The Benefits of Free Credit Report

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Jan 202022

payments, late payments, defaults, credit billing information, and personal information. It is
important to have a look at this document even if you do not have any substantial credit history to
ensure that the report is accurate and does not misrepresent facts. Another reason for keeping a
check is the prevalence of identity theft.

The credit report is an important document in today’s credit based economy, when most of us
own/use not just one but many credit cards. It matters a lot when you go to take loans and home
mortgages. This is because the interest rates on these deals are influenced by the soundness of
your credit history and credit score.

A free credit report is easy to get hold of. Have a look at it and browse through all the sections carefully. Make sure your personal, biographical records are accurate. Find out if there is any error in reporting bill payments you made to credit card companies or credit companies. If there are old records of defaults and late payments, find out if these can be removed.

Check your credit score against the average national score. If it is low, find out if that may affect the interest rates you may be offered. Find out ways of improving the scores from people who deal with such issues.

The three major credit bureaus offer paid credit reports with credit scores and other related services. Visit their websites and learn more about managing your credit history.

Identity theft has emerged as a modern white-collar crime. The criminal makes use of your identity to take loans or even get a job, and alters your address for correspondence so that all relevant mail is redirected to some other address. Keeping watch on your credit report can help you identify purchases you never made.

For more information visit – government free credit report

The author is a freelance writer and associated with

How to Manage your Diabetes Properly

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Jan 192022

What if you are diagnosed with diabetes? Are you going to stay indoors and just inject yourself with insulin everyday? Maybe you need to understand the facts about diabetes and accept it wholeheartedly so that it can’t be a heavy burden in your part.

There are no other alternative for you to eradicate the presence of diabetes in your body once you have been diagnosed with it. You must learn how to deal with the disease because it can certainly kill you once you do not have a proper diabetes diet included in your everyday food intake.

Eating the right kind of food and living a healthy lifestyle is the best arsenal that you have to fight diabetes. If you are still groping in the dark on how you can have the right diabetes diet, take a look in the proceeding sections:

• Have a regular check of your everyday meal and their nutrients. Remember that your main goal is to avoid all the sugar that you are not allowed to eat. Include in your everyday meal the right amount of healthy foods so that you are right on track of staying healthy in spite of the disease.

• Be careful and always check your sugar intake. If you have alternates for sugar-rich foods, then go for it. There are different kinds of sugar replacements in the market, especially if you are planning to bake some cakes and cookies. You can utilize these sugar-free products for your baking purposes. It also tastes delicious and you will enjoy whatever you baked for yourself and at the same time maintaining a good blood sugar level.

• The amount of food intake is also important because it can have positive or negative impact in your diet and health. You can seek some suggestions from a physician of how much food you should eat everyday.

As long as you follow the right diet for you, them you will stay healthy for the rest of your life.

How To Make Money With Resell Rights

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Jan 182022

Acquiring resell rights to products can be an easy and inexpensive way to start an Internet business. Basically you are able to purchase a product once and then sell it over and over. Before venturing into buying products with resell rights there are some things you should know.

Resell rights come in many forms and sizes. They can come in large packages with many products bundled together and offered for an almost suspiciously low price. Or they can be offered on a single product for a four-figure sum. There are also different types of rights offered allowing you to do different things.

Basic resell rights only give you the right to sell the product. You cannot claim the product is your own and you do not have permission to offer the resell rights to anyone else. Basic resell rights are usually the cheapest, so it may be easier to make a profit. Check the terms for how much you can charge for the product or if it can be given away, perhaps as a bonus with something else. There may also be conditions for distributing the product from membership and auction sites. If you are buying rights to software make sure you know the product well enough to deal with any troubleshooting enquiries. Some software rights sellers are prepared to deal with enquiries themselves. The product may also come with a web sales page that you can use, but check for any restrictions.

Master resell rights often include a web page with the product. They give you the right to sell the product and you can also pass on this right to your customers. However that is as far as it goes. Your customers cannot give the resell rights for the product to their customers. The best master resell rights packages will include a zip file containing
everything you need to put on your download page.

There are two types of resell rights that may be referred to as private label rights. One type is where you are given the resell rights for a finished product and you are also allowed to put your name on the product as the author. This type of product is a ready-to-sell information or software product. You cannot change it other than put your name on it.

The second type of private label rights is also known as source code rights. The product is not a finished ready-to-sell item. Instead it will be the raw source material that you can use to produce a finished item. Programs will be in the source code format; information products will be in a word processor format, like MS Word.

You can change the product in any way you want. You can add your name as author, add more content, omit parts or split it into several products. You may also be able to sell resell rights and even master resell rights. Terms and conditions should be posted, so check them carefully. Most private label rights packages also come with a web page and graphics that you can use for selling.

If you have found a resell rights product that you think you can sell you need to do some basic market research before purchasing. How many people are searching for this type of product? How many competing products are there? Have you seen the product available elsewhere?

If you are going to sell on the internet you need to have access to the following skills. You must be able to edit web pages, create payment links and upload the product and web pages to a server. If you are buying private label rights you must also be able to edit the product. This is especially important if you are buying rights for software.

There are many ways you can sell products on the internet. You can usually set up your own website or add the sales page to your existing site. You could invest in pay per click ads or ezine ads. You could write articles. If you have private label rights to a book you can use some of the content to produce articles or even a free report for viral marketing.

Resell rights offer the advantage of not having to produce your own material. However, you need to be sure the product is good quality and that you have a good marketing plan.

Computer Consulting Business: Nail Down the Vendor Support Options

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Jan 172022

No computer consulting business can afford to be sitting at a client site, running up a big bill, staring at a blue-screen-of-death, facing an angry mob of irate users and sitting on hold for two hours with tech support.

This scenario is your absolute worst nightmare in running a computer consulting business and can be the kiss of death to your client relationship.

The Need for Good Vendor Technical Support

Good vendor technical support will preserve your credibility as a computer consulting business during times of crisis. No matter how experienced you are at PC hardware troubleshooting, calling on a specialist is a necessity.

Understand What Is Offered

Rather than get an unpleasant surprise when you need help the most, get the lowdown on vendor technical support before you make the purchase recommendation. Although many top PC vendors have similar capabilities and services, ask about included technical support services, and preferably get a description of them in writing.

Ask Questions

As a computer consulting business, you will want to ask questions to determine the reliability of PC vendor technical support. Find out if they are available by phone, if the technical support phone number is toll-free and if the support is free or not.

Also, find out if there are different technical support phone numbers for different products.

In operating your computer consulting business, you will also want to know if vendor technical support has 24/7 support in case you have a need for emergency support. Ask if online tech support resources are available as well.

Deal With a Specialist

As a computer consulting business, you want direct, rapid access to a specialist who deals with nothing but that particular product all day. So test the technical support group’s responsiveness at a time when your heart isn’t racing in the heat of a client server-down emergency.

Also, PC Magazine ( regularly evaluates PC vendors’ technical support quality, so this is a good resource to look into.

Copyright MMI-MMVI, Small Business Computer Consulting .com. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Unstoppable rapport in 30 seconds.

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Jan 162022

that the new upstart was promoted when everyone else in the company tells you that you deserved the promotion? The new employee did not have your track record for success, did not have the necessary credentials, and wasn’t even close to matching your company loyalty!

Frustrated with the lack of answers, you attempt to obtain answers from management, which only ignites more frustration because they cannot explain it logically. Perturbed and discouraged you resort back to your old patterns of long work hours and hard work, in the hopes that one day all your hard work will be noticed, while you watch the new employee move up the company ladder with tremendous ease.

What do these “fast-tracking” employees have that lands them promotions, allows them to negotiate obstacles with ease, and charms the boss into giving them whatever they want? Do these employees hypnotize their supervisors by waving a watch in front of his or her eyes? Well, in a way…yes! A few employees have learned subtle communication methods that cause their supervisors to be instantly suggestible and receptive to covet influence.

The subtle communication skills that fast-tracking employees use don’t influence their supervisors on the conscious level as much as on the unconscious level. Need proof that fast-tracking employees can influence their supervisors on the unconscious level? Here’s how to do it. When the opportunity arises, simply ask a supervisor who has just given an employee a promotion, a raise, or special role within the company his rationale for the decision. If the supervisor can give you three good reasons for his decision, he probably has not been influenced at the unconscious level; this boss did his homework truly evaluated the various candidates for the job. However, if he cannot give you bona fide reasons for his decision or if he gets mad at you for questioning his judgment-it is likely that he had been unconsciously influenced by the charisma of the lucky person he had just promoted.

Now ask yourself: do you already want to learn what these fast-tracking employees know about unconscious communication? Are you desirous to learn the secrets of charm and charisma that can get you that job or promotion? Then check into Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), developed by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. They combined different theories of language and neurology to form methods that have the potential to influence people at the unconscious level. I have summarized a few of the many amazing techniques that NLP has developed.

1.) Weaving Rapport by Mirroring: Building rapport with your supervisor is more than talking about the same movie you saw over the weekend. Rapport building includes matching all your supervisor’s body posture, facial expressions, energy levels, humor, styles, words, and gestures. It can also include matching breathing, inflection voice tone, and language patterns. At the advanced levels it also includes matching values, beliefs, and objectives. Matching is not mimicking your supervisor’s behavior, matching involves adopting similar patterns into your own style so that they appear natural versus mimicked.

One of NLP’s theories is that the mind and body are all part of the same system; therefore, if you match your supervisor’s verbal and non-verbal communication patterns, you are matching his or her thinking patterns-the highest form of rapport that you can establish.

Rapport is extremely important in business because business decisions are rarely reached on the value of technical merit alone; more often than not, favorable business decisions are developed between those who have developed a great deal of rapport.

Remember this overriding rule: we like those who are like ourselves. We trust those who exude similarity with ourselves. The cliche “opposite’s attract” has never been farther than the truth. Let me prove it to you. Think of your best friend. Call to mind his many qualities. Examine them well. Give yourself a minute to do this.

Done? What have you observed? Of course!!! Your best friend shares many of your habits, mannerisms, dreams, ambitions…! Now you have the secret of getting along with anybody (not just your best friend!) Build rapport, now, by creating an apparent similarity between you and the other person. It’s the secret called Mirroring.

2.) Advanced Rapport: Want to take that charisma the extra mile? Let’s talk about the arcane art of ANCHORING.

Anchoring involves placing a positive feeling into your supervisor’s memory about you. By definition anchoring is the association of something seen, touched, heard, smelled, or tasted, with a specific memory or sensation. When you hear an old love song you and your 1st girlfriend shared, strong emotions come rushing back… even though a decade may have elapsed. This is anchoring: you anchored that specific melody with fond old memories of love.

Now let’s bring this to the business environment.

We all have people in our workplaces that cause us to cringe each time we see them or come into contact with them in meetings. People who cause us to wince have created a negative emotion anchored in our unconscious memory. As a fast-tracking employee, you cannot afford to create a negative emotion in your supervisor’s memory. It is your goal to anchor positive emotions of yourself in their minds. In other words, you want your supervisor to associate you with favorable emotions.

In order to anchor, you simply use two very special gestures when you converse with people: gesturing away from yourself, and gesturing towards yourself. Gesture away from yourself whenever you mention something negative. Examples would be a death in the family, a salary cut, losing a job. On the other hand, whenever you discuss something positive, gesture towards your chest. For instance, you may be discussing a recent golfing victory of your supervisor, and as you praise his achievement, you subtly gesture towards your chest. In both cases of gesturing away and towards yourself, ensure that every movement is natural and spontaneous.

Here’s how it works. On the subconscious level, the mind hears something positive and sees the subtle self-pointing gestures. It then creates an association of positive emotion with you. Over time the positive emotions associated with you will be anchored into your supervisor’s unconscious memory. Your supervisor will think you’re such a swell guy to be with and won’t even know why. Try this with strangers and observe how quickly you draw them in!

The aforementioned methods should help you to hypnotize your supervisor without using a watch on a string. If you would like to know more about NLP and unconscious communication, I recommend joining our forum (it’s free) and reading up on all the articles!

Top Ten Toxins We Regularly Put Into Our Bodies

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Jan 142022

We often consume foods and drinks that stress our bodies and overload our systems.

Below is a list of the top ten toxins we are putting into our bodies on an almost daily basis. Luckily there are ways to reduce our intake to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Freshly Ground

Each day we caffeinate ourselves to the point of near psychosis. Sure, it’s a great way to stay awake during those dull meetings but what it really is, is a fast-acting stimulant which sends blood sugar and adrenaline soaring. Continual coffee drinking can force your adrenal glands to work too hard until they eventually become exhausted and dependent on another coffee fix. However hard it may be at first, attempt to stick to just one cup a day and substitute with antioxidant-rich green tea which has just enough caffeine to stave off cravings.

Carb Overload

Bread is one of the cornerstones of modern day eating habits. We eat bread morning, noon and night without sparing too much of a thought towards the negative effects it may have on our body. If your digestion is compromised by eating too much sugar or caffeine or stress, partially digested wheat can actually enter your blood stream and build up to an intolerance that can cause anything from fatigue and headaches to indigestion, bad skin and depression. Too much yeast can upset the balance of bacteria in the gut and encourage infections such as Candida. For the sake of your own health cut down on bread and go for varieties such as wholemeal as they contain less yeast.

The Cola Wars

Where’s the appeal in fizzy cold drinks? They’re loaded with sugar, which rots teeth and wreaks havoc with our blood glucose levels. Ah, you drink the diet version do you, well in that case… Stop Immediately. Diet fizzy drinks play havoc with your blood sugar and increase your appetite and don’t even get us started on how terrible the artificial sweetener used in fizzy drinks is. Aspartame has been linked to various cancers, hair loss, depression, dementia, behavioural disturbances and epilepsy. In fact – scrap all artificial sweeteners immediately, your body will be grateful. If you insist on drinking fizzy drinks, have carbonated water but make sure you don’t drink it near meals as it can lower stomach acid production and stop you digesting your food fully.

Who ate all the Pies?

Who doesn’t love pies – they’re quick, easy, comforting and really yummy. Pies are not as warm and delightful as we make them out to be, they’re essentially empty calories; saturated fat and sugar which put strain on our livers and surreptitiously creep up on our weekly weigh ins. Bottom line – enjoy the occasional Cornish pastie or Danish but don’t make it the cornerstone of your diet.

Metal Mouth

While tinned foods are convenient for those of you on the run, the metal in these tins can potentially get into your system. Acidic food like fruit can start to break down metal and fatty foods may absorb toxic residues. Our livers don’t have the detoxification pathways to get rid of the metals so they begin to interfere with mineral absorption. Tinned foods are often heated at extreme temperatures so they lose a lot of their nutrients too. If you must eat tinned foods, go organic, some organic brands have coated tins which prevent metals leaking into the food, but the best solution is to always eat fresh foods.

Processed Meats, Anyone?

The amount of additional salt in processed meats can upset your fluid balance, which can also cause the loss of other minerals such as magnesium that are important for chemical body reactions. High salt intake can also lead to problems with blood pressure, bloating and kidney function. Processed meats also tend to be high in saturated fats and, unless organic, in chemicals, hormones and antibiotics. You can combat this by buying lean, unprocessed, organic meat. It’s also important not to eat more than three meat servings a week.

Cheesy very Cheesy

I’m sure most of you will agree that cheese is possibly one of the greatest, most versatile and tasty foods ever. Mature cheese is however extremely fermented and can contribute to yeast overgrowth, it is also very acidic and hard for the body to digest. Mature cheese is also thought to be very mucus forming, which can be a trigger for allergies, nasal problems and skin problems like eczema. Cheese lovers – stick to goat’s cheese – it’s much less acidic and lower in lactose (which is great for the unfortunate lactose intolerant among us).

Roasted Chestnuts and all that Jazz

Raw, natural, unsalted nuts are fantastic for health because they contain healthy essential fats that are good for skin and brain function. However, when they are roasted, the ‘good’ fat changes chemically into unhealthy fats, which your body isn’t equipped to cope with. Raw nuts are great snacks as they actually help the liver to clear out the toxins that can encourage fat gain and help you to burn fat more efficiently and above all stay away from the roasted variety.

Who’s Keen for a Fry-up

While there is something momentarily comforting about fried foods the long term effects that they have on your body is disastrous. Frying destabilises oil molecules and produces free radicals – damaging molecules that zip around your body attacking your cells. We can deal with a certain amount of free radicals but too many leads to cell damage, anything from premature wrinkles to cancer. Instead of frying, steam, bake or grill your, food it’s healthier and often tastier. If you must fry; do it in a wok and use refined peanut, avocado or high oleic sunflower oil as these withstand temperatures better.

Drink and be Merry

Studies have shown that a good night out leaves us with more than an excruciating hangover. Alcohol depletes nutrients, especially the B vitamins that are vital for memory and metabolism, leaving you sluggish and slightly brain dead. It sends blood sugar levels soaring and makes your liver fatty, which prevents it regulating hormones and detoxing your system effectively. We’re not saying “no more partying” all we’re saying is “moderation” – don’t drink more than 14 units a week or more than three in one session. Take vitamin C before and after drinking to protect your liver, and drink plenty of water to counteract dehydration and keep your body working properly. If you’re tempted to reach for the fourth glass of wine keep in mind that tomorrow you’ll be suffering and as we’re likely to want to eat greasy offerings from the local Chippy once intoxicated it’s not just your job this advice might save, it’s your waistline too.

Loans For Homeowner To Consolidate Their Debts

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Jan 132022

Are you a homeowner and swimming in debts? It is the time to find the worth of your home. And it will pave your way for a debt free future. Now, with debt consolidation loans a homeowner can get relief from his debt-burden.

A homeowner can avail debt consolidation loans against his home. Here his home acts as security on the loan. Lenders keep security with them unless the amount is not paid. Since, these loans are served against home, thus a homeowner can borrow relatively high amount that could be ranged from £5,000 to £75,000.

Debt consolidation loans are offering you to consolidate all your debts into a single manageable debt that is convenient to repay. This point needs to be explained. For instance, you have taken loans from various lenders at different interest rates. Now, with debt consolidation loans you can merge these different loans into one that you will avail at lower interest rate from a new creditor.

Debt consolidation loans for homeowners are bedecked with brimful of benefits. Such as:

• It is truly irksome to deal with different lenders. And obviously, you have to cut down your budget for paying-off different loans. Now with these loans, you can erase this situation as these loans are facilitated with one loan and one lender facility.
• You will get a chance to save your money too, as it reduces the overall interest rate being paid on the existing payments.
• Since the interest rate is low, thus you can repay the loan amount with lower monthly payment.
• Above all, these loans will give you a chance to set aside all harassing and untimely calls of lenders.

A homeowner can avail these loans by keeping his home as security. Hence, if anyone fails to repay the amount then the lender will repossess the security. So, at first be sure about your financial condition and after that go for debt consolidation loans. Some necessary steps you should follow before applying for a loan. These are as follows:

• Check your credit score
• Calculate your present debt amounts and its duration
• Verify the nature of your debt
• Moreover, borrow the amount that is easy for you to repay.

However, credit score is important while deciding the loan amount. Although the emphasis on credit score will be less in case of debt consolidation loans for homeowners, as these loans are available against their home. Therefore, a homeowner with bad credit score can avail these loans too.

It is said that there is light at the end of tunnel. Debt consolidation loans for homeowners are especially customized for coming out of the grey mist of debt. It’s an unmatched opportunity for homeowner to break free of their debt-burden.

Take Dream Vehicle At Cheaper Finance Through Instant Auto Loans

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Jan 122022

These days having your own vehicle like a car has become a necessity for a comfortable and hassle free ride to your destination. To buy a vehicle of your choice, instant auto loans have become an effective way of availing finance and at lower interest rate. People use instant auto loans in buying different types of vehicles including a car.

There are secured and unsecured ways that instant auto loans can be availed for buying a vehicle. Under secured instant auto loans, lenders demand collateral from the loan seeker in order to secure the loan. The collateral may be in the form of the borrower’s any property like home, bank account or valuable papers etc. The collateral not only secures the loan, but plays significant part in finalizing instant auto loans deal in terms of loan amount and interest rate.

Normally lenders provide required instant auto loans amount to the borrowers as the loan is fully secured. If a high priced vehicle is to be bought and greater loan is needed then lender looks for evaluating equity in the collateral. Higher equity makes it easier for the lender to offer greater instant auto loan.

One major attraction of secured instant auto loans is that borrowers avail it on a lower interest rate. The monthly installments for such loan seekers are also kept easier as per their financial capacity. As far as the repayment term is concerned, borrowers normally seek instant auto loans for a comparatively shorter period of 5-6 years. This also means that chances of falling into a debt trap in case of taking instant auto loans are few.

Unsecured instant auto loans are usually offered to tenants or non-homeowners. These people generally do not own a property worth offering the lender as collateral. To avail instant auto loans these borrowers should show proof of steady income source and financial standing in order to take the loan at better terms.

Credit score of the borrowers’ plays key role in instant auto loans Borrowers can ensure themseveles the loan at lower interest rate if their credit score is 620 or above. Take extra pain in improving your credit score by taking your credit report to an expert agency. Make sure that no errors are left in the report. If you can pay off easy debts, your credit score may improve significantly.

In order to avail instant auto loans at better terms, you should take advantage of the internet and should apply for the loan online. You get numerous loan offers from many lenders. Out of these you can choose a loan package that best suits your budget.

Instant auto loan helps you in a big way in getting vehicle of your dream but still you should take extra care about loan amount and the interest rate you avail at it.

My Third Real Estate Investing Deal, Another True Nothing Down Deal.

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Jan 112022

My third deal as a real estate investor involved almost no money out of pocket for me at all. The home was in good shape and had only been built about 14 months earlier. The home is in a neighborhood where several builders had unsold homes on the street making it very difficult to sell a used home. The seller had an unusual motivation for wanting to be rid of the house: he wanted to forget an ex-girlfriend as he had bought the house to get married and for them to live there. The seller contacted me through an online lead site and looking over the deal I knew it was in an area that isn’t very good for retailing homes right now due to over building in the area. So what I did was offer to lease option the property from him. Like many sellers, the idea of a lease option doesn’t sound that enticing. Most sellers need all cash and have no equity. Well my seller had a little equity, didn’t need any walking money, and knew he couldn’t sell the home otherwise and had been trying for a few months with no luck.

After about a month the seller contacted me again about doing the deal. So we met at his house and signed a purchase and sales agreement, a memorandum of option, an option agreement for 72 months, a lease agreement with right to sublet and a seller’s disclosure. We agreed to a $125k purchase price and a $1038 rental payment. Other similar homes in the neighborhood were listed at $145k and this seemed like a reasonable deal to me. I agreed to start paying him rent as soon as I found a suitable tenant/buyer.

I paid to run an ad in the local paper which was my only expense. I had several interested people and took applications from a couple of prospects and selected the best applicant. We received a $3500 non refundable option fee towards the future purchase of the home at a price of $149k and a rent agreement for $1250 per month with $100 credit towards purchase for every on time payment with a 2 year agreement. With my tenant buyer we signed a purchase and sales agreement, a lease agreement, an option agreement, pet disclosure, and a couple of other papers. This is a pretty good deal as I have a decent tenant who can probably qualify for a mortgage within the 24 month time span we agreed upon giving me about a 50% chance they will buy at the end of the option period. I received a non refundable $3500 check up front against my back end profits which isn’t taxable until the option is exercised, as well as a $212 monthly rent profit. I expect to make close to $30k profit on this deal once my tenant buyer refinances and cashes me out.

What I did wrong on this deal was agree to pay the rent directly to the seller instead of having the checks made payable to the lender directly. On a positive note the deal is decently strong and I have good cash flow and if my tenant doesn’t buy I can easily put another tenant buyer in this property and collect another option fee as this is a desirable area.

David Neese is a real estate investor from Memphis, TN. David offers a free E-course on quick start strategies for getting started in real estate investing that is delivered free via email and tele-clinic at: and .

Hypnosis-The Relationship between Yoga, Meditation, and Self-Hypnosis

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Jan 102022

Though no one knows the exact origin of yoga, meditation and self-hypnosis, one thing is certain, that they are more than thousands of years old. Eminent scholars are of the opinion that the origins and practice of yoga and meditation can be traced to the Indus Valley civilization. In spite of the fact that these practices give the practitioner a sense of well being and peace it was not in vogue until recently.

Though yoga and meditation are often linked together they are also different. Meditation is thought to have been practiced all over the world for a very long time. Self-hypnosis is also thought to have existed in the world for a long time.

These alternate methods of healing and self-healing have existed for hundreds of year’s in spite of efforts to discourage them by various vested interests for example fundamentalists and dogmatists. Doesn’t it make you wonder why some people would want to discourage something as wonderful as self-hypnosis, meditation and yoga? Well the answer is simple. Most people who against these methods were people in control- control of other people. And they were under no circumstances willing to relinquish the control they had over the masses, because these methodologies thought one how to have control over one’s well being( physical, mental & spiritual).

In many societies of the world these practices were forbidden. People in countries under dictatorship, communism were forbidden to practice yoga meditation, and self-hypnosis. Why? Because communism didn’t allow people to question and receive answers about any thing other than what they wanted the people to know. They wanted people who were not in touch with their spirituality, whose consciousness was not awakened. They wanted their masses to be like robots and just obey commands. And we all know that yoga takes us to a higher plane and a higher level of consciousness. So people who practice yoga cannot be manipulated according to the whims and fancies of certain people. Because of this kind of oppression many people in the former Soviet union practiced Yoga in secret.

As a person who has lived in a free country all his life I find this difficult to comprehend, as will all of you who live in a free society. All we can conclude is that if people were willing to risk their lives for the well being offered by yoga there must be something to it. Think of all the sages who realized self and more through yoga.

In the present day of gadgets, where we have some gadget or other to do almost any thing we want, we still have no time for ourselves-no time to take real good care of our well being, our spirituality, of self awakening. Who is holding you back from yoga? No one But you yourself. Take a few moments to yourself, put your feet up and relax. Think of all the benefits that you will gain by practicing yoga or meditation or self-hypnosis. Think of the well being that is the fruits of practicing these self- improvement methods. Don’t you want to feel good about your self, be relaxed and calm and be able to deal with the vagaries of life confidently and calmly.

Love and good wishes,

Low Cost Medical Insurance

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Jan 092022

Medical costs have been rising over the last several years, and have reached levels that an average middle class family cannot afford in the event of a major illness or accidents. With increase in medical facilities and better-equipped hospitals, this is perhaps inevitable, but that doesn’t make it less worrying if you are affected.

The best course open to individuals under these circumstances is to opt for medical insurance. The cost of medical insurance is high, and when you consider the fact that you don’t get much in return other than when an illness afflicts you, the cost of your medical insurance merits serious consideration. Fortunately, there is a way to resolve this dilemma. You can shop for the best possible combination of coverage and cost.

First of all, you could check out on the governmental and other help available to you in this regard. If you live in a country like the United States and are either elderly or very poor, the government comes to your aid through schemes like Medicare and Medicaid. If you are not covered by any such program, as most likely you are not, then what do you do?

The first step towards obtaining a low cost health insurance is to know what is being offered and how it is priced. Knowing the alternatives in terms of facilities and prices will help you to make decisions that can reduce your cost of medical insurance without compromising on your real requirements. Knowledge, in this case, is truly power and money. You could get this knowledge by doing some research on the Internet. There are a number of sites that offer you comparative information on medical insurance plans, which you can refer before finalizing your medical insurance coverage.

Learn about the different options available to you; research the company and the agent you are proposing to deal with; find out what you are covered for.

Some of the ways by which you can reduce your medical insurance costs are given below:

· Pay premiums annually. This will help you avoid or reduce the service fee and might also earn you discounts
· Review your policy regularly. Make sure that it covers your real requirements and does not have additional cover that you may not need. For example, additional coverage for pregnancy may not be really required for you and the normal coverage for this might be quite sufficient for your anticipated needs
· Keep a reasonable limit on the ceiling of medical expenditure in your policy. If you don’t have a ceiling or if you have a very high ceiling, you may be covering every eventuality but may also be paying higher for the coverage unnecessarily. Match the terms of the policy to your needs.
· If you have to file insurance claims, make sure that you keep all the documents available and know what you are covered for. In case you are not sure about whether a particular disease or treatment is covered. File your claim anyway
· Group plans are another way in which you can reduce your medical insurance costs. Find out about group plans and how they apply to you. See if your company, or member organization, such as your local Chamber of Commerce have a plan in place.
· Carry a higher deductible amount: The amount of expenditure that you opt to bear yourself has a great bearing on the medical insurance cost. If you are comparatively free from minor illnesses and you would like to be covered only for major illnesses, you can opt for a higher deductible reducing your premium without sacrificing the coverage you desire.
· If you discover a serious medical condition, it is better to continue with your existing insurer, as going to a new insurer will almost certainly increase your costs and will likely limit, or exclude, coverage for any pre-existing conditions.
· Avoid supplemental insurance. Supplemental insurance is a policy that gives you additional cash for the same illness that is covered by another insurance.