Bad Credit Cash Loans – Tips for Ignoring Adverse Credentials

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Sep 192020

When you are shopping around for a cash loan to meet some urgency or regular payments, usually it is your bad credit that pinches the most. But that is not the case with especially designed bad credit cash loans. Bad credit cash loans are offered to people, especially salary earners, in a hassle free manner.

There are many reasons that a lender while offering cash loans can afford to ignore bad credit of the borrower. First of all the loan amount involved is very small of say up to £1000 and even smaller in most of the cases. Secondly bad credit cash loans amount is approved on the basis of what the borrower is earning per month. Bad credit cash loans are provided till time the borrower gets next paycheque and the loan is paid back through salary check it is enough to cut risks for the lenders. So, smaller amount and shorter repayment days of say two- three weeks cut the risks to facilitate for bad credit cash loans.

Another reason behind ignoring bad credit is that a cash loan comes at very high interest rate. The lender will not let go an opportunity for earning high interest in few days. Besides, high interest rate also ensures that the salaried person would be returning the loan in time for escaping enhanced interest rate. So the lender approves the loan without a hitch.

With all risks being remote, lenders approved bad credit cash loans instantly like any other cash loan. The loan amount comes in the borrower’s account in 24 hours of applying. Compare different bad credit cash loans interest rates for a suitable deal before approaching a lender. For instant approval apply to an online lender.

Bad credit cash loans are provided in a smooth manner to bad credit salaried people who earn a fixed salary per month. Bad credit in fact is not at all an impediment as risks for the lender are remote for host of reasons. Read the article for why lenders offer bad credit cash loans without a hitch.

Discounted Manchester Airport Parking Rates

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Sep 182020

A big part of flying is getting to and from the airport; there are many ways in doing so. Some options are cheaper and more convenient than others, however many travelers (Self Included) tend to procrastinate. We delay finalizing the small details when booking a trip away because we’ve been led to believe that in some instances when bookings are left to ‘last minute’ it yields greater discounts

It’s almost an irritation thinking about things such as parking especially when there are so many other pre-travel tasks. Your choice of transportation is most likely dependant on convenience, comfort, reliability and safety. As being one of the world biggest procrastinators (this might be an over exaggeration – but it rings true to me), I’ve come to discover that there are definitely greater benefits in pre-booking airport parking through a site called save-on-parking.

As Manchester airport flies to 75 destinations worldwide; it’s one of the largest airports in the UK outside of London. Convenience and hassle free traveling is what all regular travelers are looking for.

Cheap airport parking is now made available by save-on-parking it also provides services such as choices of on & off parking options which includes a meet and greets facility and free transfers to and from the airport.

The internet has become the world’s leading source of information. It’s provides us with a level of convenience that we, the consumer never before imagined. Nowadays there is no need to leave the comfort of your own home and queue for what you want. This allows us to shop for the best deal on unusual products and services such as airport parking to be no hassle.

Online parking aggregators such as save-on-parking, deal directly with car parking companies to secure the best deal for you. Many of the individual car park companies do not have their own websites and it would probably take a lot more work to attempt to make an additional saving booking directly than it would booking through an aggregator.

It seems most travelers, when traveling abroad follow the sun. Seeing as South Africa is listed as being one of the most traveled to destinations by UK citizens. Manchester airport now has flights directly to and from Cape Town and Durban.

My advice to you is take advantage of discounted airport parking rates (up to 30% on the turn up rate) when using save-on-parking. Cheap airport parking is now made available at one of the UK’s busiest airports.

For more information please visit

How To Get a Healty Skin With Acne Treatment

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Sep 172020

Acne is the most common skin disease worldwide. It is common on the back, chest, shoulders, and even buttocks of many people in their teens and twenties. In fact, it is a disorder that causes outbreaks of skin lesions commonly called pimples. Acne is a universal skin disease which manifests in all genders, ages, and races. Fortunately, acne is treatable and can be resolved.

Most people do not have any problem in recognizing acne. In the simplest terms, the direct cause for problem skin is blocked oil ducts and pores in the skin. The biggest problem: Many adults dry out their skin with use of oil-stripping products or excessive washing. To effectively deal with any problem, you must first understand and eliminate the root cause of the problem. Wash problem areas twice daily with a nonmedicated soap or mild cleanser. If the problem is severe, then oral antibiotics may be needed along with topical applications.

Is clear, healthy skin important to you. Diseases of the skin are a common occurrence. It’s very important to be taking care of that skin these days. For someone with oily skin, the best thing to do is to take measures to keep pores from getting clogged and forming acne lesions. Do protect your skin by wearing sunscreen and avoiding sunburns if you currently have acne. This is one of the key factors behind many skin disorders including acne. To normalize functioning of problematic skin it is necessary to use acne products. Here are some tips for keeping your skin acne free.

+Wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne.

+Don’t pop pimples. It’s tempting, but here’s why you shouldn’t: Popping pimples can push infected material further into the skin, leading to more swelling and redness, and even scarring.

+Avoid touching your face with your fingers or leaning your face on objects that collect sebum and skin residue like the telephone receiver.

+If you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose.

+If you get acne on your body, try not to wear tight clothes, which don’t allow skin to breathe and may cause irritation.

+Remove your makeup before you go to sleep.

+Keep hair clean and out of your face to prevent additional dirt and oil from clogging your pores.

+Protect your skin from the sun. It may seem like a tan masks acne, but it’s only temporary.

We know more today than ever before about the treatment of acne. Fortunately effective treatment is available for acne of all severity. No treatment will completely ‘cure’ your acne. It’s a known fact that an effective acne treatment can prevent emotional and physical scarring. The main aim of an acne treatment is to prevent new spots appearing on the skin. Remember that it can take 3-6 weeks to see any improvement after beginning an acne treatment.

Myth #1 is that acne is caused by poor hygiene. While acne is not caused by dirty skin, it can be aggravated by grease in the skin. Fortunately it is not a serious health threat, but it can cause scars. Acne is not a skin disease, it is a skin manifestation of changes that occur in the body and is caused by a blockage to the opening of the oil glands in the skin. Acne is a skin condition that every teen encounters and deal with at some point of their lives. It is a health condition and needs to be treated as such.

Deal With Debts through Debt Management

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Sep 162020

Debts is regarded as one such problem which not only adversely affect the credit position, but also put bad effect on health as this increases the mental stress. So, it become necessary to manage debts, with a hassle free way. And, this is possible by means of availing debt management.

Today, debt management service is provided by majority of lenders. Debt management is very broad term which includes various other elements such as counseling, negotiation, making budgets and financial planning. In these counseling sessions, the person burdened with debt comes in direct contact with credit experts, who listens to the debt problem and suggests an appropriate measure. While managing debts in debt management, the lender also negotiates with the creditors in order to reduce some amount of debt payment. Through, debt management, the person also can save an amount of money; as this reduces the amount of debt payment in the process of negotiation with the creditor.

Making budgets and financial planning also come in package of debt management. They form a very crucial part of debt management. It ensures that such debt problem doesn’t arise in future.

The lender or company providing debt management services usually asks the person to furnish certain details which helps the lender to determine the credit status of the person. These details includes nature of debt problem, address proof, identity proof, employment details, income proof etc.

Debt management can also be availed by the person tagged with bad credit that is, a bad credit scorers. Through, this means a bad credit scorer can improve his score and also his credit status by paying all his pending debts.

It is absolutely, true that the debt management handles the debts; but the person must also try himself to control his spending habits. In other word, he must stop spending lavishly and extravagantly. The use of credit cards is also considered as the one of the most common reason for occurrence of debts. So the person must reduce using credit cards for paying his expenses.

Buy the Right Outdoor Furniture

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Sep 152020

Furniture, whether inside or outside the house, adds the required charm to the four bland brick and mortar walls. Outdoor furniture is not meant to be the scrap that indoor furniture has turned into after so many years of usage. Your outdoor furniture not only adds value to the quality of life but also enables you to enjoy nature, with extreme comfort. The variety and quality of outdoor furniture available in the market belies the claims of conservationists who tend to hold the opinion about primacy of indoor furniture. From plastic to wicker to wood to metals, outdoor furniture is available in every material.

Buying and maintaining parameters for outdoor furniture are quite different from indoor furniture. This article aims to provide you with all the basic dos and don’ts while dealing with outdoor furniture.

The first step, of course, is to decide upon the material you prefer in your outdoor furniture. If opting for wooden furniture, Amish made furniture can be an ideal choice for indoor furniture but woods like redwood, teak, balau, cypress, eucalyptus and white oak are naturally suited for outdoor furniture. These woods are insect and rot-resistant that is vital for any outdoor furniture article. These woods have also shown sufficient signs of weather resistance. Ideally, your choice of outdoor furniture depends a great deal on the weather prevalent in your area. Weather can be the biggest enemy of outdoor furniture. Rains, heat and dust could create havoc for a delicate furniture item. If the weather is mild and pleasant, even carefully crafted Amish handcrafted furniture can be given a try. Amish furniture adds gloss to your outdoors and lends grace to your indoors! The general features for outdoor wooden furniture include substantial look and feel, ease of cleaning, periodic maintenance and always cool to touch.

If your choice is wicker furniture for your outdoors, then Rattan vine is the usual material used in making some exotic wicker chairs and tables. The general features for outdoor wicker furniture includes – lightweight, comfortable, tight uniform weave with no splinters, distinctive look and use of some synthetic material like resin.

If your choice is metallic furniture, then aluminum is your best friend for outdoor comforts. Good aluminum furniture will give out a unique look and is also extremely light weight being made of hollow aluminum tubes. Aluminum furniture come either in wrought aluminum or cast aluminum, and both are equally good. The general features for outdoor aluminum furniture includes – durability, rust-free, lightweight, weather-resistant, formal and easy to maintain.

Plastic furniture is also gaining grounds these days more due to its cost-effectiveness than good looks.

Do not forget to keep the budget on outdoor furniture under check. Generally, your outdoors should not look overcrowded with furniture stuffed in every nook and corner. Few but unique furniture items on the outdoors is the ideal approach. Never go by the beauty of the furniture article. Your requirements always come first. So, it’s always handy to have your requirements in mind before you set foot to buy outdoor furniture.

Maintenance of outdoor furniture is another yardstick that should be given due regard. Wood and aluminum furniture comes on top for the maintenance criterion. A good polish or varnish can easily prolong the life of outdoor furniture.

“Adult Acne- The Forbidden Topic”

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Sep 142020


Adult Acne– I left my heart on the floor when I awoke this morning,
looked in the mirror and saw six nasty pimples on my face. My wedding is in two
days. What am I going to do?

I’ve got a big problem I just don’t need right now. I only have two hundred
things left to do before the wedding. I can’t deal with these pimples right

“Don’t panic”, I said to myself. “Relax, sit down. Now what do I know about
this problem and what do they call this mess on my face?”

Then I heard a strange voice. I wrote down what the voice said and it forms
the remainder of this article. The voice said the following:

What is it? It’s, gasp…, ADULT ACNE!

Relax, all is not lost. There is hope. Don’t despair. I’m here to help you
kill the pimples, the blackheads and the blemishes.

Adult acne is curable. Let me say that again. Adult acne is curable.

There are now more adult acne treatments than ever before.

Disclaimer: consult your doctor before following or
relying on any of the information in this article.


The most likely cause is hormonal imbalance in the body, irrespective of
gender. Other causes may be as follows:

– Skin Heredity
– Environmental allergies
– Stress
– Menstrual
– Drugs
– Candidiasis
– Nutritional deficiencies

Your skin is exposed to pollution like smog or just dirty air. Your skin
collects all sorts of bacteria, dirt, dust, grime and debris. When the dirt or bacteria lands on the pore,they eventually get trapped and the pores become
clogged, which leads to acne.


Some adults go into great despair about their acne. Teenagers they assume
they’ll grow out of it. Acne Dysmorphia is a rare syndrome where the individual
gets deeply depressed about their adult acne.

Thank goodness this doesn’t happen much.


Adult acne can be cured. Keep your face clean. I like to clean my face with
water and baking soda either before I retire, in the morning or both. It unclogs
the pores and removes dead skin. Then apply a good moisturizer. Try it. It

Touching is probably one of the most often overlooked reasons for adult acne.
Break the habit of putting your hands on your face! Also rubbing or bracing your chin is another common problem while thinking.

Do not rub, touch, or itch your skin with your hands. Your hands contain a
lot of bacteria that can cause acne flare-ups.

Doctors say that your face is the dirtiest part of your body. Why? It’s
because it is the body part most exposed to the elements. Also one that is most
touched by our hands.

Therefore, carry a small plastic bottle of waterless hand cleaner or
sanitizer. Use it frequently during the day. If you are tempted to touch your
face then such hand cleaning will reduce the possibility that adult acne is


Here are two methods of adult acne treatment.

The first is to cleanse the skin. Next you steam it thoroughly to remove the
acne. Cleansing may be done with vinegar, diluted with water. Some recommend a
solution of 8 parts water to 1 part vinegar. Experiment with the solution until
you find the best formula for your skin. Finally moisturize your skin to prevent

The next acne treatment method is to use benzyl peroxide. Try the proportion
of 5 parts water to 1 part benzyl peroxide daily. At a minimum apply it once or
twice a week if your skin will not tolerate the daily application.

Why? It’s because this solution kills bacteria, helps reduce oils in the skin and opens the pores. Clogged pores are a primary acne producer. Therefore with open pores it is easier to clean the dirt inside of them.

All methods of acne
treatment may be slow in producing results. So who are you goanna call and what
are you going to do when the hot date, prom, party or your wedding is looming
and you got zits? Do you really, really want the answer? Of course you do.

Go to a licensed esthetician (aesthetician) and ask them to extract those
pimples and zits. Like the two estheticians I have at Next Salon in Santa
Monica, California, these professionals will leave you zit free with a smooth,
younger appearing and radiant face. You’ll also be relaxed by the treatment as a limited upper body massage is usually included.

Finally if you have a complicated condition, please see your friendly
Dermatologist for adult acne.

Be Debt Free-Credit Card Debt Consolidation

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Sep 132020

Credit card is the most lucrative way to make payments to sellers. Equipped with different distinct facilities, it allows you to buy more than you can afford and pay at the end of the month. Now, as long as you own one credit card and are able to make payment regularly, things will move according to expectation. But, the problem will arise when you use too many credit cards without making any regular payments. This will lead you to fall in credit card debt consolidation. But do not despair; there is a way ahead to make you debt free and it leads to credit card debt consolidation.

With credit card debt consolidation, you can easily consolidate all unpaid debts into one single loan. Here, you can easily manage and clear off the debts, which are included in your credit card bills. With it, you can easily avoid further debts due to your card spending. It proves to be beneficial for you in many respects:

▪ It tends to be easy for you to pay to a single creditor than to pay to multiple creditors at a time.

▪ The new creditor generally gives you the chance to enjoy lower interest rate with lower monthly repayments.

▪ Here, you need not to interact with your old creditors, who were in the habit of annoying you about your debts.

Credit card debt consolidation is available both in secured and unsecured forms. You can get it in secured form, just by placing assets as collateral. It could be your car, home or any other related assets, which can be placed as collateral. On the other hand, unsecured credit card debt consolidation loans are available without placing anything as a security.

Another noteworthy feature of credit card debt consolidation is that it is open for all, irrespective of any credit account. Bad credit holders can also gain its benefits. However as far as rate of interest is concerned, a good credit holder can gain the benefit of getting it at a lower rate of interest compared to that person with bad credit score.

You can access information about bad credit debt consolidation through online method, which is perhaps the best method to deal with these kinds of problems. Go to any search engine, just type your request in the search box and meet unlimited lenders, who will provide you necessary information regarding credit card debt consolidation. Analyze information carefully and choose your lender. And in this way, be prepared to live a life faraway from the frustration of unpaid debts.

Bad Credit Holiday Loans – Enjoy Life Without Credit Worries

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Sep 122020

Your adverse credit history should not be an impediment in the way of enjoying life, in case you are looking for a loan. These days when almost every one has debts and bad credit, lenders rake up money out of loan deals made with bad credit people, including holiday travelers. Bad credit holiday loans are availed much easier than any bad credit borrower thinks they are.

One sure shot remedy to negate bad credit while asking for a holiday loan is to offer your home or other property as collateral to the lender. Lender is unlikely to run a credit check as your property is with him as security. Not only that, you would be approved secured bad credit holiday loans at lower interest rate also. Secured bad credit holiday loans provide greater amount if need be so. The loan is seldom a burden. You are given larger duration for repaying secured bad credit holiday loan.

On the other side, unsecured bad credit holiday loans do require some credit checks. Lenders approve unsecured bad credit holiday loans if your bank balance is sufficient and you earn a decent income. Unsecured bad credit holiday loans are offered without collateral making them fully risk free for the borrower. However you would be paying higher interest rate on unsecured bad credit holiday loans. The loan amount approved will be smaller and for a shorter repaying duration of say 10 years.

Which ever option you choose, compare different bad credit holiday loans lenders for making a low cost loan deal. Compare interest rate especially. You can also make bad credit holiday loans a way to repair your credit score. To do so, ensure regular payments towards the loan installments.

Bad credit holiday loans are considered as best suited option for enjoying holiday if you have a troublesome credit history. The loan has inbuilt ways to negate bad credit of the borrower and to reduce risks for the lender to great extent. Read the article for key aspects of the loan.

Shed Credit Woes in Availing Bad Credit Personal Loans

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Sep 112020

In taking personal loans, its cost for the borrowers is crucial in deciding if the loan proves to be a burden or not. Usually for bad credit people a personal loan comes at higher interest rate. But on taking some wise steps the borrower can search for suitable bad credit personal loans. With the loan amount various works can easily be done at low cost. And while such a borrower utilizes the loan amount, his credit score improves in the mean time as he nears paying off the loan.

Bad credit persona loan are especially designed for bad credit people. Bad credit personal loans come in secured and unsecured options. Under the secured option, bad credit factor is well negated since the property of the borrower placed as collateral with the lender covers most of the risks for the lenders. The lender therefore can offer secured bad credit personal loans at lower interest rate. Also greater amount can be approved for larger repayment duration. As a consequence of lower interest rate and larger repayment duration, the bad credit borrower is able to save money as the payment towards the installments gets reduced.

Unsecured bad credit personal loans are suitable for smaller borrowings and for tenants-or non-homeowners. Unsecured bad credit personal loans are offered without collateral, resulting in a risk free borrowing for the applicant. However to cover risks, lenders charge higher interest rate on smaller amount that is approved for shorter repayment duration as unsecured bad credit personal loan. Annual income and employment documents are considered as basic and sufficient for approving the unsecured loan amount.

Compare as many bad credit personal loans providers for making a beneficial deal with suitable lender. Apply online for fast processing and approval of the loan. And do not forget to pay off the installments in time for avoiding debts and for repairing credit score.

Guide to Getting UK Car Insurance

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Sep 102020

Remember back when you had to travel from insurer to insurer or spend hours on the telephone ringing up possible insurers to find the best deal on car insurance? Who actually has the extra time anymore to run all over town? Besides, the odds aren’t in your favor that you actually found the best deal, anyhow. That’s why so many of us are now shopping on the World Wide Web for those tough to find items that require comparison shopping, with insurance being at the top of the list. Here’s a quick and easy guide to getting car insurance in the UK.

1. Service is a top priority. What good does saving a few pounds do for anyone if your claim is constantly placed at the back of the pile, your telephone messages go unreturned, and you’re inconvenienced for weeks on end? These things are called accidents are for a reason, and the entire scenario can be exhausting enough without your insurer dragging their feet at every possible avenue. So before you agree to the terms and conditions of an insurer, be sure to check their customer satisfaction ratings and for any complaints filed.

2. Price is another important point to consider. And the best way to get the best price is by comparison shopping. Be sure to inform any potential insurer that you will be getting multiple quotes from other insurers. This will help to keep them at the top of their game and at the bottom of their price.

3. Have your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) ready. Just because you’re driving a Honda Civic, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be paying the same rate as someone else with a Honda Civic, even if your driving records are exactly the same. Your auto might have anti-lock brakes and an anti-theft device of sorts, while the other might have an expensive sound system. All of these things will have an effect your individual quote and final price.

4. Don’t be afraid to say NO! If you don’t need the extra coverage for compact discs, don’t buy it- no matter how much the insurer tells you that it’s a good idea to have. You’ll need basic collision to protect your car, comprehensive to protect others, and a few other tidbits depending on your individual situation. For instance, perhaps your auto has a loan from the bank attached to it. In this case, you are technically not the owner of the car–the bank is, and they can demand as much insurance coverage as they’d like on their investment.

5. Just because something is easy, it doesn’t mean it’s bad. There are some highly qualified websites out there on the Internet who will do all of the comparison-shopping for you. Such a service is free, as you, the insured, do not pay for this service; the insurance company you choose picks up the bill.

Are Rechargeable Batteries Worth It? Which Type is Best?

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Sep 092020

Q、Are Rechargeable Batteries Worth It? Which Type is Best?

A、f you’re trying to figure out what type of batteries to get for junior’s new Game-A-Tron or if you’re trying to decide whether you should buy the Epi-Torture Leg Shaver with the built-in battery or not, the subject of rechargeable batteries may be buzzing around in your head. The bottom-line question is: Are rechargeable batteries worth the extra up-front cost, and if so, which type is best?

Because there are many different types of batteries and battery uses, there is no one answer to those questions. But we can make a few recommendations that will help you. This article focuses on standard consumer batteries—the AA, AAA, C, and D batteries you typically put in your portable devices and toys. There are three main considerations:

We’re going to give you a bunch of important “battery answers” right up front:

Yes, rechargeable batteries make economic sense in most cases.
Nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) are the best rechargeable batteries you can get from several standpoints, including performance and low toxicity for the environment.

Although today’s disposable alkaline batteries can be thrown in the trash, all rechargeable batteries should be recycled.
But there’s a little more to rechargeable batteries than that, so we hope you’ll read on. We want you to get the most possible benefit from your new rechargeable batteries, and there are a few pieces of information that will help you do that.

COST – ARE RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES WORTH IT?Rechargeable batteries almost always make economic sense. The upfront cost of setting yourself up with rechargeable batteries and the charger may seem off-putting at first, especially when you realize that you’ll want to have some extra batteries that can be recharging while you’re running devices like your Walkman, wireless computer mouse, and battery-powered toys.

Let’s walk through a cost analysis by considering the following scenario. Say you have a few different devices that use AA batteries, and you want to be able to have a total of eight batteries to power them at any given time. You also want four spares that can be charging while the other batteries are in use.

The total cost for this scenario—12 rechargeable batteries plus the charger—will be about $75.00. That may sound like a lot of up-front spending when you consider that you can buy an 8-pack of disposable AA batteries for about five bucks. But if you’re like most households and it seems like every other trip to the store finds you buying another 8-pack of throw-aways, then rechargeables will definitely be the better deal.

For instance, under the scenario above, if you’re now buying a five-dollar 8-pack of batteries every month, that’s a yearly cost of $60. After a little more than a year, your $75 initial investment in the rechargeable setup will be paid for, and the next 10 years of battery use will be free. Over that period, you would save $600! And it will be 1,000 fewer disposable batteries going into your nearby landfill or incinerator.

If you don’t use that many batteries—say a couple of 8-packs per year—you could still actually save money over the long run with rechargeables, though that would depend on the types of uses. But rechargeable batteries make the most sense for devices that get heavy to moderate use and have a high to medium current draw. These are the devices you find yourself changing batteries for at least once a month, or every couple of months at a minimum.

There are some uses where rechargeable batteries simply do not make economic sense:

low-draw devices like battery-powered wall clocks, smoke detectors, and remote controls;
devices that have long idle times (measured in months), like emergency flashlights—unless you’re willing to shell out the extra dough it takes to buy lithium-ion rechargeable batteries. (More on those below.)
TYPES OF RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES – WHICH ARE BEST?There are several types of rechargeable-battery chemistries:

Nickel-Cadmium (Nicad) batteries—usually pronounced “ny-cad”—are a primary form of rechargeable battery, though they are being used less these days because of the toxicity of cadmium.

Nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) batteries are probably the most common form of rechargeable now, at least in the standard consumer sizes of rechargeables. Early versions of NiMH rechargeables had problems with too-rapid discharge, but those problems have been solved in current models. Because NiMH rechargeable batteries now perform better than Nicads and are free of toxic heavy metals, Nicads are being abandoned by some manufacturers in favor of NiMHs. In any event, NiMHs are usually going to be the best all-around choice for most applications in the heavy to moderate usage range.

Rechargeable alkaline batteries are different than the “normal” alkaline batteries you buy in 4-packs and 8-packs at the store in standard “consumer sizes” like AA, AAA, C, D and 9-volt. Rechargeable alkaline batteries have poorer long-term performance and recharge characteristics compared to Nicads and NiMHs, and unless you’re looking for an inexpensive rechargeable battery that is ready to use right out of the package (without recharging), we suggest you avoid them. And in case you run across an ad for a device that says it can recharge normal alkaline batteries, forget it—it’s a scam.

Lithium-ion batteries are very good and have excellent shelf life—i.e. their charge does not go down when they’re just sitting around not being used—but they’re more expensive than other types of rechargeable batteries. That means they’re usually only a good choice for occasionally used emergency devices or high-drain devices like portable televisions, digital cameras, laptops, and cell phones. If you use such devices often and you have the option to buy them with a built-in lithium-ion rechargeable battery, it’s worth doing.

You should be able to get hundreds of recharging cycles out of all of these types of batteries—except alkaline rechargeables.

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