DirecTV: Doing the Dishes

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Jan 252022

Direct TV Network satellite service gives you a lot more for a lot less than cable. In terms of quality of picture, price, and number of channels, the DirecTV Network satellite service wins out every time against cable. And because DirecTV has so many individual subscription options, it’s easy to pick out a service plan that will be just right for you and your household. The DirecTV dish service company is always offering great deals to new and existing customers. Checking the DirecTV Web site is a good way to get an idea of the specials that are currently running. Also, you can call DirecTV to see if they have any exclusive specials running in your area. Even without a specific deal going on, DirecTV is a bargain when compared to cable. You can generally get at least 50 more TV channels for the same price as a typical cable subscription. With DirecTV
Network satellite service, it’s not just the number of channels that you get, but the quality of the picture that you see. All channels that you get with DirecTV are digital, and you have the option to add an off-air antenna that allows you to get local programming in high definition (HD). Cable gives you some digital channels, but it a lot of channels will still be in analog. This means they’ll be less clear. A benefit of DirecTV that everyone will enjoy is the DirecTV digital video recorder (DVR). You’ve probably heard of TiVo-this is TiVo for the DirecTV Network satellite service. It lets you record 70 hours of TV shows, two simultaneously if you want, and watch them later without commercials. You
can also watch live TV as if it were recorded. You can fast forward, pause, and rewind at will. Another benefit of going with a DirecTV dish is that you can get high-speed DSL service for your computer. This means your Internet connection will be fast, even if other users
are on a computer nearby. The icing on the cake is that installation is often free. You don’t have to worry at all about figuring out how to affix that little DirecTV dish to the side of your house or apartment. Just pick a plan that offers free installation (many of them do) and
watch the Direct TV installation crew go to work. How does such a tiny dish bring you so much? Inside the DirecTV dish is an antenna that receives information from six DirecTV Network satellites. So when you hook the dish up to your home, you’re really tapping into the
power of these satellites. When your DirecTV dish is installed, it will be aimed at these satellites, which are fixed in the sky. These satellites are constantly receiving digitized broadcast signals from broadcast centers back on Earth. All this transmission occurs almost instantly and ensures that you have the best
quality picture at all times. Knowing that all those good shows in such good resolution and sound are whizzing about right over your head makes you want to head for the ‘net or the phone to schedule your own DirecTV installation.