Yahoo SEO in Few Steps

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Dec 132023

SEO is an acronym for “search engine optimization”. It is the process of analyzing your potential design and problems for search engines indexing and positioning. In other words, making your web site and its content attractive, relevant and visible to search engines and web searchers.

There is nothing worse than having a beautiful web site with excellent written content, though you still lose traffic or you even keep potential visitors away, while your site cannot be found.

Yahoo! is the second biggest of the three major engines and includes an enormous network of websites. The algorithm is based on that of Inktomi which Yahoo! purchased back in 2002

Search Engines Guidelines for Webmasters
Yahoo! Search Site Guidelines

Url submission in Yahoo!

The Factors

There are Various factors to rank well in Search Engines. For Yahoo! here are main areas:

Site structure

Keyword Density

Keywords help the search engines crawl and index the ranking of pages. But an overdose of Keywords can ruin your site ranking or even get you banned. Keywords are ignition fuel if used ever can fire up your ranking. Before you find a search Keyword understand what you want to searching for. For example you have a Motorbike website and you want to promote it. It wont be wise enough to promote your site using the keyword like Motorbike website. There are already tons of site using that Keyword. Try to be more specific about it. Like you can use Keyword which are closely related to your site (Honda, Yamaha, MotoGP, or anything of that sort). Keyword ranking changes each month so search for the new keywords on a regular base. Compare them with the top ten for further analysis. You can find out more and search about Keywords through these tools:

Site Structure

Yahoo! takes site structure seriously than any other search engine. Its not that Yahoo! is the only search Engine concerned with site structure but good site structure is important for a various of reasons. Considering an example of the site structure work. It’s a phpBB forum and a Mod rewrite has been done using rewrite mod from Before the Mod usage there were only a few pages index in Yahoo. But after the Mod implementation a significant number of page got indexed. This mod changes the .php and seesions ids to .html type, which helps in SE friendly pages. There are various reasons in site structure. Main reasons are like good Content and Lower coding level. Good Content means that occurs higher up in the code of your page (not necessarily in your browser) is given a higher weight than content lower down in the code. Second, a properly structured site will be lower in code through the use of CSS, reduced or eliminated table use, etc. The reduction in code will push the content higher up the page as far as a search engine is concerned and thus, it will be given more weight.
Here are Free SEO Desktop Tools for analysis of content and keywords:

* WebCEO
* Good Keywords


Backlinks are a solid backbone of every website that wants to rank well in Search Engines. Anchored Text also helps in backlinks. Anchor text can be anywhere like in the forums, on the websites, guestbooks. Backlink aspects counts when optimizing your website for Yahoo!:

Quality Link: Now what does a Quality link means ?? It means the position and ranking of the link. There are many sites which rank well in Yahoo. Its just that you’ll have to find some of them. How to find them ?? Search your Key Phrase in Yahoo and you’ll end up with many site. Try to find the site which perfectly matches your criteria. Links from a trusted domain name like .gov or .edu and also domain name which are old enough ( 3 to 4 years) with good backlinks in Search Engines surely help in Yahoo.

Link Position: Link position is an important aspect in search engines. Link with a long list of other lists wont get you much. That’s why Link exchange with individual sites weighs more than directory listing. I have heard people saying that a link in the footer is of lesser ranking than a Header link. But according to me its myth. A site wide link is what I say is better. Sitewide link exchange means to have a link on every page. For example in the footer of a forum.

Anchor text: The linkage text is known as the anchor text. For example Yahoo forum will promote the words Yahoo Forum. Search Engines differentiate anchor text from directory listing text. Directory Listing style is link with a description below itself.

Non-reciprocal or One-Way links: – One Way links have more advantage over the reciprocal links. A big list of one way links can improve the ranking on Yahoo!.

Age Factor

Age Factor is yet another factor that matters in Search Engine Ranking. With the new sites getting launched each day search engines crawling them out. But still these sites do not rank well in front of the old giants. This happens because Search Engines. Yahoo sometime takes a month or 2 before heavy crawling. But its not that new site should not expect anything. Yahoo is the friend of New sites. Yahoo updates its index regularly. And new sites get index (though not heavily) faster than google. So, we can say that older the domain name the better it helps in ranking. Its better to start with an old name than a new one. You can search old domains through or

Directory listing:
Directory submission is always helpful. It shows your backlinks in the Search Engines. Directory submissions never mean that you’ll earn traffic from there. It only helps in increase of backlinks. Here are fews links complied to form a big list of directories.

Some Helpful links:

Yahoo! Press Room – Read the latest press releases from Yahoo!. This may not give you the algorithm but it will tell you the direction they’re going. Understand this and you’ll be better equipped to deal with changes down the road. Forum – Read the discussions on the yahoofanclub forums. A great way to keep updated but beware, not everyone in there is a qualified opinion.

SEO Toolkit 21 part guide to getting a top-10 listing on Google and Yahoo

Ten Tips to the Top of the Search Engines

Search Engine Spammer Reporting
Overture, AllTheWeb
Inktomi, MSN

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