Dish Network Satellite TV Review

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Nov 302023

When asked what is most important to people when dealing with home entertainment, most people agree that convenience is number one. They want their television viewing to be simple, with a large number of options. This desire for convenience is one of the major reasons why Dish Network is the top satellite television provider in the United States, with well over 12 million customers and more being added daily. Dish Network understands that their customers want the very best in service and program availability, but with the highest level of ease and accessibility.

The incredible ease of being a Dish Network customer starts right away, with the initial ordering of the product being either an online click or a telephone call away. A friendly and helpful customer representative receives your call, and schedules an appointment for the satellite system to be installed. This installation and set-up is planned around your busy schedule.

The day of installation, a highly trained and reputable technician will install the new system for free. That’s right- there is absolutely no cost for the initial set-up of your satellite system! In addition, all of the equipment that is given to you is 100% free. Dish Network’s reputation for excellent customer service is based on these sorts of deals. The technician will then take the time necessary to answer any questions you may have, as well as show you how to use the remote and any other parts of your new set-up that may need an explanation. They will also alert you to methods used for trouble-shooting, such as Dishnetwork’s 24-hour online and telephone customer service.

Once the new equipment is in place, the convenience continues as you are the one who decides what type of programming will be part of your package. In other words, you’ll also be the one who determines how much your bill will be each month. There will definitely be no surprise fees when your bill is delivered. As for that programming, you’ll probably have a tough time picking from all of the options offered by Dish Network. Options abound, whether you’re looking for sports, movies, news, children’s programs, weather, local or regional broadcasts, sitcoms, international shows, or specialty-themed channels. Oh…and another source of convenience are the numerous pay-per-view channels one may receive. Whether it’s adult programming, special sporting events, or select movies that you absolutely must see, Dishnetwork has it all, and it’s all so very easy to deal with. There have never been so many options for entertainment in the home!

The greatest example of how Dish Network allows for the most convenient home entertainment in the industry is the inclusion of the DVR (Digital Video Recorder). This easy-to-use piece of new technology is a free gift to new customers, and makes life a whole lot simpler. The diverse and broad programming options have already been mentioned- now it’s time to learn how all of those programs can be seen at a time that best fits the viewer’s busy schedule. The DVR allows you to create a very personalized library of commercial-free television. It does this by enabling you to digitally record the shows you’d most like to store, up to an incredible 100 hours worth! It is also possible to pause live television, in the event that something unexpected comes up. Simply pause and then play, or rewind and then play, whatever it is that can’t be missed! It’s amazingly that easy to stay ahead of the game. Dishnetwork allows its customers to order the very best in satellite programming, and then to watch it at a time that is best for all involved. This is the epitome of ease and convenience, and it is one of the many reasons why Dish Network is easily the most popular provider of home entertainment in the country.

Several companies claim to be concerned about their customers’ needs, but Dish Network TV consistently proves it by doing anything and everything within their power to make viewing television an easy and enjoyable experience. There is no comparison, and recent surveys prove that Dishnetwork is at the forefront of customer service. With free equipment and installation, as well as 24-hour trouble-shooting assistance available, they are paving the way when it comes to satisfying and accessible service. Simply call their toll-free number now, or click on Dish Network Offers, and find out why everybody is making the move to this new king of convenience.

Accounting Outsourcing Nitty-Gritty that you need to Know

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Nov 292023

Are you dreading about clearing the accounting and bookkeeping work which has piled up in your desk in view of the approaching tax season? Simply opt for accounting outsourcing to deal with the issue with ease and perfection. This is the simplest way for accounting firms and CPAs to deal with heavy workload to meet customer demand during the peak tax season. Simply undertaking accounting outsourcing will not serve your purpose, until you have proper knowledge about all the aspects of outsourcing.

Imagine you are going to give out your entire business process to be handled by another organization. I am sure you will want to know all you can about this particular aspect. You will surely not want to be caught unaware; if goes wrong with the entire process. Research and more research is the answer for you to meet such eventualities.

Choose the right outsourcing company to do your accounting outsourcing work. Numerous outsourcing come up with attractive and lucrative offers to do the work for accounting firms like yours. Find out carefully as many things as you can about the company before you actually let them do your work.

The internet is a storehouse of information and utilizing it in the best possible manner is in your hands. Check out the services provided by the various companies. Also try to get testimonials from firms who have already done accounting outsourcing from the particular outsourcing company.

Check out the various security measures put in place by the company to protect your company and customer data. This is an important aspect of with which you must take special care. In this internet age, people have become increasingly skeptical about giving out information about their financial details online. Security measures must be stringent enough to deal with this issue and to also bring back the faith of customers to the entire process of accounting outsourcing.

Your work will be done very quickly and you will be able to meet customer deadlines with plenty of time to spare. Highly qualified professionals are always hired for doing outsourcing work. So this means that you serve your customer’s with the best possible service that you can afford with in your budget. Accounting outsourcing work is done faultlessly by the professionals.

Monetary wise accounting outsourcing works out just perfectly for your accounting firm. You do not need to undertake any additional financial investment for the process. In fact you can earn through accounting outsourcing. Imagine you do not spend an extra cent and yet end up earning profits. This is just incredible; you must not waste time pondering over pros and cons of accounting outsourcing.

Check to see if the outsourcing firm provides any offers for free trails. You can actually take up this opportunity to see for yourself the quality of the work done by the firm. Based on this work done, you can decide whether you actually want to work any further with the company for accounting outsourcing work or not.

Accounting outsourcing can turn out to be beneficial to you in many ways. All of these benefits are subject to your working with the right accounting outsourcing company. So try outsourcing your accounting and experience a faster and more efficient way of doing business today!

Viruses And Worms: Your System Needs Protection

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Nov 282023

Computer systems across the world are constantly threatened by viruses and worms. These malwares are created by disgruntled or malicious programmers, who let loose their treacherous creations on unwary hosts. Oftentimes, the damage that is caused is immense. Due to the severity of the attacks a small cottage industry has grown up to protect systems from viruses and worms.

With a virus that spreads automatically, a huge number of computers can be infected through the Internet and can be very hard to control. Because of this, the virus is the greatest danger to the security of personal computers today.

Companies in the antivirus industry discover large numbers of viruses’ everyday. Scores of viruses are latent or dormant and continue to be present long before they are ever noticed. There are viruses that delete files, displays pop-ups, exchange the buttons of your mouse, uninstall Internet Explorer, they can even slow down your computer’s fan.

A computers efficiency is reduced tremendously due to viruses and if that wasn’t enough they also corrupt files as well as stored data. For that reason, it is imperative to locate and eliminate viruses before the damage occurs.

There are a couple of important precautionary measures you can take and that is:

1. Avoid opening e-mails from people you do not know.
2. Avoid downloading anything from websites that are not well known or trustworthy.

If you land on a website that is providing content that is possibly unlawful or improper you may well be at risk and you would certainly be better off avoiding it.

Another important step is to keep your operating system updated on a regular schedule to reduce the threat to your computer. The website is a good place to keep track of security patches that have been created to plug the loopholes that viruses exploit.

Now an absolute must for your computer is a reliable antivirus suite. There are many good free anti-virus packages like Avast ( that are available, although it is best to get reputable antivirus software like Norton or McAfee to deal with viruses and worms.

A few other security measures for your computer are file protection, memory explorers and firewalls, although at times they can conflict with other software, confuse users, or use up scarce resources. It is always good a idea to listen to the advice of security experts to save your system from damages caused by viruses and worms.

Unfortunately, the majorities of people learn these lessons the hard way and realize the risks involved only after they suffered. If you can understand the risks involved, you can take on safety measures to guard your computer from these threats.

Real Estate Investing Tips

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Nov 272023

Beginning a hobby or career in real estate investing doesn’t have to be so
complicated or such hard work if you will only begin with what you have, right
where you are at this moment.

Look for someone who really needs to sell their home and solve their
problem. One of the fastest solutions if they are about to lose the house is to
take over their payments on a subject-to contract. By giving them some
walking money, they can afford to move and still have the cash to rent another

Then, clean up the property, lease it out to a future buyer on a rent-to-own
basis which is called a Lease/Option. You get to collect an up-front, non-
refundable deposit. Three to five percent of the future purchase price is a good
figure to shoot for. You can actually do this every month and make some
additional cash, or concentrate on this method as a full time lifestyle.

Have the renter/buyer sign a contract. You pocket the difference between what
you’re paying the original owner and the amount you’re collecting from the
new renter/buyer. The spread is higher on nice, expensive homes in great
neighborhoods, so don’t be afraid to search in these areas.

This is a good method of collecting extra cash flow every month. There is no
limit to the number of these deals you can do other than your time and effort.

Call on every ¡°For Rent¡± ad in the local paper and just ask if they would be
willing to sell the property in a couple of years if you sign a long-term lease. If
you get a yes, negotiate a fair purchase price, sign a contract and find a
renter/buyer. It really is that simple. Of course, you want to have a lawyer
check out the contracts on the first deal to protect both parties.

Try to get at least $150 more per month than you are paying. Also get a
minimum of $1000 above and beyond what you have paid out as the option
deposit. You don’t want to be working for free, do you?

Let’s look at some figures from actual lease/options. A couple were behind on
their notes because he lost his job, and she didn’t make enough to pay all the
living expense. The stress was causing marital problems and they wanted to
sell, but the house stayed on the market for six months with no takers.

They were getting desperate when a neighbor mentioned the situation to her
church group. One of the group’s members had a son who was looking for a
house that could be leased with an option to purchase in a few years. He and
his wife didn’t have a lot of money for a down payment, but they knew that
buying was better than renting.

After looking at the property, they decided it would be a perfect first home if
they could manage the financing. The couple offered $1000 as a non-
refundable option deposit, if the current owners would give them two years to
qualify for a new mortgage. The timing was right and the current owners
accepted the offer. The monthly payment they agreed on was $200 less than
similar house rentals in the area.

Both couples were happy and they signed contracts for the deal the next day.
The new couple didn’t even move in. They saw an opportunity to make some
quick cash and a good monthly cash flow, so they lease/optioned the house to
another couple for $5000 down with payments that were $300 above their

If this new couple closes on the deal in 1 year, they will have earned $5,000
up front and $3,600 over the course of the year in monthly cash flow. By the
way, the sales price was $12,000 higher than what they had agreed to pay the
original owners. Added up this equals $20,600 for just a few hours work.

These deals exist in every town in the world. You can do these until you build
up your bankroll and monthly cash flow. There are no geographical limits.
Travel the world doing deals, living where you please and life is no longer on
a budget.

Why People Fail In Affiliate Marketing

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Nov 262023

Why People Fail In Affiliate Marketing

The best course of action to take sometimes isn’t
clear until you’ve listed and considered your alternatives.
The following paragraphs should help clue you in to what
the experts think is significant.

More and More people are lured into affiliate marketing and
you might be one of them. Indeed, affiliate marketing is one
of the most effective means of generating a full-time income
through the Internet. It’s a fair deal between the merchandiser
and his affiliates as both benefit from each sale materialized.
Like in other kinds of business, a great deal of the profits
in affiliate marketing depends on the affiliate’s advertising,
promoting and selling strategies. Everyday, as affiliate
marketing industry expands, competition heightens as well so
an affiliate marketer must be creative enough to employ unique
and effective ways to convince potential buyers to purchase or
avail of the products and services offered.

Compared to traditional advertising practices, affiliate programs
are more effective, risk-free and cost-efficient. But why do
many people still fail in affiliate marketing? There are a lot
of reasons and a lot of areas in the program to look into. The
most critical aspect in the affiliate program is advertising.
Many affiliate marketers fail in this aspect because they lack
hard work, which is the most important thing in affiliate
marketing and in all other kinds of business as well. Although
it pays to be lucky, you cannot merely rely on it. Affiliate
marketing isn’t as simple as directing customers to the business
site. If you want to earn big, of course, you have to invest
time and great amount of hard work in promoting the products.
As earlier mentioned, the competition is very high and customers
nowadays are very wise, too. After all, who doesn’t want to
get the best purchase—that is, to pay less and get more in terms
of quantity and quality.

Lack of preparation is also a reason why one fails in affiliate
marketing, whether he is a merchandiser or an affiliate. Part of
the preparation is researching. On the part of the merchant, he
has to be highly selective in choosing the right affiliate
websites for his affiliate program. In order to be sure he has
the best choices, he must have exhausted his means in looking
for highly interested affiliates whose sites are sure fit to his
products and services. The affiliate site’s visitors must match
his targeted customers. On the other hand, the affiliate marketer
must likewise research on the good-paying merchandisers before
he signs up for an affiliate program. He must ensure that the
merchants’ products and services match his interests so he can
give his full attention and dedication to the program. He can
get valuable information by joining affiliate forums, comparing
different affiliate programs and reading articles on affiliate
marketing where he can get tips from experienced affiliate
marketers on how to choose the best merchants and products with
high conversion rate.

The website is a very important tool in the whole affiliate
program. As an affiliate marketer, you should plan how your site
is going to be, from domain name to the design, the lay-out, the
content, and ads. Some users are particular about what they see
at first glance and thus when they find your site ugly, they won’t
read through the content even if your site has many things to
say and offer. On the other hand, there those who want information
more than anything else. Affiliate marketers with “rich-content”
web sites are usually the ones who prosper in this business
because the content improves traffic to the site. Websites with
high quality contents—with relevant keywords and more importantly,
right information about the product and not empty hyped-up
advertisements—allow you to earn big in affiliate marketing even
when you’re asleep. If you won’t be able to sustain the interest
of your site visitor, you won’t be able to lead him to the
merchants’ site. No click-through means no sale and thus, no
income on your part.

Selecting a top level domain name is also crucial to the success
of the affiliate program. Lots of affiliate sites don’t appear in
the search engine results because they are deemed by affiliate
managers as personal sites. Major search engines and directories
would think of your site as transient ones and thus, they won’t
list it in the directory. Before you decide on the domain name,
know first what you are going to promote. Many fail because their
sites are not appropriately named, so even when they feature the
exact products the customer is looking for, the customer might
think the site is not relevant and thus, won’t enter the site.

Above all, an affiliate marketer must be willing to learn more.
Certainly, there are still a lot of things to learn and so an
affiliate marketer must continue to educate himself so he can
improve his marketing strategies. Many fail because they don’t
grow in the business and they are merely concerned about earning
big quickly. If you want long-term and highly satisfactory results,
take time to learn the ins and outs of the business. Continue
to improve your knowledge especially with the basics in affiliate
marketing ranging from advertising to programming, web page
development, and search engine optimization techniques. Likewise,
study the needs and wants of your site users and how different
merchandisers compete with each other.

Keep on trying; don’t get disappointed if your first attempts
did not pay off. Thousands are attracted by the possibility of
generating skyrocketing incomes through affiliate marketing and
so they sign up in any affiliate program without carefully
understanding every aspect of the business. When they don’t get
instant results, they quit and sign up for another program and
repeat the process of just copying links and referring them to
others. When you sign up for an affiliate program, don’t expect
to get rich in an instant. Work on your advertising strategies
and be patient. You’ll never know how much you can get if you
don’t persevere.

There’s a lot to understand about affiliate. We were able to
provide you with some of the facts above, but there is still
plenty more to write about in subsequent articles.

Go online to get the best contract phone deal

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Nov 252023

When my mobile rings at the moment there is a roughly 50/50 chance that it is some poor sales guy offering me a ‘fantastic’ deal on a new mobile phone. This annual ritual of advances and declines that takes place every July can mean only one thing. My mobile phone contract is due for renewal. In recent weeks I’ve had numerous calls, direct mail and e-mail marketing from various companies trying to win me over as a new contract mobile phone customer. To be honest, I would have been tempted just to roll over my current contract and stick with my mobile network provider had they themselves not shoved a deluge of frankly confusing ‘great deals’ through my letter box. I read through these and found myself without any clue as to which of the contract mobile deals would suit me best.

Perhaps I am becoming less intelligent by the day or is it just that the mobile network providers are vying for customers so hard that they end up confusing us with an ever increasing array of complicated payment structures? At around that time I decided to do things by the book. Firstly I dumped the direct mail in the bin and deleted messages from peaky sales centres. I then visited the website of Ofcom for advice on how to go about finding the best contract phone deals.

The information from Ofcom was simple and straight forward and gave me a good place to start. I made a list of my usage and lifestyle points to structure the basics of the mobile phone deal that I’d need. I then looked through previous itemised bills to find how much text messaging I was going and looked at other areas such as downloading and came up with a ‘package’ that suited my usage. The next thing was to go out there and find contract phone deal that matched up closely with my ‘package’.

So again I tried the web figuring it to be a little more unbiased than going through the more marketing focused communication channels. There was some good stuff online – lots of information from review sites on customer service of the major networks and reviews of handsets that proved pretty useful. This helped me figure out the handset I wanted and so I progressed to the purchase stage of my search for a new contract phone. In the end I went to an online reseller who deals with the major networks ad phone manufacturers. Their site had a tool which basically allowed you to create your own contract moblie phone deal with the handset and monthly payment structure that suits. I picked the handset that I wanted on the contract that I wanted and ended up with an I-Pod as a free gift into the bargain.

This is really the first time that I’ve used the web to compare product and services. I plan on doing it again – next up electricity and gas prices!

What is life insurance?

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Nov 242023

Life insurance is a financial product that few of us like to think about. We would all like to believe that we are going to live forever, however there comes a point when reality needs to step in and plans are made for the inevitable.

Life insurance is intended to provide some level of protection for financially interested parties should the worst happen. This means that cover can be provided for others who will become financially disadvantaged by the death of the insured person. By taking out a life insurance policy, dependants will not have to deal with all the additional hardships which can be caused by the monetary loss of the insured’s income or productivity.

Life insurance is most frequently taken out to protect family members and replace the breadwinner’s salary ensuring that the family home will not be lost, however it can also be used to cover the costs of a paying for the tasks a house person performs on a daily basis, such as child care, housework, gardening, etc. Businesses also commonly take out life insurance policies on their most important employees to protect against any financial losses to the company that could be incurred due to their death.

For most people life insurance is used to protect their family by providing a lump sum to pay off any loans or mortgage repayments, so that the family home is protected, or to provide a replacement family income, but it is also often used to help cover funeral expenses, inheritance tax or provide an emergency fund to cover a period of financial instability following the insured’s death.

There are two broad types of life insurance: term insurance and investment type policies. Term policies are the simplest and generally the cheapest form of cover and will provide protection for a set period, after which the policy will lapse. Investment type policies such whole-of-life insurance, provide cover for as long as the policy holder lives, as well as building up an investment value which can be cashed in by surrendering the policy.

When considering what type of life insurance policy is most suitable, it is vital to decide what the purpose of the cover is to be, along with calculating how much cover is required. This is important when choosing the level of the cover needed.

The main cover types currently available are:

– Level term policies which will pay out a set tax free lump sum upon the policy holder’s death and premiums are set at the time the policy is taken out.

– Increasing term insurance is similar to a standard level term policy; however the value of the lump sum (and usually the premiums) increases with time to compensate for inflation or rising prices.

– Decreasing term is a type of life insurance where the lump sum value reduces over time. This form of cover is usually taken to protect loan or mortgage repayments, where the overall amount required to pay off the loan amount will decrease as regular repayments are made.

– Increasable term life insurance provides the option to increase the level of cover in the future, with the corresponding premium increases being based on the policy holder’s health at the time of initially taking out the policy without the need for a need medical or major re-evaluation. This type of policy can be useful to provide additional cover following marriage or the birth of a child.

– Renewable term insurance enables the term of a policy to be extended when the initial period comes to an end. The premiums to be paid are, like increasable terms, calculated based upon the policy holder’s health at the time of the policy being taken out.

– Pension-linked term policies such as B-Assured life insurance from Barclays allow the policy holder to claim tax relief on their premium payments, as long as they are eligible to contribute to a personal pension or stakeholder scheme.

For a life insurance guide and life insurance comparisons visit Moneynet or view the regular surveys in Which? and specialist personal finance magazines.


All information contained in this article, is for general information purposes only and should not be construed as advice under the Financial Services Act 1986.

You are strongly advised to take appropriate professional and legal advice before entering into any binding contracts.

Work from home careers: An Overview

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Nov 232023

The number of work from home careers available today is outstanding. If you are looking to add a little residual income to your pocketbook or dream of being your own boss, work from home careers may be the answer you’re looking for.

Types of Work from home careers

The sheer variety of work from home careers can seem a bit overwhelming at first. Sorting through all of the opportunities and determining which ones are legitimate and which ones are scams is the first priority. As the old adage goes, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” This is not to say, however, that there are not plenty of legitimate work from home careers available.

Basically, work from home careers fall under two categories: your own business that you have started in response to a need you have recognized and working for someone else’s business by telecommuting.

Starting Your Own Business

If you wish to start your own business, there are several areas an entrepreneur can explore, such as:

• Freelance data entry• Freelance writing• Freelance graphic artist
• Window washing business• Candle making business• Notary• Inkjet refilling• Home typing• Car washing

If you choose to be an entrepreneur, you will be responsible for providing the goods or service of your business, as well as for taking care of the business aspects of the business. These aspects include marketing, customer relations, and accounting.

Working for Someone Else

Similarly, there are work from home careers that will allow you to stay at home while letting someone else remain in control of the business aspects. If you are uncomfortable with having control of the direction and ultimate success or failure of the business, this might be the right path for you.

Many of the same businesses already discussed can offer work from home careers for you without you having to be responsible for the overall business. For example, you may not be comfortable seeking out freelance writing, data entry, or graphic artist work. Instead, you might choose to work beneath someone who has successfully started one of these businesses. Often, individuals who have built a successful career in one of these areas subcontract work to those who prefer to provide the service but not deal with the business side of the job.

Other work from home careers that can bring in some residual income that do not require you to be business savvy include taking surveys and working as a secret shopper. Neither of these work from home careers is likely to make you rich, but, believe it or not, companies are willing to pay people for taking surveys. Often, these surveys are about a potential upcoming product or service and the company wants to get an idea of whether or not it will be well received by consumers. Therefore, there is often a screening process beforehand to ensure you fit within the demographic the company is targeting.

Secret shoppers are called upon to visit places of business to assess the provided service. Again, these particular work from home careers are not high paying, but they do provide a small stipend and you can often get a free meal or products for free by working as a secret shopper.

IN’s & Outs of Pay Per Click Advertising

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Nov 222023

Today you will learn all about pay per click advertising and what it can do for you and your company. Pay Per click advertising is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get traffic to your website with out emptying your pockets. I am going to go over a few things today like which company you should choose to start an advertising campaign with and not waste your time or money. I will try to answer some popular questions like how do you know when to trust a ppc search engine, Should I choose a big or small pay per click search engine and many more. By the end of this article you should have a good understanding of pay per click advertising and it will give you an idea on which one to choose.

How do you choose a pay per click company?
When it comes to picking a pay per click company the first thing I look for is other people that have try it and like it. The easiest way to do that is by posting on forums or searching in search engine. I then visit the website to look at the prices of min. deposit required and go from there. I compile a list to compare some prices between the companies I found and I liked. By doing this it allows you to find out each min. bid and which one to choose with out breaking the bank. You’ll have to do the research your self.

How do you know when to trust a pay per click search engine?
Again I start with the forums and search engine to see if they have ever ripped someone off by using click fraud to steal their customer’s money. Its rear but it dose happen and if you see no complaints It usually means their a trust worth company.
I usually deposit a small amount of money (like $5.00) to test out the company.
There are some pay per click search engine that allow you to test drive their services for free before you deposit, so the risk is on them and you can advertise cheaply and stress free. (ex: Paid Results)

Do I choose A Big Or Small Pay Per Click Search engine?
I guess that would be totally up to you, depending on what you are looking for.
Do you want to deal with a huge number of competitors? Pay as much as $10
Per click just to stay on top of the search engine? Then I would suggest a bigger pay per click search engine. If you want less keyword bidding competition and work I would suggest a smaller pay per click search engine.

I found that using multiple smaller pay per click search engine was way more cost effective and gather just about the same amount of traffic a the major pay per click search engines. There for I would recommend you choose about ten smaller pay per click search engines and they usually offer you a sign up bonus so it’s free to try.
A good place to look for smaller pay per click search engines is:
Thanks for taken the time to read my article and good luck with your pay per click ventures.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Eating Healthy On The Road; Possible or Not?

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Nov 212023

As health and fitness minded individuals we know the importance of the food we put into our bodies every day. Food provides the energy we need to perform and recover from our workouts, and how we eat can make our break our efforts in the gym. In fact, many experts believe (and I agree based on personal experience) that the way you eat will determine 80% of the results you obtain from your workout and nutrition program. It only makes sense though; Lots of people go to the gym everyday for weeks, months, and even years. Unfortunately, many of these people look exactly the same year after year, and some even gain weight despite following a regular exercise program. Those who get into shape and stay in shape know how vitally important it is to pay close attention to what they eat. This is why they spend weekends cooking meals for the week and then lug their coolers around everywhere they go to make sure they are never caught without something to eat.

So what happens when you have to travel and don’t have a chance to cook all of your meals, when you didn’t have time to cook, or when you realize your chicken has gone bad after too many days in the fridge? I think we have all been in a situation where we have to eat at a restaurant or even fast food. We all know that fast food is not the healthiest choice there is, and after the movie SuperSize Me people are literally scared to death to eat fast food! Well, if you eat supersized meals plus ice cream and milkshakes everyday like the guy in the documentary, then you certainly will cause damage to your health and your waistline. However, with a little knowledge and common sense, as well as the variety of food choices offered by most restaurants today, it is actually pretty easy to eat healthy on the go, even at fast food joints. The main factor involved in losing body fat is consuming fewer calories than you are burning each day. The primary (nutritional) factor in building/maintaining muscle mass is protein intake. So, if you just control your calories and eat enough protein you can stay (get) into pretty good shape. When you look at it this way it is easy to see how it is possible to fit restaurant and fast food into a healthy lifestyle. In fact, unless you are getting ready for a bodybuilding or fitness competition, I see no reason that you cannot eat out at restaurants as often as you like and still reach all of your health and fitness goals. That is as long as you make intelligent choices.

So, what types of things should we be looking for when eating out? Remember, high protein and calorie control, which leads to choices like grilled chicken, beef, and fish, along with vegetables, which are usually very low in calories, fibrous, filling, and full of vitamins and minerals. Baked or sweet potatoes (plain), and rice are also good carbohydrate choices, as long as the calories in these items fit into your nutrition plan. Have some water or a diet soda to wash it all down and you are set. A simple way to save a good bit of calories and unnecessary fat is by simply asking your server to have the cook prepare your steak or chicken and vegetables without butter or oils.

My first choice when I am on the road and need a healthy meal is LongHorn Steakhouse. I know that I can get a delicious piece of steak, chicken or salmon with a fresh mix of vegetables, and a plain sweet potato, which is lower on the Glycemic Index than regular potatoes, and contains more vitamins and minerals as well. I have a great relationship with my local LongHorn since I go there so often, and they know to cook my vegetables and potato plain and to hold the bread. It makes it great because I can go whenever I want and let someone else cook for me for a change instead of spending all my free time in the kitchen. It makes it much easier when you become a “regular” of a restaurant since the staff knows how you like your food and you don’t have to explain it in detail each time. I know many bodybuilders and fitness-minded people that eat at their favorite steakhouse 3-5 times a week and some even every day.

So, what do I do if I can’t make it to a LongHorn or another sit down restaurant and fast food is my only choice? I am going to try to find a Subway or a Chick-fil-A. I believe these are two of the best choices when it comes to fast food. In fact, when I was traveling to small cities in Alabama all the time with my former job, I would eat Subway or Chick-fil-A just about every day. My favorite choice at Subway is the foot long Roasted Chicken sandwich on wheat bread with no cheese, lots of veggies and some spicy mustard. This sandwich packs about 50 grams of protein, less than five grams of fat, and around 650 calories. The six inch sandwich is around 325 calories, and the best part is they are big and very filling!

We all know Jared, who lost like 300 lbs on the Subway diet. Is there really something that special about Subway sandwiches? The reason that Jared was able to loss all of the weight was because he found a diet he could live with, he believed in it, and he stuck to it until he reached his goal. Also, whether Jared was aware of this or not, Subway sandwiches (the 6 grams of fat or less variety) have relatively few calories for how big of a sandwich it is. For example, a foot long turkey sub with all of the vegetables and no cheese has less than 600 calories. It is pretty easy to see how someone could not feel hungry on a diet of 3 of these foot long subs a day, which does not even total 1800 calories a day.

At Chick-fil-A I will go for two chargrilled chicken sandwiches which offers 56 grams of protein and only 7 grams of fat and 550 calories. Sure, it’s more expensive than the meal deal with fries, but well worth it for the nutritional difference. Another easy tip to save about 30 calories and three grams of fat per sandwich is to ask for “no butter” on your bun. Most people do not even realize they spread a small amount of butter on the buns.

This all goes back to “calories burned vs. calories consumed.” I’m not saying you should eat fast food everyday, and I admit that bread is definitely not your best carb source. My point is that it is possible to eat relatively healthy and not ruin your workout and nutrition plan even if you have to eat out. So next time you find yourself on the road with nothing to eat or if you just can’t stand to cook another meal, make a smart choice and let someone else do the cooking for you.

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Commercial Real Estate Lending vs. Private Funding

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Nov 202023

Traditional bank and institutional lending has become outdated in some respects and does not always meet the needs of potential commercial customers. Private investor funding has filled many of the gaps while making investing easier and profitable for all parties involved. Although private funding is not actually lending by definition it is still a highly viable alternative.

The typical traditional bank loans take 3 to 6 months to close. The obvious constraint is if your deal needs to close before 3 months or if the seller is anxious to close in a fast time frame. Private funding typically takes 30-90 days to close and the right mix of information, opportunity and “right-time-right-place” has seen private deals close in a manner of days!

Most commercial lenders have very specific guidelines on documentation of the source of income or proof of asset ownership. Obtaining these documents from the current owner(s) is a big challenge if not impossible. Tax returns and additional personal information are sought but few are willing to open up their finances to just anyone. Private investors tend not to look at past performance of the property but seek a good analysis of what the future potential is. Be prepared with a sound business plan!
Many borrowers can’t qualify for traditional commercial loans if they have existing high business expenses. Again, existing financials need to be examined by the bank to determine if prior performance indicates worthiness for the loan. This time it’s your financials under the microscope. This type of information is useful in proving yourself to private investors but not required.

Special business properties such as mobile home parks, restaurant /bars, cash businesses, new development construction projects, nursing homes, assisted living centers, etc. may be outside of the traditional lenders interest. The reasons differ but are often related to the perceived risk or lack of knowledge about the type of investment. Again, private investors are more interested in your plan and its soundness rather than the category of property.

Relative short balloon payments on special purpose business loans are fairly common with traditional loans, some due in as little a 3 years. If your business plan does not specifically show how returns on the profitability of the property will support the balloon payment the loan is often denied. Private funding may also have balloon payments but you can always seek a different structure that fits your needs and plan rather than trying to plug your plan into an institutions way of doing things.

Assumability of the loan is not often offered with commercial loans. If your plan for the property includes later selling it for a profit you need to consider how potential buyers will finance the purchase from you. If you cannot transfer the loan to a qualified buyer you will be at the mercy of them obtaining a loan from an institution and meeting all of their requirements. This is time consuming and costly for the borrower creating a delay in you moving on. Conversely, private funding can often be structured so that you may transfer your existing agreement to another without any of the constraints.

Banks and lending institutions often monitor their investments by requiring ongoing financial reporting requirements. Although they are not a partner in your venture they behave like they are. Until you break free from the loan this monitoring relationship will continue. Private funding investors may also require periodic financial reports but as long as the agreed terms of the funding are being met they may have little interest.

Some institutional lenders still require the borrower to live in the same state as the property. In today’s realm the reasons for this requirement are lost. Legal issues may be a bit easier to deal with because of the requirement but not enough to limit the borrowers to properties in their own state.

There are many more differences between traditional loans and private funding. The differences usually favor the non-traditional private funding world. You may pay slight more for private funding overall but if you can’t qualify for a traditional loan, or the timing will not work you should not even consider cost when comparing the two options.