Nov 092023

There are web pages on almost every subject imaginable from the structure of DNA to how to make a teddy bear. Enter your search on Google or other search engine and you will usually get millions of hits. You can then freely access most of these sites so why would anyone pay for an ebook containing the same information?

Ebooks come in three categories – free, low cost and what I’m going to call premium (ebooks costing more than a few dollars or pounds)

Many free ebooks are little more than an advert for another product,. This does not however mean they are worthless. They usually have some interesting information and offer the promise of far more if you purchase their product. These taster ebooks can provide a valuable insight into the main product and can help judge whether paying will prove to be a worthwhile investment.

Free titles are also used widely to encourage mailing lists subscriptions. They are sometimes related to the website topic but they can be on any subject. Frequently, but not always, they are widely available having been on sale for months or sometimes years.

Low priced ebooks are those that sell for less than about $5.00 US or £3.00 UK. The vast majority of these titles are excellent having been premium priced ebooks previously. As more and more copies find their way on sale at auctions and ebook stores the price has fallen however they remain excellent sources of information.

Premium priced ebooks tend to fall into one of two groups. They are either new to the market and as such command a higher price, or the publisher has retained all publication rights and they cannot be sold by anyone other than the publisher and his affiliates. Whilst these publications may be newer they often do not have newer content and can be simply a re-hash of other ebooks.

Are all Subjects Covered?

There are a large number of ebooks on internet selling and marketing and it is tempting to think that is all that’s available. This is far from the case as there can be few areas where ebooks have yet to make an impression.

Are they value for money?

As with most things this depends on the quality of the ebook and the price.

Free ebooks should offer the best deal. They are not normally totally free – often you’re required to sign up for a newsletter to qualify for one or many free ebooks. Sometimes you will receive just one ebook however you can get multiple ebooks every month.

Are free ebooks worth it? If the product is not to your liking or is of poor quality you can just delete it – you have lost nothing. If you wish you can also easily remove your details from a mailing list by clicking on the obligatory unsubscribe link in any email from the site.

Low cost ebooks have often been on sale previously at a much higher price. The information they contain is up-to-date and well worth the low price charged. In addition they come with a money back guarantee, anything from 7 days to 30 days.

Premium or high cost ebooks (anything from $5.00 upwards) pose a more complex question. They invariably carry a 60 to 90 day money back guarantee which, as far as I’m aware is honored by all publishers. You therefore are not risking your money and you can get your money back.

Many buyers however, fail to claim their money back. This may be because of forgetfulness, indecision, fear or embarrassment but I’m certain that it is something the more unscrupulous publisher relies upon.

I personally have bought a number of expensive ebooks and, I must admit for the most part, I have been happy with the content. Where I have been disappointed I have always claimed and received a full refund. I have never found a publisher who questions my decision although a small number have asked the reason after the payment has been refunded. This allows them to improve their product and I am happy to help them.

Should you buy ebooks?

If you accept the premise that most of the information you will ever need is available now on the Internet then there must be another reason to buy. The main reason for me is one of convenience. It’s one thing to know the information is out there somewhere its a much tougher thing to find it.

So is it worth buying ebooks? For me paying a few pounds or dollars to save hours or even days sifting through web pages to find the accurate sources of the information I need is usually worth it.

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