Debt Consolidation Loan – For Leading A Debt Free Life

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Oct 312022

That huge pile-up of debts has to be cleared now or you are inviting a financial trouble. How can you get rid of the debts? Well there is this proven and effective solution called debt consolidation loan that enables you to start fresh in life and gives an opportunity for learning from past mistakes.

Debt consolidation loan implies that you are availing a fresh loan of almost equal to the amount of debts. Through debt consolidation loan you can pay off debts in one go. But as the debt, even after paying them off, is in fact consolidated under the new lender, you are in fact still under debt. The advantage of debt consolidation loan is in replacing higher interest rate debts by the new lower interest rate loan so that your money towards the interest is saved and you are in a better position of paying off the loan.

So it is important that debt consolidation loan is taken at lower interest rate as compared to the rate on debts. For low rate, secured debt consolidation loan is preferred. On taking the loan against your property like home you can ensure greater amount also for clearing greater debts. The secured loan can conveniently be paid off in 5 to 30 years as suits to repaying capacity and saves money on monthly installments.

For clearing smaller debts, unsecured debt consolidation loan is the best suited. Tenants or non-homeowners and even homeowner are approved the loan without collateral. The interest rate is higher and so only when the rate has fallen in the market should the loan be taken. The repayment duration of the smaller loan is kept shorter for cutting the risks.

Do not worry about bad credit if you are opting for secured debt consolidation loan as the lender has your property as collateral. For unsecured loan however your present income and repaying capacity matters the most. Before applying to a lender compare different debt consolidation loan offers for suitable deal.

Internet Marketing Miracles (Part 1)

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Oct 302022

Part 1 : Viral Marketing

I. An Introduction About Hotmail As A Viral Marketing Example :

Hotmail was created by Sabeer Bhatia. Sabeer was born in Chandigarh, India, and did
his early schooling at the Jesuit School of St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School in Bangalore.

After a brief two year stint at the Birla Institute of Technology and Science in India,
he transferred to the California Institute of Technology where he received his Bachelor’s
Degree, and then went on to receive his Master’s Degree from Stanford University. He worked on portable computers for Apple Computer before becoming one of the original employees at Firepower Systems, where he worked on PPC based workstation computers.

Along with Apple Computer engineer Jack Smith, in 1995 he launched Hotmail, the first web-
based e-mail service. A year later it was sold to Microsoft for $400 million.

After the Hotmail acquisition, Bhatia worked at Microsoft for about a year and in April 1999, he left to start another venture, Arzoo Inc, which was shut down when the Dot-com bubble burst. In 2006 he relaunched Arzoo as a travel portal. Currently he has started a new
venture called

Hotmail allows each email users to invite others to get free email account. This campaign
is very effective as each new email user are given the authority to invite others to create
a new account with Hotmail. This concept allow Hotmail to create a database of few millions
in a short period of time.

II. About The Microsoft Acquisition Of Hotmail :

With daily addition of 60,000 subscribers then, Microsoft eyes Hotmail as a core resource
that could bring products and services faster. Microsoft initially offered $180 million
but Hotmail executives kept the cards on their chest. After a series of negotiations and
proposals from Microsoft negotiators, the deal was finally sealed for $400 million.

III. Viral Marketing As A Tool In The 21st Century Internet Marketing :

Viral Marketing is an internet based stealth marketing campaign being used in an offline
political and media coverage. Sometimes referred to as “word-of-mouth” and “refer-a-friend” marketing campaign, the use of internet defines new definition to this marketing. Blogs, forums or discussion boards being one of this, the mode of “virus” being transmitted is now more advance and dynamic. This new marketing phenomenon facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message in a geometric progression of 1,2,4,8,16… or in binary 1,10,100,1000,10000…. theory. This Euclid’s Theory is significant as it facilitates the receipt of message in a very fast, efficient and in a relatively low cost campaign. Is this effective as we thought it to be? It depends on a lot of factors. But if your product is digital, it definitely will go a long way. Visit the following domains to see how viral marketing works :


The above resources will give you valuable products that you can use and giveaway. Some are brandable while some you need to upgrade your membership to receive a premium service, hence, to make it more viral. But why are they giving the products, anyway?

1) To create list;
2) To profit from the affiliate links inside the ebook; and
3) To make money from branding rights associated with the ownership of the product.

You do the same thing, you give it away and your recipient will do the same thing. Some
product owners, however, are giving Private Label and Master Resell Rights to the giveaway product just to create list. See the process? It is never ending and given a right product,
you will definitely receive more eyeball.

IV. How is it differentiated from the multi-level marketing?

They have different concept. In multi-level marketing, you are offering a product through
downlines in a pay-per-sale concept. Whereas in viral marketing, your downlines are offering free product in a reward-per-lead concept. The reward is thru your opt-in leads generated from taking action. It is much easier to create downlines receiving free product than creating downlines selling products.

V. How To Optimize Effective Viral Marketing Campaign?

As an internet marketer, we should me mindful of the way we want our message be delivered
and executed. Do we need everybody to know about it? Is it a niche product or information
that should be sent to select niche target? What method should I use to send this message?
How do I send it? Should I use safelist? Should I join free-for-all ads campaigns? Etc, etc.
Effective use of viral marketing could be summarized as follows:

1) Give Value : Your product should give valuable information or direct benefits to your recipients. Ebook report titles like “How To Win Friend and Influence People”, “The Greatest Money-Making Secret In History” or “”The Death Of Adsense” offers good information enough. Also, make sure that the digital product is less than or at most 1MB capacity. Just recently, I receive an invitation to receive a free software and I jump to receive the offer, only to know that I have to download a 20MB software.What if your recipient is using dial-up to download the product? You need to consider all these factors.

2) Offer Incentive (when necessary) : If you are gathering a list for your database, it
should be transmitted in a digital form where the recipient could easily download the report
or ebook. You can create added value is an incentive, like giving bonus, lower price to the other promotions or by giving a pay-per-lead Mike Filsaime offered recently to his “Death Of Internet Marketing” campaign where he gave a $1 per lead incentive to whoever send him fresh opt-in lead. A new concept, indeed.

3) Make It Personal : The use of “personalized invitation letters” to bring your message
across should be formal and unbiased. Have you ever received an invitation addressed to you
as “Dear {first name}”? If you are not using an autoresponder you may have done this mistake and if you are not in anyone’s opt-in list, you may have received this invitation. If addressed in a general message board or open advertisements, it could better be presented in a “Dear Friend” or “Dear Fellow Marketer” approach.

4) Avoid Spam : To abide by the Can Spam Law, always send in a “double opt-in” form.

How to Payoff Your Debts with Debt Settlement

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Oct 292022

If you are behind on paying your debt, beside debt consolidation, there is another method to settle your debts with your creditors; this process is called Debt Settlement. Debt settlement or also know as debt negotiation, is a process of contacting your creditors and negotiating a lump sum to payoff you debts. Sometimes the negotiation is initiated by your creditors; they may send you a letter offering you with a settlement amount, most of time is less than 50% of you balance if you make the payment in full within 10 to 20 days.

Debt settlement can be the most economical option for you to get rid of your debt. But there are some drawbacks. This article will review the negotiate terms to payoff your debt using the debt settlement method and alert your on the debt settlement drawbacks.

How Negotiate Terms to Payoff Your Debt

You can do this yourself (DIY), but if you think you are no confidence in getting it done, you can also hire a professional debt negotiator (also know as arbitrator) to do it for you. Debt settlement with amount 50% or less than your balance is a common practice in the market as the settlement in full.

Debt settlement can save you the most money in interest and principal payment; but you need to have the money to make lump sum payoff of your debt. Thus, you need to determine your current financial affordability before choosing this option to payoff your debt.

One thing you should keep in mind is because you are negotiating with your creditors to outcome an agreement to settle your debt with some reduced amount. Some creditors will report that remaining amount as deficiency balance to the credit bureaus as a negative item and it will be noted at your credit report and impact your credit scores. Hence, if you can arrange a deal with your creditors so that they will NOT report the deficiency balance then that will be your best course of action; if not, your credit will suffer for 7 years.

Determining What You Can Afford

First of all, you need to determine your affordability to get the money for lump sum payoff of your debt. The common ways of getting this money are through saving, tax refunds, home equity loan, second mortgage or refinance your existing house & etc.

If you are planning to get the lump sum of money through a loan, you should analyze your ability to borrow the money and reviewing your repayment capability of your new loan, else you may drop into another debt trap later.

You may get the service from a professional debt negotiator to set up a payment plan for you and negotiate with your creditors once you have saved the money for the settlement.

Which debt to settle first?

Usually the best debts to settle first are the ones which charge higher interest rates, and that will make the most dramatic change in your monthly budget.

Choosing a professional debt negotiation service

Debt negotiation services have more resources and knowledge to help you get the best payoff for your debt. Selecting a reputable debt negotiation agency is important for you to get the best service out of it. Develop your own list on the potential debt negotiation agencies and check them with the Better Business Bureau at www. We recommend ADNS (Attorney Debt Negotiation Solutions) Services for debt settlement services because they offer a free consultation with a financial analyst.


Debt settlement can be the economical ways to get rid of your debts. But you need to analyze your ability to borrow or access money, as well as reviewing your debts, and the monthly payments you could afford, to see if settlement is right for you.

Empower Your Corporate Web Site with Bitrix Site Manager CMS

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Oct 282022

In a typical Web setup, simply adding a new page or category leads to manual, time-consuming re-linking of the entire site structure. Analyzing which channels bring the most visitors who ultimately become paying customers takes a great deal of time of a high-tech employee. When your company’s Web site grows to a certain size, or the number of visitors reaches levels that are too high to analyze with a free system that comes with your current Web setup, one almost inevitably starts thinking about automating things.

The solution is to use a content management system (also known as a CMS.) It’s practically the only way to go if you want to get full control over a complex Web site and its visitors. Setting up a modern CMS, such as Bitrix Site Manager, is an easy and intuitive process.

Choosing the right CMS, though, is a completely different matter. Modern programs have so many features that it gets hard not to drown in the huge multi-page listings that just name the features, let alone describe them. It’s easy to become lost in the technical jargon and pay more for features one might not even need right away.

Recognizing the complexity and responsibility that comes with such a decision, Bitrix makes the process of choosing the right CMS much easier by offering an easy upgrade path among all five editions of its renowned CMS system, the Bitrix Site Manager.

With Bitrix Site Manager, one can start small with the Start Edition. When the business outgrows basic needs, a seamless upgrade can empower the Web site with Standard, Professional, Small Business, or Enterprise editions, depending on the complexity of your Web site and your company’s need for e-commerce and interactive features such as customer surveys, blogs or forums.

Today’s content management systems are evolving rapidly, making use of modern technologies to further empower and simplify the process of managing a Web site’s content. When selecting a CMS, it’s very important to choose a vendor that updates their CMS on a regular basis. Bitrix developed the unique SiteUpdate Technology that greatly simplifies the process of downloading and installing new and updated modules. Updating is now a seamless and transparent process that does not interrupt the work of the company’s Web sites.

Recently, as an update to the Site Manager system, Bitrix released a new e-Learning module that enables users of certain editions to create online training courses that can also be used for testing and certifying specialists. Visitors to an e-Learning empowered Web site can take a course, verify their knowledge by passing self-tests, then take an exam and receive a certificate. For each user, the system maintains a grade book.

A comprehensive comparison between the different editions of Bitrix Site Manager is located at:

Bitrix, Inc. fully stands behind its products and offers a free, fully functional, time-limited trial download at: Try Bitrix Site Manager, and you’ll have no need to look any further!

Bridging Loans – For Instantly Owning a Property

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Oct 272022

You want to buy a residential or commercial property or you are a project developer and need to continue on the construction work, but you have a shortage of funds for a prompt buying of the property. You wish someone had lent money at the nick of the time. Well bridging loans are meant especially for the purpose of providing instant financial support for buying a property or for continual of the ongoing works.

Bridging loans are short term loans. Bridging loans are a financial arrangement till the time the borrower is able to sell old property at desired price or is able to have money from other sources. Being short term loans, bridging loans come at very high interest rate. But a relief for the borrower in paying back the loan is that he pays only interest till he is finally able to clear the principal amount in one go. This means the loan is never a burden on the borrower and principal amount can be conveniently returned back.

Bridging loans are approved against the borrower’s residential, commercial or semi commercial property. Even if there is mortgage in your property, you can apply for bridging loans as lender offer a second charge bridging loans. The loan amount approved depends on lot of factor like equity in collateral, financial standing and good credit history of the borrower. Lenders usually approve anywhere from £25000 to £1000000 as bridging loans.

People with arrears, payment defaults, CCJ’s should feel free for applying to bridging loan providers. With the security in place, lenders can approve the loan without incurring risks. But the property placed as collateral may be repossessed by the lender in case of non payment of the loan. There are numerous bridging loan providers in the market each having attractive package. For a beneficial deal, compare interest rate and condition and see if the lender has experience in providing loan for your kind of needs.

Motor Loans – Be A Proud Car Owner Without Financial Burden

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Oct 262022

If you dream of driving a car of your own, then a loan is inevitable if your pocket does not allow purchasing. You do not have to go through financial troubles and worries in sourcing the necessary funds. Motor loans are now available to all types of borrowers in a hassle free manner. Through motor loans you can buy a car or any type of vehicle. And your adverse credit is also well taken care of while you look around for motor loans.

For buying a car or any vehicle, you can choose from secured or unsecured motor loans as per your present requirements. In case you need greater loan and larger repayment duration, then secured motor loans are the best option. One huge advantage of secured motor loans is lower interest rate that will reduce monetary outgo per month on installments and the loan is less burden some. But you shall be offering your property like home as collateral to the lender. In most cases the deal papers of the car to be purchased serve the purpose of collateral. The borrower can loose the property if he defaults on payments.

Unlike the secured option, there are no risks for the borrowers in unsecured motor loans that are provided without collateral. Just adequate repayment capacity and good credit history are considered sufficient for unsecured motor loans approval. But the borrower shall have to pay a higher interest rate on unsecured motor loans and smaller amount is loaned for shorter repayment duration for cutting the risks.

Motor loans are equally provided with ease to bad credit borrowers having arrears, payment defaults, CCJ’s against them. Secured motor loans are approved to them without many enquiries but unsecured loan requires documents of income, employment and financial standing. With most of the borrowers labeled bad credit, now even loan to such people has become a good business. Compare motor loans lenders for interest rates prior to sealing the deal.

In Case of Urgent Cash Requirement Think of Availing Cash Loan

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Oct 252022

A cash loan is the loan, with which borrowers can avail cash before their payday. If you are short of cash before your payday or if you have urgent cash need, opting for a cash loan will be the best solution for you.

A cash loan is also known as “payday loans”, “paycheck loans” and “check loans”. This loan is available for a short period of time. Usually, this loan is given to meet short term monetary need. But if you want to avail this loan, you will have to fulfill the following criteria:

• Permanent employment

• Having a regular and recurring income

• Minimum income should be at least ₤1,000.

• Minimum age should be at least 18 year

• Borrowers must have a current and active checking account

With a cash loan, a borrower can borrow anything in between £100- £1000. But remember that on the basis of your monthly income and repayment capacity, your borrowed amount will be decided. However, this loan is obtainable for a short period of time. The repayment period of this loan varies within 14-18 days. Normally, borrowers pay off the amount after getting payday cheque. But one can extend this period up to one month, but for that he needs to pay some extra fee.

But you should be aware of the interest rate of a cash loan. Since, this loan is given for a short period of time; hence, lenders charge a high interest rate while offering a cash loan. So, borrowers are advised to negotiate with lenders in order to get a favorable interest rate. Apart from that, some initiatives will also help them in this regard. Shop for a better deal, it will assist you in getting a loan program with better terms and conditions. And if you are in urgency, go for online option, which is less time consuming and hassle free.

The Apprentice Mastercard Gift Card -for the CEOs of Tomorrow

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Oct 242022

The Apprentice MasterCard Gift card ( is one of the most novel gift ideas to have hit the market in recent years. The “The Apprentice with Donald Trump” MasterCard® Gift Card is issued by Legend Credit, Inc, which is a listed (LGMB.OB) public company in the US.

Legend Credit Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Legend Mobile Inc. The company has valuable experiencing in developing and marketing branded prepaid consumer payment cards.

The Apprentice card which is available in denominations of $25, $50, $100 can be used for payment transactions at millions of offline and online locations. The card carries the brand equity of MasterCard with it and offers its users the same benefits that are extended to all MasterCard holders.

The Apprentice card is available in denominations of $25.00, $50.00 and $100.00. The MasterCard® Gift Card is a Prepaid MasterCard® Debit Card that is honored at millions of locations. There are currently no known merchants within the U.S. or Canada where the card cannot be used.

The card makes a valuable gift for colleagues, friends, and employees who are in line for a performance-related reward. It is also a great way for parents to keep a check on the spending of their kids who are just coming out of their teens and who have still to grasp the concept of budgeting. The card does not carry a PIN and cannot be used as a debit card so there is a finite amount of money that your kids can spend. It is safer than cash and offers more flexibility than paper gift certificates or single merchant gift cards. You can also use this card to make split purchases along with another credit card but we suggest that you first check if the merchant has the capability to process split payments.

The carefully chosen denominations make it a handy card for use at snack bars, gas stations, supermarkets, etc. The card has a validity of one year and cannot be reloaded. Obtaining the card from is a breeze. There are no fees to be paid upon purchase or the reward program. You are not required to pay any maintenance fee for the first six months, after that there is a fee of only $2.95 per month. Throw in free operator assistance and automated telephone for US customers and you have the best deal in gift cards that you can hope for.

This MasterCard gift card is as secure as they come and you need not worry about unauthorized purchases so long as you have taken reasonable care in protecting your card.

Get Paid To Take Online Surveys and Make Money Quick

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Oct 232022

It is very possible to make money quick online, but only if you know how and where to do so. On the web many people look to earn some quick cash through paid surveys. This can easily be done but may take some time. If you are serious about making money online through paid surveys, you must know what you are doing.

Businesses spend over $250 billion dollars every year worldwide. A great deal of this mone is spent on advertising, but a huge amount is also spent on research. Companies need to know what people want, need, like, dislike, etc. to improve their own businesses and ultimatey make more money. An extremely popular way for these companies to get information is through hiring paid survey companies to get the research done. Your first goal must be to make a list of companies that are looking to pay you for your opinions.

Do a broad search on google, or any other search engine, for “paid online surveys” or “free paid surveys” and you will see a ton of companies and websites listed. Most of these sites will be offering you ways to get paid a lot of money for doing online surveys, but the truth is you won’t get more than $5-$15 for most surveys you’ll take. This will not get you rich quick and will take some time on your part.

The reason people still do paid online surveys knowing that they won’t get paid very much, is simple. You are getting paid to answer questions! So what if this won’t make you the next internet millionaire, but if you need some extra income, paid online surveys is a great way to do this in your spare time. Stay persistent and you will learn all of the ins and outs to this industry with some time, work hard and make money online in your spare time with paid surveys.

Its a good idea to sign up with a well known online survey database source. With a bit of research on these companies, you can learn how long htey have been in business and what other websites and users think about them. Think of these websites as paid survey wholesalers. They have contacted and put together huge lists of online survey companies who pay you for your opinions. These companies, such as Surveys for Income, can save you a great deal of time and get you started earning extra income immediately through paid surveys.

So you now know that you can make money quick through paid online surveys. Your success comes down to how much focus and effort you will put forth. The surveys are simple to do and can earn you a great additional income in your spare time.

Bad Credit Cash Loans – Tips for Ignoring Adverse Credentials

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Oct 222022

When you are shopping around for a cash loan to meet some urgency or regular payments, usually it is your bad credit that pinches the most. But that is not the case with especially designed bad credit cash loans. Bad credit cash loans are offered to people, especially salary earners, in a hassle free manner.

There are many reasons that a lender while offering cash loans can afford to ignore bad credit of the borrower. First of all the loan amount involved is very small of say up to £1000 and even smaller in most of the cases. Secondly bad credit cash loans amount is approved on the basis of what the borrower is earning per month. Bad credit cash loans are provided till time the borrower gets next paycheque and the loan is paid back through salary check it is enough to cut risks for the lenders. So, smaller amount and shorter repayment days of say two- three weeks cut the risks to facilitate for bad credit cash loans.

Another reason behind ignoring bad credit is that a cash loan comes at very high interest rate. The lender will not let go an opportunity for earning high interest in few days. Besides, high interest rate also ensures that the salaried person would be returning the loan in time for escaping enhanced interest rate. So the lender approves the loan without a hitch.

With all risks being remote, lenders approved bad credit cash loans instantly like any other cash loan. The loan amount comes in the borrower’s account in 24 hours of applying. Compare different bad credit cash loans interest rates for a suitable deal before approaching a lender. For instant approval apply to an online lender.

Bad credit cash loans are provided in a smooth manner to bad credit salaried people who earn a fixed salary per month. Bad credit in fact is not at all an impediment as risks for the lender are remote for host of reasons. Read the article for why lenders offer bad credit cash loans without a hitch.

Discounted Manchester Airport Parking Rates

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Oct 212022

A big part of flying is getting to and from the airport; there are many ways in doing so. Some options are cheaper and more convenient than others, however many travelers (Self Included) tend to procrastinate. We delay finalizing the small details when booking a trip away because we’ve been led to believe that in some instances when bookings are left to ‘last minute’ it yields greater discounts

It’s almost an irritation thinking about things such as parking especially when there are so many other pre-travel tasks. Your choice of transportation is most likely dependant on convenience, comfort, reliability and safety. As being one of the world biggest procrastinators (this might be an over exaggeration – but it rings true to me), I’ve come to discover that there are definitely greater benefits in pre-booking airport parking through a site called save-on-parking.

As Manchester airport flies to 75 destinations worldwide; it’s one of the largest airports in the UK outside of London. Convenience and hassle free traveling is what all regular travelers are looking for.

Cheap airport parking is now made available by save-on-parking it also provides services such as choices of on & off parking options which includes a meet and greets facility and free transfers to and from the airport.

The internet has become the world’s leading source of information. It’s provides us with a level of convenience that we, the consumer never before imagined. Nowadays there is no need to leave the comfort of your own home and queue for what you want. This allows us to shop for the best deal on unusual products and services such as airport parking to be no hassle.

Online parking aggregators such as save-on-parking, deal directly with car parking companies to secure the best deal for you. Many of the individual car park companies do not have their own websites and it would probably take a lot more work to attempt to make an additional saving booking directly than it would booking through an aggregator.

It seems most travelers, when traveling abroad follow the sun. Seeing as South Africa is listed as being one of the most traveled to destinations by UK citizens. Manchester airport now has flights directly to and from Cape Town and Durban.

My advice to you is take advantage of discounted airport parking rates (up to 30% on the turn up rate) when using save-on-parking. Cheap airport parking is now made available at one of the UK’s busiest airports.

For more information please visit