Want to know how McAfee “SiteAdvisor” makes money on you? See if you are one of the targets!

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Mar 092021

The company “Smart PC Solutions”, a developer of easy to use solutions for the optimization of your PC, has become the victim of a negative rating on Mcafee’s “SiteAdvisor” just like many other sites, most having no idea that they have received a negative review or why. This causes direct financial losses for many companies but in actuality it redistributes money in favor of McAfee, which sells its anti-virus solutions to terrified users who do not delve very deeply into the details and believe the unjustified ratings.

This is an obvious case of unfair competition via their security software sales promotion by destroying other companies’ goodwill.

McAfee’s “SiteAdvisor” assigns a color to each site to indicate safe, caution, or warning ratings sometimes based only on average users’ comments (besides other things). A big red cross (warning) definitely states the presence of a virus and/or spyware activity on the rated site. Their motto reads as follows: “Protection from Adware, Spam and Viruses”. Here comes the surprise: the company “Smart PC Solutions” has nothing to do with spreading viruses yet it has received a rating of a Big Red Cross – beware of the virus threat! Most of the software provided on “Smart PC Solutions” is freeware utilities and sometimes users fail to achieve the desired results as two customers’ comments have testified. The majority of the user feedback on “Smart PC Solutions” has been positive and appreciative. Do you know where McAfee placed the comments on the performance of the “Free Data Recovery” utilities? They put them in the “Bad Shopping Experience” section. Amazing! Do you see any logic here? “Smart PC Solutions” supplies Free Data Recovery software (worth over $50.00) for FREE (as well as many other useful things)! The first question to McAfee is: “What does shopping have to do with the Free Data Recovery products?” Let’s go further and raise the second question to McAfee: “What does a shopping experience have to do with the virus warning rating?” Where did they find products containing viruses or spyware on the http://www.smartpctools.com site? McAfee misleads or intentionally deceives people, by intimidating them with erroneous negative ratings that could present a case for litigation. Now a question to the readers: “Do you still trust this system of evaluation?” There is an interesting fact that the Siteadvisor.com site itself has a significant number of negative evaluations by users but the site is not marked with even a “Caution”! Draw your own conclusions!

As the owner of “Smart PC Solutions”, I wrote a letter to McAfee’s legal department requesting a removal of the negative rating, but was astonished by a reply from an official representative of McAfee stating that they put us in the same basket with spyware producers because some public association has rated our FREE anti-spyware solution as “not strong enough” and that it contains advertising of our other products. Information about that was found in one user comment. So what? We have created our own anti-spyware solution for our customers to remove widespread unwanted components. We do not pretend to be the leader in this field. This was not our aim. Here is the third question to McAfee: Since when has market evaluation been entrusted to random researchers and public associations in such an important matter as issuing guilty or not-guilty verdicts! There is not a word about this on McAfee’s site! Recently, several “independent evaluators” have emerged mooching on the anti-spyware market, and it is a well-known fact that they often are consultants for anti-spyware companies so their opinions could potentially be biased towards one developer or another.

I wonder if many of your users understand that by trusting McAfee, they trust various paranoid evaluators, whose true interests are dubious. When making a deal with McAfee you, as their customers, did not intend to deal with a club of amateurs and individual exterminators. When buying a car, you do not enter into a contract with a club of energy-saving engine fans or a club of some brand-name fans, and you do not allow them to dictate conditions!

There are millions of sites on the Internet now, thousands are emerging and disappearing every day. As an IT expert and company owner, I am curious as to how SiteAdvisor is able to rate them and update their database in real time since it is an enormous amount of information. They found a simple solution – they rely on users’ comments posted on SiteAdvisor. Users already observe a slow-down in their PC’s operation when the system is installed! As a matter of fact, McAfee bought SiteAdvisor as early as April 2006, and my guess is that the workload will keep increasing. The problem is partially solved by users, who produce ratings and who McAfee relies on. This is too simple and unreliable a solution for such a responsible matter! The fact is that the company labels one site or another as potentially hazardous for it’s own reasons, not on the recommendation of users-evaluators. This is the ultimate truth of the project, which in fact smells like slender. As far as site development is concerned, I have the following perspective: We have an obvious case of redistribution in the anti-spyware solutions market. Where the market disposition does not exist, it is being created. There has been a significant rise in the number of passionate users’ rights activists with a maniac attitude. Their real motivation is very questionable. The problem is largely forged to pump up anti-spyware hysteria, to frighten users and then sell them a “solution” to the problem. This is unfair moneymaking. McAfee earns as much as you lose from users avoiding your site being scared away by fake ratings designed simply to sell them a security solution. If you are not a site owner, you will buy their security solution when you see the fake warning ratings. In both cases regular customers bring their money to the anti-virus company.

Microsoft, possessing much more powerful resources, does not attempt to evaluate all sites. It simply created an inexpensive and effective solution, Windows Live OneCare, as the market leader ought to. In view of unprecedented success of this solution, McAfee was left with nothing to do but to take up emergency measures to secure its market share. This is a clumsy attempt to retain the vanishing market. With such an approach they will first lose the credibility of software developers like “Smart PC Solutions” and then the users, who will see their fake ratings and notice how benign sites get negative reviews unfairly.

One can get a negative rating on SiteAdvisor just for a link to a site that is considered hazardous by them. It would be good if there was a uniform policy for everyone, but unfortunately this is not the case, and the policy is indeed selective. SiteAdvisor does not analyze the context of a given linked site. It is simply impossible to do for the entire Web. The selective policy of Site Advisor is clearly represented by the positive ranking given to a huge social network called MySpace. This social network has over a million user accounts, and there have been cases when spyware developers spread infected video files on the pages of MySpace users. Right in the comments of this site, there is a link to a report by the famous anti-virus company, Sunbelt, about finding infected video files in the MySpace system. Here is a paradox: SiteAdvisor does not take the information of a reputed company into a consideration. In the case of “Smart PC Solutions”, the opinion of a “random observer” is taken into a consideration! A lot of negative responses about the system are given in the comments on the site. The same selective policy is observed with the well-known American software registration service Plimus.com, defamed by SiteAdvisor and marked as hazardous as a result of links to sites not related to the company. There is no single negative user’s comment! All comments read that Plimus is safe for online purchasing!

In my opinion, SiteAdvisor pursues a selective policy because it fears potential legal actions by big and reputed companies knowing the full truth about its system of rating. I think lawsuits will follow soon.

It is clear that McAfee has just recently acquired SiteAdvisor, and that there is a need to scare the public, but they have done it at the expense of many small site owners. I think there will be an upsurge of anger from business owners who suffer losses from unfair ratings.

Make an experiment of your own – test your favorite information sites, movie and music stars’ sites and share this article with your friends. Let us know if you do or do not agree with the SiteAdvisor ratings. Share your opinions and stories with us. Speak out now, and your comments and stories will be published on the http://www.smartpctools.com/truth web page.

Users’ new articles and voting results will be regularly published here. Visit our site if you want to see the real picture and express your own opinion!

Tax Return Online Helps You Calculate Your Tax Returns Promptly

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Mar 082021

Preparing taxes can be quiet difficult for you, if you do not have a proper knowledge about calculation of taxes. Everyone wants to pay their taxes in time during the tax paying season in America. There are two ways of going about it. You can either get a CPA to do the work for you or you can calculate the amount you have to pay as tax yourself. Preparing your tax return online is one option that you can utilize for calculating your taxes. There are several sites on the web where you can calculate your tax return.

Calculating your tax return online can in fact turn out to be of a huge advantage for you. Filing of taxes online makes the entire process very easy for you. Everybody faces shortage of time and if you can actually prepare and file your tax returns online, this will be immensely beneficial to you. The work will be done promptly and you will have the satisfaction that all your calculations have been done properly. After all it will be you only, doing the work.

By filing your tax return online you will not have to deal with an accountant or CPA to do the work for you. The tax calculating season witnesses a heavy influx of customers to the office of their accountants and CPAs. This means that the accountants are overburdened with work related to the tax calculations and preparation of tax returns. And that is not all; you will not have to pay the accountant for calculating your tax return.

Online tax returns are processed at much faster rate then tax returns filed manually. The entire tax return is calculated automatically as you start filling up and complete the form. Also, this is convenient as you can have access to tax return online at any time of the day. So, whenever you are free you can file your taxes online anytime at your convenience. Ideally, you will not have to depend on anyone for filing your tax returns.

If you find that you are entitled to a refund from the tax department, you can get this refund very soon if you file the tax return online. Anything that is done online on the web is processed very fast as compared to the same work done manually. So, the advantages of tax return easily outnumber the advantages of filing your tax return manually. Well, you will have to actually file tax return online to get to know firsthand about all the advantages of this process.

Jedi Mind Games for The Forex

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Mar 072021

“Your worst opponent is yourself Young Jedi”

When it comes to marketing on the forex exchange, victory is a matter of the mind instead than mind atop matter. Any dealer wh’s been in the game for any extent of time shall recount you that psychology has a lot to do with both your own execution on the trading floor and with the way that the exchange is progressing. Playing a superior hand depends on understanding your own shrewdness and comprehending the way that psychology moves the exchange.

Studying the psychology of the exchange is not anything new. It doesn’t require a genius to be aware that any arena that rides and falls on decisions made by folks is bound to be thoroughly bested by the minds of folks. Few individuals take into account all the different levels of intellect games that galvanize the exchange, albeit. If you keep your eye on the way that psychology influences others including the mass psychology of the folks that use the currency on a regular period but overlook to comprehend what moves you, you’re eventually to end up hurting your own stance. The superior forex coaches shall relate you that before you can genuinely become a well-heeled dealer, you have to grasp yourself and the triggers that control you. Understanding those will aid you suppress them or use them. Are you saying Huh? about now? Believe me, I recognize. I felt the selfsame way the first time that some person tried to elucidate how the mind games we frolic with ourselves control the trades and decisions that we contrive. Let me split it down into other teachable pieces for you.

Anything involving winning or losing big sums of currency becomes emotionally electrifying.

All precise. You’ve heard that playing the exchange is a mathematical sport. Plug in the fitting numbers, devise the perfect calculations and you’ll advance out ahead. So why is it that so innumerable traders end up on the ungainful end of the exchange? After all, every tom has entry to the same numbers, the same information, the same rumour ! if it’s math, there’s just one precise answer, isn’t it so?

The rejoinder lies in diagnosis. The numbers don’t lie, but your intellect does. Your hopes and fears can contrive you see things that simply aren’t there. When you sink in a currency, you’re investing more than just savings you forge an emotional investment.

Being accurate becomes significant. Being wrong doesn’t simply cost you currency when you let yourself be ruled by your feelings it costs you self-esteem. Why else would you let a loser fly in the hope that it shall leap back? It’s that minuscule object inside your head that says, I KNOW I’m correct on this, dammit!

Bottom line: You can’t push feelings out of the scenario, but you can discover not to let them govern your decisions.

To many folks, being correct is more significant than making revenues.
Here’s the deal. The way to rake in real currency in the forex exchange is to cut your losses short and let your winners ride. In order to do that, you must GOT to accept that various of your trades are going to fail, cut them free and advance on to supplemental trade. You’ve got to allow that picking a lemon is NOT an implication of your competence-worth, it’s not a image on who you are. It’s merely a loss, and the superior way to deal with it is to refrain losing currency by moving on and really progress on. Moving on implies you don’t keep a running aggregate of how numerous losses you’ve had that’s the way to paralyze yourself. This brings us to the following mark:

Profitless traders see loss as failure. Victorious traders see loss as erudition.
Not too long ago, my twelve year old son told me that previously Thomas Edison conjured a working light bulb, he crafted 100 light bulbs that didn’t function. But he didn’t surrender because he knew that creating a birthing light from current was feasible. He stood by in his complete concept so when one pattern didn’t work, he merely knew that he’d eliminated one plausibility. Keep skipping possibilities long enough, and you’ll ultimately detect the possibility that works.

Victorious traders see loss in the same way. They haven’ succumbed, they’ve mastered something novel about the manner that they and the exchange functions.

Excelling dealers can look at the overall tapestry while playing in the small field.
Suppose I told you that previously, I launched 70 trades that lost big time, and 30 that brouight me the rocks. In the eyes of folks, that would make me a pathetic dealer. I’m failing 70% of the time.

Now what if I shared with you that my average loss was $10000, yet my average gain on a winning trade was $100,000? That means that I failed $70,000 on exchange yet I gaimed $250,000, making my final bottom line $170,000.

Yes, it is a pretty clear numbers game but how do you keep on playing when you are failing in trade after trade after trade? Merely remember that one trade does not make or break a dealer. Focus on the exchange on the table, thenfollow the triggers that you’ve set up but clarify to yourself by what really matters : the overall record and bottomline profit.

Top Things To Look For When Buying A Treadmill

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Mar 052021

With surge in number of obese and cholesterol stricken people, treadmills are high in demand. In fact those who are neither obese nor suffering from high fat deposition prefer working out on
treadmills for treadmills today are accepted as one of the best equipments to keep fit.

Henceforth, if you are the one looking for an exercise equipment to keep yourself in good shape, you can safely zoom in on a home treadmill. But then spending money on a home treadmill is more
like an investment. A good treadmill won’t come in less than thousand dollars, so before spending your money you should get yourself informed of all essential aspects of treadmill buying. These
different aspects could be discussed as:

Varying prices of treadmill models

Treadmills come with a wide range of models that are offered with great disparity of prices. If you don’t know the reason behind these varying prices, you might get confused while buying a

Basically pricing is done on availability of various features in a treadmill. There are brands offering superior quality models, middle range models as well as cheaper models. A cheaper model
could be bought in less than thousand dollars. You can buy a mid range treadmill by spending in between thousand to fifteen hundred dollar. A superior model would cost you above two thousand. It
comes with added features and a good number of preprogrammed workouts.

Efficiency of motor

Motor is most important part of a treadmill. It is often termed as heart of a treadmill. Before buying a treadmill you need to look into capacity of this vital component to provide you exercises of
varying range. A motor’s capacity is measured in terms of horsepower. Horsepower counts are measured separately for peak duty and continuous duty. Usually retailers bluff a naive folk by a showing
a good peak duty horsepower. However actual depicter of a motor’s efficiency is its continuous duty horsepower. A treadmill with its continuous motor HP of two and above is considered good.

Proper cushioning and stability of a treadmill

You are also needed to look into cushioning of deck. If your treadmill doesn’t possess a jerk free cushioning system you may end up damaging your joints and back muscles while exercising on it. In
order to check cushioning you should better go for a trial exercise.

You should also check treadmills against stability. For that you are needed to examine quality of belt and smoothness of workout.

Extended warranty period

A good warranty period suggests that a treadmill counts high on durability. All leading brands offer an extended warranty period on their treadmill models. Models that come with a warranty period
of five years and more are considered stable. So always look for an extended warranty while buying a home treadmill.

Number of features available in a model

You must also check the model on which you have zoomed in against number of possible preprogrammed workouts. A good number of possible workouts on treadmill would ensure that you get variety of
inclines and speed. It would keep your workout session away from monotony and would also result in quick weight shedding.

Apart from above mentioned aspects you should also look into noise level and length and width of belt. Don’t overlook other parts of treadmill.

Keeping all the above mentioned aspects clearly in your mind, you are most likely to strike a better treadmill deal. All the best!

Don’t Worry About Credit Score through Bad Credit Payday Loans

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Mar 042021

Bad credit payday loans are the resort of finance for all those individuals, who are facing problem in procuring finance just due to their bad credit. Bad credit payday loans don’t take into account the credit score of an individual.

As bad credit problem is getting common these days which has further increased the demand of bad credit payday loans. Majority of the banks, financial institutions and building societies offers such loan on competitive rates that is as per the convenience of an individual.

Bad credit payday loans helps in coping up with day to day expenses such as paying bills, school fees, college fees, hospital bills or any urgency. Bad credit payday loans involve no asset which is to be placed as collateral rather certain post dated cheques act as security.

Bad credit payday loans not only provide financial assistance but also give a chance to improve their credit score by making timely repayments. But, if an individual misses any monthly installment then this can worst his credit score which further makes impossible for him to avail finance from the financial market.

The lender of the bad credit payday loan generally asks for certain proofs such as
•Postdated cheques
•Regular employment
•Flow of income
•Address proof etc.

Bad credit payday loans are unsecured and short term loan, so the interest rate which is being offered is generally high. But, it is not much high rather high as compared to other conventional loan in the financial market. An individual must always try to make all the repayments as soon as possible.

There are many online lenders who offer bad credit payday loans. But, he must always remember that before finalizing any deal, there is always a need to compare it with other offers on the basis of the terms and cost involved in it. For comparing, an individual must ask for loan quote from the lender which is provided free of cost. Loan quote gives an idea of the total cost involved in the bad credit payday loans. Thus the task of comparing becomes easier with loan quote.

Lastly, not going through terms and conditions of the bad credit payday loan can be riskier as sometimes there can be some unfavorable term which is not good for an individual’s credit position. So, it always recommended going through each and every aspect of the bad credit payday loan.

Your Autoresponder Is The Most Important Tool For Generating Web Income

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Mar 032021

Think of an autoresponder as a tireless salesman ready to work and sell night and day without hassle, hence the reason it is the most important tool in your internet marketing business.

The majority of the people who visit your website will not buy from you on their first visit. In fact, most people do not buy a product on the Internet until they have seen it or heard about it at least 7 times. Think about this yourself. How many times did you hear about a product or service before you actually bought it? If it is any less than 7 times, you are a little unusual. But the point is, most people need multiple exposures to a product or service before they buy it.

If you go out and spend a great deal of time and money promoting a product on the Internet and you do not have an effective way to capture and follow-up with your website visitors to remind them about the products and services you are promoting, you will lose a lot of sales. A great way to capture visitors is to offer a free subscription to your Newsletter and the autoresponder will do the job of following up with your visitors

If your sales page captures 30 subscribers after you send 100 visitors to it and you are using an autoresponder, you have a very good chance of automatically converting 10 or more of those 30 subscribers to customers in the future through your automated follow-up autoresponder/newsletter series. Remember, whenever someone visits your home page or your sales page and signs up for your newsletter, they will be automatically followed up. All of those follow-up messages are working on your behalf to provide value, build trust and ultimately lead your subscriber to buy one of your affiliate products and/or sign up for the service offered.

Your sales page should work to capture your visitor’s name and email address in the process of introducing them to the products or opportunities you are offering, and will automatically build your subscriber list in your autoresponder, which gives each of your visitor’s a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, etc. exposure to your recommended products and opportunities. This additional exposure through your automatic email follow-up series gently reminds your visitor’s about your site and gives them the opportunity to sign up when the time is right for them.

See, people do not say no to you. People usually only say no to an opportunity if the timing is not right for them. By capturing subscribers on your website and following up with them via your autoresponder, you will still be there when the timing is right for them. And you will not have to lift a finger to do this. It is all 100% automated and handled for you 24/7/365!

That is the beauty of the Internet, you never have to personally experience rejection! The system does all the sorting, qualifying and selling for you, automatically.

So, optimizing your autoresponder is very, very important since your autoresponder is your tireless, auto-pilot salesman working for you every moment of the day to follow-up with your website visitors, build trust, handle objections and ultimately make the sale and generate web income for you.

The Top 7 Tips for Buying Shoes Online

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Mar 022021

It may come as a big surprise that e-commerce has become “Big Business” in the eyes of both shoppers and shopkeepers alike. As with anything new, there are those who jumped anxiously onto the bandwagon immediately, those who stay as far away as possible, and those who’ve managed to stay neutral in the middle of it all. Maybe they have security concerns, or don’t like to buy items that they can’t physically touch or try on, including shoes, or maybe they just don’t know how to do it. No matter what your personal opinion on shopping over the Internet is, we’ve compiled the best list available, “The Top 7 Tips for Buying Shoes Online,” to ease any worries you might have:

1. Look for a Verisign seal or another security logo. For those with concerns of identity theft, you should know that shopping online with your credit card is no more of a security risk than swiping your plastic at your favorite brick and mortar shop. For added assurance, look for a security logo on the front page to be sure that any personal financial information that you enter has been “blocked” from anyone else.

2. Be sure your shop of choice has an above average return policy. Even though a basic return policy would do the trick, it’s never a bad thing to do business with a company that “goes above and beyond” in their customer service. A “no questions asked” type of return without a specific timeframe will help with buying gifts, a “worn with no worries” type will ease your mind when purchasing a pricey brand that you’re unfamiliar with.

3. Free Shipping Free Shipping Free Shipping! Not for buying only shoelaces, but with a minimum purchase, you shouldn’t have to pay for delivery.

4. Find an online retailer with a wide selection of styles and brands. Even though your shoe-shopping mission for today is one particular item, next time you might be in the market for something else. Besides, variety is the spice of life- the more you have to choose from, the more your needs will be met.

5. Wide selection of sizes. There’s nothing worse than finally narrowing down your choice to a single shoe, only to find they’re fresh out of your size. A good store will have deep inventory across all size ranges.

6. Purchase from an e-commerce site that also has a physical location. Not only will this give your mind a rest from thinking that you’ve been ripped off by a fly-by-night online scammer (for a real shop exists with real employees and real merchandise), you can always return your purchase there instead of popping it into the post. The staff will be knowledgeable about the merchandise they sell and able to give you suggestions as to trends or a different shoe to better suit your needs.

7. If at all possible, find a similar shoe at a nearby store and try it on. If you know exactly what you’re looking for, by all means, alleviate the possible need for a return by trying one on nearby and then finding the best deal on the World Wide Web.

Affiliate Marketing – Ten Great Reasons To Jump On Board

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Mar 012021

When I first began my online business, I had no idea that I would eventually find myself making tons of money by selling other people’s products. In a nutshell, that’s what being an Affiliate Marketer is all about. Though there are dozens of great reasons to begin promoting affiliate products, here are my top 10…

Reason #1
No Product Development Costs – The cost to develop and produce a new product is expensive. Some products require tens of thousands of dollars in their initial stages – and that does not include all of the marketing costs! But you don’t need to worry about that as an affiliate.

Reason #2
Low Cost Set-up – Got a desk, Internet-connected computer and word-processing software? You’re in business! Most affiliate programs are FREE to join and there are no on going costs. This is truly a very inexpensive business to start.

Reason #3
No Geographic Limits on Distribution – Remember: you are doing business on the WORLD WIDE web. Your market reach is only limited by your ability to notify people of your product, NOT by fences, state lines, or borders of any kind.

Reason #4
Choose From Tens of Thousands of Products and Services – What can you find for sale online? That’s right…Everything! There are a number of affiliate networks available to choose from, so it’s easy to find products that are related to your current or planned web site.

Reason #5
No Merchant Account Required – Are you fearful of the administrative demands of running an online business? Forget about them! The merchant handles all payment processing, so you never have to lose sleep over charge backs, fraud or losing your merchant account. Plus you will never need to worry about collecting and storing names, addresses, credit card numbers – it’s all done for you!

Reason #6
No Inventory to Carry – As an affiliate marketer, you do not have to worry about storing boxes or cases of unused or unsold product in your garage. Your part of the money making equation is to bring the buyer and the seller together – that’s it! The only thing you need to store is the money in your bank account.

Reason #7
No Shipping Costs – You will never have to worry about buying packing supplies like boxes, styrofoam and tape. The cost and hassle to prepare and ship products to customers worldwide, which for some products can be quite expensive, belongs to the merchant, not you.

Reason #8
No Customer Concerns – One of the greatest aspects of being an affiliate marketer is that you will not need to deal with customer issues or complaints. If a customer has a problem with the product or service that they bought, they take that issue directly to the merchant – not to you.

Reason #9
Make Money While You Sleep – What other business allows you as a sole proprietor to keep your doors open and keep
making money even when you take breaks or after you go home
for the night? Once you have set up this type of business, it can literally run on its own. Vacations away from home? No problem, your online business can keep making automated sales for you, whether you’re there or not.

Reason #10
High Income Potential – With your own affiliate
business your income potential is limited only by your
desire, effort and imagination – not your boss. The amount that you earn will be proportional to what you put into your business – not your hourly scale or monthly salary. Many people are making 5 figures a month solely through affiliate marketing. Can we all expect to make that? Of course not, at least initially, BUT, we can expect to earn a good living.

That’s it for this article, ten simple reasons to become an affiliate marketer. Low start up costs, very few customer relation challenges and a HUGE potential to make you money is how I would sum up the 10 reasons. Now get out there and start marketing, you can thank me later! :-)

Rob Richards is a husband, dad, and internet marketer. He is also the editor of the MCA Network News, a bi-weekly Ezine which seeks to “Inform, Educate and Inspire” network marketers, whether new or seasoned, in their online business… and life.