The Power of Leverage to Make You Rich

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Oct 202023

Information on how to leverage properties and other people’s money to become an experianced and successful real estate investor. How to use and understand taxes, appreciation, and banks to your advantage.Does the idea of using someone else’s money to buy something for yourself seem impractical? It shouldn’t; it happens all the time. You’ve probably even done it before. Have you ever taken out a loan to buy a car? By doing this, you tapped into other people’s money (the bank’s) to buy the car. How much better would it be if you also had someone else making the payments for you? By investing in real estate, you do just that. Instead of using other people’s money to accrue additional expenses, you use other people’s money (the bank’s) to buy the property, and you use other people’s money (your tenants) to make the payment by renting the property out for more than it costs you to own it. The income produced by the property that is left over after all expenses are paid for is the property’s cash flow. And simply put, that is the power of leverage.

Too many people are under the impression that they need to save up a large down payment before the bank will lend them the money to buy a property. This is not true. There are a number of ways that you can obtain financing without bringing in a down payment. The easiest way to start acquiring real estate is to buy your first property and then use its equity to buy more properties. Equity is the difference between what an asset is worth and what you owe on it. If you own a property that is worth $100,000 and you have a mortgage on the property for $80,000, your equity is $20,000. Using the equity in one property to buy another is exercising the power of leverage. Leverage helps expedite the wealth process. Using leverage maximizes your purchase ability. It is the most efficient way to acquire properties, build positive cash flow, and take advantage of appreciation.

Appreciation is the amount that an asset goes up in value over a period of time. If you took your $20,000 equity and used it as a down payment to buy one more property, you would benefit from the cash flow of two properties instead of one. You would also earn the appreciation of two properties instead of one. Real estate on average has realized between 3 and 8 percent appreciation per year. By using one property to buy another, you are using leverage, but not to its fullest. How much faster could your wealth grow if instead of using your $20,000 to purchase one more property, you use it to purchase four properties by putting only $5,000 down on each? Your wealth would increase by the appreciation and cash flow of four more properties instead of only one.

A recent Forbes Magazine article stated that 97 out of every 100 self-made millionaires made their fortunes through real estate investing. Believe it or not, you, too, can take control of your financial life by creating wealth through the acquisition of real estate assets. You may be thinking that all of this sounds too good to be true; well, wait — it gets even better! Not only is real estate one of the only investments in the world that you can acquire using the power of leverage, but the income and gains produced by real estate receive some of the greatest tax breaks available. Unlike stocks and other investments, real estate profits can be tax deferred or better yet, even tax free! The government allows you to roll-over each windfall into your next real estate investment through a process called a 1031 exchange. It feels good to make money and not pay the lion’s share in taxes.

Real estate can also build wealth in any economic climate. If the real estate market is up, quick turnaround investments (flips) can produce large, immediate gains. If the market is down, there are more opportunities to acquire assets at a lower cost due to foreclosures, motivated sellers and seller financing. When interest rates are low you can buy more assets for your buck. When interest rates are higher, more people are prompted to rent apartments– which translates into higher rental prices. The increased demand turns your real estate asset into a cash flow cow.

The power of leverage is truly a remarkable thing, and you can start taking advantage of it today. Whether you own a home with equity already, or you are ready to go purchase your first deal, let the power of leverage help jump start you on your path to success in real estate investing.

Issues with Renting, Buying and Selling Properties Overseas

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Oct 192023

People interested in renting, selling or buying various properties overseas are commonly faced with a wide range of difficulties such as language barrier impediments, limited market evaluation possibilities, as well as poor access to information regarding the advantages and disadvantages of closing a certain deal on foreign land. In order to get the best out of a given transaction, one generally needs to spend a lot of time and invest a lot of effort in doing the required price-service research, carefully analyzing the benefits and the minuses of choosing one offer over another. Whether you wish to sell, buy or rent apartments, villas, houses or land in remote locations, the recommended thing to do is request the services of a reliable third-party. With the help of a solid Real Estate company, you will be able to quickly find the best apartments and villas to rent or buy, and you will also receive proper assistance and counseling on selling such properties.

There are various Real Estate companies and agencies out there that provide customers with high-quality services that account for the subtleties of finding and closing the best Real Estate deal overseas. The trick is to find the company that best satisfies your needs and requirements, the company that can help you achieve your goals in exchange for affordable price packages. In order to obtain the best results, you should consider employing the services of a Real Estate company that sustains and promotes its activity via the Internet. This way you will be able to achieve a better exposure for the properties you wish to offer for sale or rental, and also keep track of other properties if you are interested in buying or renting. Efficient Real Estate companies offer clients the opportunity to browse through an extensive and well-structured database of classified ads and submit their own announcements online, free of charge or in exchange of previously established monthly or annual fees.

Classified ads are properly categorized into multiple sections, include descriptions of the properties available for sale or rental and are also accompanied by suggestive images, helping customers form an idea about each individual advertisement. If you are looking to buy or rent apartments, villas, houses, townhouses or land overseas, simply use the classified ads feature and find the announcements that best satisfy your needs. Once you have found the most appropriate house, apartment or villa to rent, all you need to do is contact the ads’ submitter and negotiate the terms of the transaction. Similarly, if you are interested in selling such properties, write and submit your own ads and you will be contacted by potential clients.

Greatly simplifying the process of closing effective Real Estate transactions and helping customers overcome the difficulties of buying, selling or renting apartments, villas, houses and other properties overseas – reliable, competitive and cost-effective Property Management Services are an important feature you should look for before deciding to collaborate with a Real Estate company. Such services usually include: accommodation services, property services (client meeting, security, cleaning), property research services, legal services, translation services, chauffer services and many more.

Depending on factors such as the type of the transaction and the location of the property you are interested in buying or renting, you should request an appropriate package of services that can help you overcome the difficulties of the deal. For instance, a good lawyer can inform you about the hidden costs behind the transaction, such as local taxes. Another advantage of having a good lawyer is that it can accelerate the process of closing the deal by taking care of all the required documents. In addition to employing reliable legal services, you should also consider hiring efficient translation services when renting or buying properties overseas. Such services will take care of translating all the documents you require, thus overcoming the language barriers you may come across when renting and buying properties overseas.

Before closing a deal, it is also advised to employ the services of an experienced surveyor. Once hired, surveyors perform elaborate on-site investigations, verifying the condition of the property, establishing an estimate on the overall value of the property and providing clients with concrete information about the advantages and disadvantages of the transaction. Surveyors are vital for people interested in buying or renting apartments, villas, houses, townhouses or land overseas, as their report clearly reveals the worth of a certain deal.

A more consistent report generally includes the following: information on the location of the property, amenities (swimming pool, gardens, view, tennis court, etc), the materials used in building the property, the condition of the property (substantial or negligible faults, results of testing the interior structure for dampness, information regarding the existence and condition of the drainage system, insulation and damp-proofing), repair costs, the precise value of the property on both the local and open markets, recommendations for further specific inspections, etc. With the help of an extensive survey report, the client can easily prepare his next actions and decide whether to close the deal for the initially established price, renegotiate its terms and costs, or even cancel a problematic deal.

Websites, Search Engines and all that Jazz

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Oct 192023

The business of putting up a website on the World Wide Web is not really for the faint-hearted. It is very easy to think that there is nothing to it. A naive newbie will always say, there are about 70 million websites in the Internet, surely I can make one just like the ugliest one there is. This, of course comes from a starry-eyed, optimistic, abject beginner who has high hopes of becoming a webmaster. Sure, there are free webhosts that take out the hard work and pain in making a website by giving the user a paint-by-numbers type of website creator. This is actually a good thing because making a website can be a darn pain in the neck especially if one is two of two things: ignorant and bull-headed. Being ignorant one goes ahead and gets ones hands dirty and very soon finds oneself in a lot of trouble. Being bull-headed, one refuses to be defeated and plows on with the work not caring for time or difficulty and pretty soon one has a working website for the world to see.

Having gone through the tutorials and after having read up on all materials related to website making, the webmaster-to-be starts thinking of webhosts and domain registration. I actually went through all the theoretical part of websites and I really thought, “how hard can it be?” Well, I was in for a big surprise. I had read up on HTML and CSS and I figured the best way was to get ready-made templates from a number of places in the Net which is basically a good plan. The idea was that, knowing the terminology would make it easier to read something made by an expert than to try and build one from scratch. There are countless of absolutely gorgeous templates just waiting to be fleshed out with terrific content. So, on I went with my, “how hard can it be?” approach.

If one has seriouisly explored the Internet one would surely find out about Search Engines and how they make the world wide web go round. There is no rocket science there. Think of the Web as a huge library which is growing continuously every second. How would one go about accessing the information from a huge physical library with rows and racks of books and periodicals? The simplest way is to look at the index cards which categorize and summarize every book in the shelves. Think of search engines as the index cards of a library. One can query a search engine for the contents of its databases based on a number of keywords that would bring one close to that which one is seeking. One could use Names or Authors or Subject Matter or Title in trying to locate a book. In a physical library with a buildiing and books this would be usual thing to do.

Search engines have taken this a step higher by providing a facility that further narrows down a search by indexing websites according to its contents using keywords to accumulate the various topics which a website may cover. A website may deal with a number of related topics and the search engine does its best to get a clear picture of what the website is all about so that it can offer that to the searcher on a silver platter of relevant pages. Whoah, what have we done? We have gone from being stymied by HTML and CSS to being knocked silly by the search engines and their appetite for content. This is a whole new ball game and I do not think I signed up for this type of aggravation.

Well, if one lives in the Net long enough one would surely have his tidy, neat, well-ordered pre-conceived notions knocked over by a deluge of unstoppable variables that threaten to derail his desire to have a website on the World Wide Web. What is one to do? Well, never fear for superman or someone who looks like him is near. Enter articles and writers for hire who give you finished articles that you can put on your website to make it worth reading as well as looking at. So ok, content can be addressed properly by writing it oneself or buying it from someone or gettinig it from some source which is willing to part with its stash of valuable articles.

Acid Reflux Recovery Diet and Recipes, Part One

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Oct 182023

Curing oneself of the condition called acid reflux can be accomplished by using natural, healthy methods. I suffered from this condition for years, taking harmful, expensive PPI drugs (proton inhibitors), which only masked the symptoms. These drugs, not only had myriad side effects, but became ineffective over time. I was forced to find another answer. I wanted to cure myself without the use of drugs. My doctor was no help. He didn’t have a clue about natural healing and nutrition. After a great deal of research I discover that with the proper use of herbs, health store items, meditation, exercise and diet, one can heal themselves of acid reflux.

The first thing that I learned is that acid reflux, sometimes called gerd (gastro esophageal reflux disease), is not a disease at all. Contrary to what the medical community would have us believe, it is simply a condition, brought on by poor eating habits. Besides eating the wrong foods, not chewing food properly is probably the root cause of this ailment.

The Acid reflux condition would not exist without a damaged esophagus and a weakened LES (lower esophageal sphincter). If the condition is to be eliminated, healing the esophagus must be the first order of business.

During this reflux recovery period, eating anything which could irritate or damage the esophagus, must be avoided. Things like poorly chewed chips, crackers, cereal or any hard foods with sharp edges are culinary culprits – they cause little lacerations to develop in the esophagus. Until the lacerations have had a chance to heal, spicy foods, such as acidic tomato products, hot peppers, raw garlic and raw onions should also be eliminated from the diet. They just further irritate the condition. Smoking and drinking alcohol relax the LES, allowing stomach acid to splash up into the esophagus, thus impeding the healing process.

The key to acid reflux recovery is to eat only mild, easy to digest food until the esophagus has healed. Eat early, giving yourself at least three hours of sitting or walking time before lying down. Eat slowly and chew your food completely. Last, but not least, try to eat in a relaxed, pleasant and stress free environment.

I have listed a few of my favorite recipes that I enjoyed during my own recovery period. They can be made quickly and easily. Try doubling these recipes so that you can reheat them later in the week…..less time in the kitchen. Remember that cooking from scratch, instead of relying on convenience foods, is a better approach to good health, in general. It’s also nice to know what you’re really eating.

For breakfast, I believe that fresh fruit is the best way to go. I especially like melon and papaya. For lunch I eat more fruit like apples, bananas and, perhaps some almonds, or walnuts. It’s better to eat many little healthy meals during the day. I try to buy only organic fruits, however, sometimes when I am rushed, I purchase “ready to go” containers of mixed fruit at the grocery store. Try to stay away from pineapple, as I find it hard to digest.

How about starters in the evening? Serving vegetables raw is the ultimate healthy way to present them.

Try creating a beautiful platter of crudité (crew di tay) better known as elegant rabbit food. Serve it with a savory tofu dip. Use cauliflower, broccoli, English cucumbers, radishes, green & yellow zucchinis, Belgium endive, carrot sticks, whole small mushrooms, or whatever appeals to you. Cut the vegetables in bite size pieces for dipping. The Belgium endive is a natural edible scoop for dipping. Just cut off the ends and peel off the leaves.

Make the tofu dip by putting one package of soft or silken tofu in a food processor or blender, adding garlic powder, cumin, paprika and chopped chives or parsley for flavor and color. Season with salt & pepper to taste. Add a little fresh squeezed lemon juice if the mixture is too thick. Process until smooth and creamy. If you are in a rush, ready made dips and raw vegetable platters are available in the produce sections of most supermarkets, but make a concerted effort to eat only organic, if possible.

I hope that you enjoy the following dishes. Even though I have cured myself of acid reflux, I still serve these recipes on a regular basis. I prefer food slightly under cooked. Feel free to adjust the cooking times and seasonings according to your own taste.

Bon appetite!

Sautéed White Fish On A Bed Of Mashed Potatoes

This recipe is for one serving. Increase the ingredients for additional servings as needed.

One 4oz filet of white fish (orange roughly, sole, turbot, flounder, etc)
One med. Potato
Steamed green vegetable such as broccoli, spinach, peas or asparagus
Parsley or chives for garnish
¼ tbsp unsalted butter, olive oil or Pam

We will start with the potatoes because they take the longest to cook and they tend to retain their heat the longest. The fish and vegetable take only minutes to cook. )

Peel and cube potato. Place in cold water to cover. Bring to the boil, and then simmer until fork tender. Drain, leaving just enough cooking liquid for mashing or whipping. You may also use the vegetable broth (recipe below) instead. Add salt to taste. Hold in a warm place.

Season fish with salt and pepper to taste. Place non-stick sauté pan over med high heat. Add butter, oil or spray with Pam. When not quite smoking, add fish. Cook two minutes, turn and cook other side for two minutes, or until the filet is light brown and cooked through. If the filet is very thin, one minute on each side may be enough. (You can broil or bake the fish if desired)

Serve fish on top of mashed potatoes, surrounded by the steamed vegetables. Garnish with chopped parsley or chives.

Vegetable Broth

This broth is very alkaline and rich in minerals. It can be served as a simple soup, or used as a stock (as above) for cooking. Cook and save the potatoes and beets to use as a vegetable side dish or to add to soup.
2 cups red skinned potato peelings
3 cups celery stalk
2 cups celery tops
2 cups beet tops
1 small zucchini or yellow squash
2 cups carrots
One small onion
Sprig of parsley
2 ½ quarts distilled water

Chop all vegetables into very fine pieces. Place in water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 20 minutes. Strain & refrigerate for future use.

Note: By cooking pearled barley in the finished broth with the addition of chopped vegetables, one can prepare a healthy soup for a first course.

Pasta Primavera

Primavera means “spring” in Italian. This pasta dish offers a great opportunity to use all the wonderful fresh spring vegetables at your disposal. However, you can make this dish anytime of the year by using whatever fresh vegetables you can find at your food market. I have chosen a mixture of vegetables that I happen to love, for this recipe. You can use these or replace them with your favorites. During the reflux healing period, try to stay away from tomatoes, raw onions and raw garlic. I have included garlic in this recipe (+see note regarding roasted garlic). If you can tolerate a little garlic, then make sure to cook it well at a low temperature, without browning it. If you want to be a bit daring, you can add the optional cup of heavy cream. You may substitute parsley for the basil and the penne regatta for fettuccini, or another pasta. The whole family can enjoy this classic pasta dish.

1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 cup sliced carrots
1 cup baby peas
1 cup sliced asparagus spears
1 cup snow peas or sugar snaps
2 cloves garlic finely chopped or roasted
1 lb. penne regatta
1 tsp. salt
3 tbsp extra virgin, first cold pressed olive oil
½ cup shredded basil
½ cup Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
½ cup heavy cream (optional)

Place a steamer basket in a pot with a small amount of water and bring to the boil. Place vegetables in basket, cover and steam until tender (about 4 minutes). Rinse under cold running water to stop the cooking and preserve the color, and drain.

To a large pot of boiling water, add salt and the penne regatta. Cook uncovered according to the instructions on box, preferably al dente.

Meanwhile in a large sauté pan, heat the olive oil. Add the garlic and cook at a low flame for a couple of minutes (do not brown). Add the steamed vegetables and optional heavy cream and raise the heat to medium. Cook just enough to heat.

Drain the pasta and add to the sauté pan and mix well.

Sprinkle with Parmigianino Reggiano, and shredded basil. Heat the dish thoroughly and serve. If the dish needs more salt, use extra cheese instead, at the table. Serve this dish with a heart of romaine salad with lemon chive dressing (recipe below)

+ Note: It takes more than two cloves of roasted garlic, for this recipe. On a sheet of aluminum foil place two heads of garlic and cut the stem end off with a knife. Drizzle a little olive oil over them and wrap tightly. Bake in a 400 degree oven for one hour. When cool enough to handle, squeeze out the roasted garlic, into a bowl, discarding the shells. Mash well with a fork.

Another use for roasted garlic is my version of pesto sauce. I use walnuts instead of pine nuts, which I find indigestible, with the roasted garlic and basil. Use whatever proportion you like and drizzle first pressed, extra virgin olive oil into the blender. If your sauce is too thin, adjust with more walnuts, basil and garlic. If it is too thick, use more olive oil. This is all a matter of taste. Serve with your favorite pasta. I prefer linguini or fettuccini.

Lemon chive salad dressing

This is a simple, yet classic vinaigrette for green salads. Use heart of Romaine, Boston or Bipp lettuce. Make this dressing and hour or so before serving, in order that the chive flavor is fully incorporated. Remember to toss well before serving. The advantage here is using lemon juice, instead of vinegar. I find that lemon juice becomes alkaline after being ingested.

1 lemon juiced
Sea salt (pinch)
3 tbsp. extra fine sugar
6 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
6 tbsp. minced chives (you can’t have too many)
Freshly ground black pepper

Combine lemon juice, salt and sugar in a mixing bowl. Whisk until the sugar and salt are dissolved. Continue whisking in the olive oil, chives and several grinds of pepper. Keep whisking until dressing is emulsified.

(Note: You can make this dressing for two by reducing the lemon juice to two tbsp. and the other ingredients by 1/3.) Keep left over dressing in a jar in fridge for future use. It will keep for about a week.

Bon Appetite!

© 2006 Wind Publishing

Get Your Own Domain

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Oct 172023

Having your own domain can give you unlimited income by sharing the product with others.

Global Domains International, Inc. is the worldwide domain name registry for all .ws (Dot WS) domain names. The product is an incredible $10 per month package that includes your own domain name, hosting accounts, and up to ten email accounts, plus an easy-to-use online web site builder that will allow you to get a professional looking web site on the web as quickly as possible. And the best thing is, you can try out everything we have to offer, starting today, for FREE.
They offer a week-long free trial of our entire package, no strings attached.
Industry experts predict that over 500 Million domains will be active annually within the next ten years. GDI has no competition in the network marketing industry. They are the only company that has the ability to market domain names through the power of network marketing, and they’re willing to pay you handsomely for helping them get the word out worldwide. There are no geographical or income limits with GDI.

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Your Resume Must Tell Employers What They Want to Know

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Oct 162023

p>When you attempt to craft a resume, there is always the danger that you will fall in love with your own creation. While it stands to reason that you would want to produce a resume that reads well to you, your opinion doesn’t count as much as a prospective employer’s viewpoint.

As a result, it is vitally important that you turn out a resume that tells employers exactly what they want to know. If your resume is deficient in any way…if it fails to inform a recruiting manager where you worked, how long you worked there, what your educational background is, what skills you possess, and your general qualifications for a specific position…your resume will quickly end up in the waste bin.

Don’t Depend on the Interview to Make Up for Problems With Your Resume

A number of job-seekers are satisfied with producing a resume that’s less than perfect because they hold out the hope that they can make up for their resume’s flaws through a stellar performance during a job interview. The problem with this line of thinking is that, unless your resume is top-notch, it is unlikely that you will be selected for any interview at all. Therefore, it pays to devote time and attention to fine-tuning your resume so that it meets the needs of prospective employers.

Put Yourself in the Employer’s Place

In order to write an effective resume, you need to put yourself in the place of the hiring manager. The employer’s eyes may be glazing over from all the resumes he or she has had to review. As a result, the employer is probably skimming through the stack looking for potential employees who fit some key criteria: the criteria being that they will perform the job effectively and efficiently; they will benefit the company; and they will be dedicated to their position.

Be Sure to Cover the Basics

While it is certainly wise to make your resume as brief as you possibly can, it is critically important that you include the basic information a prospective employer wants to know. You might be surprised at the fact that a number of job-seekers forget to include their e-mail addresses or cell phone numbers—two key ways for employers to get in touch with them. Also, be sure to include your snail-mail address, in case the employer needs you to fill out an application or a survey.

Your resume should include a complete job history (at least, post-college), information about skills you have that are applicable to the job you’re applying for, a list of the degrees you’ve earned and the colleges, universities, and relevant training programs you’ve attended, and your references. A prospective employer wants to know what your references have to say about you—he or she doesn’t want to take the time to call you and track down names and phone numbers at the last minute. The more complete the information you provide about your references, the better. Providing reference information as an addendum to your resume is a positive option.

Indicate Why Your Candidacy is Special

Once you’ve covered the basics, it’s highly important that you provide the employer with information that will distinguish your candidacy from the rest of the job applicants. If your resume is overly broad in focus, it will not attract the interest of a corporate recruiter. Instead, consider narrowing your focus by including information about special skill sets you possess, leadership roles you’ve held, and evidence of your team-building abilities. This information, like the rest of the information on your resume, must be presented in a clear, concise manner—otherwise, the employer will simply move onto the next resume.

Don’t Forget the Profile

Employers are definitely interested in your key accomplishments, evidence of your professionalism and your pursuit of excellence. These achievements can be easily encapsulated in a profile section at the beginning of your resume. Recruiters can read through the profile quickly, giving them an immediate impression of your suitability for the position that’s been advertised.

What Employers Don’t Want to Know

It is also important to pay some attention to what employers don’t want to know—or, at least, what they would prefer not to read on your resume. While each prospective employer is unique, there are certain common viewpoints that most share when it comes to resume appraisal.

In an effort to set themselves apart from the pack of other job applicants, a number of job-seekers make the mistake of making their resumes “too personal.” For instance, one individual who was seeking a position in government tried to portray himself in a unique light by including the names of his three dogs. Rather than making him appear intriguing, his decision to include dog news on his resume proved to be a deal-ender.

Also, for the most part, your resume does not need to explain in detail why you left a particular position. You can leave the discussion of that for the eventual job interview. It is far better to talk about the pitfalls in your job history in person rather than to try to explain them on paper.

The Intangibles

There are certain intangibles that employers want to know about you—information that you can convey in your resume. For instance, by proofreading your resume carefully and making sure that it is error-free, you are showing a prospective employer that you have a keen eye for detail. By presenting your resume in a professional, easy-to-read manner, you are demonstrating that you have excellent written communication skills. By listing your community and volunteer activities, you show an employer that you have a sense of commitment to bettering the world around you. These intangibles can often determine whether or not you are called in for an interview—or whether your resume is kept on file—never to be seen again.

Can Talking To A Finance Professional Really Improve Your Finances?

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Oct 152023

In today’s fast-moving world, credit facilities, credit ratings,

and pressures of bank lending through credit cards, brings

financial know-how very high up the agenda of importance for

most people. That is why financial advisors are very useful

things to have, since not all of us are equipped to deal with

matters concerning finances. The reality is that our finances

have to be dealt with.

Mind you, sometimes a financial advisor will be of the

‘old school’, and if you are an entrepreneurial type, he or she

will go up the wall if you put risky schemes to them.

I know, my old financial adviser once told me my acceptance of

risk was so high I was half way up the Eiger!

Three life changing events drive the majority of people to seek

professional financial advice, according to a study done by the

Certified Financial Planner Board of standards –


1) Handling an inheritance (72%);

2) Facing a complex investment product (61%); and

3) Making portfolio/401(k) investment choices (52%). Amazingly many

people do actually seek professional financial advice, as they have

realized how much easier it becomes to handle financial issues.

Before seeking professional help, you should ask yourself how much

money you have and how complex your financial situation is.

If you find that your financial situation isn’t all that complex,

you might want to reconsider talking to a professional financial


You wont get advice from a financial professional for free, so you

should avoid consulting one unless necessary.

However, timely and correct advice even for a fee can be worth more

than its weight in gold.

Remember though – Free advice is just that – Free.

In situations that only require you to do a little bit of research

on your own, you are probably better off avoiding the financial


You should instead determine what you need to know, research that

topic, and then make an informed decision based on your work and

your financial needs.

Alternatively, if you are in a serious financial quagmire, getting

professional advice might be the best thing you can do to get back

on track. You will find it a liberating experience to finally

understand all this financial jargon. And it could then help you

to better understand and handle your finances.

As Benjamin Franklin once put it: If a man empties his purse into

his head, no one can take it from him. An investment in knowledge

always pays the highest return.

Article written by Geoff Morris.

Methods to Fight Spam!!!

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Oct 142023

Fighting Spam..

Industry experts estimate that three out of every five e-mail messages that are sent today are spam.

This is not only a nuisance; it is costing us all time and money which could be better spent on productive ventures.

Bizwala is committed to fighting spam & blocks a great deal without customer intervention. Our systems are updated daily and we are always working to improve our spam filtering.

Though we may never be able to block it all, we can offer some suggestions to combat spam effectively.
Q: How can I prevent spam from reaching my e-mail account?

A: People who send spam compile their mailing lists in many ways. Methods to compile such lists include:

Sending spam to e-mail addresses that are most commonly used. A common tactic consists of building lists of targeted addresses that use frequently used words such as “webmaster” or “info” (for example, “webmaster@mydomainname” or “info@mydomainname”).

Obtaining e-mail addresses that are automatically “harvested” from web sites by specialized software.

Compiling lists of e-mail addresses that are either chosen or generate at random (for example, ” joe1@mydomainname”, “joe2@mydomainname” or “joe3@mydomainname”. This method is becoming increasingly frequent.

Because spammers often send spam to undefined e-mail aliases such as,,, you can combat the receipt of spam effectively by not using a catch-all address . (The catch-all is an alias that is used to recieve mail sent to undefined addresses/aliases .)

Q: What is spoofing and how can I fight it?

A: “Spoofing” occurs when a spammer uses some version of your domain name in the “From” address field. Spammers use spoofing to try to hide their identities and to pass blame for spam to innocent Internet users. The large amount of spam messages — many of which are sent to invalid address — result in a significant amount of “bounced” e-mail (that is, mail that returned as being undeliverable). Unfortunately, bounced mail is sent back to the address found in the “From” line of the spammed message.
Typically, the “From” line is also an undefined e-mail address not found in your mail settings. To combat receiving bounced mail messages, you can use the “devnull” alias that we mentioned in the previous question and answer.

Q: Even if my account is not generating any spam, can the mail server I use get blocked because of spam?

Unfortunately, yes. The main cause for blacklisting your mail server depends on where the spammed e-mail is ultimately received and how the ISP who maintains that location reacts to spam and to spam complaints. Many account holders with Bizwala forward e-mail messages that are sent to there hosting account. For example, a message sent to info@mydomainname could be forwarded to or At other times, clients may be forwarding e-mail messages to accounts that are invalid or otherwise not in use. The processing of the forwarded e-mail message is handled by the mail server that your account uses (specifically, the MTA or Mail Transport Agent). Because a Bizwala mail server is the MTA, it is possible that the mail server could be blacklisted even though you (or any other Bizwala client) is not responsible for sending the spam in the first place.

In short, you must be careful about where you forward e-mail, how you report spam, and to whom you report it.

Note: Bizwala reserves the right to terminate a client’s services for violations of our Acceptable Use policy. Unacceptable use includes forwarding e-mail messages to addresses that are invalid (not within the client’s control) and/or sending mail with malicious intent.

Q: How can I filter spam in my Inbox once I receive it?

First, do NOT click any links in the spam or try to reply or unsubscribe to the spammed e-mail message. Often, these links will subscribe you to even more spam lists despite the fact that those links appear to promise that you will be unsubscribed. And, as spammers are always looking for legitimate e-mail addresses to spam, replying to a spam message in any way only tells the spammer that your e-mail address is valid.

Second, some e-mail programs have built-in functionality that deals with spam that reaches your Inbox. Outlook 2000 (and newer) is one such a e-mail program.

Outlook creates a folder called Junk Mail, where you can move junk e-mail and then review it before deleting. Or, you can have junk e-mail delivered to your Inbox, but color-coded so you can easily identify it. The list of terms that Outlook uses to filter suspected junk e-mail messages is found in a file named Filters.txt.

You can also filter messages based on the e-mail addresses of junk and adult content senders, allowing you to move or delete all future messages from a particular sender. You can review the Junk Senders list and add and remove e-mail addresses from it.

If you do not use Outlook 2000 or higher, please refer to your mail program’s help files for any information related to spam filtering.

Q: Are there any low cost programs out there that I can install to help filter the spam?

A: Yes. There are many programs available that use a variety of methods to help e-mail end users filter spam. Effective spam prevention should include client-side software (that is, software that is installed on your local computer). Below are some links that you may want to visit:

Cloudmark Safety Bar:

Realize that there are many products on the market that you can install on help filter spam. However, as we are not affiliated with the vendors or authors of those products, we cannot specify which of those products would work best for your specific situation. We ask that you “do your research” in order to locate which product is best for you.

Q: The spam that is reaching me is being sent to defined e-mail accounts. What can I do about it?

A: If any of your defined e-mail addresses are receiving too many spam messages, it may be well worth it to you to change your e-mail address. For example, if “info@mydomainname” is the recipient of too much spam, it may be a good idea to delete “info@mydomainname” in favor of “information@mydomainname. We realize that this may be a tough decision, but such an action could be a huge benefit as it would immediately reduce — if not entirely eliminate — the amount of spam that you would be receiving at your e-mail address.

Q: How can I prevent my e-mail address from being added to spammer’s mailing lists?

A: As mentioned above, spammers use a variety of methods to compile lists. We have created a help document that will give you some useful tips about how to prevent your e-mail addresses from being added to lists.

Protect Your Privacy

If you plan to enter your information to any Web site, please review the Terms of Service and Privacy Policies of the Web site. If the policies do not clearly indicate what will be done with your information, you should reconsider posting any details to that Web site.

Publishing Your E-mail Address on Your Web Site

Instead of having a simple “mailto” link on your Web site, such as “Please e-mail me at,” consider using an approved form mail script that allows Web site visitors to fill out a form to send you e-mail. Bizwala offers such a script free of charge. This will help prevent e-mail address harvesting robots and other spammers from capturing your address. email if you need assistance in setting up a spam deterrent form mail

Member Profiles

Try to stay away from creating and posting a member profile, on any Web site, for others to see publicly. Spammers are always reviewing such information for new e-mail addresses.

Product Registration

Many of us register products online. Many times the product registration form has options pre-selected that enable the company to solicit you by e-mail, even though you may not want it. Be sure to review the options you are selecting and any options that may have been selected for you by default.

Posting to a Newsgroup

Never post anything to a newsgroup with your real e-mail address. Consider cloaking the address or using a “disposable” e-mail address. Consider creating and using an e-mail address from one of the free e-mail address providers.

Do Not Reply to Spam or an Unsubscribe Request

Never reply to a piece of spam or request to be unsubscribed. Your reply confirms that your address is working and provides the spammer the opportunity to add your address to their list or sell it to another entity. This actually helps facilitate more spam.

Report Spam

An effective way to help prevent spam is to report it to the ISP or mail administrator where the spam originated. Such reports help ISPs to identify the user or users who sent the spam. Report the spam, including full headers from the spam, to the ISP abuse department or postmaster e-mail address.

Federal law strictly limits the information that online service providers may disclose about their users. However, e-mail messages do contain some information about the sender.

E-mail headers contain an Internet Protocol (IP) address that corresponds to the sender’s Internet service provider (ISP). A line in the e-mail message contains an 8 to 12 digit number, separated by periods. For example: “Received: from [123.456.78.91] by . . .” The “123.456.78.91” represents the ISP’s unique IP address for the sender. Most spam headers have multiple “Received: from” lines. If the e-mail message has not been forged then, in general, the first such line from the bottom is the true origin of the spammed message.

After you identify the IP address, you can search to determine which ISP provides this person with Internet access. A Web site that attempts to determine the actual computer with that IP address is located at

-Article written by
Wendy Jo McLeod
Spam solution providers

How to Harness the Power of Ebooks for the Benefit of Your Website!

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Oct 132023

Ebooks can be a powerful tool when it comes to promoting and profiting from your website. To be able to benefit from ebooks, it is important to know how to use them to their full potential.

There are two big ways in which ebooks can be used to benefit you and your site:


Both of these are extremely important. Without promoting your site and receiving enough visitors, it is impossible to profit, which is the ultimate aim of a successful internet business.


Ebooks are especially good for advertising your website. They cost almost nothing to produce and can be easily distributed via an email. You can either use an ebook which you have created yourself, or you can use another author’s ebook, provided you have permission. Here is how to promote your site to unknown levels using an ebook:

– Use an ebook with a broad appeal, so as to achieve a maximum range of interest from many people. However, try to keep the ebook relevant to your site’s subject matter. This way, those who travel to your site through the ebook will find more that interests them on your site. This is how to turn browsers of your ebook into buyers on your site.

– Once you have chosen your ebook’s subject try to write the content similarly to your site. Add a link to the site you want to promote at the beginning and end of every page in the ebook. Make sure that these links are visible, and that it is made clear to the viewer where these links go to. Within the content of the ebook, while talking about something which can be found directly at your site, a link can also be added. However, make sure not to clutter your ebook with links and ads. This looks unprofessional and gives viewers a bad impression.

– Having finished the ebook’s content, check furiously for spelling mistakes or missing punctuation. These mistakes lead the viewer to believe that the author is unprofessional and even that the site may be insecure and badly run.

– Now comes a crucial part. Make sure on the very front of the ebook, or somewhere where everyone will be able to see, that you have put a statement such as this:

“You may redistribute this ebook freely so long as the content inside remains the same”

This will mean that anyone who receives your ebook will be able to pass it on, so long as they don’t change it. Given the fact that ebooks are a very popular form of displaying information nowadays, people are very likely to give your ebook away, whether it be a freebie on their site or a gift to newcomers. More and more people will have a copy of your ebook, with your link which goes straight back to your site. People are bound to click on your link if they’re interested.

– Now with your completed ebook, you can start distributing. Give it to all your friends and family and anyone else who you know. Tell them to distribute it everyone in their email address book. Do not be afraid to contact a site which sells or gives away ebooks and ask them if they will distribute it. The chances are that they will. Big ebook sites need new ebooks to keep going. Contact sites which have a similar subject matter as the subject of your ebook and ask them if they will distribute it. Don’t forget to distribute your ebook freely on your own site, because this will gain your site popularity. If you need help distributing your ebook, my site would be happy to distribute it for you.

Once you have distributed a number of copies, if you have distributed it well to many sets of people, your ebook will soon be all over the internet. People will start clicking on your links from all over the web and in addition, you have also made a small name for yourself on the web. This will increase the popularity and trust in your site.


Obviously through the promoting of your website using ebooks, the profits will increase. However, there are other ways in which to profit using ebooks:

– The most obvious way to make money through ebooks is by selling them. However, there are already many huge companies doing this and it is hard for little companies and websites to keep up. Nevertheless, try to offer just that little bit extra on your ebook deal compared to everyone else’s. You have to try and make your deal seem special. Add a couple of bonuses and maybe a useful bit of software too.

– Profit through ebooks by offering them as a bonus with another, more expensive product you are selling on your website. You would be surprised at how a browser will choose your product over others, just because your product has an ebook free with it. If you can make this ebook relevant to the item you are coupling it with, or you could make the ebook yourself, then more people will buy from you and people will be prepared to pay more. The ebook costs you nothing either so it is a perfect give-away.

– Affiliate links can also be posted in ebooks you create yourself. Earn yourself money by placing these links in relevant places in the content of the ebook. For example if your ebook talks about music, then include a link to a popular music website which you know will give you a slice of the profits if a sale is made. If your ebook is distributed correctly, your affiliate link could be viewed by thousands of people per week. The site I recommend for affiliate marketing is

– Also think about putting a very limited amount of ads in your ebook. Many companies will pay you to put an ad in your ebook. However, there is a very fine line between making money through ads and losing money due to too many unprofessional ads. Try to make your ads blend into your ebook and make them relevant to the subject matter too.

Most importantly with ebooks, always be thinking of new ways in which you think you could distribute them or use them to profit. Creativity is a key part of a successful ebook marketing campaign.

Be Good to Your Skin

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Oct 122023

If you are one of the many people that were born with sensitive skin, than you will understand how frustrating it can be to deal with. Not only do you have to deal with dry, itchy, and sometimes red skin, you have to be careful when choosing skin care products because many of the chemicals can irritate your delicate complexion. But I’m here to tell you that as long as you know how to take care of your sensitive skin, you’ll find that living with it isn’t so bad, and that one day you may in fact learn to love it.

It’s important to find out what type of sensitive skin you have. Do you sunburn easily? Is your skin often itchy? Do you blush easily? If you answered yes to these questions then most likely you were born with sensitive skin. If your skin only seems to react to certain skin care products, stressors, or foods, then it’s probably only triggered sensitive skin. This type of skin can be managed by avoiding the products that cause irritation.

Probably the biggest thing you can do for your sensitive skin would be to keep it moisturized. Since this type of skin typically tends to be dry as well, the proper moisturizing lotion is very important. Find a cream that has been dermatologist-tested or says “for sensitive-skin” directly on the bottle. Remember to use fragrance-free lotions, creams, soaps, and shaving gels because the added fragrance can irritate your skin. I remember the day I could no longer use my favorite vanilla-scented body lotion because instead of giving me silky smooth skin it left me with a rash.

Protection from the sun is a daily essential. The harsh rays of the sun are particularly damaging to delicate sensitive skin. Be sure to use a sunscreen with at least an SPF 30, and take lots of shady breaks. If you do spend time in the sun, make sure you moisturize afterwards because your skin will dry out quickly. An aloe Vera gel is a great for after-sun conditioning.

Controlling breakouts can be another battle for people with sensitive skin, because many of the bacterial-fighting chemicals in standard acne treatments are too harsh on your skin. Benzoyl peroxide in particular can do some considerable damage (trust me, this is from firsthand experience) to sensitive skin, so try to avoid this ingredient. As a rule, don’t wash your face with medicinal cleansers more than once a day, and do not leave them on the skin for a long period of time.

Live and learn!
The best way to find out what is good or bad for your skin is through trial and error, because everyone’s skin reacts differently. Just remember that certain products are more prone to causing skin irritations, including perfume, hairspray, scented deodorant, and even the glue on band-aids. Just remember to think of your skin before slathering on some ambiguous product.

But if you take care of your sensitive skin, it will be good to you as well by looking clear, soft and beautiful.

Perfect Europe Vacation Planning

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Oct 112023

Are you planning to go on a Europe Vacation some day? If so, you have picked an excellent place to venture to, as Europe has great cultural and historical significance, making it a hot locale for travelers. Places like Berlin, London, Venice, Nice, and Paris are very popular for people taking trips abroad. I have some tips for you, expert information, about how you can make your trip to Europe an experience you will never forget.

Keep an Open Mind

You should never settle on a rigid itinerary for your vacation. By traveling to a foreign location, you are giving yourself the opportunity to immerse yourself in a different culture and lifestyle than what you are accustomed to. For that reason, you should try looking into short-term rentals on homes and apartments. It is actually a very common practice in that part of the world, and you will find that renting is much cheaper than hotels or resorts. This will give you the opportunity to go into the streets and meet people, allowing you to learn more about the people and lifestyle of that country. That is the best way to have an unforgettable experience.


If you are looking for a more stable vacation, perhaps you should contact a travel agent and purchase a vacation package. Packages range in price, but you may be able to find a sale if you look hard enough. A discount package price will allow you to save more money for spending while you’re in Europe. The benefit of vacation packages is that they will make sure you are on tours that explore all of the major attractions of a location, allowing for a worry- free vacation.

Bargain Vacations

The true key to getting a discount on a vacation, no matter where you go, is flexibility. You can save a great deal by taking advantage of bargains that only come up at certain times of the year and at certain places. These vacations are great if you can be flexible with:

+ Which of the airlines you choose

+ Which cruises you want to go on

+ What you want to eat

+ Where you want to stay

+ When you want you leave

For example, if you have no particular goal in mind, but you just want to see Europe, then you will be able to find cheaper rates for traveling and staying in certain nations. Don’t wait until the last-minute to start planning your vacation!

Stretching Every Dollar (or Euro)

Keep in mind that in other countries, prices are often times negotiable. Depending on where you go, especially in countries with weaker economies, you can often times haggle on the prices of your purchases, which will help you save a lot. This usually does not work with large-scale franchise businesses, but will almost always work with small local businesses.

Also, if you choose to eat at restaurants, a local restaurant is good in this respect because they will generally offer you lower prices then places that you are accustomed to seeing in America. Remember, if you truly want to make the most of your European vacation, then save money every chance you get, it will allow you to spend more on the things you like!