The Free Broadband Facts

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Sep 102023

Can you really get free broadband? Or does it come with a price?

Since TalkTalk announced early this year they were introducing free broadband there has been a steady stream of other companies either announcing there intention or actually launching a free broadband service.

We have so far had offers from Sky, Virgin, and Orange and some other smaller companies. All of the offers are based on you taking up another service first and are therefore effectively only free in name. What is true however is that you are probably able to save yourself significant money if you are a subscriber or potential subscriber to the core service being offered alongside the free broadband. This must cover a very large percentage of the population as we nearly all have a mobile phone, a fixed phone line and or satellite TV (Sky). Basically what you need to do as someone that is wanting to take advantage of free broadband is rate what is important to you.

I have a very simple test that you could use upon yourself to see if you are in fact suited to a free broadband provider at this current time. Generally speaking so far the customer service and service being offered by these companies has been poor. This I honestly believe is not intentional and will no doubt improve over the coming weeks and months but it is currently something we should consider. Therefore, you need to firstly look at the other service which is being offered by the company in question offering free broadband. Is that a good deal for you? Rate that service 1 to 5 in your head; will it improve on your current offer? Is it the same as your current offer? Now look at the broadband package being offered, is that better than your current offer? Does it meet your needs? Are you a heavy internet user? Do you like downloading music or video? And now rate this 1 to 5 in your head. Basically if you are getting a score above 5 then potentially the offer is for you, if it is 7 it is obviously even more suited and finally if it is 9 or ten then you shouldn’t be hanging about, read the other articles here on this site and click on the companies websites to get your free broadband as soon as possible.

But, if you are below 5 or unsure of what your usage is or the other service being used you should always go with a more traditional paid service as you never know the unexpected and you might get caught out by over doing it to much one month.