B2B Sales leads success checklist

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Apr 082021

You’ve spent a great deal of time, effort and money putting together your business-to-business sales lead generation programs. How you handle B2B sales leads once you get them makes the difference between a happy sales team and new customers or an unhappy sales team and lost sales.

Here’s a checklist of questions to ask yourself to determine if you have the best chance of being successful with your sales lead programs:

Are you prepared to send requested information immediately?

Prospects have their own agenda and timeline, not yours or your firm’s. So, you need to be efficient and strike while you have the opportunity. Timing of your inquiry handling processes are of paramount importance. Your firm needs to respond to all inquiries quickly—the faster, the better.

Here are some questions to keep in mind:

+ Do you know what to send in response to different types of inquiries?

+ Do you have electronic versions for those who want the information by e-mail or via downloads from your Web site?

+ Do you have adequate supplies of printed materials ready for those who prefer them?

+ Do you have the people, systems and processes in place to get the requested
information out the door quickly?

Are you prepared to capture all inquiries in a database for ongoing nurturing and qualification efforts?

To avoid having any of the golden sales opportunities represented by your inquiries fall through the cracks, you need to capture all of your inquiries in a database so you can properly manage their fulfillment, nurturing, qualification and distribution. With this in mind:

+ Do you have the database ready to go?

+ Do you have the data entry people or outside services lined up to get the inquirers into the database?

Do you have a program in place to “qualify” sales leads before sending them to your salespeople, reps, dealers or distributors?

If your business-to-business marketing-for-leads program is to succeed, marketing, sales and corporate management need to share a unified definition of qualified sales leads. If you all agree from the start on what a qualified lead is, then deliver leads that meet that definition, your sales team will be able to effectively and efficiently follow up and close more sales.

+ Have you agreed with sales management on which questions to ask in order to determine which leads are qualified?

+ Have you agreed what information is required to know which sales contacts to route the qualified leads to?

+ Do you have proactive programs in place to contact and qualify your leads?

Do you have a process in place for distributing qualified leads to sales contacts as they are identified?

Sales leads are worthless unless they are quickly handed off to the right sales contact for follow up. Your lead distribution process has to be well defined and ready to go—in advance—so as to prevent delays or misdirection when leads are qualified and ready for sales attention. It also has to be easy for your salespeople, reps, resellers and distributors to access the qualified sales leads and manage their lead follow up.

+ Is your sales leads program designed to get the leads into salespeople’s hands without delay?

+ Have you made it easy for your salespeople, reps, dealers or distributors to use?

+ Can they access leads over the Internet?

+ Does it integrate with their existing contact management or email systems?

Do you have a program in place to nurture or cultivate your not-yet-qualified leads?

Salespeople generally focus on those one-in-four sales leads who are ready to buy soon. However, research shows that three of four sales come from longer-term prospects who are frequently ignored by sales. As these longer-term leads represent the lion’s share of the potentional sales, your sales lead management program must be designed to help nurture the longer-term leads until they are qualified as being sales-ready opportunities.

+ Does your company have a prospect relationship marketing program in place to keep in touch with these longer-term prospects, using email, fax, mail and phone contacts, until they are identified as being qualified and ready for sales attention?

+ Do you know what messages to send as part of your prospect relationship management program?

+ Do you know how often to contact prospects with these messages?

+ Do you know what offers to use to get them to further identify their needs and situation so you can determine if they are ready for sales?

Do you have a program in place to measure and track the results of your various sales-lead generation, cultivation and sales follow-up programs?

A marketer I know recently reported to her management on the results of the company’s lead generation programs: Awareness of their company and its products among targeted prospects more than doubled; the cost per qualified lead delivered to sales by marketing dropped by nearly 40 percent; 58 percent of the opportunities in the sales pipeline were found first by marketing; and 48 percent of the sales closed; and 62 percent of the revenue during the past 12 months came from marketing-generated leads.

The result? She got a bigger B2B marketing budget and senior management no longer doubts marketing’s contribution to the company’s success. Can you answer these questions and show your management how your lead generation programs are contributing to your company’s success?

+ Can you determine your cost per lead, cost per qualified lead and cost per sale?

+ Do you know which lead programs generate the highest return on investment?

+ Do you know which nurturing techniques worked and which didn’t?

+ Can you prove to management that your lead generation programs are paying off in increased sales and market share?

Refer to this checklist of questions to guide the development or improvement of your company’s sales lead management programs and processes and you’ll have the best chance of being successful.

M. H. “Mac” McIntosh is described by many as one of America’s leading B2B marketing consultants and an expert on the subject of sales lead generation. For the latest sales lead response-producing tactics that are working NOW to drive leads and multiply sales subscribe to Mac’s FREE Newsletter, Sales Lead Report®, at http://www.sales-lead-experts.com

Work at Home

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Apr 072021


You may be in Mail Order, Direct Mail, or you may be a local merchant with 150 employees or more; whichever, however or whatever, you’ve got to know how to keep your business alive during economic recessions. Any time the cash flow in a business, large or small, starts to tighten up – the money management of that business has to be on the ball.

Some of the things you can do and should do, include protecting yourself from expenditures made on sudden impulse. We’ve all bought things or services we really didn’t need, simply because we were in the mood, or perhaps due to the flamboyancy of the advertising, or even because of the persuasiveness of the sales person. Then we sort of “wake up” a couple of days later and find that we’ve committed business funds to hundreds of dollars for an item or service that’s not really essential to the success of our own business.

If you’re incorporated, you can eliminate these “impulse purchases” by including within your by-laws a clause that states: “all purchasing decisions over a certain amount are contingent upon approval by the board of directors.” This will give you a chance to consider any “impulse purchases” a second time after you’ve had a chance to think about the need for your purchase.

If you’re business is a partnership, you can tell whoever it is that attempts to sell you something, that all purchase decisions are contingent upon the approval of a third party. In reality, the third party can be your partner, one of your department heads or even one of your suppliers.

If your business is a sole proprietorship, you don’t have much to really worry about because as an individual you have three days to think about your purchase, and then to nullify that purchase if you think you really don’t need it or can’t afford it.

Especially in times of emergency, be sure that you don’t “short-change” yourself on professional services.

Anytime you commit yourself and move full-speed ahead without fully investigating all the angles, and preparing yourself for all the contingencies that may arise, you’re skating on thin ice. Regardless of the costs involved, it always pays off in the long run to seek out the advice or experienced professionals before embarking on a plan that could ruin you.

As an example, an experienced business consultant can fill you in on the 1244 stock or Sub-Chapter S advantages. A very simple process, but one with tremendous monetary benefits to businesses.

The 1244 status encourages investors to put equity capital into your business because in the event of a loss, amounts tup to the entire sum of the investment can be written off in the current year. Without the “1244” classification, any losses would have to be spread over several years, and this of course, would severely lessen the attractiveness of your company’s stock. Any business owner who has not filed as a 1244 corporation, has in effect, but himself off from 90-percent of his prospective investors.

Particularly when sales are down, you must be “hard-nosed” with people trying to sell you luxuries for your business. When your business is booming, you undoubtedly spend more time allowing different sales people to show you new models of equipment or a new line of better-looking supplies, but when your business is down, skip the entertaining frills and concentrate on the basics. Great care, however, must be taken to maintain courtesy and allow these sellers to consider you a “friend,” and call back at another time.

Whoever maintains your company’s books should reflect your way of thinking, and generate information according to your policies. Thus, you should hire an outside accountant or accounting firm to figure your return on your investment, as well as the turnover on your accounts receivable and your inventory. Such an audit or survey should focus in depth on any or every item within your financial statement that merits special attention. In this way, you’ll probably uncover any potential financial problems before they arise.

Many small companies set up advisory boards or outside professional people. These are sometimes known as Power Circles, and once in place, the business always benefits, especially in times of short operating capital. Such an advisory board or power circle should include an attorney, a certified public accountant, civic club leaders, owner/managers or businesses similar to yours, and retired executives. Setting up such an advisory board of directors is really quite easy because most people you ask will be honored to serve.

Once your board is set up, you should meet about once a month and present material for review. Each meeting should be a discussion of your business problems and an input from your advisors relative to possible solutions.

These members of your board of advisors should offer you advice as well as alternatives, and provide you with objectivity. No formal decisions need to be made either at your board meetings nor as a result of them, but you should be able to gain a great deal from the suggestions you hear.

It should be that most of your customers have the money to pay at least some of the money they owe you, immediately. To keep them current and the number of accounts receivable in your files to a minimum, you should call them on the phone and ask for some kind of explanation why they’re falling behind. If you develop such a habit as a standard part of your operating procedure, you’ll find your invoices will magically be drawn to the front of their piles of bills to pay. Do not be hesitant nor too much of a “nice guy” when it comes to collecting money.

Something else that’s a very good business practice, but which hew business owners do is to methodically build a good credit rating with their local banks. Particularly when you have a good cash flow, you should borrow $100 to $1,00 from your banks every 90-days or so. Simply borrow the money – place it in an interest-bearing account – and then pay it all back at least a month or so before it’s due. By doing this, you’ll increase the borrowing power of your signature, and strengthen your ability to obtain needed financing on short notice. This is a kind of business leverage that will be of great value to you if or whenever your cash position becomes desperate.

By all means, you should join your industry’s local and national trade associations. Most of these organizations have a wealth of information available – everything from details on your competitors, to average industry sales figures, to new products, services and trends.

If they give you a membership certificate or wall plaque, you should display these conspicuously on your office wall. You customers like to see such “seals of approval” and place additional confidence in your business when they see them.

Still another thing often overlooked – if at all possible, you should have your spouse work in the business with you at least 3 to 4 weeks per year. The important thing is that if, for any reason, you are not available to run the business, your spouse will be familiar with certain people and situations about your business. These people should include your attorney, accountant, any consultants or advisors, your major suppliers and creditors. The long-term advantages of having your spouse work four weeks per year in your business with you, greatly outweigh the short-term inconvenience.

Whenever you can, and as often as you need it, you should take advantage of whatever free business counseling is available.

The Small Business Administration has many excellent booklets, checklists and brochures available on quite a large variety of businesses. They also have management and financial assistance programs that can definitely benefit just about any small business. Most local universities, and many private organizations hold seminars at very minimal costs, often without charge. You should also take advantage of free services offered by your bank and local library.

You may feel no great need for continuing education courses, but if you learn even one new bit of information that will be of ultimate benefit to you or your business, the little time spent at a seminar or in a night course, will be a wise investment.

The important thing about continuing education courses, but if you learn even one new bit of information that will be of ultimate benefit to you or your business, the little time spent at a seminar or in a night course, will be a wise investment.

The important thing about running a small business is to know the direction in which you’re heading – to know on a day-to-day basis, your progress in that direction – to be aware of what your competitors are doing – industry trends and sales figures for businesses comparable to the size of yours – to practice good money management at all times – and to prepare yourself to solve your problems before they arise.

Generally speaking, times are always tough for small businesses. In order to survive with a small business, regardless or the economic times, it is essential that you surround yourself with smart people, and practice sound business management at all times. Be sure that if you are doing well now, you will continue to be successful in the future.eal Work at Home Opportunities with Real Pay

Buy Medication The Online Way

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Apr 052021

Are you considering buying drugs online? Online pharmacies are becoming the much preferred option for buying not only drugs but also other allied heath products. These pharmacies compete with the retail establishments so, they normally stock themselves with a large number of health products and work 24×7.

Make sure that pharmacy you deal with is certified. This is mainly to prevent any unscrupulous non-certified pharmacy from selling fake drugs to you.

Licensed pharmacies always have a very secure mode of dealing with their clients. You can decide the medication you want and then just click on the order form. Fill out your medical information honestly and without hiding any facts. It will be assessed by a licensed medic associated with the pharmacy who will determine whether you are eligible to use the drug. If he approves your order, the drugs will be dispatched to you shortly.

Many pharmacies charge consultation but for most it is absolutely free. Your information is kept private. Buying medication online saves you the embarrassment of interacting directly with your doctor or the pharmacist. Imagine having to ask for a weight loss pill or a medication for preventing hair loss at the counter with all eyes and ears focused at you! So, you can conveniently get your work done while sitting in the comfort of your home.

Buying prescription drugs online doesn’t put a strain on your budget. There are various retail pharmacies that sell the drugs at cheap prices. Bulk orders help you save even more. Hence pharmacy discount programs are becoming increasingly popular. There are various kinds of such programs. Sometimes senior citizens are given good discounts on their prescription cost. Sometimes, there is a nominal enrollment fee for availing such programs. The discounts can range from 5% to 50%! It is no surprise that online pharmacies have been termed as ‘discount pharmacies’.

An amazing number of online pharmacies have come up in the recent times. As the online market is growing rapidly so is the demand for medication online. Buying your medicines online give you the dual benefits of low price and good quality, a combination your local pharmacy doesn’t offer!

Contract Mobile Phone Deals: Uninterrupted usage at lesser cost

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Apr 042021

With mobile phones becoming your second identity living without it gets impossible. The usage of mobile phones has increased and with it service providers are coming with economical talktime packages to lure user. Contract mobile phones are one such feature which has become a hit with mobile phone users all around. Not only this, you have free contract mobile phones which are easier to your pocket and come with value-added benefits.

By opting for a contract mobile phone deals you can save a lot of money. You would get superb benefits like free talktime apart from some of the coolest features like messaging, free downloading of loads of information or your favourite Java games. With a free contract mobile phone deal you will get some of the best offers such free minutes, free handsets, free texts, free x-net and half-price line rental etc.

Contract phone deals UK market has entered into online shops as well facilitating you to get some of the best deals by just clicking. You also have the facility to bargain with all major networks in UK. In addition, you can also get latest mobile handsets from major manufacturers like Nokia, Samsung and Sony Ericsson etc.

You can avail these contract mobile phone deals from leading service providers in UK such as Orange, T-Mobile and O2. The best way to get a contract mobile phone is to go online. There are various offers on display at Internet; where you can find some of the best deals on contract mobile phones from top players like O2, 3 Mobile, T Mobile, Vodafone, Virgin etc.

So, log onto Internet and get the very best on contact mobile phones…

Get some of the best contract mobile phones on latest mobile handsets on 3 mobile, t mobile, orange, O2, Vodafone and Virgin network. To compare and buy the cheapest contract deals on Nokia N93, Nokia 6275i and other latest handsets from all major manufacturers, please visit the site.

Efficacy Of Treadmill Consumer Reviews

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Apr 032021

Most of the folks who gear up to buy treadmills happen to be very much apprehensive of durability and comfortability of the treadmills. They often tend to be skeptical about the information
available on quality of a model that has been disseminated by manufacturer. So they don’t tend to completely rely on manufacturer s details on workability and features. In such a situation
what comes handy to these folks is consumer reviews on treadmills. These consumer reviews happen to be based on personal experiences of folks with one particular brand of treadmill.

If you are looking for consumer reviews on treadmills you can visit various online treadmill guides. These guides always keep space for consumer reviews. Once you become satisfied by going
through these reviews you can zoom in on your kind of treadmill.

These reviews often happen to give critical insight into treadmill models. These critical appraisals about treadmills that are free of falsifications and exaggerations, help prepare your mind
about various models and brands.

One of the renowned health magazines in US, Prevention magazine regularly carries consumer reviews on treadmills. Seeing credibility of magazine you can rely upon these reviews.

An on0line site Advanced Fitness has also earned repute for offering impartial consumer reviews on treadmill brands although the site happens to be owned by manufacturers of one brand named
Smooth Treadmills. Another site Epinions.com comes with treadmill consumer analysis on various brands. In order to read more reviews by consumers you can log on to Runner’s World treadmill consumer
guide. In fact most of the treadmill buyers guide offer consumer reviews.

These reviews talk in details about key features including motor efficiency, cushioning and speed. These reviews accord separate ratings to different features of a treadmill model. An
interesting feature of consumer reviews happens to be noise levels with treadmill models.

A person who is quite unfamiliar with treadmills would know a great deal about treadmills after going through two to three of such reviews. By going through consumer reviews you get to know
about leading brands and criteria for choosing a treadmill.

If these reviews are offered by trainers and consumers who have a reputation in fitness world it would greatly influence buyer’s decision.

So if you happen to be one looking for a treadmill, keep track of consumer reviews to strike a better deal.

Accounting Made Easy with Small Business Credit Cards

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Apr 022021

Jaded by a routine 9 to 5 job? Stifled by your thankless work? Have you bartered your dreams away for an emotionally unsatisfying life? If you have finally decided to wrench yourself free from your shackles, it is time to take stock financially and see how small business credit cards can actually help you in starting your and running your own business.

When you set out on this exciting new journey, you are likely to face a number of challenges, and with them, teething troubles. You can avoid such stress if you make good use of the various tools specially designed to assist entrepreneurs in their ventures. Small business credit cards are by far one of the most important accounting instruments made available to you.

Small Business Credit Cards are Valuable Accounting Tools

One of the major problems that small businesses face is detailed accounting of their monetary transactions. Finances of any business must be immaculate and readily presentable, and if you haven not done such accounting before, be prepared for a tough task.

Usually, a small business suffers from insufficient manpower. Business owners assume various roles and are often under tremendous pressure to perform efficiently in a frenetic race against time to meet deadlines. Thus, opportunity for human error creeps in. But when it comes to finances, even the minor errors can spell disaster for your new baby.

Small business credit cards offer an opportunity to ease this tension and minimize errors. Whenever a transaction is done through a small business credit card, it is automatically reflected in a monthly statement. Your books can then be easily updated on time with the help of these all-inclusive statements showing specific details. A thorough account of all purchases can easily be maintained in this manner.

Managing Your Business with Small Business Credit Cards

Small business credit cards generally offer features such as online banking and round-the-clock technical assistance. This is especially handy when it comes to bill payment, downloading data, viewing expense reports, redeeming points, and overall maintenance and monitoring of transactions.

Add-on Benefits of a Small Business Credit Card

Credit card companies have bettered the deal by offering additional benefits on small business credit cards. As a business owner, you cannot afford to ignore these benefits. For example, obtaining incrementally higher credit limits can provide you with additional liquidity when required and more opportunities to expand your business products and services.

A small business credit card can also have a cash back offer that entitles the cardholder to rebates on purchases made with collaborating businesses. The refund may be reflected on the customer’s account statement or just be provided by way of a periodic rebate check. Some cards also come with airline and travel reward incentives and you can even earn frequent flyer miles with your purchases that can also be redeemed for discounts and rewards.

Small business credit cards have revolutionized the way fledgling businesses approach finance. Card statements that are usually made available online can help remove tedious accounting paperwork. Small business credit cards empower even those with the most rudimentary knowledge of accounting, freeing them up to focus on growing their respective businesses.

Guidelines to Choose the Right Airlines Credit Card

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Apr 012021

An airlines card earns credits or points whenever the card is used. Choosing an airline card will not be difficult, if you travel frequently with a certain airline. If you use various airlines, then it is wise to select from airline cards that provide more flexibility in their redemption and reward systems. An airlines credit card is usually best suited for business travelers.

Selecting the right airline card could be a major task so you need to ask yourself some preliminary questions before considering any airline credit card.

1. Which is the airline you frequently fly or prefer to fly? The first question is to determine your most frequented airline. If you prefer to travel by a selected carrier, it is better to check whether they have their own airline credit card. Since most of the airlines today have partnered with credit card companies, the chances are that they will have their own card. However, if you tend to fly by the cheapest or the easiest available carrier at the time of your travel, you will have to consider an airline card that offers greater flexibility. Some cards have alliance partnerships with various airlines, offering greater flexibility to you.

2. What is the frequency of your air travel per year? These cards are based on point accumulation system with the accumulated points expiring after a certain period. If you are not a frequent flyer, then you may not benefit from these cards, as you will not be accumulating enough points to avail the reduced or free travel. Conversely, if you are a frequent flyer, then ensure that the card you have chosen has favorable blackout dates and preferably no cap or maximum allowable points that can be earned. In most cases, however, there are restrictions on the number of points that you can earn and blackout dates when you will not be able to redeem your reduced or free travel privileges.

3. What are the benefits versus fees on the card? In general, airline cards have high interest rates and annual fees. It is important to evaluate the annual fees paid versus the reduced or free mile travel earned per year. An airline card will not be attractive if the annual fee is more than what you will earn as free or reduced travel. In addition, you could be paying hefty finance charges, if you are not able to pay the balance on the card in full every month. In which case, it is better to choose a credit card with a low interest rate and no frills attached than the rewards program.

It is important to research the number of points required to accumulate in order to qualify for free air travel. To get maximum benefits from your airlines card, consider these additional factors prior to making your choice:

Flexibility of the Card: Your card has to be flexible to be used in many places including restaurants and shopping malls. Points are added every time you make a purchase using the card but sometimes certain purchases add more points. It is essential to use airline cards in such cases to avoid accumulating large balances.

Cap on Accumulated Points: Most cards have a cap on the number of points that can be accumulated. If you are a frequent flyer, it is better to read this fine print. Most of these cards have rewards based on predetermined level of points.

Redemption Criteria: Mostly during high season, airlines and hotels do not encourage redemption of miles or use of free or reduced travel privileges as they already have a built in level of demand at that period of time. It is critical to check for the redemption criteria and blackout dates if any prior to application for the card.

Annual Fees: It is essential to do a cost benefit analysis on the various available airline credit cards before selecting one. If you do not travel a great deal, it is better to go for a card with a low or no annual fee and a decent set of rewards. If you are a frequent flyer, you can choose one with higher annual fees and excellent rewards that should more than offset the additional cost.

Terms and Conditions: It is important to read the terms and conditions as well, otherwise known as the fine print regarding such things as balance transfer details, upgrading to higher limit cards, interest rates, debt consolidation using your airline credit card so that you may secure maximum benefit from the use of the card.

Other Services: Certain cards provide travel insurance and discounts on car rental and hotels. Some also provide cash advances in emergencies. Obviously, you have to compare various cards on these to get the best one suited to your lifestyle.

Competition in the market forces credit card and airline companies to frequently change their airlines card product offering to remain competitive in the marketplace. However, it is recommended that once you choose the most suitable airline card for you that you do not change cards unless there are huge benefits in doing so. If you consider signing up for an airlines credit card, it is better to make an informed decision based on long-term benefit, rather than be carried away by the marketing and short-term promotional gimmicks of these companies.