The Apprentice MasterCard Gift – for the CEOs of tomorrow

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Sep 192022

The Apprentice MasterCard Gift card is one of the most novel gift ideas to have hit the market in recent years. The “The Apprentice with Donald Trump” MasterCard® Gift Card is issued by Legend Credit, Inc, which is a listed (LGMB.OB ) public company in the US.

Legend Credit Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Legend Mobile Inc. The company has valuable experiencing in developing and marketing branded prepaid consumer payment cards.

The Apprentice card which is available in denominations of $25, $50, $100 can be used for payment transactions at millions of offline and online locations. The card carries the brand equity of MasterCard with it and offers its users the same benefits that are extended to all MasterCard holders.

The Apprentice card is available in denominations of $25.00, $50.00 and $100.00. The MasterCard® Gift Card is a Prepaid MasterCard® Debit Card that is honored at millions of locations. There are currently no known merchants within the U.S. or Canada where the card cannot be used.

The card makes a valuable gift for colleagues, friends, and employees who are in line for a performance-related reward. It is also a great way for parents to keep a check on the spending of their kids who are just coming out of their teens and who have still to grasp the concept of budgeting. The card does not carry a PIN and cannot be used as a debit card so there is a finite amount of money that your kids can spend. It is safer than cash and offers more flexibility than paper gift certificates or single merchant gift cards. You can also use this card to make split purchases along with another credit card but we suggest that you first check if the merchant has the capability to process split payments.

The carefully chosen denominations make it a handy card for use at snack bars, gas stations, supermarkets, etc. The card has a validity of one year and cannot be reloaded. Obtaining the card from is a breeze. There are no fees to be paid upon purchase or the reward program. You are not required to pay any maintenance fee for the first six months, after that there is a fee of only $2.95 per month. Throw in free operator assistance and automated telephone for US customers and you have the best deal in gift cards that you can hope for.

This MasterCard gift card is as secure as they come and you need not worry about unauthorized purchases so long as you have taken reasonable care in protecting your card.

How to Breathe Life into your Living Room

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Sep 182022

As the name suggests, a living room is where you spend most part of your daily routine life. The most important functions in a home like dining, recreating, entertaining guests and watching television etc., are all, usually, hosted by the living room. Therefore, it becomes all the more imperative that you maintain your living room and make it as good as possible with ideal decoration. Now, decoration may take the shape of arranging, re-arranging or buying new furniture for your living room. It may also take the shape of entirely re-doing the architecture of the living room. But this is a slightly expensive and long-term plan that may or may not work.

For the sake of brevity, this article will focus on dabbling with your furniture in order to breathe some life into your living room. The kind of furniture used in the living room depends a great deal on the requirements of the family. For instance, a home with kids may have entirely different needs while those with mostly grown ups in the family will value the grace and looks of Amish made furniture.

Fortunately, you don’t have to start from scratch in order to make your living room a living entity. The furniture already placed in your living room, if seems ugly, can be refurbished or even re-arranged to give a brand new look to the room. Living room can be compartmentalized by some strategic measures that may include separation by cabinets, shelves or even clever flooring and different paint patterns for the walls. The idea is to have optimum utilization of space in the living room.

You can also experiment with different types of furniture for different requirements. For instance, Amish furniture could be used to show your sense of appreciation towards craftsmanship. Remember, your living room also doubles up as the place to entertain your guests and business delegates. And carefully crafted Amish Oak furniture might just land you a lucrative long-term contract! Wicker furniture may also be used to lend variety in the living room. Plastic furniture is easier to handle.

Always leave some free space to allow your living room and other furniture to breathe and also not look cluttered. If you have lots of extra stuff and find it hard to store small items, the furniture items with storage units should be your first choice. Decorative items like lamps and photo-stand etc. must not occupy too much space. The motto is to beautify the room with as little articles as possible. The decorative items must be unique and not too many!

Leather sofas are always easy to maintain and also add the requisite gloss to the living room. The paint of the living room should not give out the feeling of gaudiness. Evergreen light colors should be used in the living room. All the experimentation should be done in other rooms of your home. Always keep your living room free from dirt by periodic cleaning and dusting. The stains on the furniture should be removed without delay. The stains may become permanent if not treated immediately. As far as possible, keep the kids away from the delicate items in your living room.

A living room is a window to your personality. It is up to you how your present your living room to the outside world and to your family members.

Contract Orange Mobile Phone – You Want More?

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Sep 172022

If you are a frequent traveler, visiting foreign countries, roaming charges hit you most. Similarly, if you are using your handset for chatting with your near and dear ones, sending messages or downloading games, ringing tones, video clips etc, eventually phone bills and downloading charges are the causes of worry. Pause! These are the matters of the past. Now online retailing shops in the UK are showered their blessings on the mobile phone users by offering various deals and tariff plans to minimize the services taxes. These deals are available only with the major network providers in the UK including Orange, Vodafone, T-Mobile, 3Mobile and lot more. But a majority of the users have showed their preference on contract orange mobile phone.

Orange, one of the best and highly reliable network providers in the UK has offered some special packages on contract mobile phone deal to all the major brands of handsets including Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Samsung, Siemens and many more. The online retailing shops are the storehouses of mobile phones and accessories and provide network from the service providers along with various mobile phone deals. Once you have purchased a handset on Orange network from the retailing site, you automatically enter into a contract with Orange for a period of 12-18 months. During your contract with Orange, you are entitled to get free roaming facility, free SMS, free SIM, 12 months free line rental, free mobile phone insurance, downloading charges will be subsidized, low tariff plans, free upgrade of mobile phone after a certain period, and many more exciting offers.

Infact, you are using a sort of mobile phone that features a mega pixel camera, music player, extraordinary messaging services, Bluetooth, Java, GPRS, EDGE, WAP etc which means that you are provided with a device that enables you to keep the world in you hand. For this, you need a service provider in order to apply these features at an affordable price. Hence, nothing is better than contract orange mobile phone. You can talk to your family residing in foreign with the availability of free roaming facility, you can send messages at a stretch, and you can download your favourite ringing tones, singing tones, games and applications in a much reasonable rate. Want you more? Contract orange mobile phone offers you free mobile handset of your preference, which means you will get all your dream-like facilities in absolutely free of cost or you have to pay a little amount.

Online mobile phone shops have made contract orange mobile phone in such a way that it can fulfill everyone’s desire to keep a mobile phone in the pocket. With the lowest churn rate, better margins that its competitors and manufacturer of fully loaded handheld devices, Orange has already made the UK, a hub of world’s mobile phones. Now with contract deal, Orange has made a place in the heart of the users.

Mobile Gadgets: New-age Technology Wonder

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Sep 162022

Is your monthly phone bill a cause of your worries of late? Opt for a contract deal providing you 12 months free line rental and enjoy a hassle-free mobile phone experience. Clinch the cheapest contract mobile phone deal and pep up your life with the best mobile phone.

Online shopping for mobile phones has its own benefits. First of all, you can compare and select your handset and the available deals by simply sitting comfortably at your home. Secondly, the online shops provide you a wide range of mobile handsets with specific features so that you can choose your handset according to your needs. Be it music, camera, Bluetooth, EDGE, TFT display, games, expandable memory card slot, Web browsing or messaging options, you can have them all in one mobile phone. The online mobile shops offer you the best power-packed handsets at unbelievably low prices and with special offers simply irresistible. So go for a 12 months free line rental deal and grab the latest gadget!

Login to an online mobile phone shop to get the latest updates on mobile technology and new mobile phone deals. Sign up for a 12 months contract term with any online shop and avail 12 months free line rental along with the handset of your choice. All the leading online mobile phone shops including, 3 Mobile, Dial-a-Phone and e2save provide you with a display of latest handsets available with the 12 months free line rental contract deal. Attractive tariff plans are offered by network service providers like Orange, Virgin, Vodafone and T-Mobile. The offers include cash backs, free gifts, free line rental, even free handset and lots more. Go through these packages available on the online mobile shops and grab one.

A 12 months free line rental deal assures you of all these benefits and a new mobile handset with no monthly payment for a 12 months contract period. Get your mobile phone today and enjoy the benefits.

Pay as you drive, the best car insurance deal

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Sep 142022

Pay As You Drive commonly known as PAYD, has set a revolution in the car insurance. You can now save money by driving less. Usually, the insurance trend is low mileage drivers receive minimal discounts for driving less. Not any more. With Pay As You Drive you get a financial incentive for driving less. It also reduces driving and congestion by 10 to 12% approximately.

It is an innovative concept related to car insurance which is calculated per mile you travel. PAYD links insurance polices to an odometer instead of just the date on the calendar. PAYD offers dual purpose, it provides opportunity to all drivers to save money and at the same time protect the environment.

Such PAYD insurance is more cost-effective and affordable as it gives every driver a greater control over his premiums. And low mileage drivers like a carpooler, low-wage earner etc. subsidize high mileage driver.

The technology that has revolutionized the car insurance is GPS(Global Positioning System). This enables to gauge monthly insurance premiums on the basis of where you drive and how often you drive. So the monthly premiums is based on the individual’s driving habits rather than others.

Take greater control over your premiums by settling down with a fair deal!

In addition to the above benefits, it allows you to have a volley of some in-car features. You gain access to your personal assistant with the help of 24/7 Assistance button which offers support in case of some inevitabilities such as an accident or a break down. A driver who gets covered under PAYD, also gets a 30 day free trial of a speed camera detection and a satellite navigation. On completion of this free trial period, you can purchase which ever best suited you.

PAYD resulted out of a research with which it was evident that low-mileage drivers are a large untapped market. Pay-as-you-drive insurance is as simple as buying gasoline. Drive less and Pay less. A driver covered under this insurance will get a per mile rate which is also based on other rating factors currently in vogue. It could be the geographic location, vehicle type and the driver’s crash history.

In some countries like Arizona, Indiana, Illinois and Pennsylvania, there’s a new mileage discount program which is designed in collaboration with both GMAC Insurance and Onstar vehicle service. All those drivers with a GM Vehicle and an OnStar service can earn an additional discount based on the miles they drive. The discount offered would be quite significant if the vehicle mileage is less.

From an environmentalist point of view such an insurance motivates one to drive less and thus reduce air pollution and other climate impacts.

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Business Contract Mobile Phone – The Best Business Deal

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Sep 132022

Undoubtedly, mobile phones have transformed our snail-paced lives into digital one. With their incredible and exceptional features like mega pixel cameras, video recorders, GPRS, EDGE, Bluetooth, WAP, MP3 players etc, mobile phones have really enforced you to keep pace with time. Of late, without a mobile phone you are in doomsday. With the emergence of online mobile phone shops and retailing sites in the UK, a person without a handset is a matter of the past. You can easily get your preferred handset at these retailing sites. The fact is that a mobile operator requires a flat phone bills for the services it provides to the users. The flat phone bills obstruct the users to use handsets and consequently the retailing sites have come up with some deals which have helped the users to get their desired handsets through any of these deals and simultaneously have enjoyed the services at affordable prices.

Business contract mobile phone is one such deal which has tied-up with all the service providers in the UK and provided attractive schemes to allure the customers. Whether it is Nokia N-series, the slim stylish Samsung slider phone or the music-maker Sony Ericsson, business mobile phone is a gateway for their cheap availability.

In business contract mobile phone, the user can enter into a contract with the service provider for a specific period and during which the user is offered with lucrative benefits like free talk time, free text messages and minutes, free photo bundles, free accessories, subsidized peak and off-peak call charges, cheap tariff plans and even free handset. With the increase in service providers, business contract mobile phone has offered different packages and gifts for each provider. This has increased competition among service providers to tempt the users to access their services.

Business contract mobile phone is basically devised for the business-users as they frequently use their handsets for the business purposes. The user can finalize his deal through mobile phone; send files and information to other party; talk to other business party in foreign land etc. All these require a colossal amount of money. As a result, business contract mobile phone can help the user by subsidizing call rates, providing free SMS for a particular period and free roaming facility. Furthermore, other users can also access business contract mobile phone deal which is available on online mobile phone shops.

Buying a mobile phone online is not an easy task as you can get confused by showing various mobile phone plans, offers and deals. Select a range of preferred handsets and multitude of cheap mobile phone deals offered by different networks. Subsequently, compare, search and purchase the best handset along with cheap mobile phone deal like business contract mobile phone.

Contract Mobile Phone Deal – The Right Choice To Limit Expenses

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Sep 122022

Undoubtedly, mobile phones embedded with the latest multimedia features are in vain if the users are not allowed to enjoy all the features effectively and at the same time access all the services at affordable prices. Consequently, in the UK, various online mobile shops in cooperation with the major service providers have come up with some deals which can fulfill the users’ expectations of handling the latest multimedia devices. Pay-as-you-go, pay monthly mobile phone, contract mobile phone etc are some of the deals that are trying to accomplish the growing demand. In this customer centric market, a majority of phone users are showing their preference for contract mobile phone deal.

Contract mobile phone deal is one of the most cost effective options for people who are in a habit of talking quite a lot with family and friends, sending messages or downloading miscellaneous mobile contents. The user purchasing a handset from an online mobile shop is provided with an opportunity to select a deal along with a network provider. Once the user selects contract mobile phone deal with a service provider, he at once enters into a contract with the service provider for a period of 12-18 months. During the tenure of contract, you can benefit from low call rates, free roaming, free SMS for a particular period, free 12 months line rental, free mobile phone insurance and even you are showered with free handset.

Undoubtedly, contract mobile phone deal is the most convenient way to avail a mobile phone now. The line rentals and tariff plans of contract mobile phone deal are quite affordable and cost effective. At the end of the contract period, one can easily switch to a higher plan. Furthermore, contract mobile phone deal is available on all the leading brands like Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, Motorola and many more. If you are a lover of Nokia N series mobile phones, don’t worry; you can easily access contract mobile phone deal with any N series device.

Online mobile shops and retailing sites have used contract mobile phone deal an instrument to enhance mobile phone users and simultaneously to provide the users with optimum level of satisfaction in terms of connectivity and network. If you want to spend your entire night talking, contract mobile phone is the best deal to get the ultimate pleasure of romance at the most subsidized rate. Even businessmen and office-goers have taken the advantages of contract mobile phone deal very effectively.

Undoubtedly, a great deal to rely on. You are benefited not only in terms of incentives offered and costs, but also in connectivity and network. Online mobile sites are the guidelines for the user to select a plan that can suit his requirements and life style.

Mobile phone deals

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Sep 112022

The use of mobiles in different areas of our lives is a well-established fact. And the easy availability of mobile phones has been one of the major factors influencing this trend. The circumstances are such that people wishing to purchase new and the latest handsets can now easily do so – what with interesting mobile phone deals and offers flooding the market.

In the UK, for instance, attractive deals on the latest mobile phones are being offered by many of the leading network service providers such as Three mobile, Orange mobile, Vodafone, Virgin and T mobile. Most of these mobile phone deals are part of contract agreements – for pre-specified periods of 12 months, 18 months or the like.

The tariff options are cost effective; the line rentals are affordable and anyone and everyone can now check out the range of innovative mobile handsets with attractive offers to cater to his or her specific needs and requirements.

Many people are realizing the benefits of using contract handsets and contract mobile phone deals. Some of the merits are mentioned below:

Cost effective mobile phone usage

Contract offers being devised on the latest handsets from Nokia, Samsung, Motorola and Sony Ericsson.

Provision of gifts such as insurance, free line rentals, etc. as part of several of the mobile phone deals.

A person can thus exercise his choice while purchasing a mobile phone. He can select a camera mobile or a music enabled handset or a 3g mobile phone depending on his personal whims and fancies. He can then choose the perfect mobile phone deal, depending on his talking habits, his budget and other behavioural and economic constraints.

He would then be able to maximize his welfare subject to certain conditions that are given – like the amount of money that he can spend; or the specific needs that he wants to meet with his handset.

Explore Your Digital Dreams with Latest Mobile Phones

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Sep 102022

Looking for an ultra-cool handset at the cheapest price? Then the cost-effective mobile phone deals are the right answer for you. Check out the numerous contract mobile phones available in the online market and select the best handset for you.

Mobile manufacturing giants like Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Motorola are concentrating on innovative technology and state-of-the-art style while producing the latest handsets. Now you can gain cutting-edge performance from the high-end features of your new handset. The latest gizmos possess a variety of swanky features ranging from high quality music player to instant Internet access. The latest Nokia phones are endowed with powerful mega pixel camera for advanced mobile photography. Enjoy superior quality musical experience with the Walkman players of Sony Ericsson mobiles. And what’s more, all the latest mobile phones integrate business as well as entertaining features. So you can get high-speed wireless connectivity, outstanding multimedia messaging, expandable memory card slot, fast download of interesting games and ring tones, and lots more. Find out a handset equipped with all these functions. And the mobile phone deal is just the icing on the cake!

Go for online shopping in order to get the best handset and the cheapest mobile phone deal available with it. Login to the top online mobile phone shops including, One Stop Phone Shop,, the Phone Spot and, and compare the new handsets along with the deals. All the online shops offer various mobile phone deals on selected handsets. Go through the list of contract mobile phones available on these shops. You can select your handset according to your requirements, along with the specific deal best suitable for you. The mobile phone deals can avail you free line rental, cash backs, free gifts and even free handset. Compare the deals and sign up for the best of all to enjoy add-on benefits along with the power-packed handset.

Mobile Phone Deals: Get the Best Out of Them

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Sep 092022

The invention of mobile phone is a boon to mankind. Mobile phones have transcended our lives to a new world-a world full of fun and excitement. Emergence of new companies has further helped in getting better services and deals in the entire mobile telephony sector. From kids to teenagers, from corporates to business tycoons, from bureaucrats to our grandfathers/grandmothers- everyone is using mobile phones. While some use mobile phones for the mere sake of communication, some others get attracted to mobile phones to satisfy their photographic and musical requirements.

The mobile phone market is very competitive. If one company launches a new model today, its competitor ( another company ) is very likely to come up with another model withing a few number of days. What is the outcome? From a buyer’s perspective, it’s beneficial. We get options to choose the handset of our choice-if one company’s particular handset misses out some of the features we need, we can head for another company. Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and LG are the major competitors in the worldwide mobile market today.

With the invention of the Internet, buying of mobile phones have become easier for us. There are several online mobile phone shops which are offering cheap and attractive mobile phone deals. Some of these online shops are e2save, mobilerainbow, dial-a-phone, phones2udirect, phoneboxdirect etc. These online shops offer different mobile phone deals like contract mobile phone deal, pay as you go mobile phone deal, sim free phones and 12 months free line rental contract deals.

If you opt for contract mobile phones you need to pay a security and then sign on a contract for 12-18 months. With your contract mobile phones, you get advantages like free handset, free line rentals, free minutes, free text messages, cash back offers and many more. 12 months free line rental contract deal is also a contract deal where you sign on a contract for12 months and reap several benefits. While in pay as you go mobile you only pay for what you use, in sim free mobile phones, you get ultimate freedom. You can easily choose a network provider of your choice. So, what are you are you waiting for? Go for a mobile phone deal today!

Debt Consolidation – Your First Step to Financial Responsibility

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Sep 082022

In today world, almost everyone owning at least one credit card and most of people owning more than one card. Credit card has enabled you to buy things with electronic money, what you need to do is just sign your signature on the credit card receipt. It has made your life so easy until you may not aware that you might over spending each month. If you not manage it probably, you may trap into credit card debt like most of Americans. According to statistics over 40% American families spend more money than they earn and the average American household has nearly $10,000 in credit card debt.

The worst case option for unbearable credit card debt is by declaring bankruptcy. But if you start to serious look at your debt problem and handling it properly, you will have a better option to get rid of credit card debt without the need of bankruptcy. Don’t choose this option unless you really need to do so, debt consolidation is always your better options.

Debt consolidation is simply the process of combining all accumulated debt from all the various creditors into one smaller, more manageable payment. It could be in the form of another credit card or some sort of loan but the best solution really boils down to what works best for you and your current situation.

Debt consolidation will enable you to organize your credit card debt, pay much less in interest and even drop a portion of your debt in some circumstances. Debt consolidation will combine all your debt in one manageable monthly payment with a single due date. With that, you only need to remember one payment due date, miss payment or late payment can be avoided. This will help you to rebuild your good credit records and eventually improve your credit ratings.

If you have home equity, you are lucky because your actually can opt for a home equity loan and use it to pay off your credit card debt. Home equity loan has a much lower interest rate and it can be spread over more years and the interest is tax deductible.

By consolidating your debt into one payment, your credit cards are now free and clear. At this time, your credit card will be back to maximum credit limit for you to use again. If you are not changing your spending behavior, you may trap into to another credit card debt. Hence, a good first step is to cancel most, if not all of your current credit cards. You may keep one for gas and groceries and another one for emergency backup purpose. Pay off your balance each month to develop a good credit rating.

In conclusion, don’t let your credit card debt goes into worse situation where bankruptcy is the only option. Start your first step to financial responsibility and look at your credit card debt seriously; consolidate them to one smaller and more manageable payment. Do a little research and find the best debt consolidation deal you can for your situation and then change your spending behavior so you can get rid of your credit card debt in a few years down the road.