Negotiate Your Debt Like A Professional

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Jul 092023

    Often when a consumer is up to their ears in debt and toying with the idea of filing for bankruptcy, but either can’t file or doesn’t want to, there are other options. Were you aware that the consumer can negotiate with their creditors and end up paying a significantly smaller amount than what is owed?

    Depending on many factors, a consumer can negotiate their debt down. Some of the factors include the age of the debt, the date a payment on the debt was last paid and the amount of interest and fees that have been added to the debt owed. Sound interesting? Read on it gets better.

    Before going any further it is important to mention that this path is not easy, creditors are often not nice to deal with at the best of times. When you are the object of their attention, you can be inundated with rude and threatening phone calls, nasty letters and many other tasteless tactics used by some companies to get money out of you.

    If you can learn to be un-swayed by these tactics and remain calm and level headed through out the whole process, you are well on your way to sorting out your debts and paying much less at the same time. The reason that creditors resort to these sorts of tactics is that it is about all they can do to get the debts paid to them. Medical bills, store cards and credit cards are called unsecured loans. This means that they have no collateral tied to them.

    When a consumer stops paying their bills, the creditor has a few options. They can try bullying you into paying the debt or they can take you to court and hope that they receive a favorable ruling in order for them to come to your house and remove possessions to cover their bills. The latter is not commonly practiced as the risks of getting an unfavorable verdict from the judge are considerable. Besides that, it is probably hardly worth the trouble since these types of debts are usually considerably smaller than secured loans, such as houses and cars.

    So how much can you offer a debtor and have it accepted? There is no set figure or sum and no guarantee that a company will accept your terms. However, if they have a choice between being paid something or nothing, they are going to choose some of the money any day. A good guide to begin your negotiation is 25% or less for debts that have recently been charged off. Often you can offer much less if the debt is older and the company has added a host of other fees and charges to the debt.

    Ok so you are ready to negotiate? Hold on a minute, there are a few more things that you need to arm yourself with before going off to credit battle. Remember the best defense that you can have is to know exactly how your opponent works and what you can and can’t do.

Tips To Negotiating Like A Pro
Below are a few helpful tips:

    Never negotiate over the phone, in fact, if a creditor contacts you by phone- hang up. All of your correspondence should be conducted by mail.
    Record everything; keep letters, numbers and dates. Never expect that an agency will remember what was agreed on or keep their word without proof.
    Keep copies of every letter that you send to the credit agency and make sure to use registered mail, or mail that has to be signed for. That way you have proof that the other party has received your correspondence.
    Never seem to be too eager to settle the debt too soon, never accept the first or second settlement offer and above all, never let the agency think that it has the upper hand.

Another useful approach is the good old threat of bankruptcy. While its not as easy as it once was to file bankruptcy.

    If the creditor believes that you are about to file for bankruptcy, they will often be more than willing to settle for anything they can before you file and they loose all hope of ever getting anything out of you. But proceed with caution if you acquire any more debt after telling a creditor this. Then you may not be able to get rid of this debt should you file for bankruptcy.

If the process seems a little difficult for you to handle or you feel that you would be eaten for breakfast by a hungry credit agency, you maybe right. You can either:

    A. If you have a trusted family member that is good at negotiating you may ask them for help. Keep in mind, some companies will not speak with them unless you fax them a power of attorney letter stating your friend or family member has the authority to speak for you.


    B. There are options available for dealing with these agencies. A debt negotiation company can provide you with advice and they can negotiate settlements with the agency for you. The Debt negotiation company will help you set up a savings fund to start collecting money to pay your debts. They can also help shed some light on how to begin living a debt free life.

Getting Rid of that Spot on Your Carpet

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Jul 082023

By their very position in the home, carpets catch everything that falls to the ground. This means you are going to need how to deal with spills.

Getting Rid of that Spot on Your Carpet

If you’ve ever installed carpets in your home, you know what an expensive and difficult task it can be. Carpet can make your house feel warm and cozy, as well as being a practical floor covering and great alternative to expensive hardwood flooring. Keeping your new carpet clean, however, can be an even greater task than installing it. Aside from regular vacuuming and shampooing, there are also times when a stain can really affect the look of your floor.

Cleaning spills can be tricky, especially if you’re unsure of the colorfastness of your carpet, or if you don’t know how old the stain is. One of the first things you need to do, before even attempting to clean it, is to determine what kind of liquid or material made the stain. Your treatment for red wine stains, for example, is going to be different than if your child went crazy with a permanent marker. If the stain is older, you can usually still see what kind of stain it is by checking the color, and sometimes even smelling the stained area.

The second trick to cleaning that carpet stain is to blot. Never rub or brush a stain, no matter what it’s made of. This will only serve to push the stain further into the nap of the carpet, as well as possibly spread the material further. If you’re dealing with a red wine stain, here’s a good process for removing it: blot up as much of the wine as possible with an absorbent cloth or paper towel. Then, purchase one of the many wine stain removers available at stores such as Wal-Mart, Target or home stores. Use according to directions, making sure not to brush the stain.

For families with kids, cleaning problems made with markers or other indelible inks may be a common occurrence. To get rid of these stains, fill a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and spray onto the ink. Blot up until it’s dry. You will have to repeat this process until the ink is gone (persevere and you will be rewarded!). As always, do not rub or brush the alcohol into the carpet, because this can just make the situation worse. Keeping your carpets clean and free of stains can be easy if you follow specific steps for getting rid of stains.

Can’t Offer Collateral? Avail Unsecured Personal Loans

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Jul 072023

Getting a loan against security is a tough deal. Putting your property as collateral is not only risking your asset but also taking excessive mental and financial burden. Such a loan deal rather turns out as a debt trap and it becomes difficult to get out of it. In order to prevent such a situation, you can avail unsecured personal loans which offer loans without any security.

Unsecured personal loans are very much suitable for tenants, paying guests, students, people living with relatives or parents and other non-homeowners who cannot offer collateral.

Unsecured personal loans do not require putting any collateral and are offered to fulfill your innumerable needs. Since it’s a personal loan, you are not bound to use the money in a particular way. You can use this loan for home improvements, debt consolidation, buying a car or a house, meeting huge medical or educational bills, holidaying, business purposes and so on.

Unsecured personal loans are available to all types of borrowers including bad credit holders. If you have in your credit history any record of arrear, defaults, CCJ, bankruptcy, poor credit score etc. you can still apply for unsecured personal loans with a loan deal suiting your financial situation and easier for you to repay. This will also help in improving your credit score and increase your chances of getting loan easily in future.

You can get unsecured personal loans with an amount ranging from £1000-£10,000. The repayment term of these loans are usually 6 months to 10 years. The interest rate will depend upon the loan amount and the repayment you choose.

Applying for unsecured personal loans is easy to avail. Do not think that you will have to look out appropriate lender and visit him personally in order to get the loan deal. Now you can get unsecured personal loans while just sitting at home! All you need is to have a computer with internet connection in it. You will find a lot of lenders available on the net offering unsecured personal loans. All you need is to find the best loan quote offered by them.

Once you find the right deal, you will be required to fill an online application form. The application form will ask you about certain details such as your credit score, employment details, income, identity proof, residential details etc. After you fill and submit the application form, the lender will quickly contact you and transfer the loan in your bank account.

Unsecured personal loans are a risk-free and secured way of getting funds. Avail this loan and experience a stress-free financial life.

How To Make Money As Mystery Shopper

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Jul 062023

Anyone that has ever worked in retail has wondered if they could make some money as a mystery shopper. The honest answer is yes, you can make some money as a mystery shopper. You shouldn’t expect to become rich when working as a mystery shopper, but you should expect to have a lot of fun, cash in on some fun perks, and make a little bit of cash on the side. Most people cannot afford for mystery shopping to be their only source of income, but it is a fun way to get some free stuff and make some cash while shopping, eating, and judging the experience!

What is a Mystery Shopper?
For those that don’t know, a mystery shopper is someone that shops or visits local retail establishments such as clothing stores, post offices, restaurants, electronics stores, jewelry stores, and more. The mystery shopper will be directed to interact with the store personnel and afterwards critique their services. A report will be generated by the company from the critique of the mystery shopper and that will be reported to the company. A mystery shopper doesn’t just visit any retail establishment, companies actually pay to have their services evaluated by someone that appears just to be an every day customer. The mystery shopping company will then give the mystery shopper a part of their revenue or will give them a small perk such as a gift certificate.

What Does Mystery Shopping Pay?
Mystery shopping usually isn’t a full time gig, unless you live in a big area where they aren’t many mystery shoppers. If you live in an area that doesn’t have a lot of mystery shoppers you might get a few assignments a month, but generally you can’t expect to have this be your one and only job. You can make as much as $30 or $50 an assignment, but more often you will get gift certificates to shop or eat for free in some of the establishments that you visit. This is a great way for the mystery shopper company to compensate you for your time and effort without actually having to put money out in the way of cash. If you don’t actually need the cash but you would like to shop or eat in the places that you visit as a mystery shopper it isn’t a bad deal at all! Just think, your mystery shopper job can get you and your family a free dinner a couple times a month. To some this sort of arrangement is just as good as being paid.

Making the Most of It
If you really want to maximize your opportunities as a mystery shopper you can register with more than one mystery shopper agency. This will allow you to stagger your assignments between the two agencies so that you can not only make more money because you are offered more jobs, but you can also visit a wider variety of businesses, which will also prove to be more exciting. You might find that some mystery shopper agencies specialize in one type of business while others have more of a variety. If you have a lot of free time you’ll find that these agencies can keep you reasonably busy.

Mystery shopping is a great way to earn some extra cash. It can be difficult to earn substantial amounts of money through mystery shopping, but if you are looking for something fun that pays to do in your free time this might just be it. Mystery shopping will likely bring you a mix of cash and other perks like free meals and such, which are just as good as cash if you enjoy eating out!

Advantages of using a Long Distance Moving Company

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Jul 052023

When moving long distance, can you afford not to hire a Professional Relocation Company?

Moving to a new place is equally exciting and stressful. Relocating to a different place can mean a whole new world to explore – a new town to settle in, new house, new schools, new work place, new people to meet, new paths in life. Hiring a professional moving company can ease the load. Our professional moving crews will pack up your belongings, inventory each items which needs to be moved, and deliver all belongings to your new home at your convenience.

It seems so overwhelming – Where do I start?

The earlier you start planning for your move, the better off you’ll be. Creating to-do lists can make your packing and moving process smooth and hassle-free. Here are some suggestions and tips on making your relocation a more pleasant, easier and more tolerable experience:

1.De-Clutter: Moving long distance is the best time to discard all that extra stuff that has been piling up over the years. List everything that is longer required or being used, be it old clothes, toys, books, etc. Inspect your basement, attic, garage and your wardrobes. Consider having a garage sale or donating clothing and toys to a local shelter. Libraries and schools happily accept books, videos and music CD’s. Since Long Distance Moving is generally charged for by weight, this is a perfect opportunity to save significant dollars, de-clutter and lighten your load. When deciding on furniture, consider if something is really worth transporting and retaining. It may cost more money to move an old bulky piece of furniture than buying a new one. In general the less clutter, the better!

2.Hire a Moving Company: Once you decide upon your approximate moving date, start searching and calling moving companies. It is prudent idea to acquire written estimates from at least three movers before making a decision. Also, get references from your family, friends and neighbors.

3.Box Collection: Some moving companies offer recycled boxes free of charge. You can try putting in a request for free boxes at on-line trading sites, who may be seeking to discard their collection. Take your time with packing and start early, as it will help you ultimately. Start by packing those things you can do without for a while. Pile up boxes in the room they belong to and don’t forget to label each box. You may even consider renting a separate storage unit to store these boxes until your moving day. This is especially valuable if you have put up your house for sale – your prospects will enjoy a neater house tour. It is never too early to start collecting boxes!

Starting to discard of unnecessary clutter, and packing up boxes early on, makes you feel organized, productive and in control. Stay focused and upbeat!

Although sometimes exciting, moving is often shadowed by the arduous task of packing and organizing the move. You spirits may dampen in a short while, leading to frustration as you may have qualms about packing away your most delicate possessions. This is where a credible relocation service comes to your rescue.

Role of Long Distance Moving and Storage Company

When needing a relocation service, on of the toughest tasks is finding the right moving company. There are many movers out there and some may dazzle you with empty promises. But if you do your homework meticulously, you can save yourself from a lot of hassle. When selecting a moving service, what you must to look for is the proper licensing and a proven record of quality, communication, and affordability. It is very important to be able to trust your appointed mover.

Quality Service: To find quality service, simply study the companies more closely. Compare company history, consumer reviews posted online and take time to look movers up on the Better Business Bureau’s website and with the local authorities. Ask for recent references and check to see if they actually have satisfied customers. You must inquire and make certain that the mover is licensed and regulated by the state you’re in for a local move, or with the Federal Motor Carrier Administration for a long distance move. In today’s Internet age, all of this information is easily accessible on line, or by looking in your local phone book under a Public Utility Commission (PUC) or Department of Transportation (DOT).

Effective Communication: Secondly, you should be able to communicate comfortably with the moving company representative. Does the moving company share an understanding attitude with your requirements? A good relocation service will always address your needs, availabilities and worries. Therefore, spend some time talking with different moving companies. If they seem to take their time to understand your moving needs, it is a positive sign of the service which will follow. If the company representatives aren’t friendly and helpful, move on. There are plenty of good movers to choose from, who will surely appreciate your business.

Affordability: As with everything else in life, good things come at a premium cost, and you generally ‘get what you pay for’. However, some relocation companies that provide a compatible service may also provide competitive pricing, especially during the off season. Once you have selected a few movers with proven positive records, shop around, get a few estimates and go with your gut feeling. Always remember that a deal that may seem too good to be true, generally is just that. Overall moving should not drain away your money or spirits. With the right due diligence, you’ll get through your move unscathed and ready to conquer your new domain. Therefore, the relocation service you deploy should support good reasons and value for you to trust them. For hourly rated moves, you can minimize the hourly charges by doing as much of the work yourself as possible.

Moving Long Distance with

Operating as one of the leading residential and commercial Moving and Storage Companies in New Jersey and New York, Alpha Moving & Storage a.k.a takes care of your every need and concern. Employing a team of dedicated professionals, the Company offers 24 / 7 quality and reliable service.

Whether you are moving long distance or internationally, makes your move a pocket-friendly and pleasant experience. From moving a few boxes to an entire household or office, the Company extends prompt, courteous and most affordable services.

You may Click Here for Free Online or On-Site Moving Estimates!

Moving can be exhausting as well as demanding – Just follow the fairly simple steps mentioned on our site, and you should experience the smoothest move possible. Have a Happy move!

Find the Best Credit Card Deal

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Jul 042023

Are you undergoing financial stress and need finance to meet expenses? No matter what situation you find yourself in, there are Number of programs has designed a special loan program in the form of bad credit secured loans especially meant for people having bad credit history.

Before getting into any program do good research for so that you are knowledgeable about the type of loan you want. Know the difference between a fixed rate and variable rate loan. Understand how interest rates work, this will tell you the full price of the loan over the full term of repayment.

Once you choose the best credit loan for you, take good care of that loan. This is your chance to begin repairing your credit. Make your payments on time, without fail. Next time you need a loan, your credit report will show these on-time payments, which will make you much more desirable to banks.

Credit Card
Now day credit cards almost have become a requirement. From purchasing plane tickets, to renting a car or making hotel reservations, there are simply some things you cannot do without having access to a credit card.

Most benefit of having is that a lot of bank accounts not have “check cards” that allow you to make credit-like purchases that come right out of your account. But even with that added convenience, sometimes you simply need a “plain old credit card” and if you have bad credit that can present a real problem when it comes time to fill out the application.
Today it is not only banks that extend credit to large numbers of qualifying individuals.

Many retail institutions like department store chains offer their customers their own credit cards in order to turn them into loyal clients. Nowadays consumers can buy nearly everything from groceries to clothes or book a holiday by using what has come to be called plastic money.

Credit Report
Credit report is this best way to keep the previous record of your credit and in case that you have bad credit score and are not really sure how bad your credit score is, you must get a hold of your credit score report. As a regular individual you will have to obtain a duplicate of your credit report sooner or later if you want to be pre approved for a home or a car loan.

According to Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) law one can have copy of their credit report annually with no strings attached and can have a duplicate of your credit report can signify the difference between you being accepted or turn down. It’s a good to check your credit report regularly for accuracy and fix it if required.

Errors and omissions can cause background check and security clearance hassles. It’s not unusual for credit reports to be inaccurate. One can have a credit report from anyone of three bureaus or at a time from all of the three companies. By getting your credit report you should be able to stay completely up to date with your credit score.

Anna Josephs is a freelance editor having experience of many years in writing articles and news releases on various topics related to health, automobile and social issues. Currently, she is working on To get more details on Credit Report, please visit . Please feel free to write feedback on this article. Anna Josephs can be contacted at

Terrorism – A Major Concern Worldwide

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Jul 032023

In an already insecure society dominated by crime, conflict and injustice, terrorism has a major impact on global level, having the ability to generate panic, chaos and destruction of indescribable proportions. Terrorism adds even more tensions between nations guided by territorial or political interests, increasing the risk of armed conflicts both regionally and globally. Although the major political powers of today are struggling to solution any emerging disputes peacefully, on diplomatic ways, elaborately and carefully planned terrorist acts can even trigger a new World War if they are not timely anticipated and neutralized.

With so many terrorist attacks of major impact that have taken place in various corners of the world during the last decades, governments are constantly trying to develop more effective means of discouraging, preventing and overcoming such events. Government authorities worldwide have properly mobilized against such acts and are ready to intervene in case of emergency. With the help of experienced, properly trained teams of professionals, as well as new technologies and equipments, the nations exposed to the highest risk of becoming the target of terrorist attacks declare to be prepared to deal with a wide variety of scenarios.

In order to successfully predict terrorist attacks, countries from many corners of the world have joined forces in an attempt to gather data regarding the existing sources of terrorism, their origins and their distinctive traits. The authors of terrorist acts are most often fanatics driven by extreme religious, philosophic or politic beliefs, aiming to generate mass hysteria, conflicts and insecurity. Terrorist attacks can be either random (poorly organized but more difficult to predict, they are often planned by small, anonymous terrorist groups) or carefully planned (elaborately developed, having a well established goal but being easier to predict and neutralize, such acts are often carried away by declared terrorist networks). Regardless of their nature and radical beliefs, terrorist groups are undoubtedly powered by diabolic minds that seek to impose their conceptions through fear, panic and inhuman acts.

While some government authorities primarily aim to accumulate data on past terrorist acts and identify valuable leads for investigations, others work to annihilate suspected or declared terrorist groups and networks. Considering that even a poorly planned and organized terrorist attack of small proportions can take many innocent lives, cause substantial material damage and generate global panic, government authorities are nowadays focusing on forecasting such inhuman acts and catching their authors unharmed in order to provide the government with valuable information needed for dismantling larger terrorist networks. Government representatives inform that the fight against terrorism is on, and assures us that in the near future the world will become a safer and a more secure place, free from terrorist attacks, innocent victims, fear and destruction.

Credit Card Debt Consolidation: When That Little Piece Of Plastic Turns Nasty!

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Jul 022023

Though we may all be vary of the little plastic cards in our wallets, using it has gradually become our best reflex action. No one’s complaining, since a credit card is convenient to carry, easier to use and useful when you fall short of cash. Imagine carrying cash in huge bundles, counting hundreds of notes when making a large payment or getting robbed. Additionally, what when you need to make an emergency purchase and don’t have the requisite money? … A credit card surely saves us a lot of trouble and makes payments much easier. A credit card is nothing but temporary money!

Owning a credit card today is more of a trend and less of a necessity. A credit card is used everywhere – in restaurants, banks, hospitals, educational institutions and in all regular shopping malls. It is ideal when it comes to making large payments. However, it can turn into a total menace when you’ve got too many of them…

Borrowing money from a bank, a financial institution or even a friend is never free; same is the case with credit cards. When we take money on credit i.e. on a credit card, we borrow money from a bank (or from a financial institution). While returning this money however, in addition to the basic amount borrowed, we are also charged interest that is usually quite exorbitant. This is why paying up a single credit card bill can extract quite a large part of your savings. Now imagine paying up several such credit card bills when you’ve got a bunch of them to deal with. Repaying many credit card bills, each with huge interest rates –different interest rates, different due dates, made out to different lenders, can get out of hand – not only financially but also with regard to it’s management. Here is where Credit Card Debt Consolidation fits perfectly.

Credit Card Debt Consolidation is a simple method. First, all your credit card dues are merged into a single unpaid amount. Here, the credit card holder takes a new consolidation loan of an amount more or less equal to the total credit card debt. The money availed from this Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loan is used to pay off the existing consolidated credit card debt immediately.

Credit card interest rates are huge, it therefore makes sense that the Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loan offer an interest rate much lower than that. This is why Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans have lower interest rates as compared to the very high interest rates charged on credit cards by the issuing companies. Only now, can the situation become affordable, manageable and logical to the borrower. Although with this kind of consolidation you are saved from those high penalties the credit card company levies, repayments must be made on time. A borrower can thus save a lot of money in the long run.

Another feature of Credit Card Debt Consolidation is that you no longer deal with your individual credit card companies. Now, instead of paying instalments to each of your lenders, the credit card holder pays instalments to only one lender – your Credit Card Debt Consolidation loan lender, who in turn deals with your prior lenders. Sometimes, he may also negotiate the interest rate or the total principal amount or even the loan term. You are now completely hassle free! I’m sure nothing can get better than that.

Some steps to make your credit card debt consolidation loan more effective:

•Planning a budget according to your income and sticking to it.
•Closing credit card accounts that you don’t use.
•Making cash purchases wherever possible or using debit cards.
•Transfer of balance to a credit card with the lowest interest rate.

Furthermore, Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans can be either secured or unsecured, i.e. with or without having to pledge collateral as guarantee against the borrowed amount. Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans are apt for homeowners, non-homeowners, employed and self-employed, etc. Bad credit, too, usually does not affect Secured Credit Card Debt Consolidation as the lender has already secured the loan with the borrower’s collateral. However, people with bad credit applying for Unsecured Credit Card Debt Consolidation requires a good track record. Portraying a sound repayment plan and a promising financial statement can get you the all you can ever want with Credit Card Debt Consolidation.

Barbados Travel Tips – Things You Must Know Before You Go

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Jul 012023

There are traveling secrets anywhere you travel. This article will tell you key travel you should know before traveling to Barbados. Don’t miss the travel tips at the end!

Barbados is a beautiful island and an excellent vacation spot. It is one of the best islands in the Caribbean.


The currency is Barbados is the Barbados dollar or the Bajan. It is 1.98 the US dollars. So basically $20 Barbados is about $10 US, give or take a little.

Cost of Goods

Items and services in Barbardos are not cheap. They are about the equivalent of items or services in the US.

A nice dinner for two with wine will run you $100 US. Souvenirs are $20 – $35 for t-shirts, $10-14 for towels, mugs, etc.

Natuarally, as it is almost anywhere you travel, the domestic goods are much cheaper than imported items.

Traveling To and From and While in Barbados

When you arrive in Barbados at the airport and claim your bags you will walk out of the terminal to buses, taxis and shuttle transport. It is best to pre-arrange a shuttle to and from your hotel. The taxi ride from the airport will run $20-60 depending on the distance to your hotel and size of taxi you require. The shuttle will charge for surfboard bags and some other large oversized items. Do not pay more than $5.

If you rent a car it will be about $50-60 per day. Don’t let anyone charge you more than that. If you are from the US and you are planning to rent a car while in Barbados keep in mind you will have to drive the car. This may sound simple but the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car and the cars drive on the wrong side of the rode. This takes a little getting used to but also serves as quite an adventure!


Barbados is a British colonized island and therefore embraces the British conservatism in dress. The dress during the day is casual, tropical travel beach attire. At night and for dinner the men wear pants and collared shirts and the ladies where dresses and skirts. Due to the weather it is best if they are lightweight materials.

The Barbadians, or Bajans as they are more commonly referred to on the island, dress business casual most of the time. In the city business dress is the norm for locals and there are many men in ties and even jackets.

When dressing to go shopping beach attire is not appropriate. Bathing suits and swim wear are reserved for beaches and beach bars.


There are some great restaurants in Barbados. The Cliff restaurant is one of the nicest restaurants on the island. The view, as you can imagine for the name, is gorgeous. The restaurant is located in the side of a cliff overlooking the ocean.

In St. Lawrence Gap, Bellini’s is great. It is right inside a cove with small boats and is amazing at sunset. The salmon is my favorite.

Most hotels will have a book of restaurants on the island in their lobby area or with the concierge desk. It will have a picture of the restaurant and the menu with prices. This is a great way to pick some places you would like to eat at during your stay.


There is a wide range of hotels to choose from. It all depends on how much you want to spend.


If you are looking for a bargain, try the Sandy Bay Beach Club. The hotel itself is nice enough, 3 star. But the staff is very friendly and helpful and the beach out front of the hotel is possibly the best on the island. It is all-inclusive so all meals, alcohol, gratuities and non-motorized sports activities are included. This makes it an excellent deal.

Breakfast and lunch are served buffet style and there is a snack bar for in-between times. Dinner is your choice of buffet style dinner or 5-course dinner in the dining room, reservations are required. They will tell you they are booked for the dining room when you ask but you can always get in. Just ask when you can come in and see if there has been a cancellation or if you can try coming at last seating which is at 8:30pm.

You can scuba, kayak and paddle boat and it is all included. Massage for an hour in the spa is only $65. For $5 you can have a giant umbrella staked in the sand by your lounge chairs. The activities center offer a $50 Turtle and Shipwreck snorkel trip. It is a great boat ride and a really reasonable cost.

If you try booking this hotel use and you may get an even better deal.


The Hilton is a gorgeous hotel located on a peninsula, so the view out of every window is crystal blue water.

This hotel has all the amenities, valet, room service, scuba excursions, restaurants, bars, spa, pool, children’s programs, everything you might need.

The rooms range from $450 – $1500 per night.

It is a beautiful hotel and if you have some money to spend on a nice vacation this is the resort to choose. You actually don’t even need to leave the hotel much. You have the views, pool, and beaches while having all the amenities of the hotel only steps away.


Sandy Lane Hotel is the place to stay if cost is not a concern. It is the site of Tiger Woods wedding and is breathtaking.

This hotel is stunning. It is by far the most luxurious hotel on the island. You name it and it’s done. Spa, golf, horse back riding, 5 star dining, concierge service, luxury sedan from the airport. They will have it or find it for you.

The children have a summer camp style center called the Tree House Club. It is a kids dream with arts and crafts, movies, pool time. It also always parents some alone time on the vacation. They also have a Den for teenagers to enjoy away from the parents and little ones.

Room rates range from $850 – 10,000 per night.


Snorkeling with the Turtles & Shipwreck

Catamaran and boat snorkel trips are offered all over the island. The Snorkel Turtle trip was nice but you may or may not see turtles in the water. Keep your eye out because you may see some from the boat.

The shipwreck snorkeling is beautiful. There are a ton of color fish and clear water. There is an old shipwreck and then a newer man made shipwreck where they sunk a party boat, not as authentic, but draws some exotic sea life.

Wild Life Reserve

If there is one thing you get out and do in Barbados go to the Wild Life Reserve. It is on the North end of the island and you can take the 4×4 Adventure Tour, taxi or rental car. It is $13 US admission cost and it is worth 3 times the price.

When you walk in there are large turtles everywhere. The reserve has no cages in the main area. Only the snakes, gigantic python and iguana’s are caged in a separate area. The monkeys, rabbits, and other wild life run free. The reserve is heavily shaded with rain forest looking trees and vines that hang and provide swinging tools for the monkey. You walk through the reserve on brick paths. There is even a crocodile in a pond, with high rock walls so it can’t escape.

It is a unique experience and something not to be missed.

Atlantis Submarine Excursion

If you choose to do the submarine excursion book this on They offer discounts including some two for one booking deals. That means $90 for two people instead of $180.

Other attractions on the island include a rum tasting tour, exploring caves, golfing and horseback riding.


– Check the weather before travel so you know how to pack

– Search to see if you have unclaimed money owed to you that can add extra money to your travel budget.

– Use travelers cheques. If they are lost or stolen they can usually be replaced within 24 hours, from virtually anywhere in the world by most banks, service establishments and by a large number of merchants

– Do not leave valuable in your hotel room or if you do opt for activating and using the safe in the closet.

– Do not call home from the hotel room. There are shops you can go in and dial from their computer, use a handset to talk and call home for $0.50 per minute. The hotel will charge you $5.00-35.00 to connect you and then $2.90-7.90 per minute! If you use your cell phone it may cost you $2-$5 per minute.

– Travel with great people and HAVE FUN!