Affiliate Marketing – Ten Great Reasons To Jump On Board

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Apr 122023

When I first began my online business, I had no idea that I would eventually find myself making tons of money by selling other people’s products. In a nutshell, that’s what being an Affiliate Marketer is all about. Though there are dozens of great reasons to begin promoting affiliate products, here are my top 10…

Reason #1
No Product Development Costs – The cost to develop and produce a new product is expensive. Some products require tens of thousands of dollars in their initial stages – and that does not include all of the marketing costs! But you don’t need to worry about that as an affiliate.

Reason #2
Low Cost Set-up – Got a desk, Internet-connected computer and word-processing software? You’re in business! Most affiliate programs are FREE to join and there are no on going costs. This is truly a very inexpensive business to start.

Reason #3
No Geographic Limits on Distribution – Remember: you are doing business on the WORLD WIDE web. Your market reach is only limited by your ability to notify people of your product, NOT by fences, state lines, or borders of any kind.

Reason #4
Choose From Tens of Thousands of Products and Services – What can you find for sale online? That’s right…Everything! There are a number of affiliate networks available to choose from, so it’s easy to find products that are related to your current or planned web site.

Reason #5
No Merchant Account Required – Are you fearful of the administrative demands of running an online business? Forget about them! The merchant handles all payment processing, so you never have to lose sleep over charge backs, fraud or losing your merchant account. Plus you will never need to worry about collecting and storing names, addresses, credit card numbers – it’s all done for you!

Reason #6
No Inventory to Carry – As an affiliate marketer, you do not have to worry about storing boxes or cases of unused or unsold product in your garage. Your part of the money making equation is to bring the buyer and the seller together – that’s it! The only thing you need to store is the money in your bank account.

Reason #7
No Shipping Costs – You will never have to worry about buying packing supplies like boxes, styrofoam and tape. The cost and hassle to prepare and ship products to customers worldwide, which for some products can be quite expensive, belongs to the merchant, not you.

Reason #8
No Customer Concerns – One of the greatest aspects of being an affiliate marketer is that you will not need to deal with customer issues or complaints. If a customer has a problem with the product or service that they bought, they take that issue directly to the merchant – not to you.

Reason #9
Make Money While You Sleep – What other business allows you as a sole proprietor to keep your doors open and keep
making money even when you take breaks or after you go home
for the night? Once you have set up this type of business, it can literally run on its own. Vacations away from home? No problem, your online business can keep making automated sales for you, whether you’re there or not.

Reason #10
High Income Potential – With your own affiliate
business your income potential is limited only by your
desire, effort and imagination – not your boss. The amount that you earn will be proportional to what you put into your business – not your hourly scale or monthly salary. Many people are making 5 figures a month solely through affiliate marketing. Can we all expect to make that? Of course not, at least initially, BUT, we can expect to earn a good living.

That’s it for this article, ten simple reasons to become an affiliate marketer. Low start up costs, very few customer relation challenges and a HUGE potential to make you money is how I would sum up the 10 reasons. Now get out there and start marketing, you can thank me later! :-)

Rob Richards is a husband, dad, and internet marketer. He is also the editor of the MCA Network News, a bi-weekly Ezine which seeks to “Inform, Educate and Inspire” network marketers, whether new or seasoned, in their online business… and life.