How to Choose a Credit Card

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May 312020

Before accepting one of the tempting offers that are coming in the mail, that urge the client to accept, thorough research is a must. The customer must find the best deal. As a credit card is a form of payment and borrowing, the terms and conditions will affect the overall cost. The best way to choose the issuer is to compare fees and terms before opening a credit account.

Some important terms must be considered in a credit card application or any solicitations that don’t require an application. When shopping for a card, the future cardholder must ask for these terms and conditions. The annual percentage rate (APR) is measuring the credit’s cost. It is expressed in an annual rate. The credit card issuer must disclose the periodic rate, which is the rate applied to the outstanding balance to see the finance charge for every billing period.

Some plans are allowing the issuer to change the annual percentage rate when an economic indicator (index) changes. These are the so-called variable rate programs. The rate changes can raise or lower the charge on the cardholder’s account. The issuer must also provide the necessary information that discloses that the rate can change, how the rate is calculated, which index is used and what additional fee is added to determine the new rate.

The future cardholder must receive all information before he becomes obligated on the account. He must know about the limitations on how often and how much his rate may change. The free period, also called the grace period, is the period that lets the cardholder to avoid the finance charges by paying the entire balance at the due date. It is important to know if the credit card gives this grace period, even if the future owner plans to apply the account in full monthly.

If there is no grace period, the card issuer can impose a charge from the date when the cardholder use his card or from the date when the transactions are posted. If there is a grace period, the issuer will send the bill at least 14 days before the due date so the cardholder will have enough time to pay.

The annual fees or participation fees are charged by most issuers. The range is $25 to $50. The charges can be up to $100 too. Gold or platinum cards are charging up to $75 usually. Transaction fees are charged if the cardholder uses the card to get some money in advance makes a late payment. These charges may appear also if the cardholder exceeds his credit limit. Some issuers are charging a fee monthly even in the case when the cardholders don’t use his card at all.

The cardholder must know also the balance computational method to anticipate how much he must to pay for purchases over the time, in the case when there is no grace period. Even if the APR remains the same, the difference can be important.

How Much Can I Make

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May 262020

How much you can make from placing articles and affiliate links on your website differs from person to person. How much you are able to make will depend mostly on how successful your site is. This means getting good search engine rankings through SEO efforts, making your site enjoyable and informative to read through engaging content, building your site around a great niche subject, how big your site is, and how many sites you have.

Some people claim to make as much as $10,000 per month ($120,000 per year) through building and promoting niche sites, however, most people should not expect this kind of success, especially if you are very new, as that kind of success usually only comes with experience and acquired skill. A reasonable income to expect from a niche site, after you have worked for months to gain traffic and are hooked up with good affiliates, may be $500-$1,000 per month. However this is recurring income, so you will make that much monthly off of the efforts you put into that one site, it is not a one shot deal.

After you have a successful site, most choose to continue to build niche sites. The more sites that you build, the better an income you can generate. Some also choose to build very fast and very short sites over sites that are slightly longer in length. It should be noted that the larger each of your sites are, the more income you will likely generate off of them.

When starting out, it is important to remember that your first site will always be your hardest, since you are just learning the ropes of the business, and that not everyone is cut out to market and promote niche sites. It may not work out for you and you may end up losing a little bit of money, but that is a risk that everyone in this business has to take.

The important thing is that you don’t give up without a good shot at it, if this is really what you want to do. Your first site may take a long time, the work may be tedious, and you may feel like throwing in the towel. However, if you give up too early, you will never know what could have been. And who knows, you may be the next great website marketer!

Ed Reuben is the owner of Learn by Audio and Video a free membership site on starting an on-line business, Learn by University

Learn to Play Guitar Twice as Fast While Practicing Half as Much

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May 252020

If you really want to learn to play guitar well you must do one simple thing before anything else. You must learn how learning takes place between your muscles and brain. If you understand the process that your brain must go through to train your muscles your practice sessions will produce predictably effective results.

You have probably heard the term muscle memory. This is the process of your brain learning and storing a set of precise instructions for each group of muscles needed for every small task you want your fingers to perform on the guitar. When muscle memory is solidly established it becomes a naturally effortless and an almost unconscious act to play the guitar well.

These tasks need to be practiced at speeds that are slow enough so that you can consistently perform them perfectly. If you practice the guitar at a tempo that produces lots of mistakes you end up teaching your muscles how to play the exercise with the mistakes included. Unfortunately muscles cannot distinguish between playing with mistakes and playing without them.

Here are 12 tips for having practice sessions that will support the development of good muscle memory:

1. Prepare your whole body for the practice session.
Practice while relaxed. Just like an airplane pilot checks over the plane prior to take off you should check your body for any tension, stiffness, tightness, pain or any discomfort. Tight muscles can become tighter during practice which can seriously limit the full range of motion needed to master the guitar. Even tension in the shoulders can travel to the arms and then eventually to the fingers. Stretch and warm your entire body before playing in order to stay loose. Begin practicing with slow, easy exercises to prepare your hands for more demanding new material.

2. Practice in a quiet, comfortable place where you are unlikely to be disturbed.

3. Commit to a specific time each day for practice.
Begin each day with a firm commitment to a practice plan that includes the specific details of when, where and what to play.

4. Keep your practice sessions short, frequent and very specific.
It is more effective to practice 20 minutes everyday than to practice two or three hours once a week.

5. Always practice with a metronome.
Let me repeat that. Always practice with a metronome. It is surprising how often even good guitarists break this rule. Training yourself to play at a consistent tempo will make your music sound professional. This is valuable whether you plan to play just for friends at a party or in a stadium full of screaming fans.

6. Tune the guitar before each practice.

7. Determine your optimum practice speeds.
For each part of a scale, exercise or song find the fastest metronome speed that you can play without making mistakes. Practice it for a day at 25% to 30% of that maximum tempo. Follow this with a day at 50% of maximum then another day at 75%. On day four practice at your old maximum speed. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that you have a new, faster maximum speed. Be forewarned, however, that this routine might seem ridiculously slow but, hang in there because it really will pay off.

8. Do not try to learn too many different things at each practice session.
Practice only small sections of an exercise or song at a time. Working on an entire new song, all in one setting, makes it more difficult for your brain to cement solid muscle memories. Just like a newborn baby can’t handle an entire meal of solid food we need to practice only a few, small musical spoonfuls at a time.

9. Work on the problem parts not just what you already know.
This may sound extremely obvious but there is a tendency for new guitarists to play the easy parts over and over while continuing to stumble over the problem spots.

10. Spend the first ten minutes warming up, then split the remaining time equally between new exercises and new songs.

11. Set aside some time to just goof around with the guitar. Make sure to inject a healthy dose of fun in each practice session. If you have been working on blues scales then why not put on some jam tracks or even your favorite blues CD and try to improvise a solo. Select a favorite song to work on at the end of each practice session.

12. If you plan to perform in front of people
perfect your songs in private then practice playing in front of sympathetic friends and family members. Create a practice environment that is as close to the conditions of your upcoming performance as possible. If you will perform standing up then practice that way. Tell your friendly practice audiences to feel free to talk and laugh it up during your practice. This will help you learn to become comfortable in a distracting concert environment. Consider recording your practice sessions with a simple home video camera on a tripod.

Opening night jitters can throw off your game no matter how well you know the material. If you have repeatedly practiced playing in simulated concert environments then the real deal can be a breeze.

The bottom line: in order to play well you must acknowledge how your body is programmed to learn then design practice sessions that are complimentary.

How To Find The Right Acne Treatment That Gets Results

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May 202020

When searching for a treatment to help reduce acne and clear your skin, it is very important that you choose a product containing the ingredients capable of smoothing out the skin, leaving you with no scars and able to control free radicals. Acne sufferers should look for treatments containing natural ingredients. Our bodies are natural so why not use something natural to help heal it.

It is best to know the ingredients of a product before using it. You want to know what you’re getting right? If the same ingredients is in the treatment you’ve used in the pass, (which gave you little to know results) is in the product you are thinking about using now, then you may be wasting your time on the product because they both will end up having the same effect.

For example if you go and use “Skin Clear Gel” (not sure if it’s an actual product) and received no results, and then go and use “Free From Acne” which has the same ingredients as “Skin Clear Gel”. Then… well you get the point.

A lot of people usually choose a product that is recommended by someone else, which is okay, but you may not get the same results as the one who referred you. Some people may have very severe acne while others may have mild. And the ingredients used in that treatment may not be capable of clearing up your skin.

You need something that will help your skin to heal naturally. A treatment that has been proven to work time and time again without causing damage to the skin is the kind of treatment you are looking for. It is best to find one that will work from the inside out, eliminating waste and other impurities. Poor elimination of waste and toxic can lead to build up causing it to exit through the skin.

Taking drugs to try and relieve acne usually leaves people with side effects. Some side effects may be skin irritation, dryness of skin, or it may even lead to more breakouts. Like I said earlier, what may have worked for one person may not necessarily work for another. Some people skin is very sensitive and could cause them to breakout just by applying the slightest bit of oil, cream, makeup etc.

Many treatments that are out on the market are using benzoyl peroxide to help fight acne. Now this is capable of clearing up your skin but the problem with it is that it can cause irritation, dryness, peeling, or possibly swelling. If you have very sensitive skin then you may want to steer clear of any product containing this.

Most people are struggling with acne and believe they have tried every product under the sun but are still left with no results. Your goal should be to keep trying until you’ve found a treatment that best suits your needs. There is something out there for everyone.

If a company tells you their product works, well shouldn’t it work? It’s like an investment; you’re looking for a return. When you invest you would have to be crazy not to expect a return on your investment.

It’s not enough to just get rid of acne. After getting rid of acne, people still have to deal with scars. You’ve probably heard how others have tried different acne treatments that allowed them to get rid of their acne, but now they have to deal with something else, scars. Which is like the after effect of getting rid of acne. You need a treatment that will allow you to treat acne as well treat scars.

When searching for a product it should have a risk free money back guarantee of at least 30 days. If anything lower than 30 days it’s a good chance that the company lacks confidence in the product.

I wish you the best and I hope that the information provided will help you in your search.

What is a Participle and why is mine Dangling?

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May 152020

Have you ever read something that made you stop and say to yourself, “what the heck does that mean?” I know I have and usually it’s because someone has destroyed an otherwise coherent sentence with a dangling participle or a misplaced modifier.

The majority of small business owners rely on the written word to convey their message, communicate their services and attract their customers. If that writing is not clear, concise and comprehendible you could be losing customers and money!

A participle (or modifier) is a word or phrase that alters a clause usually in a confusing manner, because it could apply to either the subject or the object of the clause.

Here’s an example: We picked Tricia up from the store and we fed her puppies.

The phrase “we fed her puppies” is a dangling participle. It is not clear to the reader if we fed Tricia’s puppies or if we fed Tricia to the puppies – big difference!

Here’s another example: I have some pound cake Heather baked in my lunch bag.

The phrase “Heather baked in my lunch bag” is the dangling participle in this case. It is not clear to the reader whether I have pound cake that Heather baked in my lunch bag or Heather baked the pound cake in my lunch bag. Again, the sentence takes on a totally different meaning when the modifier is misplaced.

One last example: Being in a dilapidated condition, I was able to buy the house very cheap.

Being in a dilapidated condition seems to modify “I” instead of “the house”. We can assume the writer meant that they got a good deal because the house was falling apart but we can’t be sure.

See how easy it is to change the meaning of a sentence just by moving a few words around! You may not intend to, but when you misplace modifiers or dangle participles, you’re doing just that.

Small business owners can’t afford these kinds of mistakes. All written communication must be clear and free of assumptions. This includes Web site copy, brochures, and letters – anything your company distributes to current or potential clients needs to be perfect. Write as though you’re speaking with someone one-on-one, read what you’ve written aloud and ask someone else to read it too. Sometimes we are too close to the material and don’t see errors or misplaced modifiers. Reading the piece aloud will reveal the errors. Often times we are only allowed one opportunity to impress potential clients – make sure your writing reflects highly on your business and you’ll be writing wisely.

Pay as You Go Mobile Phones: You Will Love Them

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May 092020

Once considered a luxury, mobile phones have become a necessary part of our day to day life. Just imagine a life without a mobile phone! Difficult? Yes, that’s the charisma of mobile phones. Today’s mobile phones are used not only as mere communication gadgets, they can be used as cameras, music players, game stations, web browsers as well. With the emergence of numerous mobile companies the entire world of mobile telephony has got a new make-over. Latest handsets with superb multimedia features have flooded the market and people are just going for them. Right from candybar design to clamshell ones, from slider to swivels-all types of mobile phones are available in the market.

As different types of mobile handsets have been constantly launched in the market, the number of mobile phone deals are also increasing. Some of the most popular mobile phone deals are the contract mobile phone deal, 12 months free line rental, sim free mobiles and pay as you go mobile phone deal. If you are not interested in any kind of contract mobile phone deal, then, the pay as you go mobile phone deal is just perfect for you. Pay as you go mobile phone deal is a prepaid mobile plan. When you buy a pay as you go mobile phone, you get pre-loaded credit ensuring your talktime. When you need extra credit, you can refill it anywhere anytime. The best thing with pay as you go mobile phone deal is that you can have a complete check on your mobile habits. As there is no contract in pay as you go mobile phone deal, you’ll never get a surprise phone bill towards the end of the month.

Pay as you go mobile phones are very easily available. There are several online mobile phone shops which offer attractive rates on pay as you go mobile phones. Search online to get the best pay as you go mobile deal.

How Can you Apply For Credit Card?

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May 042020

Instant payment facility and all time availability of cash- these two have made the credit card an efficient financial partner. Whether you want to make some instant payment or meet financial urgencies, a credit card will assist you in every condition. Are you planning to apply for credit card? Some guidance is penned in for you.

Various credit card companies, banks offer credit card facility. You can meet them personally. In case of getting a better deal, comparison of various credit cards deals will be fruitful.

If you are short of timing, online option could be the best choice. Various credit card companies provide their services online. In order to apply for a credit card over the internet, you need not make any extra effort. The sites, offering credit card facility, are available all the time. There fore, you can apply for credit card at anytime, any where.

The application process of online option is easy as well. Do not think, you have to face the hassle of extra paper works in order to apply for a credit card. Online credit card application process is simple and easy. Here, you need to fill up an online application form that you will get on the site only. In filling up the application form, you will have to spend hardly 5-7minutes. After that, you will automatically get in touch with the company. Since, online sites safeguard customer’s information; hence, you need not worry about the security of your information.

While applying for a credit card, many people try to get a low rate credit card. In such cases, keeping some things in mind are necessary. Many credit card companies lure people talking about low rate credit card. But many a time, some hidden costs are included with the card. So, first read the terms and conditions of the card carefully and then apply for a credit card.

Many a company offers 0 APR or interest free credit card during the introductory period. After the period, the interest rate can be raised. So, make sure what the interest rate would be, whether it would be profitable for you or not etc.

What is your credit score? Confirm it at first and then apply for a credit card. Do remember, a good credit score can always be the best answer in the question of low rate. So, first check if your credit score is outstanding. In order to know your credit score, taking help of various credit rating agencies can be advantageous as well.

The increasing competition of various credit card agencies has enhanced the possibility for bad credit people. If you are a bad credit scorer, you can also apply for a credit card without being worried about your bad credit score.

So, start your searching to apply for a credit card.