Problem Remortgages

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Oct 282023

Research has indicated that as many as 1 in 4 people have had an adverse credit history problem in the past. Debt reports in national newspapers indicate that debt problems are spiralling out of control and it has become easier now than ever before to take out more debt by applying for loans, credit cards and mortgages. This was all well and good whilst interest rates were low and it was just above the UK retail prices index level (RPI) and it did not make sense to try to save as it was cheaper to borrow now and buy now. But this cannot carry on indefinitely and as interest rates rise, as they will, the debt will bite into peoples circumstances even harder.

If you are having trouble paying your current mortgage, loan or credit cards or you think that you are not receiving the best mortgage deal you possibly can, then perhaps it is time to think about a remortgage. However, many people are unsure about the relative benefits and problems of a remortgage. Here are some useful tips to help you decide if remortgaging is right for you:

What is a remortgage anyway?
A remortgage is when you replace your existing mortgage loan with a new one from either the same lender or a new lender. This is usually done to reduce monthly payments or to release equity. Remortgaging is usually carried out through a remortgage broker to find the best rates.

Remortgaging for lower payments
One of the most common reasons to re-mortgage is to get lower monthly payments than you do now. If you are struggling to pay off your monthly payments, then you need to look for a better deal, as soon as you can. If you can find one, then ask your current mortgage lender if they can match this, if they would prefer to keep you as a customer at a lower rate than lose you altogether. If they cannot match the rate, then you should look at remortgaging.

Remortgaging to release equity
Another reason why people remortgage is to get hold of some extra money by releasing equity they may have built up in their property. This means that you borrow more than your current mortgage debt to release the money you have already paid into the property and this extra money may be used for debt consolidation or home improvements. This is especially useful if your property has gone up in price or if you have paid off a large percentage of your mortgage. It is like getting out a loan, but the rates are low as they are part of the remortgage.

One thing that you should look at before remortgaging is whether or not it is really right for you. There maybe a number of costs involved, such as legal fees and penalties for changing mortgages. These fees could add up and might be more than you can afford. Also, if you borrow more money or you get lower monthly payments, it could mean that you will be paying the money back for a longer period of time.
Although it may seem helpful now, you could end up paying more long-term and if you are still paying the money back when you retired you might be left unable to make the payments without pension provisions.

Remortgaging can help you if you are struggling with payments or you need to free up some money. However, you should think carefully about whether or not remortgaging will be beneficial to you in the long-term but if you have a problem remortgage it could be the ideal situation