to the fact that your coworkers are probably going to be jealous of your tan, you may not want to send out too many postcards or talk up your holiday to everyone you meet. Keep Waikoloa your little secret, and remember what you liked best about your vacation rental so that next time you can repeat the good times. You’ll see that taking a vacation is no big deal, so ignore the relentless pace of professional life and plan to take more vacations like this in the future.

Your Waikoloa Vacation Rental will help ease you into the world of relaxation and relief, so be sure to choose the one that appeals to all your senses. Start planning and packing as soon as you can, and don’t forget to forget about your ties to the land of emails and deadlines.

Book Marketing Tips from TV Producer, Radio Talk Show Host and Book Publicist

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Nov 012023

Book marketing experts know that authors who get excited about landing an interview may lose sight of the goal, which is not to gain media interviews but to sell books. And it’s sad but true that an interview does not automatically generate sales. Effective interviews generate sales; ineffective interviews merely produce idle talk.

The author who can generate sales from a television or radio interview is the author who knows how to relate to the specific audience listening to that show. A book is sold when a listener is motivated to take action now.

While many authors are skilled in interviewing other people, they are not skilled in being interviewed themselves. The skills needed to generate sales from interviews are best obtained through media coaching or media training.

Media coaching will give authors the skills to learn how to use the media, not just to convey your message but to compel people to buy your book. As a book publicist I can pitch an author’s story and line up a TV or Radio interview, but most authors won’t be able to amaze listeners and compel them to buy without being trained by a media coach.

A media coach will show authors how to leverage interviews to create book sales, how to feel more comfortable on air and how to relieve the stress and anxiety that can come with interviews. A good media coach also will teach the secrets behind creating effective sound bites conveying the benefits they would get by buying the book.

Specifically, a media coach will reveal tips and let you practice these tried and true techniques, including:

How to control the interview
How to insure your message will be effective
How to employ bridging techniques to get back on track
How to deal with pitfalls that come up during an interview
How to answer the tough questions
How to look your best on camera
How to sound your best on radio
How to pitch your message to the host and listener
How to pitch without sounding like you are
How to compel the media to discuss your book
How producers and media people think and how to use that knowledge to your advantage
How to relate to a specific audience
How to leverage an interview into book sales
How to get free publicity on TV and Radio
How to get the media to hate you (by not returning their phone calls)
And, how to get invited back

Media coach Jess Todtfeld, who is a former producer for Bill O’Reilly of FOX-TV’s The O’Reilly Factor, says that every interview is an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to connect with an audience, to get your point of view to the masses. Most people don’t realize that it must go beyond that. You must motivate the audience to take an interest in you and “do something.” Whether it’s buying your book, going to your web site, or just finding out about you, you must compel them to take that next step. Todtfeld has seen many people use to media to get what they want, but many authors and amateurs make some of the common mistakes. He should know, he’s booked more that 4,000 TV segments with politicians, celebrities and actors on two networks.

Radio Interviews provide a tremendous opportunity for authors or anyone with a story to tell. Radio interviews are great because they can be done anytime out of your home, office or automobile (if you aren’t driving). But like any successful marketing venture, radio interviews don’t just happen. Here are some very useful suggestions:

Be on time. Call the station exactly at the time they tell you, and be at your phone waiting if the station is going to call you.
Disable call waiting: dial +70 and then call the number. This disables call waiting for the duration of the phone call. As soon as you hang up, it will be reactivated.
Be self-assured. Remember you know your topic inside and out. Be confident in your ability.
Smile, smile, smile, whether on radio or TV – SMILE. You’ll feel better, and for TV you’ll look better too.
Research the show and tailor your message accordingly. Just Google the host’s name and station. Is it a national audience or a small town in Ohio? You need to know.
Practice your sound bites. Communicate your main points succinctly.
Be prepared for negative comments, from the host or listeners.
Be informative and entertaining without directly pushing your book. Make the audience “want more.”
A kind word about the host can go a long way. It’s good manners and good business.
A persons name is sweet music to them so commit to memory the name of the host and use it throughout the interview. When taking calls, use the names of callers too.

The last time I talked with Michael Dresser, a well-known media coach Michael told me that there are some realities he makes sure all of his clients know about the media. Dresser says “an interview is an acquired skill. It is a process with a strategy working toward a fixed finish line. Bring your message to the audience in a way that is real for them. Do this by using stories and anecdotes that allow your audience to see themselves in your interview message. Interact with your audience on a one to one basis. Think of a radio interview as an intimate conversation with a friend and not a conversation with thousands. If you stay with the process, the influence and effect of your message will match the intent you had going in. It’s important to go into the interview with a positive attitude and energetic manner. You must be entertaining, informative and persuasive, or you will talking to an empty microphone.”

I pay attention to Michael Dresser because he has been a nationally syndicated radio talk show host for 23 years, and has interviewed thousands of guests. He understands what it takes to be a great guest and understands what prevents someone from achieving that level of success in the interview process. Dresser helps people he coaches to keep their answers short, to stay focused, and to develop a message that will produce results. If you invest in a media coach, use someone like Dresser who was in the game and knows how it’s played.

Media coach and speech trainer TJ Walker says that because talking to the media is like no other conversation you will ever have, it requires your full concentration and all the skills you can muster. Because of that demand, Walker puts his students through a live interview that he videotapes for instructional purposes. “The camera doesn’t lie,” stresses Walker. “You will learn how to look your best on TV — if not on the first take, then by the 20th take. There is no way to ‘fake it’ in my one-on-one training course. You will be in the hot seat, the lights will be shining in your eyes, and the microphone will be stuck in your face. Although not always relaxing, the videotaping will turn students into a media pro, ready for any type of media situation.”

Among the types of opportunities an author should be trained to face, says Walker, are live television and radio, ambush interviews, TV and radio talk shows, celebrity appearances, in-studio interviews, newspaper interviews, editorial board meetings, radio talk shows, Internet interviews, edited news programs, training videos, phone interviews, infomercials, press conferences, spokesperson training, and book tours.

Walker’s views are based on 22 years of training CEOs, Prime Ministers and Nobel Peace Prize winners in addition to training managers and staff in client companies such as Microsoft, Bank of America, Unilever, and McDonalds. TJ is the most widely published and produced media trainer in the globe, with more than 50 books, training videos, CDs, and software programs to his credit. I consider TJ Walker’s book, Presentation Training A-Z, to be a must-read.

I’ve heard TJ Walker say many times, and I agree with him that the successful author will carefully analyze what radio or TV shows to book. In book marketing, a book cannot be promoted without first identifying who the readers are in advance of a single sale. Find the reasons why that reader will read that book and then craft a message to be conveyed to information sources that reader relies upon.

Don’t bombard the market with propaganda but send out promotional information to selected streams that reach specific persons. That approach has always worked and always will. Salesmen know that you can’t sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo because he has no need of one, but you’d have a shot at selling him thermal underwear. So follow Walker’s advice — know your niche and then select the TV or Radio Show that your niche audience listens to or watches.

To successfully market a book, determine who will read it and then target that media directly. By way of example, one of my clients has published a book of poetry. Now the average person won’t buy a collection of poetry. However, certain people love poetry, so we aim our book marketing efforts for this client to poetry magazines, poetry web sites and poetry societies.