Nov 022023

These days, taking a vacation isn’t as easy as it should be. Rising gas prices, slave-driving bosses, and your own personal sense of duty might be impeding your natural desire to jet off to an exotic location for a few days of blackberry-free lounging on the beach. If this sounds like you, here’s some advice: life is short, and leaving work for a few days isn’t going to stop the world from spinning on its axis. Don’t let your vacation days go to waste, and treat yourself to a break by heading to beautiful Waikoloa on Hawaii’s Big Island.

Since this is your first vacation in a while, it’s good that you’re going to a place that has it all. History, culture, scenery, and a plethora of activities will define your stay in Waikoloa, located on the northwest part of Hawaii’s main island. Once you’ve landed here, you probably won’t want to spend very much time in the car or on a shuttle bus, so settle down in a vacation home on the Kohala Coast and enjoy the feeling of having everything you want and need at your fingertips.

The fact that the rolling green hills and sandy strips of beach are peppered with condos and cottages means that you’ll have your pick of a number of great places that will help you to leave your work worries behind. Forget about the inbox for a bit and focus on the crashing waves heard from your lanai, the scented breezes wafting in your open windows, and the plentiful and modern amenities that will let you live as you are used to living (without the alarm clock and the laptop, of course).

From your Oceanside condo, you’ll be within easy walking distance to lots of good restaurants, even though the kitchen in your place will allow you to whip up a home-cooked meal if you should desire it. When the swimming urge strikes, just grab your towel and head down to the crystal water for a some aimless splashing around. The close proximity between here and there makes running home for a snack or more sunscreen as easy as can be, so don’t worry about stressing out about a single thing.

On that note, a stroll in the other direction will bring you in contact with places like Kings’ Shops and Queens’ MarketPlace, where you’ll be able to get all your shopping done. You know it’s been a while since you allowed yourself to buy anything special, so let loose and treat yourself to something nice. These are also great places to drop in on a live musical performance or another cultural display of authentic Hawaii. Follow the sounds of the Ukulele and sample a sweet pineapple to finish out your day here.

The activities you can sign up for at the nearby beach are all incredible, but in order to avoid tiring yourself out you’ll probably be fine with picking just a few. Whale watching, surfing, snorkeling, and sailing are just some of the unique diversions that will certainly be more fun than what you’re usually doing on a weekday, so smile to yourself at the thought that there’s a conference call going on without you as you feel the salty spray of the ocean sprinkle you with its gentle caress.

If you do decide to go inland a bit, you’ll be greeted with lush vegetation and hiking trails that take you near waterfalls and cool, rushing streams. Watch for birds and other wildlife, perhaps snapping a few pictures to show the poor saps back home. If you feel a little achy after a day of stretching your legs, then return home for a nice long soak in your hot tub. No communal business here; this baby’s at your disposal so take as long as you like.

Another thing you’ll appreciate about your vacation rental is its accessibility to the world-famous golf courses, several tennis courts, and an exercise room. With all of these at hand, you won’t feel guilty for indulging in a few pina coladas or macadamia nuts. You can stick to your normal schedule of working out regularly, but remember, you’re here to forget about “normal” for a while. We won’t tell anyone if you skip your routine just once and hit the pool instead.

Because you’ll have such a great time and due to the fact that your coworkers are probably going to be jealous of your tan, you may not want to send out too many postcards or talk up your holiday to everyone you meet. Keep Waikoloa your little secret, and remember what you liked best about your vacation rental so that next time you can repeat the good times. You’ll see that taking a vacation is no big deal, so ignore the relentless pace of professional life and plan to take more vacations like this in the future.

Your Waikoloa Vacation Rental will help ease you into the world of relaxation and relief, so be sure to choose the one that appeals to all your senses. Start planning and packing as soon as you can, and don’t forget to forget about your ties to the land of emails and deadlines.

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