How Air Filter Can Save You Lots Of Money On Home Cleaning

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Nov 192023

Lots of money is spent on having a clean room and home. But little do the people know that acquiring a good air filter will help save lots of money that would have otherwise gone down the drain. And I’m pretty sure, you’re not happy about this scenario. You want to save as much as possible of your hard earned cash.

Many people do run away from getting good and reliable air filters on the premise that it’s quite costly. However, the cost of acquiring a device like this to help you get rid of dust, smoke, odor and so on is far less than the cost incurred in maintaining a clean environment in the home. Also, if you’re properly informed, you won’t have to break into a bank before getting a good and reliable air filter.

Now, lets take a look at how air filter will help save you thousands of dollars on home cleaning.

One, air filter will help save you lots of money on cleaning costs. Have you ever sat down to imagine the percentage of your monthly income that goes into buying soap, detergent, sponges, mops to mention juts a few? You may not believe it to be a big deal but it all adds as the months go by. For instance, spending as little as $5 a month on replaceable duster may not be much in a month but it all adds up to $60 a year. Now, that’s only on duster, what of mop, detergent etc? Are you now getting the gist? All these expenses can be saved when you buy a good air filter that will ensure a clean and fresh air in your home.

Two, air filter will save you lots of money on home cleaning staffs. You may be one of the fortunate ones out there having many maids that take care of cleaning the rooms and entire home. Are these services cheap? Definitely, they are not. But having an air filter installed for the entire home can considerably reduce the amount of money you spend on maintaining those staffs or paying the home cleaning outfits or company.

Three, valuable time will be saved when you buy an air filter. The women folks will agree with me that it’s not quite easy having a cleaner environment in the home. It takes up your valuable time. And the matter is worse if you’re the working type. So, it’s advisable that you acquire a good air filter. This will enable you concentrate on other things of life instead of vacuuming and dusting your home.

Four, your medical bill can be drastically reduced to the minimum with the acquisition of air filter. If you or any of your loved ones is among the millions of Americans suffering from respiratory problems, you’ll agree with me that it sure takes up a large proportion of your take home pay. But this can be curtailed when you buy an air filter.

It’s not only dangerous to health but also financially risky to ignore the airborne contaminants in your home. This is why you must make sure that you get a good and reliable air filter among the many in the market. Don’t fall for just anyone the sales executive or a store staff recommends. Ensure that you fully understand how air filters work and the many types that are out there. Be careful, not all the air filters are good for you. There are lots of factors to be considered before ever buying air filters.

How much are you paying to get clean and fresh air?
Ras Reed has all the info you need on air filters.
FREE DETAILS: Air Filters Database

Discount Orlando Vacation

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Nov 182023

Reading other articles on this site, I realized how important it is for most of us to plan a discount vacation that does not “ding” us too much financially. Here is my contribution based on my own experience planning a discount vacation.

So you are thinking of planning a discount Orlando vacation? You must be if you have reached this amazing site and are actually reading this article here. Discount vacation in Orlando is a goal shared by most of us who want a vacation- with kids. I know what most people have to go through when planning a vacation. You are talking it out with your sweetheart and family. A great idea comes to mind. “Let’s go to Orlando”! Everyone gets excited and there are smiles all around till your wife says, “Honey but how much is it going to cost us”? That’s the blow. Or is it?

When I heard “Honey, much will it cost” line, I planted myself firmly in front of my computer determined not to let down my wife and kids. Not to mention the fact that even at 42 years of age I am an Orlando fan. In this article I will give you a summary of my research so you can plan a discount Orlando vacation. was the first choice to start out with. If you are looking for dramatically reduced rates, unbelievable Disney deals and discount Orlando vacation packages then this site shall serve you well. Designed for budget conscious tourists, the site offers discount Disney tickets to Disney theme parks and Orlando dinner shows.

For those of you who actually visited the above site (thank you for taking the time to appreciate my relentless research) and thought “Wow” wait till you read about the next apple I am going to drop in you candy jar. This site is perfectly perfect for an ideal discount Orlando vacation. truly presents hottest travel deals. Amazingly priced Orlando discount packages start at $99 per person and kids stay free! This is the vacation that I booked for my family and for just under $1100 all of us had a great 5 night vacation in the best that Orlando had to offer. There are many sites out there offering discount Orlando vacations but was “the one” for my family.

Another site a friend of mine referred me to for booking a great discount Orlando vacation is Working in the same office in the same salary range, we both hunted for discount vacations and pooled our resources later. is indeed a great place to buy an awesome deal. A simple visit to the site will splash you with at least 7 different discount Orlando vacation deals leaving it up to you to make up your mind.

It is a difficult task to book a discount vacation. Nevertheless if you have the right help available, you can master this art and be the hero in your family. I hope I helped.

Alicia Whiter
Get all information about travel and
vacation resources.

In Defense of the Jewish People and the State of Israel

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Nov 172023

As Christians, we have to stand firmly and solidly behind the Jewish people and their state of Israel. When you put all of the verses together on the original covenant God the Father made with their first forefather, Abraham, I believe that this original covenant is still in full force and full effect to this very day.

God made an original covenant and pact with the Jewish people in that He would be their God and they would be His chosen people. This everlasting covenant was made with their first set of forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He then tops it off by promising that they would be given the land of Israel as an everlasting possession.

Though the Jewish people managed to break their end of the bargain by all of their rebellious and adulterous behavior towards the Lord during much of the Old Testament, and managed to get themselves dispersed to the four corners of the world as punishment and judgment for this kind of unacceptable behavior towards Him in 70 AD, God still intends on keeping His side of the bargain.

The covenant God made with Abraham was an everlasting and permanent covenant, and nothing that the Jewish people would end up doing against Him, no matter how bad, was going to end up canceling, revoking, rescinding or breaking this covenant with Him.

The Jewish people lost temporary possession of the land of Israel as a result of this dispersion, but because God made this original covenant with Abraham on a permanent and everlasting basis, God will stay true to His Word and He will still keep to His side of the bargain.

As a result, God the Father is still the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all of the rest of the Jewish people. The Jewish people are still the chosen people of God the Father and they are still the apple of His eye. The land of Israel is still their everlasting possession and the land still belongs to them and them alone.

God Himself has made a sovereign choice to make this race of people His chosen people, and neither we as Christians, the Muslims or any of the rest of the world have any legal right to be attacking or questioning the Lord on the choice He made to single out this race and class of people to be His chosen people that would eventually supply the blood line that His Son Jesus would eventually be born into our world through.

The facts are the facts. God has spoken out loud and clear on this entire issue through His Word. This is why God has warned the rest of the world with the statement that He makes in the following verse I will now give you.

In this statement, God tells Abraham, when making this original covenant with him, that He will bless those who will bless him and that He will curse those that will try and curse him. When God is telling Abraham that He will bless those that will bless him and curse those who will try and curse him, I believe that He is talking about the entire Jewish race as a people and as a nation. He is not just talking to only Abraham.

Here is this most powerful verse and warning direct from the Lord Himself:

Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your kindred and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:1-3)

Per the article we have in the Current Issues section of our site titled “The Gaza Pullout and Hurricane Katrina,” I do not think we are dealing with any coincidence in that one week after president Bush and Prime Minister Sharon arranged to have part of the Gaza strip handed over to the Palestinians, that we end up having the worse hurricane and natural disaster that has ever struck our country strike us after this land deal was completed with the Palestinians!

And to top it all off, 4 months later, Sharon ends up having a stroke and is completely knocked out of his position as the Prime Minister of Israel. And then Hamas, the dreaded terrorist organization and sworn enemy of Israel who also wants to wipe Israel off the face of the map, ends up winning the local Palestinian election and as a result, they are now residing right in Israel’s backyard.

As far as President Bush, his poll numbers have now gone into a major free fall. At the time that I am writing up this article, his poll numbers have now dropped down to a very dismal 31% approval rating.

Is all of this just pure coincidental activity, or are we seeing the wrath and judgment of God hit those persons responsible for dividing up part of Israel’s land to their sworn enemy based upon the wording of the above verse? Judge and discern for yourselves.

To sum it all up, I want to highlight and bullet point what all of the above verses are trying to tell us:

• God makes and establishes an everlasting – unconditional covenant with Abraham

• God promises to give the land of Israel to Abraham and the rest of his descendants that would follow after him as an everlasting possession

• The apostle Paul states that God has not cast away His chosen people and that all of Israel will eventually be saved and accept Jesus Christ as their true Messiah and Savior

• God the Father states that He will never cast off the seed of Israel from His sight

• God makes an everlasting covenant with King David in that his throne and kingdom will be an everlasting throne and kingdom that will know no end

• God will give His Son Jesus the throne of King David in the coming Millennium Kingdom where He will rule this entire earth from the city of Jerusalem for a 1000 years

• Jesus was born into our world as a Jew, and then was crucified as the “King of the Jews”

• Though God disperses the Jewish nation to the four corners of the world in 70 AD, He promises to bring them back and restore them to their homeland of Israel in the latter days

• Jesus will rule this earth from the city of Jerusalem in the coming 1000 year Millennium Kingdom

• After the 1000 year Millennium rule of Jesus from Jerusalem, God the Father will create a New Heaven and a New Earth. He will then bring down a “New Jerusalem” from Heaven itself where both He and Jesus will rule our New Earth from for the rest of all eternity.

The original covenant that God made with Abraham was an everlasting and unconditional covenant that would never end. The land of Israel, which He promised to give to him and his descendants, was given to him as an everlasting possession.

When God says that this covenant will be an everlasting covenant, this is now a done deal. And the Bible proves all of this out when the Jewish people once more regain possession of their land of Israel back in 1948.

If the Bible was not the infallible and inerrant Word of God, and God was not meaning what He was saying back in the Old Testament about re-gathering and restoring the Jewish people back to their homeland of Israel, then the restoration of the Jewish people back to their land of Israel in 1948 would have never occurred. But since it did, just like the Bible predicted it would, this once more shows us that our Bible is truly the inspired and infallible Word of our Holy God, and that everything that proceeds out of the mouth of our God will eventually come to pass.

I will leave you with one last thought in reference to the Jewish people, their state of Israel and what our spiritual relationship should be to them as Christians.

When you really look at what God the Father was doing when He initiated making contact with this race of people, we are looking at an incredible, profound reality.

After Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden as a result of disobeying a direct command from the Lord, all of mankind became lost with no real way to make it into heaven after we physically die.

At this point, God could have easily washed His hands of the entire human race as the Bible tells us that everyone that would be born after Adam and Eve would also become sinners and fall way short of the glory of our Lord. But because we are dealing with an incredible great, loving, merciful and good God, God made an incredible sovereign choice to have mercy on us. And when He made this choice to have mercy on us, He had to implement a plan and a way in order for us to be able to receive His mercy, forgiveness, pardon, salvation and redemption from our sinful states and natures.

As we all know now, this plan would be implemented through His one and only Son Jesus Christ. However, there was only one little problem with this plan. Jesus would have to leave His heavenly kingdom and literally come down onto our earth to be able to save us from our sins. And not only would He have to literally come down upon our earth, but He would also have to literally incarnate Himself into a human flesh body like the rest of us have. Jesus thus would have to become fully man, yet still stay fully God.

In order for Jesus to come down onto our earth in the flesh, God the Father was going to have to arrange to have a bloodline that He would eventually be born through at the time of His birth into our world.

Though Jesus was actually born of the Holy Spirit, He still had to pass through a female womb. And with Jesus having to literally pass through a female womb, this means that God the Father will have to deal with a line of descendants that would lead up to the virgin Mary being the one to bring Jesus into our world. Mary was a Jew, and God thus would have to deal with the generational bloodline that would proceed her.

It is no accident or after thought that God chose a race of people to be His chosen people back in the Old Testament. For whatever His personal reasons were on this issue, God sovereignly chose the Jewish people to be His chosen people, and through these people’s descendants, the virgin Mary would be born, and through her physical body, God would have His Son Jesus birthed into our physical world.

Think of what was really happening with this entire scenario. We are talking about God Himself, Jesus Christ, the second Person of the triune Godhead, being willing to come into our world through a physical birthing process in order to be able to reach us to save us from our sins.

Bottom line – if Jesus was not willing to come into our earth through the womb of the virgin Mary, there would be no eternal salvation for any of us, and we would all physically and spiritually die in our sinful states, never being able to make it to heaven or have our spiritual relationship restored back again with God the Father.

Mary was a Jew and through her womb, we received our Lord and Savior. Had there not been a Jewish lineage and a Jewish heritage that she had come from, there would have been no Mary. As a result, all Christians owe an incredible debt of gratitude to the entire Jewish race as a result of Jesus being birthed into our world through their bloodline.

When God purposely isolates and sovereignly chooses and elects a special race of people to be His chosen people, and from the descendants of this chosen people come the virgin Mary, and through the virgin Mary our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is born into our world – we are talking about a very special class and race of people.

This is why the very first Gospel account goes to the trouble to list the lineage that Jesus would be coming from. This is why God went the extra length to state that His Son would also be called the Son of Abraham and the Son of David in addition to being called the Son of God.

Jesus had to be physically born into our world and in order for Him to be able to do so, He had to be incarnated into a human flesh body in order for our salvation to be able to occur through His physical death on the cross.

Though the Jewish people missed who Jesus really was when He came down to our earth, and are still in darkness to this very day on this issue, the facts still have not changed. God made the Jewish race His chosen people, and from their descendants Jesus would eventually be born into our world.

As such, all Christians owe a major debt of gratitude to the entire Jewish race for being the chosen people that God would eventually have His Son born into this world through.

The best way to look at this is like looking at a two sided coin. On the one side of the coin are the Jewish people and their covenant relationship with God the Father. Though they are not saved at this time, they are still God’s chosen people and eventually God will save all of Israel as the above verses are telling us.

On the other side of the coin are all born again Christians saved under the shed Blood of Jesus Christ. Though we are now living under a new and better covenant than what the Jews presently have with God the Father because we have accepted who Jesus really is, this still does not negate the Jewish people and their original Abrahamic covenant that they still have with God the Father.

As such, we should consider all of our Jewish brethren as our brothers and friends of the faith since we both serve and follow the same God the Father.

Remember, the day will come when the Jewish people will accept Jesus as their true Messiah and Savior. But until that day comes, and these people see the real light, we should accept them, love them and solidly support, protect and defend them from the demonic forces that would like to try and totally annihilate them.

As I stated at the top of this article, now, more than ever, the Jewish people and their state of Israel need our continuing support. With another Hitler now rising out of Iran who is trying to develop the nuclear weapons to be able to attack and annihilate Israel, our country, along with the UN and some of our Western allies have got to stay on top of this building crisis.

Remember what the above verse from God the Father has told us – He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who will try and curse her.

I rest my case for the Jewish people and their holy land of Israel.

Top Locations for Property in North Cyprus

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Nov 162023

While the world is in agreement that property for sale in North Cyprus represents a fantastic investment opportunity because rental and resale demand is soaring while at the same time property prices remain incredibly affordable, there are certain parts of the island that make the best property investment hotspots.

It is not a case of every location being equal or of every property of a similar size and specification being worth the same in Northern Cyprus – just as it does anywhere else in the world location, location, location counts in North Cyprus.

The first location worthy of closer inspection is Esentepe to the east of the island and a twenty minute drive from the ancient harbour town of Kyrenia. Esentepe is home to a brand new, international standard, championship golf course – furthermore it is the location for the very first marina being built in Northern Cyprus.

Naturally enough these two factors alone create great reason for property in Esentepe to be highly prized, but there are a number of other reasons making this location worthy of closer inspection. Firstly land in the area is now selling for a premium as developers try to get in on the property boom, secondly rental demand for properties in the area has gone through the roof following the completion of the golf course, and thirdly the entire surrounding area is totally unspoiled, it is covered in lush olive and carob trees, the beaches are pristine and undeveloped and the people live in their traditional houses and still enjoy an unhurried and stress free kind of life.

Properties in Esentepe start from GBP 60,000 for duplex apartments within the golf resort and go up to around GBP 200,000 for custom built, luxury detached homes. Prices in this part of Northern Cyprus have been appreciating rapidly in the past 4 years.

The next area worthy of consideration is Alsancak which is to the west of Kyrenia and just a ten minute drive from the heart of the old town of Kyrenia. Alsancak is one of the most popular parts of Cyprus with holiday makers, there is a great deal of development already earmarked for the area and there’s an abundance of beach clubs, bars and discos in the area. For property investors hoping to let their properties out during the long hot spring and summer seasons in Cyprus, Alsancak is most certainly worthy of consideration.

And finally – unspoiled, untouched and as yet almost undeveloped Karsiyaka which is a thirty minute drive to the west of Kyrenia. With its hidden coves, sandy beaches, stunning mountains and beautiful countryside, the area of Karsiyaka is going to become one of the most desirable places to live in North Cyprus because the government has set incredibly strict planning rules to prevent over development and to allocate a great deal of space for the likes of another golf course and marina, and also they have allocated space to be left completely untouched. This part of Cyprus is unique and it has to be seen to be understood and experienced!

Karsiyaka will become home to the discerning buyer, those looking to escape to a better quality of life in a superior location. Currently there are few developments in this area of the island but those that are available start from around GBP 80,000 for a two bedroom bungalow.

Communicating With Teens — 7 Never Fail Secrets

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Nov 152023

Allow me to paint you a picture. You and your teen talk about issues and rules as they come up. While you have disagreements that you resolve, you never have fights where one person wins and the other loses.
Sound impossible? I raised two kids that way and now I am going to share seven steps to lead you down the same path.

+ If you want your child to talk with you, then give him a reason to trust you. Keep his confidence. Ask him if what he tells you is something between the two of you or if it is okay to share it with anyone, including family members. Honor his wishes.

+ When you listen, be there 100%. Erase any other thoughts or postpone them until later. Let your mind be free to focus on what your teenager is communicating — spoken and unspoken.

You can be there, fully at 100%, when you are not listening to that Little Voice in your head tell you about your child or what he is saying. Instead you will actually be listening to the words of your child, his emotions and his complete message! Big difference. Huge impact for both you and for your teen.

+You must be free from agendas to be there 100%. You have no idea what your teen is about to tell you nor do you have any idea what he wants in coming to you, so ask.

Ask how your child wants to be listened to. Does he want an opinion, suggestions, advice, or does he just want to blow off steam? No guessing allowed! When you guess wrong, you frustrate him by going in a direction he does not want to go. He may see his effort to talk with you as a waste of time and decide not to make that mistake again.

+ For accurate communication, ask questions — not intrusive, prying ones, but check-ins to be certain you are hearing the message as your child intended you to hear and interpret.

Be sure you are hearing what your teen means to say rather than what you want your teen to say or what you think your teen should say. Respond to a thought saying something like, “Is it accurate that you do not like it when X happens?”
If that is correct, he will say yes and if not, then he will state his thought differently. Check again — you want to understand him.

When your child sees that you are truly available and paying attention he just may feel understood — at least in that moment. The more moments he feels that way, the more frequently he will talk to you.

+ Listen without judgment.

+ Listen without expectation. When you have no attachment to what will be said or the outcome of what you hear, then you are free to pay attention to every word and every non-verbal clue.

Take all that information, check for your accurate understanding, then follow through with the request your child made for how he wants you to listen to him.

Your young adult may share things that surprise or scare you. He may do that to see your reaction — or he may do that because he trusts you enough to be frank and honest. Your challenge is to listen honestly.

If you are surprised, it is okay and, in fact wise, to say so. Note that it is honest to share your feelings about what he said. However, telling him he is wrong or he should have done such and such differently is judging.
You might follow the judgment with a conviction and a sentence. Such actions could cause you to lose the trust that led to his coming to you in the first place. Then you are back to having a teenager who doesn’t talk and likes to fight.

+Consider that there is more than one way to do things and there is more than one solution to any problem. When your child tells you about something you cannot understand, ask about his thinking that led to that action. Ask as many questions as you need to so you can see his perspective.

Seeing his perspective is not the same as approving or agreeing with it. On the other hand, you may gain a fresh view on whatever the issue is.

+If your child has done something that breaks a law or a rule in your family, address that issue. Brainstorm for solutions together. Empower your teen to be responsible for every action he takes — or fails to take — in his life.

Pretending not to notice undesirable behaviors will not make them disappear. Follow the same brainstorming techniques to deal with such instances. You will be surprised how simple it is to create win-win outcomes. I did not say easy. I said simple. Success happens after doing it, doing it, doing it, until it becomes natural. Yes, that task may take effort and seem like work.

Actions and results, desirable and undesirable, reflect self esteem. To change behaviors, treat the cause not just the symptoms.

What are the hidden thoughts of your teen costing him — and you?

High Achiever Sales Professional Tool Kit: 5 Tools To Advance Your Sales Income

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Nov 142023

To become a high achieving sales professional, you must first become an expert communicator. Ask any sales person if they would like to make $250,000 a year and they universally say “yes.” But then look at the tool kit they use to pursue clients, and more than likely you will find that the sales tools are dull.

After 19 years of working with sales organizations in general, and high achieving sales professionals specifically, I’ve found that there are many tools that are prerequisite to advancing your income. These five that I will cover here are words and phrases that will create an environment with your prospect where they are telling you the truth. And since your most precious commodity is time, you can’t afford to waste it with people who lie to you.

1. “What would you like to accomplish today?”

I get called on by many sales organizations (some of them household names) and rarely, if ever, does a sales person start a meeting with, “What would you like to accomplish today, Bill.” This one question will save you hundreds of hours a year from working on things that don’t matter. It’s a way for the prospect to begin to share their problem with you. Just because the tool sounds simple, doesn’t mean it’s used.

2. “Is there any financial impact to this problem?”

I’m assuming that you’re not giving away your solution for free. And that in fact, there is a price the customer pays to buy and a price the customer pays not to buy. I want to understand the difference. By asking this question, you will start to learn what the financial consequences are for “not buying.” Then when you talk about your fee, the prospect will be comparing your fee to the cost of the problem. Sales amateurs will very rarely help the prospect make that connection. High achieving sales professionals deal with money more elegantly and eloquently. And this question will help you put money on the table without it just being about “your price.”

3. “Let’s do this.”

Get advances if you can’t close. “Lets do this” is a proven technique that allows you to talk about the next steps in the process while you move your prospect forward toward a final decision. Let’s suppose you’re an hour into the sales call and the prospect has shared with you some of the problems he has, but he’s still unsure of your product or service’s value. You want to go back to your office and study them prior to giving a proposal. In this case, you would say, “Let’s do this. I’m going to go back and put some thought into this and then let’s set a time we can come back in a week and take it a little further.” The better process manager you are, the better sales person you are.

4. “Here’s how we (I) typically work.”

Use this on the very first call where you’re laying out your process for getting them a solution. The high achiever needs to be thought of as an expert, not just in sales, but in the industry domain that you play in. Experts have processes and procedures. If you don’t have a sales process, get one immediately.

5. “I have a sense that…”

The elite sales executive pays close attention to their feelings. The “gut instinct” is a powerful internal communication device for you. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. If something does sound right, you’ve got to call it.

“I have a sense that…” are words in your sales professional toolbox that you can use to begin this conversation. I encourage my clients to use this if they are thirty minutes into the first call and the prospect hasn’t shared any problems or pains that he wants to fix. You might say, “In the first thirty minutes of our discussion today I haven’t heard anything that’s really a compelling reason for you to change from your current source. I kind of get this sense that if things just continued on it wouldn’t be all that bad.”

Give the prospect an opportunity react. It’s a way for the prospect to come back to you and either say yes, you’re right and it’s over (which is OK because as I said earlier, time is your most precious commodity, so move on) or he will convince you that he does have a problem worth exploring. And then, you will have control.

Shop Fresh Flower online

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Nov 132023

Flowers, the nature’s gift

Flowers speak the language of love. It also speaks your concern and condolence on specific occasions of grief and sorrow. One of the best ways of expressing your love and affection to your beloved ones is through flowers – The flowers, colorful, fragrant and fresh from the gardens.

Gone are the days when one used to buy a bouquet of roses or a bunch of tulips from the local florists at exorbitant price, from the old stock. The choice was limited and the charm was lost in such bargains. The flowers in the local florists were not plucked to order, rather were waiting for the prospective buyer and might have passed many middlemen resulting in escalated cost. The choice was little and the selection instant from among the available varieties, and obviously the range too limited. The proliferation of online florists opened new dimensions in marketing of the flowers. At the convenience of one’s home one can choose the most appropriate and seasonal flowers at affordable costs and get it delivered at the intended destination within 24 hours. The choice is unlimited, the cost is less and the range is high. For those who are new to the online flower shopping it may be a bit strange but once they make a purchase they stick on to the choice since the benefits are many.

Shopping flower online

The online flower shopping has many advantages. The first and the foremost is the wide range of choice given by these sites, one can read, everything about the flowers and can make a right choice. No middlemen or no stale stuff. The sites arrange to pluck the flowers straight from the growers as per your demand and deliver the same at the desired place or person at the exact time. No forgetting or delayed reach. The booking can be made well in advance and once the payment is made with the necessary instructions for delivery one can forget about the same. The flower that arrive fresh and lively looks much better and lasts longer .One is well advised to go for the seasonal variety so that one would get a better bargain and the fresher variety. It would be wise to opt for the tulips and daffodils in January, and sun flower and Mary gold in the month of august –September.

Sending a bunch of roses on the birthday of your mother as a surprise gift would definitely surprise her and make her happy that she is in your thoughts all the time. Many a time the tight home budgets make it difficult to go for a purchase of a fifty dollar bunch of red roses for the right occasion and make us sad. The reason is a belated decision or a wrong choice. Plenty of seasonal cheap flowers are available at reasonable costs on online florists. Being cheap does not mean poor in quality. Online florists avoid middlemen and also gives a good bargain since their overheads are limited and they cater thousands of customers. Once the choice is made and the payment is over the deal is best forgotten as the delivery, the packing etc. are taken care of by the online florist. Many may also not charge for the delivery.

The premium service by the online florists

Online florists offer many added services. For the novice and the internet ignorant online flower shopping may be weary but once they taste the frills in this service they may not prefer the local flower shop anymore. One of the advantages of the online flower shopping is that one may be able to place an order weeks or even months before the occasion. They offer holiday flower arrangements and special delivery at regular intervals and also offer specialized service on memorable occasions. No last minute rush or exorbitant prices. Booking of Seasonal flowers in advance make the deal cheaper. If you wish to make a surprise birthday gift or a mother’s day gift to your mom online florists are the right choice. No keeping of a diary entry or last minute rush. You can make an order well in advance and even if you miss the day during your hectic corporate engagements or trips the fresh and fabulous flowers would be delivered to your great mom at the right time and the place.

The online flower shops also offer you suggestion on the right flowers for the right occasions and also a few tips on the designing of flowers. When you speak the language of love through the flowers follow the most effective and enviable way. The personalized service and the expertise of the online florists make them the right choice. One may stop roaming around the flower shops, and wasting the precious time.

Flowers convey your emotions with more intensity and meanings than the words spoken. Next time when you nurture the idea of surprising your loved one with a bouquet of flowers remember not to waste time on loitering the local flower shops , take a look at the online florists and order for a bunch of fresh fragrant flowers that carries your warmth and love .

This article is written by Arindam Bose for . Webmasters are free to include this article on their site provided they keep the content and the resource box intact.

Four Reasons Why You Should Learn To Meditate

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Nov 122023

I know, I can hear you saying it now, “Why would Meditation Help Me? Isn’t Meditation for the Great Eastern Gurus?” The categorical answer is NO! Every single person on this planet should learn to meditate to help you in your day-to-day growth, to help you cope with the world and to help you deal with your anxiety.

Let me explain …

The whole role of meditation is to help find your inner peace that is the art of putting all that chaos in your mind and you life into some sort of order. The first step of meditation is bringing you to a point of calm, a point of peace upon which you can build and manage control. Once you have achieved that you can further explore your own mind. Our mind today often swirls with information, facts, stress, worries and much more simply because of the way in which we live and the bombardment of information from commercial entities. The role of meditation is to help you find a way of managing that information and to reflect on your surroundings.

Meditation will help you to find that point at which you can cope and manage all the bombardments without feeling over whelmed but that is not the only reason we meditate. Let me outline four reasons why you should consider learning the art of meditation.

Reason 1 – Meditation Will Assist You In Calming

One of the core reasons why an individual might learn meditation is to help with their ability to cope with stress and to become calm. One of the roles of meditation is to help release the alpha waves in both our left and right side of our brains. These alpha waves will help bring about a sense of calm, similar to when you would whistle a happy tune or simply day dream.

Learning to meditate and bring you to a state of calm will help you cope with the daily stress of life. From personal experience I have found that if I do not meditate for 20 minutes a day minimum, I find that my ability to cope with the daily stress of work is far harder then when I have completed my meditation.

Reason 2 – Meditation Can Help You Lower Your Blood Pressure

I personally have experienced the effect meditation can have on your blood pressure. Many a time I have gone without meditating for a number of days and my blood pressure has slowly crept up. I have done many experiments with my blood pressure and meditation and this is one I encourage you to try. I simply bought an electronic blood pressure machine which you can buy from a pharmacist or chemist for about $200 Australian. I first checked my blood pressure to find out what it currently is. I then dd 20 minutes of meditation and checked it again. I found that both my blood pressure and my heart rate had dropped by up to 30%. I have also tried doing the same exercise but instead of meditating, I just sit for 20 minutes and relaxing but I have found I do not get anywhere near the same improvement. Generally I would only see about 5 to 10% improvements.

I have seen many research documentaries that have illustrated in a practical way how simply using basic meditation techniques can decrease your blood pressure and your heart rate. Visit your local library and check out the books and research they have on meditation. You will be surprised how many doctors now encourage their patients to learn meditation. My GP (General Practitioner) and his wife actually run guided courses on meditation.

Reason 3 – Meditation Can Help With Creativity

There is a lot of who do about meditation and a lot of people call themselves meditation experts. Honestly, I do not buy into that for one simple reason. Meditation is about you. When you are meditating there will be no one else in your head except for you, so in the end you are the expert of your own meditation techniques. However, I will say that there are many people who can help you in learning meditation but ultimately, if you are listening to them while you are meditating you are not focusing on your inner self but on your outer self.

I have been told that I am one of the most prolific writers out there. It is normal for me to sit down in the morning and by the afternoon I will have belted out 5 to 10 articles of 1,000 to 2,000 words and my editors would not print my material if it was not of excellent quality. One of the reasons I believe I am able to achieve this, is because of my meditation regime. When I have completed my meditation, my mind is free of stress which really opens my creativity. I just like many writers suffer, what we like to call, “Writers block”. Often this is caused simply because of the chaos of the information in our head.

If I have a situation where writers block is really setting in, I simply stop, head to my meditation area for 20 minutes and once I am finished, I will always have a swirl of great ideas to complete my material. One thing to note though, I have found that Baroque Music at 60 beats a minute, works best for getting that creativity flowing. I prefer this style of meditation music, over tranquil water flowing or the sounds of the open bush simply because the 60 beats a minute, helps release far more alpha waves in my brain.

To give you an idea of how powerful Baroque Meditation music at 60 beat a minute can be, the Coca Cola Retail Research Council found that relaxed customers would in fact purchase 38% more than those who were not relaxed.

Reason 4 – Meditation Can Help With Learning

If meditation can help with creativity then it also stands to reason that mediation music can help with learning. In particular Baroque Meditation music makes the perfect background for all training and learning environments from pre-school to government “think tanks.” In fact it is used in schools all over Australia. A quote from the teacher of a remedial class here in Australia: “It seems to slow them down so they can think.”

Corporate trainers can improve the effectiveness of training sessions dramatically. A colleague uses the baroque meditation music as background for his memory. In fact I have been using Baroque Meditation Music in some of our computer sessions and I have seen dramatic improvements in the way people cope with our technical training.
Look, the days of meditation being only for the hippies or eastern religions like Buddhism are over. Anyone who has ever tried meditation will tell you that you certainly will feel a sense of calm and as you become more proficient you will find your ability to copy, be creative and learn more will be improved. The challenge that most people fear with meditation is that they will look foolish or their peers might think less of you but in all honesty, you maybe surprised to find out that the people you think will look on you as foolish are in fact the ones using meditation daily.

All I want to do is to encourage you to give meditation a try. What have you got to loose but just 20 minutes of your time and imagine what you might gain? To finish off I want to take a moment to simply reiterate the four reasons why you should consider learning to meditate:

Reason 1 – Meditation Will Assist You In Calming

Reason 2 – Meditation Can Help You Lower Your Blood Pressure

Reason 3 – Meditation Can Help With Creativity

Reason 4 – Meditation Can Help With Learning

The Cons of Online Auction Sites Like Ebay

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Nov 112023

EBay has over 120 million registered users and it can be a great place to make extra money by selling what you now longer need or even starting a business. My wife and I used to have 7 employees doing Ebay full time and we were making a net of about $8,000 per week. But what about the buyers? They shop sites like Ebay hoping to find lower prices on items that they are looking at buying any way. A pair of pants that sells at American Eagle for $40 and here it is ion Ebay for only $30. Is this a deal or what? But wait, after you pay the $12 shipping you are actually spending more.

Sites like Ebay are like a drug. People keep bidding on items going higher and higher in price because they will do anything to win. People get in a frenzy and by the time they have won the item they have paid a lot more then they could have gotten that same item for at a local store. Once in awhile this would not be that bad but what about the people that keep on repeating this? The cannot provide the basic necessities for their kids because most of their money is being spent on these online auction sites like Ebay. Yahoo has auction, amazon auctions, Ubid the list just goes on and on.

People need to truly look only for deals. Maybe by looking for items with free shipping. I sold video games that by the time somebody one the item and you add shipping they were still paying less than they would have paid at the local game store. Bargains can be found you just have to look for them. Also look at the sellers user rating and read what past customers have to say about them.

Another area which can be very disastrous is all the scams that are on these online auction sites. I know one gentleman who was selling a car on Ebay. Some Nigerian won the auction and sent the seller a check for the amount of the auction plus a lot of money extra. The Nigerian said the rest was to pay for shipping and if the seller could please wire the balance back by Western Union. The check was counterfeit and by the time the bank realized this it was too late. The seller had already wired several thousand to the buyer via Western Union. He had deposited the check in his account and the bank gave him the funds right away. Now this man is in jail, owes the bank the money for the check, and his car was seized by the FBI because it was used in the act of a crime. This was this mans first time in jail and I think he ended up spending a month there.

Ebay would offer no help because they claim it is a liability issue. There are so many buyers and sellers out there and they all are potential victims. You would think that sites like Ebay, amazon,Yahoo, and the others would issue a warning to their buyers and sellers but they don’t. My wife and I once got paid for some computers with stolen checks. We did everything that a responsible merchant would do like calling the bank they were drawn from and doing everything that we knew to do. I had to spend almost a month in jail for this and jail is no place I wish to have to go back to. We lost 3 years of our lives because of this plus we lost out business. This is happening to millions of people worldwide.

It should be a law that if you have a site like Ebay that you need to protect your buyers and sellers but unfortunately it is not. There are no second chances with an online auction site like Ebay. With sites like Ebay you need to be careful if you are just a buyer.

The Costs of Filing Bankruptcy

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Nov 102023

IF you’ve been thinking of filing bankruptcy, read this article beforehand to make sure you know all the potential costs involved.
When it comes to filing for bankruptcy, many individuals avoid doing so because of the perceived costs. In the end, the costs accrued in the process of filing for bankruptcy are a far cry less than the costs accrued in your debts that will be erased by the bankruptcy proceedings. Instead of avoiding the task of filing, consider doing so before you have racked up further bills that may not be exempt for the bankruptcy. Keep in mind that in addition to the specific fees associated with filing for bankruptcy, you will need to pay any fees associated with hiring a lawyer or a financial professional.

Technically, the fee associated with filing bankruptcy is relatively low. For individuals looking to file for Chapter Seven bankruptcy, the court cost is $200. This cost includes a $170 filing fee and a $30 noticing fee. Slightly less expensive, the charge for filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy is $185. This cost includes a $155 filing fee and the same $30 noticing fee. The costs are the same regardless if you are filing separately or jointly with a spouse.

In addition to these fees directly associated with filing for bankruptcy, you may incur other costs. The main cost comes in the hiring of professionals to help make this process smoother and easier. These professionals can include lawyers and individuals who work in financial professions, including credit counselors. Depending on your available budget any complications with your bankruptcy filing, you may or may not need to seek professional help when it comes to filing for bankruptcy. It is perfectly legal to file for bankruptcy on your own and many individuals do so successfully over a given year.

Before you hire a bankruptcy lawyer, you should first have an initial consultation. Many bankruptcy lawyers offer this service free of charge. If, for any reason, you feel uncomfortable or unsatisfied with the lawyer with whom you have consulted regarding your bankruptcy filing, you should carefully consider seeking another legal professional. In the end, the fees associated with hiring a lawyer to handle your bankruptcy proceedings can range between $1,500 and $2,000.

If you are looking to cut corners when it comes to costs, you should be prepared to take a good deal of the work upon yourself. By assembling the information on your own, you can avoid hiring a paralegal to do the grunt work for you. If you are well organized and well prepared for all of your legal engagements regarding filing for bankruptcy, you will save your lawyer time and effort while saving yourself some money. You can also save by limiting the number of meetings your lawyer attends. Although each lawyer will have specific guidelines when it comes to attending meetings regarding your bankruptcy filing, especially the 341 creditors meeting, you may be able to work a deal that will keep a few dollars in your pocket.

Although hiring a financial professional, such as a debt counselor, may tax your budget, the payoff will be at the end of the day. Especially if you were forced to file for bankruptcy given problems associated with using credit cards and loans recklessly, this individual will help you tremendously when it comes to starting fresh after the filing. By learning how to handle your credit wisely and the steps that you can take to work towards rebuilding your credit report and raising your credit score, you can work towards a new financial tomorrow after solving mistakes of your past.

One thing you should carefully avoid is the many do it yourself scams on the market. Especially in cyberspace, these companies that offer quick and easy ways to file for bankruptcy yourself by purchasing their seemingly inexpensive kit are everywhere. Do not fall into one of these traps and waste any more of your hard earned money. Keep in mind that the cost associated with filing for bankruptcy is still much less that the total price of the debts that bankruptcy will delete.

Should You Buy Low Cost Ebooks?

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Nov 092023

There are web pages on almost every subject imaginable from the structure of DNA to how to make a teddy bear. Enter your search on Google or other search engine and you will usually get millions of hits. You can then freely access most of these sites so why would anyone pay for an ebook containing the same information?

Ebooks come in three categories – free, low cost and what I’m going to call premium (ebooks costing more than a few dollars or pounds)

Many free ebooks are little more than an advert for another product,. This does not however mean they are worthless. They usually have some interesting information and offer the promise of far more if you purchase their product. These taster ebooks can provide a valuable insight into the main product and can help judge whether paying will prove to be a worthwhile investment.

Free titles are also used widely to encourage mailing lists subscriptions. They are sometimes related to the website topic but they can be on any subject. Frequently, but not always, they are widely available having been on sale for months or sometimes years.

Low priced ebooks are those that sell for less than about $5.00 US or £3.00 UK. The vast majority of these titles are excellent having been premium priced ebooks previously. As more and more copies find their way on sale at auctions and ebook stores the price has fallen however they remain excellent sources of information.

Premium priced ebooks tend to fall into one of two groups. They are either new to the market and as such command a higher price, or the publisher has retained all publication rights and they cannot be sold by anyone other than the publisher and his affiliates. Whilst these publications may be newer they often do not have newer content and can be simply a re-hash of other ebooks.

Are all Subjects Covered?

There are a large number of ebooks on internet selling and marketing and it is tempting to think that is all that’s available. This is far from the case as there can be few areas where ebooks have yet to make an impression.

Are they value for money?

As with most things this depends on the quality of the ebook and the price.

Free ebooks should offer the best deal. They are not normally totally free – often you’re required to sign up for a newsletter to qualify for one or many free ebooks. Sometimes you will receive just one ebook however you can get multiple ebooks every month.

Are free ebooks worth it? If the product is not to your liking or is of poor quality you can just delete it – you have lost nothing. If you wish you can also easily remove your details from a mailing list by clicking on the obligatory unsubscribe link in any email from the site.

Low cost ebooks have often been on sale previously at a much higher price. The information they contain is up-to-date and well worth the low price charged. In addition they come with a money back guarantee, anything from 7 days to 30 days.

Premium or high cost ebooks (anything from $5.00 upwards) pose a more complex question. They invariably carry a 60 to 90 day money back guarantee which, as far as I’m aware is honored by all publishers. You therefore are not risking your money and you can get your money back.

Many buyers however, fail to claim their money back. This may be because of forgetfulness, indecision, fear or embarrassment but I’m certain that it is something the more unscrupulous publisher relies upon.

I personally have bought a number of expensive ebooks and, I must admit for the most part, I have been happy with the content. Where I have been disappointed I have always claimed and received a full refund. I have never found a publisher who questions my decision although a small number have asked the reason after the payment has been refunded. This allows them to improve their product and I am happy to help them.

Should you buy ebooks?

If you accept the premise that most of the information you will ever need is available now on the Internet then there must be another reason to buy. The main reason for me is one of convenience. It’s one thing to know the information is out there somewhere its a much tougher thing to find it.

So is it worth buying ebooks? For me paying a few pounds or dollars to save hours or even days sifting through web pages to find the accurate sources of the information I need is usually worth it.