Jul 052020

Interest only mortgages have been popular for decades now. They are popular for a variety of reasons. They offer you a relatively flexible repayment option to begin with. You can repay the amount borrowed from the lender over a specified period of time. The time period could be anywhere from say five years to thirty years. Interest only mortgages have become even more popular because of lower interest rates, resulting due to competition. They have been primarily responsible for the burgeoning real estate market, everywhere.

There is one thing about interest only mortgages though. They are interest only, only in name, in reality you will have to not only pay the interest but also the principal. It is best advised to remember this fact. Interest only loans are ideally suited for various strata of the society. Historically interest only mortgages have been popular with the rich and the business class. They get money and then invest it any popular business venture and repay the amount, with the revenue generated out of the new venture. For them it is a good investment option.

Thanks to low interest only mortgage rates, home loans have become real attractive. They have put housing within easy reaches of a vast majority of the populace. People who could hitherto ill-afford a rented flat, leave alone an own home, are now able to afford them. What interest only mortgages have done is to increase the purchasing power of millions of people. Even young executives, just starting out on their careers are able to afford palatial houses, for the simple reason, that they could afford to repay the amount, over a period of time.

Interest only mortgages have their own potential risks though. You cannot always predict the behavior of the market, can you? Interest rates are subject to changes. You may have got your home through the ‘lowest interest only mortgage rate’, but one fine morning you may find the rates zoom and will have to shell out a substantial additional amount as your monthly interest repayment. Real estate prices are also subject to changes. If they are to go up, well and good. What if they were to crash? You will have to actually pay more than what you had calculated in the beginning. One needs to go through extensive online resources before going in for interest only mortgage rates. Online calculators will enable you to calculate your repayments. You can also read product reviews, online. It is always recommended to consult your financial advisor and have a free and frank discussion, before making that all important decision.

‘Second Mortgages’ are also increasingly becoming the first choice customers, all over the world. The reason for their increasingly popularity is that many a lender is offering second mortgage loans with a repayment period extending as long as 15 to 20 years, just like in the case of first mortgages. You need not worry any longer about repairing that house of yours, or hiring the services of an interior designer. Second mortgages are there to help you out. They are in fact here to stay.

Their long term repayment option makes them attractive because, for instance if you need to borrow $50,000 to get repairs done on your home, you don’t want a loan that requires you pay up within one or two years, do you? Second mortgages with long term repayment options would make more sense to you. They are ideally suited for your needs.

As with first mortgages, you can get comprehensive information about lender details, mortgage rates, lowest rates of interest and related information from leading lenders and brokers, on the internet. One should go through the various online articles, especially review articles and FAQ’s that have been provided to help you find your best deal. For instance you may find out about the lenders who are offering fixed interest rates on second mortgages and alternately, who are giving you the best deal, when it comes to variable interest details. Such information is of vital importance for arriving at the correct decision.

Your lender or broker may be help you come to a conclusion. Ask questions, questions and more questions, to elicit the right information. Find out about the risks involved in lower second mortgages rates from your friends, who may have availed them in the past. Get in touch with your personal financial advisor, for real professional help. One also needs to go through the ‘fine print’ in detail and clarify every possible doubt with company representative, before signing on dotted line.

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