How to become a successful freelance translator

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Oct 202020

After completing their translation training programmes at higher professional education or university level, many students can’t wait to set up as a freelance translator. However, gaining a foothold as a freelancer in a very competitive translation market may turn out to be a pretty complicated business. Translation agencies are not usually keen on contracting inexperienced translators, business clients are difficult to find without commercial tools, and the tax authorities won’t just accept anyone as a self-employed person. So what do you need to do to set up shop as a successful freelance translator?

Translation agencies
Most translation agencies are wary of admitting new freelancers into their networks. After all, it takes a while before it really becomes clear whether a freelancer can live up to their expectations: does he/she stick to agreed deadlines, offer a consistent level of quality, consult relevant reference resources, deal effectively with various registers and specialisations (commercial, technical, medical, financial, IT, etc.)? Many translation agencies begin with a ‘trial period’ in which they closely monitor the work submitted by new freelance translators. To reduce the risk of a fiasco – and avoid the associated costs – translation agencies normally only accept applications from freelance translators who have had at least two or three years’ fulltime experience in the translation business.

Business clients
In their attempts to introduce themselves directly to companies, freelancers usually find it difficult to gain access to the people that matter and, once they are there, to secure orders. Companies tend to prefer outsourcing translation services to partners that are able to offer comprehensive solutions. They look for agencies that can fill their translation needs in a range of different languages, are always available, can take on specialised texts and have the procedures in place to ensure that all deadlines are met. In view of their need for continuity, capacity and diversity it is hardly surprising that many companies select an all-round translation agency rather than individual freelancers. An agency may be more expensive than a freelancer, but the additional service and quality guarantees justify the extra investment.

Tips to achieve success as a freelance translator
What steps will you need to take after graduation to develop into a successful freelance translator?
1. After completing your studies, it’s best not to present yourself on the market straightaway as a freelance translator, but first to find employment at an all-round translation firm and spend a couple of years there to gain the necessary practical experience. As a salaried employee your income will be less compared to what you might potentially earn in a freelance capacity, but don’t forget that without experience you’re never going to be successful in the first place. In many cases, you will be assigned to a senior translator who revises your translations, monitors your progress, and makes you aware of your strengths and weaknesses. This will enable you to acquire the skills and baggage you need on your way to becoming a professional translator, and will give you the opportunity to experiment with various types of texts and disciplines.
2. If you can’t find a position in paid employment, try to find a post as an (unpaid) trainee. A translation agency may not have the capacity or resources to take on new staff, but it may still be able to offer you an excellent training post to help you gain practical experience in a commercial environment. A traineeship may serve as an effective springboard for a career in the translation business, perhaps even within the same agency that offered the traineeship.
3. After having whetted your skills at a translation agency for a number of years, you may decide that the time has come for you to find your own clients. Ideally, you should move on to a part-time contract so that you have enough time to recruit clients and work for them, and enough money to live on. It is important to make clear arrangements with your boss at this stage, to avoid a conflict of interests. The best strategy is to send your personal details and CVs to a selected group of professional translation firms and translation departments within companies and governmental institutions, explicitly referring to your work experience. Don’t forget to highlight your willingness to do a free test translation.
4. Make sure to register as a self-employed person with the relevant tax authorities and seek their advice if necessary.
5. Once you have managed to find enough freelance work to keep yourself busy for around 20 hours a week, you might consider terminating your employment contract and devoting the extra time to attracting new business. In 20 hours most experienced freelance translators tend to earn around as much as a full-time translator in salaried employment.

These are obviously very general guidelines, and your personal career may evolve along quite different lines depending on your preferences, skills and personal conditions. Whatever your circumstances, however, you will find that experience and a certain amount of business acumen are the things that matter most in a successful freelance career.

Tips For Finding Trusted Online Short Term Payday Loan

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Oct 192020

There are thousands of loan websites we can find in the internet. And you can look for the best deal for an online short term payday loan service among numerous loan website. We should study and compare whether one site is really excellent or not. Since sending bank account numbers and Social Security Numbers over web links to unknown lenders is very risky.
What you should be aware when you look for online short term payday loan?

• First of all, look for a short term payday loan site that is professionally designed, well organized, and managed, run by a real company that understands the business.

• Ideally, there is no “dead link” or a link which says “the page cannot be displayed”.

• The information presented on the site should be clear and informative and not riddled with “legal words” meant to confuse the reader. If you are unclear with word stated on the site, do not hesitate to ask them the implication.

• There should be a page for FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) about short term payday loans and the procedure that the company undertakes.

• There should also be a page for the company’s contact information. Their offices, email address, and contact numbers should be provided and clearly stated in this page. If convenient to you, please check the address mentioned.

• Feel free to e-mail them at their contact information and ask for information regarding their state lending license. All short
term payday loan lenders must be licensed. So, do not hesitate to ask information about their lending license.

• Security is a major concern when shopping for the right short term payday loan. In its website, a Security and Privacy Policy should be clearly posted. Most important of all, Notice the kind of connection uses when you send your application form. The connection should be in SSL (Secure Socket Layer). Secure Socket Layers provide the best means of encryption available to commercial websites today. It is a secured connection and that no third party will be able to access the information that you provided. You can verify this in internet explorer by looking in the lower right corner to see if there is a small icon of a lock. This indicated a secure connection. If unsure of the connection used by the lender, contact and ask the company. If the answer is vague or evasive, find another loan company.

• The site should never charge any fees for processing your application. So, beware of online payday lenders that ask you for fees to process your applications.

• Avoid short term payday loan websites that assure you of instant approval based only on a few questions, or that they do not need documents such as latest bank statements or proof of employment. A real and reputable short term payday loan company would need information about your banking history and about your current employment.

• In addition, most sites have support agents that are available 24 hours a day, which makes obtaining short term payday loans online much quicker.

• Good payday lenders will explain the full cost of refinanced loans and let borrowers know that such loans should be used only in a financial emergency.

For more information, let’s visit

Are You Happy To Lead A Mediocre Life Just Because Others Do

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Oct 182020

When we read historical novels, we may laugh at the pointless lives that the gentry of that period led. The well to do who lived centuries ago spent their lives in idle pursuits totally oblivious (in most cases) to the wretchedness of the poor who spent all their waking hours working in return for meagre sustenance. And they were so overly concerned with living their lives according to regimented protocol; it just wasn’t “the done thing” to do things differently than the way the neighbours did things. The lives of the poor were just as pointless because they failed to realise that they could improve themselves if only they tried. The few who did succeed in breaking free of poverty were generally ostracised by their families because they dared to do things differently.

But are we any different today? Have we really learnt anything at all? The activities of the 21st century are vastly different from those of previous times but many are just as pointless. And today, in this current advanced era, people on the whole are still far too concerned with what their family, friends and neighbours think. Very few people are willing to change.

Is your life perfect? If it is then there is no need to change anything. But I have never yet met anyone with a perfect life, have you? Some people have a career they love but their family life suffers. Some people have very good relationships with their families and friends but their health and fitness are not very good. And some people have a totally stuffed up life in nearly all areas. Even if we have some things right, there are always areas in which we can improve ourselves, we shouldn’t just get to a certain age and stop. Life is all about learning; it isn’t something reserved for the young.

People will say, “Oh I couldn’t do it that way because everyone I know does it this way!” But are all those people you know getting perfect results! Very unlikely! So why keep doing things a certain way, with mediocre results, just because everyone else does it that way? Isn’t it time to make a change and do things your own way? Maybe, just maybe, you will see vast improvements in your life. And if you stuff up or don’t get it quite right the first time, don’t give up. Just keep on trying things out until you find what really works for you. Don’t be bothered by those who try to deter you. Your true friends will support you and the opinion of the rest of them doesn’t matter!

One thing to remember – if others object to what you are doing or becoming, it is because it is a reflection of something in their own lives that they need to deal with. When they see you becoming successful in some area of your life, they feel unsettled because they know that they should be trying to make improvements in their lives too and you are reminding them of that deficiency in themselves! So it is never about you, it is about them. The sad fact is that most people are quite prepared to plod along living a mediocre existence. They really cannot see that there are better possibilities for them if only they make an effort. But you can see the possibilities, so go and live your dreams!

Today’s mobile phones: Modern technology has changed our lives

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Oct 172020

Earlier, mobile phones used to be a novelty which was only used by the police officers in their patrol vans. Mobile phones were then known as car phones and their use was restricted due to their bulky sizes. But nowadays, their use has increased manifold with the advent of the Advanced Mobile Phone service or AMPS. According to a rough estimate, in UK alone, now there are more handsets than people.

Mobile phones have become a part and parcel of our lives today. They have penetrated each and every aspect of our lives. We are using them for trivial tasks like making calls, listening to music and web browsing and for more significant purposes like making videos. Nobody would have thought in the 1980’s that one day mobile phones will be used for video conferencing. It is understandable that mobile phones have made the landline technology absolutely redundant.

For buying a mobile phone there cannot be a better place than an online mobile shop. The quickest and the easiest way to buy a mobile phone, online mobile shops present you with a variety of options. You can choose from a plethora of handsets ranging from cool camera phones, music jukeboxes and 3G clamshells. All the information pertaining to a handset be its specifications, availability of various mobile phone deals is presented on these online mobile sites.

Mobile phone deals are of many kinds: you can choose from pay-as-you-go phones or contract phones. Pay-as-you-go deals are flexible and attractive deals whereas contract mobile phones offer you significant benefits. Availing a contract mobile phones deal has its own pros and cons. You can gain inclusive free minutes, free text bundles and message bundles and low network-to-network calling rates. There are at least 50 contract phone deals available on a single handset. Therefore, careful judgement is needed to choose a deal. A few simple things like your own calling profile and your budget have to be kept in mind while making the choice.

So, if you want to gift a mobile this Christmas, then just login to any of the online mobile sites and grab a handset at an affordable contract mobile phone deal.

12 month free line rental: Get the latest handset with free line rental

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Oct 162020

While shopping for a mobile phone in an online mobile phone shop, you may be showered with mind boggling deals and offers. The varied range of choices from slim handsets with the basic functions to the fancy phones with in-built MP3 players, large pixel cameras and Bluetooth help an increasing number of people fulfill their communication and entertainment needs.

Today, an increasing number of people use their mobile phones extensively and they are always looking for options to reduce their phone bills.

Online mobile phone shops offer attractive deals like cheap mobile deals with special offers like free handsets and 12 months free line rentals. If you are looking forward to save money, take benefit of the deals offering free accessories, free talktime, free insurance, etc. Online shops let you compare the best mobile phone deals and then decide the best one for you.

Every consumer is looking for a cost effective deal while buying a mobile phone. It has become a reality rather than a dream to own a free handset with free incentives. The amazing contract mobile phone deals are the only one to bring special offers like 12 months free line rental in which you don’t need to pay monthly rentals. It gives you a free network service and a latest mobile phone. Without the availability of contract phones, the latest and sophisticated mobile phones would not have been affordable for all classes of people. So by purchasing contract mobile phones, you can avail this offer and get a free line rental ranging from 12-18 months.
You just need to know which type of handset you want, what features you need and what type of service plan you need. Compare the offers and deals offered by all service providers and determine which one can benefit you.
No doubt, 12 months free line rental is turning out to be a cost-effective option for your mobile phone usage.

Mobile Phone Deals: The Easiest Way to Reach the Latest Technology

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Oct 152020

Planning to buy the latest handset at the cheapest rate? Go for the cheapest mobile phone deals available in the market. Clinch the best deal along with the best mobile handset and enjoy latest mobile technology.

Login to the online mobile market to stay updated with the latest info about mobile phones and deals. Mobile phone manufacturers including Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG and Motorola are releasing new handsets equipped with hi-fi technology and eye-catching design. Now you get a wide range of options to choose your desired handset. The impressive features of the latest handsets vary from mega pixel camera with digital zoom, MP3 music, excellent stereo sound, Bluetooth connectivity, EDGE, wide screen colour display to high-speed Internet connectivity, 3G technology, exciting games and fast downloading facilities.

Take a look at the Nokia N-series phones. The stylish and highly functional handsets ensure that you get the best of technology and fashion. Nokia N93 performs like a camcorder while Nokia N91 provides you an amazing mobile music experience. Shoot DVD-like quality video clips and photos in breathtaking details with the 3.2 mega pixel camera in Nokia N93. Get hooked to your favourite music played on the in-built MP3 player and FM stereo radio of Nokia N91. Select any handset according to your requirements and search for the cheapest deals available with the handset that suits you.

Leading network service providers including O2 and Vodafone offer attractive contract deals on these handsets. The contract mobile phone deals provide you tariff packages you simply can’t resist! Sign up for the best deal and avail special offers including 12 months free line rental, free gifts like free insurance, minutes and texts, and even free handsets.

So what are you waiting for? Get your mobile phone deal today and enjoy a complete package of multimedia features with your gadget.

Nokia N93: Perfect Christmas Gift for Your Partner

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Oct 142020

Enjoy a hi-tech Christmas this year with Nokia N-series phones. Make your partner feel special by gifting him a swanky Nokia handset. Experience the latest multimedia comforts with Nokia N93, the camcorder-like phone from Nokia.

Nokia N93 boasts a 3.2 mega pixel camera embedded with impressive features like Carl Zeiss optics, 3x optical zoom, auto focus and flash. Capture your pictures in brilliant colour and shoot DVD-like quality video clips in MPEG4 format. Refresh your memories by viewing your photos on the high definition TFT display. The in-built TV-Out enables you to enjoy your personal videos by transferring them to any compatible TV using USB cable.

Get the right kind of music on your digital music player. Download latest music videos directly to your phone and enjoy them on any compatible device via Bluetooth wireless technology. Nokia N93 has 50 MB of internal dynamic memory with a miniSD card slot expandable up to 2 GB. That means your device can comfortably accommodate all your favourite sound tracks, photos, music videos, games and business files. The high-speed Internet connectivity provided by RSS feeds gives you access to latest news updates and technology info, along with fast downloads of ring tones, images, wallpapers, screen savers, music videos, songs, etc. All of these attractive features are packed in one, so hurry! Buy Nokia N93 and enjoy a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones.

Check out the online mobile phone shops to get your Nokia handset. Numerous contract deals are available with Nokia N93. Top online mobile shops provide you with the list of Nokia N93 contract deals offered by O2 and Vodafone networks. The irresistible tariffs include attractive incentives like free line rentals, free accessories, free connection, free insurance, free texts and free minutes. Sign up a 12 months contract deal with O2 network. You don’t need to pay a single penny for your Nokia N93! Pack a Nokia handset today for your better half and celebrate Christmas in hi-tech fervour.

Free Gifts with Mobile Phones: Great Gifts to Gear up your Mobile Experience

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Oct 132020

The festive season is here. Christmas is the time not only to send greetings but also shower your loved ones with gifts. mobile phones manufacturers and mobile phone service providers have combined forces to give you an exciting X’mas.

Now is the time to look for the latest Mobile Phones and the best Mobile Phone Deals.

Mobile phone service providers are gearing up for Christmas and are offering some of the best mobile deals with both free line rental deals and free gifts.

The mobile phone is increasingly being used by all types of people. The mobile phone has come a long way. From being a simple calling instrument, it has become a sophisticated multimedia device. It has become a must-have product for young and old, men and women, workers to top notch business professionals.
From music, photos, video shoots, games, wallpapers and screensavers to business solutions, e-mails, messaging and web browsing, you can get everything you wish for in the new handsets. Literally everyday, leading brands like Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, LG, Sony Ericsson, etc. are introducing new models with futuristic features. And the network service providers like Orange, 3 Mobile, T Mobile, O2, Vodafone, Virgin, etc, are all wooing the consumer by offering fantastic deals and innumerable free gifts.
Visit any mobile shop or logon to any online site, you will be tempted by a plethora of Mobile Phone Deals along with exciting free gifts.
You can get your dream phone at a great price, from some of the best online mobile phone shops, along with mobile phones ring tones, logos, games and accessories. Many of these deals will offer free line rentals, free accessories, free next day delivery, free minutes, free texts, free insurance even free handsets. The icing on the cake however is the great gift deals you get with the package.

The different gifts could be a Sony PSP, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo DS Lite, Apple iPod nano, Apple iPod shuffle or an Apple iPod Video 30GB or a fantastic Samsung 17 inch LCD TV!

The online mobile market is already flooded with numerous special offers on various contract mobile phones. Nobody can resist such not-to-be-missed offers so get yourself a mobile phone deal. You can easily find what you are looking for in the wide range of deals and offers that are available on the internet and get some great gifts too this Christmas.

Misunderstanding Will Double Your Tax

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Oct 122020

If you have been overwhelmed by articles, advertising and friendly advice about the various schemes to legally avoid California Sales and Use Tax, let me set you straight about how to protect yourself. Aero Marine Tax Professionals ( handles this type of situation routinely.

First, you must know that your purchase of an aircraft or vessel is not exempt from tax until the California State Board of Equalization (Board) sends you a letter which affirms in writing your transaction is exempt. This may seem a little simplistic, but every month I encounter another taxpayer (the Board’s term for you) who has never filed a tax return, yet firmly believes he/she does not owe tax.

In this case NO NEWS IS BAD NEWS.

The key to this warning is the fact that the burden of proof in supporting a claim for an exemption rests squarely on your shoulders. The Board does not have to prove anything. The taxpayer has to support the claim for an exemption and must file a tax return. Just because you know that your property was used in an exempt manner does not mean that it is exempt. You must have in your possession a document from the Board which affirms they agree you have supported your claim.

In California, when you purchase an aircraft or vessel from someone other than a retailer who collects sales tax from you at the time of the transaction, it is the legal obligation of the purchaser (you) to timely file (self report) a tax return. In general the return is due within twelve months from the date of the transaction.

If you received an inquiry letter from the Board, the due date is located in the top right hand section of the cover letter. The due date on the letter becomes the date the return must be filed and many times is less than twelve months from the date of the transaction.

If you took possession outside the state using an offshore delivery for a vessel, or an out-of-state delivery for an aircraft, it is your legal obligation to timely file a tax return. If you believe your aircraft is exempt because it has been used in a manner that you were told made it non-taxable, your purchase is NOT EXEMPT FROM TAX until you have filed a tax return and received written notification from the Board that you have supported a claim for exemption.

Even if you made your purchase 5-6 years ago, your transaction is not exempt if you do not possess a letter from the Board which affirms you have supported your claim for exemption. Do not be lulled to sleep by the fact that you have not been contacted by the Board. They know they have approximately 9 years after your transaction to legally notify you that you have been assessed tax.

The Board will find you through property tax assessments or during a routine audit of a California retailer who sells you fuel. They do not have to be in a hurry to notify you they are aware of your property. As long as they notify you before the statute runs out they can collect the tax. Imagine getting a notice seven years and eleven months after the tax return due date. You will not only be assessed tax but penalties and interest as well. This will easily double the amount you originally owed.

The Board is in control if you fail to file a tax return. The following example is intended to point out the danger:

John Smith purchases an aircraft for $1,000,000.00 on March 12, 1995. The tax rate in his county is 8%. Therefore, the potential tax is $80,000.00. Mr. Smith registers his aircraft in the name of an out-of-state corporation called Smith Investing, Inc. The corporation was advised that if the aircraft was used in charter operations more than fifty percent of the time it would be exempt from tax. Because the aircraft is registered to an out-of-state address, Mr. Smith believes he has no obligation to file a tax return. During the period of March 1995 through March 1996 the aircraft is in fact used in an exempt manner by being flown on bonafide charter flights more that 50% of the time.

In June 1997 the aircraft is picked up by the county property tax personnel on a random unannounced visit to an airport. The Board runs the tail number through the FAA registration database and discovers the name of Smith Investing, Inc. A further check of the public records reveals a link to John Smith of California. Mr. Smith is now on the radar screen of the Board auditors.

It is the opinion of the Board auditor that a tax return was due by the end of February 1996. He operates from the viewpoint that the statute of limitations will expire in March 2004. (During the late 90’s there was little pressure to assess tax in this type of case. There was no budget crisis. Therefore, Mr. Smith is not contacted.) A reminder flag is set in his file to make sure a notification form is sent to Smith Investing, Inc. before the statute runs out in 2004.

In early 2000, Smith Investing, Inc. sells the aircraft and purchases another.

In December 2002, because of the budget crisis, an inquiry letter is sent to Smith Investing, Inc. at John Smith’s address in California. Mr. Smith ignores the inquiry because he still operates from the belief the out-of-state registration, plus the charter use exempts the aircraft from tax in California.

On November 7, 2003, the Board issues a Notice of Determination for the original $80,000.00 in tax, an $8,000.00 penalty for failure to file plus $65,600.00 in interest. Mr. Smith does not respond. Therefore, on December 8, 2003, the bill goes final.

The collections section at the Board make several attempts to contact Mr. Smith and he continues to ignore them. The Board subsequently files a lien against Smith Investing, Inc. Finally, Mr. Smith hires an attorney to deal with the Board. The attorney discovers that once the bill has gone final, the only way Mr. Smith can get the opportunity to support his claim for an exemption is to pay the $153,000.00 and file a claim for refund.

During the research process to gather the documents which support the exemption, Mr. Smith discovers that the documents were destroyed or lost because no one in the organization thought there was any exposure. Therefore, the assessment will stand. Mr. Smith’s misunderstanding of the laws and regulations have converted a tax exempt purchase into a taxable transaction and doubled the price!

This story is a compilation of several stories I come across every day.

DON’T LET IT HAPPEN TO YOU. If you have the slightest discomfort about your tax status for purchases you have made any time in the last ten years, I will offer a free analysis of your situation.

Don’t hesitate to protect yourself.

“Gold, a Hedge against the Perils of Interesting Times”

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Oct 112020

Timothy Malone – While paper-based investments and real estate are vulnerable to effects of changing times, gold soars. A precious metals investment may save a portfolio when all else fails.

The old Chinese curse, “may you live in interesting times”, has particular relevance to the current epoch of U.S. history. There’s a lot going on right now, much of it scary. Major investors around the world are responding to the events of our perilous age by sinking their dollars, deutschmarks and yen into gold, silver and palladium; Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and billionaire speculator George Soros to name but a few. Big financial institutions like the Central Banks of Russia and China are also leaping onto the metals bandwagon driving the price of these precious commodities ever higher.

This is spurring a gold rush not witnessed since the Misery Index years of the 1970s. Many financial experts now view gold in particular as an island of stability in a paper-based investment market growing stormier all the time, a development that bodes well for everyday folks who want to shore up their retirement accounts with a precious metals hedge.

“People the world over are losing faith in politicians, and currencies,” says Marc Lubaszka, President/CEO, World Financial, a highly successful investment firm specializing in precious metals based in Studio City, Calif. “This has resulted in a flight to gold and other precious metals, a storehouse of value for more than five thousand years. Investors are taking their money out of paper assets, and putting it where it is likely to earn a better return in uncertain times.”

Old Reliables Unreliable
Investments once considered as stable as granite are rapidly losing ground, Lubaszka explains. Real estate is but one example. Long praised as a slam-dunk by money gurus, home-buying is no longer viewed as a hurdle-free path to profit. Stratospheric pricing and higher interest rates are putting intolerable pressure on the current housing bubble, factors bound to bust the suds sooner or later and drive the overheated real estate market into deepfreeze.

“The housing bubble will burst rather than gradually deflate, following the rapid and violent pattern of decline of nearly every financial bubble throughout history,” Lubaszka says. “Higher interest rates negatively impact not only the health of the housing market but other economic segments as well. The stock market takes a hit because higher rates make it more costly for companies to pay for debt. Higher rates hurt corporate profit margins and reduce stock value, bad news given the deep debt situation so many companies are in today.”

Paper is Passé
According to Lubaszka, the U.S. dollar has lost more than 80% of its original value since the early 70’s when we went to a floating currency, a situation not helped very much by the debut of the Euro in the late 1990s. Unlike American dollars, a portion of the Euro is gold-backed, a stability feature that has helped it outperform the dollar over the long haul. It is for this reason that many foreign investors have been taking money out of U.S. dollars and putting it into gold and oil instead, one explanation for why the price of both has continued to rise in recent months.

“Gold prices are climbing right now because the Federal Reserve is printing dollars in flood proportions to keep the real estate market afloat,” adds Richard Russell, editor Dow Theory Letters, a stock market trends and securities report published since 1946. “This is creating inflation, which erodes purchasing power. All the world’s central banks are inflating right now, reducing confidence in paper globally and encouraging gold-buying. India and China are spurring gold prices as well. India is the world’s largest gold-consumer, and the Chinese government is actively encouraging its citizens to buy gold.”

All are extremely encouraging signs for gold investors. Over the course of the past 35 years, gold has climbed in value from a modest $35 an ounce to nearly $600. Contrast that with the battered U.S. dollar, a currency currently worth only 20% of its value in 1970.

“When gold peaked-out in the 1970s, interest rates were at an all-time high,” Lubaszka says. “Right now we’re waiting to feel the effects of the last 9 interest rate increases which generally take 6-9 months to begin impacting the economy. Now’s the time to buy gold because when rates go up, downward pressure is exerted on real estate, stocks and bonds and commodities like gold tend to increase. The opposite occurs when rates travel from a high to a low. That’s the time to reduce gold assets and increase the paper part of a portfolio.”

Buy Without Getting Burned
Michelle Henderson, a talent agency owner in Los Angeles, Calif. understands the stakes when it comes to investing. “As an agent I work in a commission-based world, and have to invest in both people and ideas all the time,” she says. “Though I’d had bad experiences with stock investments in the past, I knew I would eventually find something that would work for me. I invested in a diversified metals portfolio made up of palladium, silver and gold, and earned a profit of 38% with the palladium alone. Staying focused on making money, and following World Financials advice, I was able to earn an above-average return and greatly increase the overall value of my assets safely.”

Lubaszka explain, “It’s probably best for the first time investor to begin conservatively by purchasing physical metals instead of gold stocks, which can be very volatile”. According to Clearwater, Fla.-based talk show host and gold analyst, Tom O’Brien, when metals gain 20%, gold equities jump by fifty or sixty per cent. That’s great when it happens but the reverse can occur as well.

Buy gold bars or coins, and put them in a safety deposit box. If you chose to purchase coins from a coin shop, make certain you pay the lowest price possible and that they have a buy back policy. If you elect to go with a broker, fees will be inevitable because you are purchasing a tangible commodity.

There are brokers, and then there are brokers. The best of the breed will answer all questions, and make the process of first-time gold buying less nerve-wracking. Great brokers are also accessible when needed, and quick to call with any new information that affects the value of the investment.

Work with established companies, five years in business is good, ten even better. Don’t bother with firms that badger you with telemarketing offers or apply high-pressure sales tactics. Avoid paying high commissions too. Some brokers have layers of fees, through which they earn more money then they do investing on behalf of customers. There are also companies out there that will not buy metal back. Stay away from them as well.

“Check references and Better Business Bureau ratings”, Lubaszka adds. “Deal with a company that takes an active interest in doing business with you. World Financial, for example, offers a five-star customer satisfaction guarantee. If questions are not answered or we fail to respond to a prospect’s call or email within 24 hours, that person receives a one ounce silver American Eagle coin free of charge. A financial advisor’s job is to ease the investment process, and to insure that customers get the most for their money. Good advisers are merely good, but the best are worth their weight in gold.”

To contact World Financial directly call 818.264.4085. World Financial is the premiere provider of precious metals to investors nationwide. Aside from offering numerous incentive programs, World Financial offers clients the right type of precious metal strategy for every investor’s needs. They are located at 12198 Ventura Blvd Ste 200, Studio City CA, 91604.

Florida Investor Network Pursuing Condo Hotel Market

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Oct 102020

The network (, a web based investment group, announced today that the group will acquire Condo Hotel units throughout Florida in the upcoming year.

A condo hotel offers the opportunity to own an elegant and exquisitely furnished hotel room in some of the most desirable locations in the world. Since this is a purchase, the buyer not only gets a deed to the property, allowing the sale or transfer of the unit, but also tax and real estate appreciation benefits. When using the unit, the owner has access to all of the amenities of the hotel. When not in use, the unit can be a available to rent through the hotel’s rental program.

The number of units available today from conversions has swelled recently, and the success of these projects has given new life to older hotels in Florida. The demand for new construction has been extremely strong as well.

A major benefit to an owner of a Condo Hotel unit is stress-free ownership. When the unit owner wants to use the unit, they call the hotel and schedule a visit. During their stay, they enjoy all of the amenities and services of the hotel. When the unit is not being used, it can be rented through the hotel’s rental program, with no worry about maintenance and upkeep.

The hotel is generally managed by a brand-name hotel operator. This operator not only manages the hotel’s rental program, but also markets the units, takes reservations, operates the front desk, maintains the property, and provides the services hotel guests expect, such as housekeeping, food and beverage, spas and concierge.

Condo Hotel units are difficult to finance.’s prefererred lender, Maranatha Mortgage ( has access to special financing for Condo Hotels.

The number of developments coming online has well outpaced the institutional lenders that have a desire to fund condo hotel purchases. These loans are considered “portfolio” in nature, and will in most cases be held and serviced by the lender who originated the loan, or a number of loans will be packaged together and sold to private investors. Since there is a lack of a true secondary market, many lenders do not actively seek to originate condo hotel paper.

It is particularly difficult to finance units less than 600 square feet that may or may not have a kitchen. This primarily affects the conversion market, as most of the units are true hotel rooms, and do not have the room for a kitchenette. The square footage number and kitchen requirement stems from the older “condominium” guidelines set by Fannie Mae, and many lenders have not updated their own guidelines to accurately reflect the unique characteristics of condo hotel properties. As a result, this is very much a niche loan product.

Aside from the real estate taxes, insurance and a mortgage payment (if there is one), there is a monthly assessment that covers maintenance of the unit and common areas, furniture replacement, utilities and a reserve fund.

Is it mandatory for the unit owner to be in the hotels rental program? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Each development has different programs. In general, the rental program is voluntary, with a set amount of days per year the unit can be used.

The rental program is managed through a special reservation system that assigns “rotation points” to the units as they are occupied. This ensures that the units with the least amount of points are the next to be rented as long as they meet the guests’ requirements.

When the unit is being occupied by the owner, his friends or family, the hotel’s rental program does not assign any rotation points to it. Thus, you are encouraged to use your unit since the system will make up for the vacancy of the room upon your departure.

Typically, the revenue is split 50-50 between the owners and management after expenses and HOA dues.

If the unit owner decides to participate in the hotel’s rental program, he will receive a portion of the revenues from his unit. However, it is at the discrection of the management company to share the revenue from any of the hotel’s services (i.e. restaurants, spas, shops).

Anyone who is interested in real estate investing and would like to join this network at no cost can sign up at There is no cost to join the network; Just the opportunity to work with some of the best in the business. Investors will have access to a million dollar database of Attorney’s, CPA’s, Mortgage and Real Estate specialists on every deal. is a web based investment group. Their philosophy is to locate excellent buying opportunities throughout the state of Florida and help their members create positive cash flow.

To contact Mike Linton for more information:

DiMucci Realty Company
Mike Linton / Realtor
3424 S. Atlantic Ave.
Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118