Jun 192023

Secured personal loan is the most common and popular loan in the financial market which provides financial assistance in fulfilling our personal desires. In other words, secured personal loan gives financial support to those who are willing to place collateral against the loan amount.

Secured personal loan can be used for any of the purposes:

•Buying a car

•Purchasing a house


•Debt consolidation

•Home improvements

•Wedding etc

Secured personal loan carries low rate of interest and flexible repayment period. The reason as to why the lender offer such low interest is that, collateral placed as security makes him secure in regard to any non repayment of the monthly installment. And, if in case we miss any monthly installment the lender has the legal right to seize the asset in order to realize his due payment.

In secured personal loan we can borrow an amount in respect to the equity present in the placed collateral. Equity can be defined as the value obtained by subtracting any previously debt taken against the asset from the market value of the asset. More the equity in the collateral will enable to borrow larger amount and too with competitive rate.

There is always a need to put an eye on the terms and conditions of the secured personal loan deal as a single unfavorable term can emerge as hurdle in making repayments.

It is advisable that we should not accept any offer without comparing it with other offers being made. And, comparison must be made on the basis of annual percentage rate. Here, annual percentage rate can be defined as the sum of rate of interest and cost of the loan. This annual percentage rate of loan is briefly explained in the loan quote which is provided by the lender at free of cost. Finally, that offer must be accepted which has minimum annual percentage rate.

It is true that bad credit scorer can avail secured personal loan but they will be required to pay high rate of interest as compared to good credit scorer but, now bad credit scorer can also avail loan on competitive rates through co-signer.

Using co-signer for availing secured personal loan implies taking advantage of good credit score of another person. In such loan deal co-signer becomes the guarantee, that, in case when the borrower is not able to meet repayments. In such case, co-signer will be held responsible for meeting all the repayments.

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