About Agonizing Property Search

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Jan 082023

The property information in India is unorganised. Property search in India is probably the toughest in the world. The country and its wherewithal on the subject are quite unorganised. If you are looking for a property in the region of your choice in India you have no choice but to make time for travelling to reach the place, the area and the locality of your choice or your budget. You need to camp at the place for a few weeks and then return to it second, the third and a number of times before you can think of striking up a good deal.

There is no all-info-under-one-roof on properties in India. Well gone are the days when one would look for a physical place; now the portals do the job. There is no comprehensive portal on the subject so far. And one wonders how one can have a portal to meet every one’s diverse property needs.

The portal serves the property advertisers only and there surely cannot be all kinds of property advertisers. The individual property owners who are asked to submit their properties for sale India on Portals/ website and list free of cost make for a too small a community to serve the demand.

For instance I was looking for a small piece of agricultural land in the rural reaches of Kalimpong, the place I have always fancied to be living in since long for reasons of nature, traditional community life and most importantly for being untouched by the expanding tentacles of ‘apartmentinisation’ and ‘villaisation’ of India which is taking place just everywhere by the day.

I searched for my dream Kalimpong property on every big and small portal but to no avail. Then I came across on some portals some useful-looking contact details of property dealers who had advertised. I made a number calls to the Kalimpong property agents. I had had a standard response – we will let you know; please come down we will show you options. No one maintained any property record or could send you pictures on properties registered with them for sale.

The biggest category on property for sale mostly by the mushrooming builders is the flats. So if you are searching for flats in India you may find a deal. But if you are looking for some non-standard deal you have to visit the place number of times.