A Risk Free Monetary Resource: Unsecured Loans UK

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Feb 062021

Now, UK borrowers have a reason to rejoice. They can avail a risk free monetary resource that is free from the fear of repossession. With unsecured loans UK, a borrower can avail money without pledging a security.

As the name refers, unsecured loans UK are offered in an unsecured way. It means borrowers need not use anything against the lending amount. Therefore, besides homeowners, all sorts of tenants, like PG’s, private tenants, housing tenants, MOD tenants, people living with parents can apply for unsecured loans UK.

In the UK, a borrower can avail anything in between ₤5000- ₤10,000 as unsecured loans. These loans are given for 5-10years. However, generally the repayment period varies from lenders to lenders. While deciding the borrowed amount, borrowers’ credit score as well as their incomes are checked.

Since, unsecured loans are offered UK borrowers without any collateral, thus, lenders charge a high interest rate to cover the risk of the lending amount. It does not mean that there is no possibility of getting unsecured loans UK at a better rate. Having a good credit score empowers borrowers to negotiate with lenders in availing loans at a competitive interest rate. Apart from that, some efforts, like looking for a better deal, comparing various loan quotes provide an assurance of getting some relaxation on the interest rate.

Many a time, a question is often asked by borrowers, what will happen in case unsecured loans UK are not paid off. Though, in such cases, a lender cannot seize borrowers’ property, but he may take some legal action that may jeopardize borrowers’ life. So, do not forget to ask for the amount that suits your repayment capacity.

Various purposes can be fulfilled with unsecured loans UK. Some of the common purposes, for which UK borrowers generally apply for unsecured loans UK, are mentioned below:

•For debt consolidation

•For business purposes

•For arranging wedding party

•These loans can be taken for making holiday trip

•For investing in home, many a borrower in the UK is applying for unsecured loans UK these days.

Can a borrower having bad credit score apply for unsecured loans UK? This question can emerge in the reader’s mind. The answer is yes, a borrower with bad credit score can also avail these loans. This is applicable for all sorts of bad credit scorers including CCJs, IVAs, bankruptcy, defaults, arrears etc. Due to their bad credit score, they may have to pay a higher interest rate on unsecured loans UK. However, by wandering around for a better deal, a bad credit scorer can arrange unsecured loans UK with flexible terms and conditions.

Unsecured loans UK is a perfect choice for those borrowers who do not like to put their property at risk for the sake of availing loans. Even more, these loans also facilitate non-homeowners to head into loan market.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Small Business

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Feb 052021

Owners and executives must be leaders first and managers second. As leaders our task is first and foremost to be about doing the right things, and the “seven deadly sins,” should be on the top of your list as leadership issues you are dealing with on a regular basis. Building a small business is one of the most rewarding, but risky ventures one could possibly venture into. Most papers on small business deal primarily with financing and risk management, which are only symptoms of the real issues. Your bank account is just the scorecard of how well you have developed your leadership skills relative to accomplishing the “right things.”

This paper will help you avoid many of the costly pitfalls of operating a small business, assuming you heed the advice. Avoiding these pitfalls will in turn help you to conserve cash, develop market share, increase sales, improve customer loyalty, increase employee retention and build efficiencies into your operation.
The “seven deadly sins” include 1) Poor or non-existent business planning; 2) Lack of a strategic objective; 3) Lack of marketing strategies and tactics; 4) Management in the place of leadership; 5) Poor or non-existent systems; 6) Failure to utilize an appropriate leadership style; 7) Care and feeding of sacred cows. Business owners and executives who do not understand them, do not have experience with them and therefore do not appreciate their impact and significance often ignore these critical leadership issues.

Thirty-five years of building and operating small businesses has taught me that most small business problems are not money problems at all, and in fact money is just an indicator that much deeper issues are at play. Beware; the market is a wicked taskmaster, these “seven deadly sins” are like small doses of poison injected into your operation by the very marketplace you are trying to conquer, and they provide a slow painful death to the naive.

Here are the “seven deadly sins” in order of priority.

1) Poor Business Planning
Most small businesses do not have even a summary business plan, and of those that do, many are cookie cutter business plans built with the help of a piece of software. At a minimum a business plan should have an executive summary; a company overview with company history and it’s current status; the companies strategic objective; a description of the companies products and services; a list of the companies intellectual properties including patents, copyrights, trademarks, processes and know-how; a market analysis; a competitive analysis, which includes competitors and their market position, and their strengths and weaknesses; a marketing plan, which includes your marketing strategy, product strategy, sales strategy, and pricing strategy; your customer service plan; sales projections by product, in units, for at least three years; and finally a set of financials which include projected income and balance sheets with a Performa sales forecast.

Here are some other important suggestions and facts related to business planning:
• Less than a third of small business startups have a business plan
• A business plan does not have to be incredibly detailed for operational purposes
• It should be a work in progress updated on a periodic basis
• Particular attention should be paid to the marketing plan
• A business plan is part of the first fifteen percent of the business development process which will assure the last eight-five percent will go smoothly
• The executive summary should be written last, after the rest of the plan is in view.

2) Lack of Strategic Objectives
A business strategy is made up of carefully crafted words making up templates, which in turn act as filters through which all planning, tactics and decisions are passed through before implementation. A strategic objective is therefore, a business strategy developed to guide an organization in meeting business objectives. A strategic objective is developed from the owner’s vision, passion, core competencies and values for the business. Contact Emerald Business Services or go to our website for a worksheet you can use to develop these critical business development tools.

3) Lack of Marketing Strategies and Tactics
Marketing strategies govern the development of tactics, which in turn provide the actions items contained within your planning process. The most important aspect of your marketing plan is the development of promotion strategies and tactics, which feed your promotion planning and provide you with sales forecasting data. The promotion plan should also detail costs and anticipated unit volume so you can set priorities and provide sales forecasting data.

4) Management in the Place of Leadership
So why is leadership so important in growing a business? Because leadership is about doing the right things, management is about doing things right . In many ways, it is leadership that will grow your business from a sales and a stability perspective, and management that will make, or keep it profitable. Also, consider that the best companies focus ninety percent of their attention on external issues, not internally , leadership is primarily a focus on the external issues.

5) Poor or non-existent Systems
Most people think of computer systems when they hear the word “system.” But in the since it is used here it means all systems, including the system you use for selecting the right employee, for decision making within a department and so on. One of the more telling statistics in this area is the fact that ninety-four percent of all task or project failures are system failures2.

Some of the more common reasons for system failure include:
• Islands of automation verses integrated systems
• Absent or non-existent policies, procedures and user manuals
• Poor training.

6) Lack of Development of Leadership Style
Developing leadership ability has a lot to do with understanding the type of leadership required at different stages of your company’s development. There are at least six different leadership styles identified to be effective at different stages of a company’s development including; Visionary; Coaching; Affiliative; Democratic; Pacesetting; and Commanding . Understanding which leadership style to employ has been found to significantly increase the effectiveness, growth and heath of the companies in which leaders utilized multiple styles. Just as important is the understanding of what a leaders personal profile is. Armed with these vital bits of information a leader is equipped to pursue the right leadership style for the task at hand.

7) Care and Feeding of Sacred Cows
I do not have a statistic on the amount of money, time and energy expended on the sacred cows lurking in American businesses, but it has to be staggering. This list details some of the types of sacred cows you can look for in your business.
• The way we have always done it
• The product or service you keep pouring money into because you just know it will take off and be your future, (these are almost never accompanied by market research or even a promotional plan)
• Resistance to growth through change
• Idleness within the ranks, some experts believe ten percent of the poorest performing people should be let go each year to make room for people with fresh insights and ideas
• The company airplane, automobiles, and other perks, which drain company recourses
• The dead weight relatives and friends of the family who would be better off elsewhere, act as distractions, and add nothing to your bottom line
• The “expert” that no one can live with, who holds a noose around the companies neck in the form of some expertise or an unwritten code of loyalty.

You could call this business “101,” however, most of the issues developed in this paper are rarely taught in schools, much less heeded. These “seven deadly sins” can impede your company’s ability to successfully navigate through the turbulent waters of business development. If you do not understand all the issues summarized in this paper, do the research; find a business advisor to help you navigate these storms , you owe it to yourself, your business and the people who count on you.
Conquering the devil in the details is what management is about, concurring the “seven deadly sins of small business” is what leadership is all about. The beauty of developing top-level leadership skills is that there is no downside, only opportunity for growth in both your business and your personal development. Leadership is what the entrepreneurial spirit is all about.

Develop your business plan, establish strategic objectives, establish marketing strategies and tactics, lead, build effective systems, utilize more than one leadership style and kill the sacred cows in your business, it might be the only thing that keeps you and your company from becoming another dreadful statistic.

1. Inc.com article “Most Entrepreneurs Start with . . . No Business Plan”
2. Demming
3. Peter Drucker
4. Allan Weiss
5. Goleman
6. Keeping everything the same and expecting things to change is at least one definition of insanity
7. Call us at (619)985-0799 for a free consultation

Evolution in anti-aging products

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Feb 042021

During the last 10 years more attention is paid to the anti-aging skin care. Developments within this category were influenced by such factors, as competition between the major brands, introduction of new technologies and new ingredients, as well as worldwide increase in demand for the so-called “rejuvenating cosmetics”. People have no intentions of putting up with aging. Today they are turning to alternative therapies and anti-aging products, however, they will not spend money on products which do not produce the desired results.

First anti-aging skin care appeared during the late 1980s. The first liposome ingredient delivery system was part of first generation anti-aging skin care.

Devid Jago, an expert in the market analysis for MINTEL, gives his evaluations of the changes, which have taken place since then: “At present, the special properties, ingredients and benefits of the products are clearly shown on the label. In the late 1980s, it was only said that those products were firming, softening the skin, reducing lines etc., but their functional ingredients were usually not disclosed. Today’s press often informs us of specific ingredients and their benefits, thus contributing to the consumers’ education”. As a result, there appeared a category of skincare products intended for specific age groups or needs. Usually, women aim at making their aging skin look younger, or their young skin – healthier.

In the beginning of 1990s, a lot of anti-aging ingredients have been studied. The most important of those, Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA), became the first ingredients to affect the skin. Sally Penford, of the International Dermal Institute, a post-graduate training school for therapists, comments: “It stimulated women to start considering cosmetic surgery, glycolic acid peels and laser skin treatments”.

Another “great revolution” in anti-aging skincare has been in the use of A, C and E vitamins, as well as group B vitamins and main fatty acids – they all have a special role of agents preventing premature aging. Of course they do not make miracles, but can support the good condition of the skin. As skin ages and is repeatedly exposed to harmful UV rays, the level of vitamin A, produced in the body, invariably decreases. The skin renews itself less quickly and the epidermal layer becomes progressively thinner. Some of the research of the ingredients, such as vitamin C, was held in 1990s. In addition, scientists identified two key chemical “helpers” to assist in the delivery of vitamin C through the skin.

The formulations derived from it led to the development of anti-aging products, containing vitamin C and products, which contained a combination of vitamin C and pure Retinol. (Until recently, it has been extremely difficult to combine both Retinol and vitamin C together in a stable formulation, as both ingredients are easily oxidised, when exposured to the air, and become inactive). In 1990s this type of skincare was already produced all over the world.

Further on, a great deal of interest in the anti-oxidants has been shown. A lot of studies have been done which show that protecting the skin can delay the onset of aging. The SUVIMAX studies in France showed that the use of anti-oxidants on the skin slows down the aging process. It is also possible to reduce lines and improve skin firmness. Benefits of anti-oxidants were detected in grape seeds extracts. After that, cosmetic Companies started using these benefits in their skincare products. Grape polyphenols are natural compounds derived from green grape seed extract which have been shown to have a powerful anti-oxidant effect. They shield the skin from the aggression of a wide range of free radicals and are known to help maintain the skin’s moisture levels.

In the middle of 1990s Estée Lauder has completed research into understanding more about skin cells losing energy. Dr. Maes, Vice-President Research and Development, Estée Lauder Worldwide, explains: “We cannot make the skin look like when it was in youth. Technologies can decrease the lines by 50%, but we will never decrease them by 100%. We have studied skin samples and found that its thickness is already decreasing from the age of 20. In biological terms, if the cells are losing energy they will also lose their ability to protect themselves against the environment.” He compares this loss of energy to that of a battery running low which needs to be recharged. Thus, to slow down aging and protect the skin cells, manufacturers started using anti-oxidants, sunscreens and skin energising technologies to “recharge” cells. They are described as a next generation skin nourishers that enable skin to tap into a fuel source of bio-available micro-nutrients.

The scientists have studied different types of skin aging and it means that they are capable of developing skincare which will effectively abate aging. It is recognised that 90% of skin damage is caused by external environmental aging. This includes smoking, wind, chemicals, and, most importantly, UV radiation. The level of pollution increases so quickly that skin cells can not develop self-protection mechanisms. Free radicals or oxidants are naturally generated in the body as a reaction to the aggression of external, environmental factors as well as internal factors such as stress and tiredness. A consequence of this aggression is an acceleration of the skin’s aging process. Most of skin damage is done in the early years and people do not see the results of this until they are in their forties and fifties.

The reason for this is due to the skin’s chronological aging, which we can do nothing about. Internal, chronological aging is largely a consequence of genetics and affects skin all over the body.

Modern scientific research in skincare and the growing knowledge of the skin’s physiology mean that it is possible to prevent and even repair skin damage which occurs later on in life. Thus, the latest thinking and research is focused on developing skin protection not from a plain Sun Protection Factor but from the cells themselves. The case in point is a new area of cosmetology (Cell Cosmetics) and skincare products of modern generation of late 1990s, which are based on cell extracts that have lately drawn much attention of scientists. Cells can segment themselves and reproduce identical copies, replace old skin cells by new ones of the same type, take part in biochemical skin processes. This is what we call lifetime self-rejuvenation.

The strides made in anti-aging technology over the past decade have been astounding and clearly show no signs of abating. We can be certain that there will be many more exciting achievements in skincare technology to come.

Consumer facts on free satellite TV deals

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Feb 032021

Free satellite TV! Get free satellite TV system free for 4-room, get free DVR, free HDTV, free incentive gifts like iPod and home theater system, free installations…… sounds familiar with the slogan? Don t worry; this is not another free satellite TV promotion advertisement. Instead, we will examine some facts of these satellite TV promotions here: Are these free deals really for free? Are they worth the money? Do such satellite TV deals suit my need?

Are free satellite TV deals for real?

To answer the question, you need to know what are given free in such deals. Free satellite TV means you get the satellite decoder system for free. You will get satellite dish, decoder system (up to 4 rooms), and remote control for free. The free satellite TV deals do not include a free television for you. However the satellite systems are compatible with almost any television in the market so if you have one at home, you don t need to buy extra TV with special features.

So back to the questions – without a doubt, these free deals are for real. But it comes with conditions. You will get the satellite TV system for free, if you are their first time customer and you must be willing commit to a service contract up to 18 months. Check out on some of these free satellite TV deals at here. If you read those free satellite TV ads carefully, you should notice that such free deals are only for first time customer.

Are the free deals worth the money?

The answer is yes and no.

The Yes:

Free satellite TV deals are lucrative not because they give out free satellite TV system for free. It is good because with a very low monthly subscription fees, you can get hundreds of 100% digital satellite pictures. By paying just little amount of money, you will get premium movie channels like HBO, Starz, ShowTime; you will get your favorite sport actions such as NFL, NHL, or NBA; you will also get lots of news channels like CNN, CNN2, Bloomberg, BBC. As you can see the wide programming selection is why satellite TV deals look attractive. Dish Network or DirecTV, you can now enjoy top class TV entertainment service with satellite TV without paying anything up front (satellite TV system are given for free, remember?). It certainly gives something that cable does not have.

The No:

Nevertheless, the free satellite TV deals do not worth the money if you don t spend time long enough in front of the TV. If you hardly spend an hour in TV within the whole week, that is the point of having 255 TV channels? All you need is some crap TV talk shows to tease you before you get to bed and sleep, why get satellite TV?

Often consumers order satellite TV deals blindly just because the free ads flyers are too attractive. Do not buy and then regret. The conclusion, do not spend money on free satellite TV deals just because their deals are too good to resist. The free deals are worth the money if you watch TV a lot; if you don t, locals should be good enough.

Consumer facts (in case you are still wondering is the free deals worth the money or not)

Due to the demise of Pegasus and Voom services, there are only two major satellite TV providers in the USA — Dish Network and DirecTV. Both companies are providing 100% digital satellite pictures; both companies are offering amazing free satellite TV systems; and both companies have the finest sales support team for their customer services.

Since Dish Network and DirecTV were officially launched in 90s, millions had switched from cable TV to Dish Network. J.D. Power and Associates has ranked Dish Network and DirecTV as the top TV broadcasting companies. Both DirecTV and Dish Network are higher in customer satisfaction than any of the cable TV companies for the last five years.

Ordering Dish Network Satellite TV

Dish Network require $49.99 activation fee. The fee will be credited to your programming bill however, so in essence, your satellite TV system is free. With Dish Network you have the option to upgrade to a DVR (digital video recording) receiver, or an HDTV (high definition TV) receiver at no charge. Dish Network services at a monthly cost of $19.99. However, Dish Network standard programming fees start at $31.99 per month (for standard 60 program channels). The monthly subscription fees then goes up to around $86.00 for 230 channels including Showtime, Starz!, HBO, Cinemax, and Sirius radio.

DirecTV Satellite TV Service

Depending on your credit rating, when you order a free satellite TV system from DirecTV you may be required to pay a deposit or prepayment. Because the deposit is refunded to you and the prepayment goes toward your programming fees, the DirecTV satellite dish and receivers are free. Installation is also free. If you want a DVR receiver you will be charged an additional $49.99. The charge for HDTV receivers is $299.99. DirecTV programming packages start at $29.99 per month for 115 channels (including 31 music channels), and go up to more than $90 per month for 185 program channels, including Showtime, Starz!, HBO, Cinemax, and 31 music channels.

Closing things up: Is free satellite TV deal the right thing for you?

The answer is actually lies inside of you. If TV is one of your primary forms of entertainment and you want the biggest variety of shows, movies, sports, and news — then we satellite TV deals should be something you should seriously consider. Cable TVs nowadays doesn’t looks like a good deal to go for as their monthly fees increase a lot every year. For football fans that wish to get every NFL games- DirecTV is what you are looking for; for normal family, Dish Network seems to be a better choice.

However, if you watch just a few television programs a week and have access to over-the-air TV, then satellite TV probably isn’t for you.

No Risk on Asset in Unsecured Personal Loan

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Feb 022021

There are number of sources of finance in the financial market with which a person can satisfy his personal desires. One of such source of finance is unsecured personal loan which is popular and is in demand basically for two reasons that are:

•No risk on the asset
•Credit scorer can also avail

Unsecured personal loan is used to satisfy all the personal needs such as paying of medical bills, education, holidaying and many more. In unsecured personal loan, there is no obligation to place any asset as collateral. It has been specifically designed in such a manner to meet the financial needs of all the tenants and also those homeowners who are not willing to place asset as collateral.

The amount which a person can borrow in unsecured personal loan basically depends on the following factors such as:

•Credit score

•Financial status

•Repayment period

•Regular employment

•Flow of income etc

It is absolutely true that a person with bad credit score can avail unsecured personal loan but the rates paid by him are comparatively higher. Because, somewhere the lender feels insecure while dealing with the person with bad credit score. So, a bad credit scorer must always try to make timely repayment in order to improve his credit score. And, once his credit score gets improved then he also will be able to avail unsecured personal on competitive rates.

The next question, which is needed to be answered, is that how to apply for unsecured personal loan. The person can apply either in the physical market or in online market. There is a need to fill an application which usually asks about financial and personal details. After filling an application, the lender gives a loan quote which is provided free of cost. Loan quote gives a rough estimation of the total cost involved in the whole unsecured personal loan deal. Through loan quote, the task of comparing various offers becomes simpler and easier. And, the person can easily determine the most competitive unsecured personal loan deal.

Online method of applying is always recommended as it is just a matter of few minutes to locate the lender. In online the money gets transferred into an account within few hours of approval.

Eventually, it will be right to say that, unsecured personal loan is an appropriate and right means to satisfy all personal desires without any risk on the asset.

Taking Risk For The Sake Of Holiday! Opt For Unsecured Loans

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Feb 012021

What is you next holiday destination? Would you like to go to seaside where you can rejuvenate yourself lying on sun kissed beaches or you want to unveil the mystery of majestic mountains? Are you facing any hindrance for planning your next trip? Is it related to money? If yes, holiday loans would take you to your desired place. Do not think that you have to put your property at risk for the sake of holidaying. With unsecured holiday loans, spread your wings without worry.

As a risk free loan option, unsecured holiday loans will be given to you against no collateral. Therefore, if you are a tenant, you can finance your holiday with these loans. These loans are available for all sorts of tenants, like council tenants, MOD tenants, housing executives, living with parents, PGs and so on.

Unsecured holiday loans allow borrowers to borrow anything in between ₤5000-₤25,000. Based on the borrowed amount, the repayment period is decided. But, generally these loans are given for 5-10 years.

With unsecured holiday loans, all sorts of holiday expenditures can be covered. It includes,

• Ticket booking

• Hotel fees

• Meals

• Shopping

• And other miscellaneous expenses.

The borrowers, having bad credit score can also avail unsecured loans for holidaying. It is applicable for all sorts of bad credit scorers including CCJs, IVAs, bankruptcy, arrears, defaults and so on.

Since, these loans are given without any security; therefore, the absence of the security worries lenders about the lending money. Hence, to cover the risk of lending money, lenders charge a high interest rate on unsecured holiday loans. But there is an alternative in getting these loans at an affordable rate. If you meet various lenders, study and compare their loan quotes, it will ensure you to find out the best deal. In case, if you are short of time, sit in front of your system. As unsecured holiday loans are available online, thus, only by clicking the mouse, you can start you research in order to avail unsecured holiday loans with attractive terms and conditions.

The tantalizing trait of unsecured holiday loans is that there is no requirement of collateral. And for this reason, while holidaying; the risk of collateral repossession won’t jeopardize borrowers’ enjoyment.

Money is one of the mandatory criteria, without which holidaying is beyond imagination. Unsecured holiday loans in such cases work well. Since these loans are unsecured, hence, it is giving all types of borrowers a chance to finance their vacation.