Online Marketing Tactics Using Multimedia

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Mar 182022

Online Marketing Tactics Using Multimedia

Ah, multimedia as an Online Marketing Tactic. It’s a word that has grown so near and dear to my heart. Why, you ask? I think it’s because it’s not boring, it’s greatly interactive, and it take zero effort (usually) to enjoy it.

And strong online marketing tactics include this great interactive tool and ropes in your audience, getting them engaged in both the medium they are enjoying, AND your product.

Let’s go over just a few of the media we now easily, and inexpensively, have right at our mouse-tips.

Online Marketing Tactics Using Audio

First and foremost, everyone should be well aware that you can put some sort of
audio up on your site. I would say that’s probably the first and easiest way to give your product or website a human aspect.

If your visitors can hear your (or someone’s) voice, there’s just a connection that is made instantly. There are many different programs that you can use to create and save your audio files. I’ve found the easiest way to record and stream both audio and video is using

They let you either record or upload audio and video files to their server, and it streams from there! They give you a wide choice of buttons from which to place on your website. They also give you unlimited testimonial lines that let people call in and record testimonials for you to use on your site! You can even record teleconferences with their service! And at under $20 per month, it’s a pretty good deal.

Online Marketing Tactics Using Motion

The next, most basic thing you can add to your current site is a little motion. Now, try not to overdo it by adding an animated image that repeats over and over and over.

Sure, it’s motion, but after its first or second loop, it pretty much can get rather annoying. If you can, make your motion subtle and effective. I think a lot of the animation on websites nowadays looks dated (from several years back) and downright cheesy.

So, just choose your animations wisely.

Online Marketing Tactics Using Video

A great way to add video to your site, again, is to use Audio Acrobat. You can record yourself using their website and your video cam attached to your computer. Or if you have a digital movie camera, you can also upload your video file using their service as well.

There are many services that do stream your video for you, we just use Audio Acrobat, so that’s why I’m mentioning them so much! You can also stream it directly from your own web server, just be aware of your monthly bandwidth limits and plan accordingly.

Online Marketing Tactics Using Screen Capture

Another great type of video is a screen-capture movie. The best known is or Camtasia. This is a great program, and lets you record what you are doing on your screen. This is fantastic for tutorials on how to use your product, or how to buy your product!

You can also stick a little picture-in-picture in your tutorial of you talking directly to your prospect! Nice! And, better yet, it’s a great online marketing tactic to get them to trust you to buy your product or service!

So, how can you make your particular product and website more interactive using any of the online marketing tactics I’ve mentioned above?


Just start by adding one of the methods above near the top of your home page. Start with that. If you don’t have any way of knowing how many people have visited your website, then visit and get free stat counters on your pages so you can track how many visitors have come to your site and how long they’ve stayedÂ…etc.

You’ll be amazed.

The first step in creating an arsenal of “online marketing tactics” is to know what tools are out there for you to use. Once you get your feet wet with those, and you see the results, you’ll want to add more and more! I guarantee it!

Richard East