Dec 282023

Unlike the insurance policies that are everlasting, term life insurance is one that is meant to fulfill your short-term needs. The term insurance covers for a period of one or more years. If the insurer dies within this time period, the death benefit goes to the beneficiary recommended by him.

At present term life insurance is the simplest, cheapest and most preferable form of life insurance available in the insurance market. It offers low interest rates and an option to renew the policy for one or more terms even if the health condition of the policyholder changes due to some reason. But the premium of the policy increases with the number of times it is renewed.

Though simple to understand and advantageous to opt, the term life insurance should be purchased keeping certain key issues in mind.

• Pen down your requirements on a piece of paper and ponder over the fact of kind of insurance cover you require, is it permanent or temporary.

• Once you decide to go for temporary i.e. term life insurance carefully choose an agent. This holds good with any kind of insurance you seek to buy. Independent agents are a good option. Independent agents are those who are free to offer insurance products of different companies. This provides you with an option of choosing a term life insurance product that caters best to your needs and aspirations. Though such an agent will lay open various options in front of you yet it is always better to first obtain an online life insurance quote and then select an independent agent. Prior acquired information can save you from deceit.

• It is better to purchase tem insurance at an early age for at this age financial requirements are the least. So it is good to start early when both, your health as well as policy rates are good. By doing this you can financially protect your beneficiaries as early as possible.

• Purchase the term insurance when you have a sound health. Healthy people have the best mortality risks and thus are much cheaper for companies to insure. The customers in good health are offered lower interest rate in comparison to those who have any kind of health trouble such as diabetes, cardiac problems etc.

• Since term life insurance comes at affordable rates and is quite flexible, it is good to buy sufficient life insurance to meet all your needs. It is preferable if you purchase an amount of coverage equal to 6-10 times your annual. Though agents might try their best to sell you more coverage but stick to what you require.

• You can make savings in the form of various options for payment on which the insurance company offers discount. For instance several insurance companies have discount offers for those individuals who pay their premiums on time or those who pay by monthly electronic funds transfer (EFT).

• Though purchasing a life insurance through your employer is convenient in many ways but it might not be the best deal in the market. Usually the policies offered at the work place are based on a combined profile of the employees and expire as soon as you leave the company. Thus a cost-effective policy that ensures protection for your dependents too is a better choice.

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