Mobile phones deals with free laptop – Deals with a difference

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Mar 152017

Mobile phones are having a lot of demand in today’s day to day life. It has become a very essential part of everyone’s life. Under such a circumstance to sustain their league, network connectors and phone selling companies begin to market their instruments with free gifts at their disposal. Free gifts come in all different forms and from a variety of places. Online mobile stores sell their handsets with heavy discounts and give them away with a number of offerings making it a very economical mode of purchase. It facilitates comparison and allows a buyer to weigh all his options before buying a handset. Sim free phones, contract mobile deals and pay as you go deals tag along a whole horde of contributions which capture the interest of people all over. One of the best deals available in the market today is a mobile phone deal with free laptop.
Such kinds of deals are a boon for people who want to buy multiple gadgets but can’t afford to buy them at one go. An individual finds it a very attractive and good opportunity to purchase the phone. The marketing strategy works well in the market showing how cost-effective the deal is. This tactic enables companies to sell their high-tech phones in the market. The higher end phones have sophisticated technology, they not only facilitate much ease in communication but they also cater the entertainment needs of a person. These phones come with an 18 or a 24 month contract most of the time.
These offers are very magnetizing and act as an add on to make it more appealing in the market and ensure sales they are clubbed with different offers and schemes. Such offers increase the goodwill and reputation of the company. And people tend to incline a lot towards such offers. Its advisable to go for such mobile deals only if the customers are willing to be in the contract for 18 or 24 month because if they want to move out during this contract they would have to pay a heavy price for the same.

Free Laptop Deals Are They Really Free?

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Mar 152017

Unless you are in the habit of walking around with your eyes shut or live on another planet you can’t help but have noticed the plethora of free laptop offers being advertised nowadays. These offers often look too good to be true, after all, why would a company give away a free laptop?
Well, as you have probably already guessed, they aren’t really free – to obtain your free gift you must sign on the dotted line for a mobile broadband or airtime contract which can last for up to two years.
Most people understand that you don’t get anything for nothing and generally they will say that it’s still a good offer because you may as well sign a contract for a service you’re probably going to use anyway and the laptop is just a sweetener. In some cases this may be true; you’ll probably want to use mobile broadband and will be unlikely to switch from one company to another unless there is some benefit for doing so.
However, like many marketing strategies, the truth can sometimes be stretched much further than you might realise. Often a similar offer without a free gift can be substantially cheaper and the difference you pay will be more than the laptop would have cost if you had bought it outright.
As with any deal with a catch it’s always a good idea to step back and not be swayed by the flashy sales talk, two years is an awfully long time to be regretting a decision made in haste. A better strategy is to go away and do your homework – calculate exactly how much you’ll be paying over the term of the contract and then see how much the laptop would cost to buy with cash. Then compare this to a deal where no inducements are offered and you’ll often be surprised at the result.
This is all well and good of course if you have the cash, but what if you don’t – a new laptop is a tempting offer after all, particularly if you are starting college or your existing machine is kaput. Well, if you have a credit card it will probably be cheaper to use this to fund your new laptop and pay the balance as soon as you can. If you don’t have a credit card, are near your limit or just a little lax with making the payments then a broadband contract might be your best option.
The key word here is ‘might’ and you should always take your time to consider the options. No matter what you decide to do, so long as you have done your research and made the decision in your own time then you’ll be a lot more likely to be satisfied with the deal you got – that’s what being a smart shopper is all about – right?