Renting A Car In India- A Logical Decision

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Jun 082023

Every so often it is suitable having readily available auto, when and where one needs it, paying for its use only when one uses it, selecting from models of various sizes, makes and, not caring about maintenance troubles. Such traits make rental cars a popular mode of transportation. Many auto rental companies lend cars for hire to its customers. Several companies have their offices with wide networks covering airport areas, and all major cities. Some small auto rental companies have their business confined to their local neighborhood. Rent-a-car dealers have diverse classes of vehicles to offer to their customers, from economy, compact and mid-size to full-size four door luxury cars with air conditioning radio and auto- transmission and power steering.

In a country like India, car rental companies normally recommend 2 kinds of rates: one is the daily rate with a mileage charge, and a rate that includes free mileage, another rates per kilometer and the last one are the weekly rates, also, are available. One should always keep in mind that specific rates vary from city to city.

Often rates are also based on a round the clock duration with a one-hour grace period. In case if a tourist wants to keep the more than eight hours after this period, it could be quite less expensive in order to keep it another day, since hourly overtime charges may be high. At times there are rates such as weekend specials, which are only available during certain time periods. Thus the rate you pay may change in case if you keep the car ahead of that time.

Comparison of rates of different firms is also very important for picking up a right deal. Checking different plans offered by each company and finding out the most advantages is something everyone should do religiously. In order to find out which type is most beneficial for you, you must consider how long you will want the car and the approximate number of miles you plan to drive.

After that add up the cost both ways in order to find the plan that will save you the most of the money, still offer the services you need. In any comparison an important consideration is the cost and it is to just make sure that you are comparing similar types of cars, comparable insurance coverage and other personal considerations including drop-off rights. Therefore, it is always a good idea to be cautious and to confirm out any company that advertises a rate that appears to be idealistically less.

Art Master Mirek Klabal: your guide to buy the art masterpieces!

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Jun 072023

Art has different meanings for different people. But one thing is common for all; everyone loves and appreciates good art. Again good art also holds different meanings for different people. Well, it all boils down to individual choice and selection. So, if you want to buy a piece of art then you must know whom to approach. Yes, the art master is the best guide for you in this matter. Mirek Klabal is a New York based art master and dealer who has been helping people by showcasing the best art and helping them in buying them.

The art world is infested with fraud art masters and this is exactly why you have to make a proper selection when looking for a reputable and knowledgeable art master. So ask many questions about the art dealer before you set about buying a piece of art from the dealer. Dealing with Mirek Klabal means that you are tension free during every step related to the purchasing of art.

Mirek Klabal has art galleries located in New York, which has a huge collection of art masterpieces. If you are looking for Chagall, then Mirek Klabal has a huge collection from which you can buy. He has a huge collection and so you must be wondering why on earth someone would share his or her collection of Chagall. Well this is where Klabal is different and way ahead form all the other art maters and dealers who are working as art dealers.

Klabal firmly believes that sharing things with others, whether its art or any other thing, is a source of great joy. He is one person who believes in really doing what he feels, not like other art dealers who say great things buy fall shy of actually executing it. Just make sure that you make a wise choice and do not fall prey to fraud art masters and dealers while buying a piece of art.

You must be very careful when buying Chagall or any other art masterpieces due to the presence of a large number of fake art pieces. Well, it is so easy to get duped if you do not posses proper knowledge about the art masterpiece that you are purchasing. You may think that you have made a great bargain and deal only to find that the piece of art is absolute fake. Leaving aside the monetary loss, you will feel cheated and hurt if you do not get the original piece of work done by your favorite artist, so take great caution beforehand.

Art master Mirek Klabal is a great source for you to go to buy the kind of art that you have always wanted to possess. Mirek Klabal works in conjunction with different art dealers and mostly works towards selling masterpiece art to customers. He is a great person to go to get advice from about whether or not another art dealer is a fraud.

Cash Back Credit Cards Offer Equal Benefits

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Jun 062023

Cash back credit cards are becoming more common as more and more merchants and retailers accept credit cards as a form of payment. Although cash back cards might seem like an altruistic move by card issuers, the reality is that these cards generate significant profits for them. But the truth is that these cards also provide the significant opportunity for cash back rewards and rebates, offering potentially equal benefits for all parties involved.

Thanks to the growing resurgence in online business (and thus the growing resurgence in online credit card transactions), the market is seeing a variety of new, individualized credit cards unprecedented in history. And, in keeping with the online retailing trend, one of the most prevalent of the new credit cards is the cash back credit card. Cash back credit cards work on a very simple principle: when you shop–using your cash back credit card–at certain targeted retailers or stores, a portion of the money you spend comes back to you, either in the form of a credit to your account or a check (or in some cases a gift certificate to a particular retailer.) Although the rewards are fairly small, the money you get at the end of the year amounts in some ways to a free gift from the credit card company: a way of saying “thanks”. How generous the card issuer is, right–altruistic, even?

It’s a bit more complex than that. Cash back credit cards can only function as a promotional mechanism for the card issuer and can only offer them as an incentive for increased purchase activity. You might think that the company just doles out these rewards from the money that cardholders inject into the company in the form of monthly interest, annual fees, and such, or simply from the credit card company’s cash reserves. But that’s not usually the case. The money that returns to you when you use a cash back credit card at a retailer wasn’t originally your money, or the credit card company’s money. It comes out of the retailers and merchants pocket where your transactions occur.

If you’ve ever had a credit card turned down at a restaurant or retailer because they don’t take your particular credit card, here’s why: in order to process credit card transactions, retailers pay a small percentage of the purchase amount as a fee that is payable to the credit card company. These fees are a significant profit center for the card issuers who have figured out how to co-op increased purchase activity be sharing a percentage of the merchants transaction costs with the cardholders. Ingenious, isn’t it?

If a credit card company has a cash back credit card that offers 5% of your money back on all gas purchases, you have a real incentive to buy gas from your local station more often and to buy it on credit. This means that the credit card company benefits, first because you’re using their services more often (and thus accruing higher balances), and second because every time you use your card at a gas station, the station pays right along side you.

However, this is not a bad deal for the gas station, either, since more cardholders are frequenting their station and buying more gas, only a percentage of the price of which goes to the credit card companies. This means that they’re more likely to deal with that particular credit card company, since doing so is now a powerful source of revenue for them (as well as a slightly more powerful source of expense.) And finally, once cardholders get their cash back, guess where they’ll probably take at least a portion of it, using the freshly-added credit on their cash back cards?

It’s a clever, yet symbiotic relationship. But everyone in the cash back credit card circle seems to benefit. The credit card company and the gas station generate more business, and the individual cardholder gets essentially a discount on purchases in the form of cash rebates or rewards. While the cost of these programs for card issuers will likely increase as more cardholders begin to understand and utilize these card products more effectively for their personal gain, the popularity of cash back credit cards with consumers is not likely to wane anytime soon. While not entirely altruistic, for everyone in the cash back benefit loop, cash back cards still make sense.

How the Internet Revolution Impacted the Evolution of Office Supplies

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Jun 052023

Just a few short decades ago, the term “office supplies” referred to any generic supplies used on a regular basis in an office/business environment, such as paperclips, pens and staples. Maybe you’d be able to find a few desks and chairs hanging around to catch the eye of discerning customers. You could walk down the block to your neighborhood shop and pick up some packing tape and a few rolls of paper for your adding machine. But now, “office supplies” refers to an entire genre of products including a wide assortment of desks, fax machines and personal computers, including any and all well-known accessories, plus dozens that you’ve probably never even heard of.

Office supply stores have also taken on the role of meeting supply stores, offering visual and audible devices such as CD and DVD players, plasma and LCD televisions, as well as combinations of any of the above. Multi-media projectors and dry erase boards make it easy to show your assembled group your plans and ideas for the future while integrating their ideas into the mix.

So what exactly caused the expansion of the office supply industry? Superstores began popping up around the globe, offering a variety of products never seen in the neighborhood shops, but were seriously lacking the personalized customer service that the smaller stores became known for. In order for the neighborhood stores to keep up, they had to venture into the unknown waters of the extended office supply industry, including software, printers and fax machines.

Next came the Internet revolution, making the biggest impact to date on the entire office supply industry. Not only can you purchase every possible office supply, both in the traditional and modern genres, but also you can do it without ever having to leave your home or office. Personal service also came back into the limelight.

Of course, with the many positives that the World Wide Web has brought with it, there are just as many negatives. First and foremost are the threats of identity theft and other security issues, like someone gaining access to your credit card or bank accounts. In order to protect yourself and your finances, be sure that your online office supply shop is a secure site, proudly displaying a security seal for potential customers to see and feel safe while shopping.

Another negative of e-commerce websites are the shipping and handling charges that can significantly add to the cost of your office supplies. While the shipping charges will usually reflect a nominal fee, the handling fees can be outrageous for doing nothing more than sending a package through the post. Free shipping for a minimum purchase, typically no more than £40.00, will assure you that your internet shopping purchase remains the great deal that you originally found.

MLM Training – The Secret to Being an MLM “Natural”

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Jun 042023

Saying the right thing at the right time with prospects can either make you a lot of money or cause you to lose money in your network marketing business. Continue reading to learn the MLM training techniques I teach my downline of 56,000 people so they know how to become a “natural” when talking with prospects.

In this article I am going to take your MLM training to the next level when it comes to effectively communicating with your prospects. That next level is for it to become “natural” to you as you speak with people about your MLM business opportunity.

There are several definitions for the word natural and it is very important that you know which natural I’m referring to.

1. Not acquired; inherent; born with. THIS IS NOT THE NATURAL I’M TALKING ABOUT.

2. Free from artificiality, or inhibitions. THIS IS THE CORRECT ONE.

Definition one is referring to something that one is born with such as blue eyes, seven feet tall, etc.

Definition two is that you can rattle off your address without thinking about it. Natural, as in the way you know a favorite song. Or something you’ve said or sung many times.

Okay – so how is it you know your address? My guess is, you moved in, you got your address and you had to do an address change with the post office. You pulled out the piece of paper your new address was written on and you reference it several times to make sure you wrote your new address correctly. Then you wrote it on a FedEx envelope and remembered it all accept the zip code – hmm, is it 92105 or 92150? You find out and now you have it.
If you never wrote it again you’d perhaps forget it again, but if you use it frequently you “just know it” – and you are certain you know it.

By the way…how is it that you know that the name goes on the first line, street address on the second and city, state, zip on the third line? That’s the formula it goes in…right?

For inviting, to be natural and sound natural you must smoothly and correctly transition from one part of the “Inviting Formula” to the next. By the way, the “Inviting Formula” is taught in great detail in a CD set I authored called “Professional Inviter,” but for reference in this article the Inviting Formula is:

Handle any Questions/Objections
Close to Action
Follow-up or Follow through

So when you’re talking about your MLM business or a product you offer, the trick to being a “natural” is to know exactly when to transition to the next step in the “Inviting Formula.” Like from Greeting to Qualify.

When you don’t greet long enough, you don’t get a prospect who will give you their need/want. Greet too long and your prospect feels you’re wasting his time and will hastily get off the phone with you.

You have to recognize the exact moment when the prospect qualifies for your MLM business opportunity. Example: When the prospect says, “I’m sort of sick working for someone else.” When I hear this I know they qualify to be in my business.

Or, if you’re listening to see if the prospect qualifies for your MLM business and the prospect says, “I don’t remember signing up for anything; why are you calling me !$&+$!” – then I know they just disqualified themselves from being in my network marketing business.

To truly be an MLM natural, you have to know the rest of the Inviting Formula and know when to make the transitions, but the good news is that the others are much easier to recognize compared to “Greet” and “Qualify.”

If you can master learning when to transition for “Greet” and “Qualify” you will really be able to tell a difference in your ability to have meaningful conversations with prospects about both your network marketing business or your products or services.

So just how do you get good at these transitions?

Two ways I know of:

1) Invite over and over until you can “sense” it. Like letting the clutch out on your car – the first few times are rough. I recommend you drill the “Invite” for MLM business prospects and then drill the “Invite” separately for product or service sales. I don’t recommend you invite your prospect to look at your business and your product/service in the same conversation.

2) Another way is to listen to someone else do it and then model what they do because very often prospect’s responses are similar.

To help you learn how to make the transitions and what to listen for I have provided some sample transitions below, along with each step of the Inviting Formula. These are transitions I especially listen for when I’m trying to determine if the person qualifies as an MLM business prospect.

1) Greet – Get someone who will talk freely and openly to you.

Example transition: “Yeah, I requested more information because I’m looking to open my own business and I’m just looking around to see what’s out there.”

2) Qualify – Find out their needs/wants/don’t-wants (as it relates to you business).

Example transition: “Well, I just know there’s more out there. I’m sort of sick of working for someone else. I just want to be able to enjoy my life without always having to punch the clock.”

3) Invite – Based on relevant information gathered in Qualify.

Your prospect doesn’t have to give you any information here. But, depending on how they respond to your invite will decide if you move straight to “Close to Action” or if you do Step 4.

4) Handle any Questions/Objections – Handle the things that are stopping them from getting what they’ve stated they need/want/don’t-want. Remember, your business or product/service MUST be a solution to the person’s need/want/don’t-want.

Example transitions: After you’ve handled an objection and they use words like, “Yeah, I can see that.” “Yeah, that makes sense.” “Hmm, I’ve never thought of it that way.” “Well, it’s really not a big deal to me…I’ve just heard that.”

5) Close to Action – Create agreeable steps to move them towards getting them what they’ve stated they need/want/don’t-want.

Example transitions: Anything that indicates they need to get off the phone. “I need to be hitting the sack.” A child trying to talk to them. “It’s been good talking to you.”

6) Follow-up – Re-contact them to determine their interest level as it pertains to your MLM business or product/service.

Example transitions: Anytime they suggest that they can’t talk right now. Or if you’ve closed to action. “Now’s not a good time.” “You’ve caught me at a bad time.”

Doing The Math on Credit Card Rewards

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Jun 032023

With the increasing popularity of credit cards in America, it’s no surprise that credit card companies and banks continue to flood the market with all manner of cards–rewards credit cards, cash back credit cards, 0% APR credit cards–all in an effort to appeal to as many potential cardholders as possible by offering a wide variety of incentives for use. The major problem with the strategy, however, is that there’s often little explanation of exactly how credit card rewards work in their respective programs: what’s the difference, for example, between cash back cards and rewards credit cards? And which card will, in the end, save you more? The variety and sheer number of rewards programs leaves some potential cardholders confused about the actual market value of their “points” values.

The most prevalent credit card rewards plans out there today fall into two different categories — percentage-based rewards and points-based systems. The former offers a percentage of your money back on purchases in certain targeted categories, most commonly gas, travel, and in some cases entertainment. The latter offers a series of “points” for all purchases made, which can eventually be redeemed for reimbursements on various expenses, most commonly travel. The percentage rewards plans are fairly straightforward (except for a few obscure snags, such as how your cash actually gets back to you and how much you can earn in any given year through credit card rewards), but in the case of “points”, it’s often difficult to determine exactly what you’re getting for your purchases using a points-based rewards credit card.

But in the end, it all comes down to the numbers, specifically the math formula used to calculate the rewards. A good percentage-based rewards credit card will offer anywhere from 3-5% back on targeted purchases (again, commonly gas and travel.) If you spend $1,000 at the pump in a given year (which, with current gas prices, is a pretty low amount to spend on gas in a year), you’ll earn $50 back in rewards at a 5% rate. For a year’s worth of gas purchases, $50 isn’t a huge amount of money, but it’ll fill you up twice and it’s certainly better than nothing.

Compare this to “points” systems. One points system (from Chase’s Free Cash Rewards Visa) offers a rewards rate of 2,500 points for $25, with one point earned for every dollar of purchases. That’s only a 1% rate of return on the money you put into the card. Certain airline credit cards offer a slightly better deal, such as American Express’s Blue Sky, which allows you to redeem points (again, one dollar per point) in 7,500 increments for a $100 reimbursement on travel expenses, meaning about a 1.3% rate of return. Again, even a low rate of return can help to offset any expenses you may incur, and can make certain purchases essentially free. But 1.3% versus 5% — you do the math.

On non-targeted purchases, points systems and percentage rewards credit cards even out, since most percentage reward cards offer a 1% rate of return on the majority of non-targeted purchases you make. And the “points” cards can offer a few incentives that a percentage rewards credit card can’t, such as bonus points on sign-up, anywhere from 1,000 to 15,000 and up (depending on the value of a given points system, of course.) But, assuming that you frequently purchase the targeted items on a percentage rewards credit card (and who doesn’t make frequent gas, travel, and entertainment purchases?), you’ve got a slight edge with percentage-based rewards programs.

Check all of the fine print and consider your specific purchasing needs, of course, but remember one of the first rules of finance: when dealing with credit card rewards, always look at the long term and make sure to do the math.

Specific vs. Generic Airline Miles Credit Cards

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Jun 022023

Many potential cardholders are confused about the differences between the variety of airline miles credit cards available today. Miles credit cards can be divided into two mostly neat categories: airline-specific cards and generic cards. Each set has its own advantages, but it’s often advisable for a frequent traveler to go with a specific card, and a less-frequent traveler to go with a generic card, in order to minimize interest fees and to maximize earned mileage of the former, and in the latter case to have the flexibility to search for the least expensive flights while still earning rewards.

Anyone who’s ever considered getting an airline mileage credit card has probably balked, at least once, at the massive number of options out there. Additionally confusing is the dual terminology at work in the airline industry: there are frequent-flier miles, yes, but how do those relate to miles credit cards? And where do “points” come in to the equation? It’s a bewildering array of terms, few of whose definitions are readily available, and the lack of clear explanations cause many people to just give up on mileage cards altogether. Which is a shame, because mileage cards–assuming that they’re properly and carefully used–can be an easy way to save money on travel expenses, up to and including free flights around the globe.

Most of the differences between the varieties of miles credit cards boil down to two basic categories: airline-specific mileage cards and generic mileage cards. The airline-specific mileage cards allow you to accrue mileage that often applies directly to a specific airline’s frequent flier program mileage (for example, American Airlines’ AAdvantage Cards from Citi apply miles directly to your AAdvantage account, one mile for every dollar spent), miles which can then be turned around into actual airline seats and in some cases a discount or outright free travel. The advantage of these is that occasionally flights can be cheaper through a “loyalty” miles card than without. JetBlue, in particular, offers the standard deal of about 25,000 Award Dollars (points) for one plane ticket, but offers a 3:1 point to dollars ratio when making travel arrangements exclusively with JetBlue, which is an extremely good deal in the mileage card world, assuming that you fly JetBlue on an exclusive basis.

The generic mileage cards, by contrast, allow you to redeem your miles on whatever airline you choose (assuming that they participate in that mileage card’s specific rewards program.) You won’t usually find loyalty deals here, but there are some additional benefits. For one, in some cases a generic mileage card can offer the cardholder a much wider array of hotels to stay at to accrue additional mileage points (another key in the miles credit card world.)

Knowing a little bit about the airline dynamics in your region is also helpful in making your decision, such as the predominate carrier in your region and the availability of domestic and international flights from your local airports. Even still, it may be a difficult choice. To help make that decision, consider the following. As a rule (and there are exceptions), airline-specific cards generally will charge cardholders a pretty hefty annual fee and tend to have a higher ongoing APR. Generic miles credit cards typically won’t stick you with an annual fee but also tend to have higher ongoing APR’s than traditional non-reward credit card offers.

So really, to ask which mileage card is right for you is to ask how frequently you travel, and how many travel expenses will start to show up on your budget. If you do a great deal of traveling, consider an airline-specific card. The annual fee is fixed, and as long as you pay down your balances every month, should not be much of a consideration because of the benefits that you will derive from the reward program. But if you’re a more infrequent traveler, go for the generic mileage card and shop around to find the best flight from whatever airline offers it. Chances are that if you take just one or two flights a year, the generic card offer is the better bet for you. You can plan ahead to find some excellent discount flights in advance while enjoying all of the potential travel rewards that airline miles credit cards have to offer.

How To Make The Most Out Of Your Low APR Credit Cards

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Jun 012023

You have decided that you need a new credit card and you already know that you want a low APR credit card. You have made a good choice, but you probably also know that there are quite a variety of cards available with that option. Here are some tips that will help you make the choice is best for you.

Choose As Low Of An APR As You Can Get

If you have a tendency to allow a balance to remain on the credit card, then you will need to acquire as low of an APR as you can get in a card. This feature alone can save you a lot of money over the life of the card – but will not save you nearly as much if you simply paid it off each month. Low APR credit cards will usually have an introductory offer of either 0% APR for up to 15 months, or, a very low APR for the life of the card.

Look For Balance Transfes Time Limits

In addition to the low APR, try to find a card that will give you 0% interest on balance transfers as well. As you look the various cards over, though, note that the time length on this option may not be the same as for the 0% APR. Some of these credit cards may only give you the benefit of a 3 month balance transfer period at 0% interest, but may give you up to 15 months 0% APR on your purchases, or vice versa. So, if you want to take advantage of both options, read the fine print carefully.

Another thing about balance transfers is that some companies definitely will limit the time as to when you can actually make the transfers. Some will only permit you to make a transfer to your new low APR credit card at the time you apply for the card with all details of what you are planning to transfer on the application itself. Other credit card companies will allow for balance transfers to made over the introductory time period, not making such a restriction.

Consider Your Own Needs

Part of getting the best deal on a low interest credit card depends on how you normally will use it. If you regularly pay off the monthly balance, then the interest rate is not that much of a concern. You will want to focus rather on the other benefits that are available. Here are some of the options that are more commonly offered.

•Travel Benefits

If you are a frequent traveler, then there are two ways you might be able to benefit. If you normally travel by air, then you will want to be able to get air miles benefits on your low APR credit card. These often come with bonus miles, some as high as 25,000, just for signing up and making your first purchase. Some card offers will give you the choice of using those miles to go toward your hotel room, meals, or other options. Other benefits include free gas rebates, a rebate toward the purchase of another car, and rewards if you travel by car.

•Cash Back Or Rewards

Some of the low APR credit cards currently available will provide a system where you can get a refund of a percentage of your purchases. These rewards allow you to get as much as a 5% reward for various types of purchases. The highest percentage cash back is typically for your purchases at the food, gas, and pharmacy stores. Most cards will offer a 1% up to 3% reward on all other purchases.

Another thing you need to look for is whether or not there are any annual fees. These vary from card to card but could go as high as $150 or more. If you do carry a balance on your credit card, this kind of fee could render the other potential benefits almost meaningless.