How to Find Debt Consolidation Loan in UK

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Dec 182020

The ever increasing cost of living may sometimes leads to piles of pending bills on your study table. You may finally end up taking many loans, which will only add to your worries. These are only temporary solutions for your financial crisis and are not going to work in the long run. If you pay interest rates individually, it will cost you really expensive and troublesome as well. However, a simple solution is to pay more than one existing debts through a debt consolidation loan in the UK.

These debt consolidation loans are very popular in the UK. These loans are taken to repay all your pending bills and loans. A debt consolidation loan UK is used to pay off all your earlier debts. It facilitates you to combine various debts and make a single repayment plan. Paying off different loans, as well as, interest rates individually can be a bit problematic and may cost a huge amount. Well, using collateral can help in bringing down the rate of interest to a considerable extent. It provides a back up to your borrowing and lessens the risk factor.

According to a debt consolidation loan UK, all your debts are combined and the interest is charged upon that particular amount, which automatically trims down your concerned debt. Thus, the biggest advantage of a debt consolidation loan UK is that, it helps in discounting the debt.

Always remember, with more than one debt you will find yourself trapped in to unmanageable debts. You have to take constructive steps to come out of this trouble. With debt consolidation loan UK, you can repay pending loans such as educational loans, credit card bills, holiday loans, utility bills etc. However, the success of debt consolidation loans UK depends a great deal upon the type of loan you are going to consolidate. For instance, debt consolidation of credit card may prove to be beneficial because of the high rate of interest of credit cards.

A debt consolidation loan UK has innumerable advantages. It helps in trimming down monthly instalments, interest rates. You are free from the worry of dealing with many lenders. It helps to avoid bankruptcy, saves money, consolidation of utility bills and credit cards. The rate of interest depends upon a number of factors like loan amount, type of loan and concerned fees. You have to pay attention to the fact that debt consolidation loan UK trims down the cost of your unsecured debt and repay loan within a short span of time. You can also search online to find debt consolidation loan UK at cheap rates.

Top Tips When You Buy a Used Car Privately

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Dec 172020

Every year millions of Australian used cars are purchased privately direct from the owner. While this can often be the best way to achieve the best buy and bargains, it can also become very expensive in cases when you find out that the car has a number of problems and/or a previously unknown owner history.

First, research about your desired car. Check free classified ads, free car listings, and trade guides to get a good idea of car pricing and used car values. Car classifieds such as,,, and are excellent guides and resources for buying used cars privately.

Once you have decided on which used car you’d like to buy after your used car search, and have found a possible seller, then it’s time to Arrange for a car inspection, preferably at daytime. Of course, you’d want to inspect and scrutinize the used car carefully, so insist only on daylight.

Take a friend along with you, preferably someone knowledgeable about cars and their workings. If problems occur in the future it helps that you have a witness available to validate what was said.

Check that the used car for sale has not been ‘clocked’. The average and normal kilometre range is about 20,000 kilometres a year. Of course, most used car dealers replace the tyres. So if the used car has new tyres and you still can’t trust the odometer readings, ask the owner for details of the car’s servicing history.

Always go for a test drive. However, make sure that you are insured to do so. Iif the seller says that he has cover, ask to see his policy.

Carefully check the service log book. In particular, look for the chassis number, known as the vehicle identification number (VIN). This is usually located on a small plate on the driver’s door or in the engine bay. The absence of a VIN number strongly suggests that the car has assumed the identity of someone else, probably because it has been stolen before.

Consider Car Registration Check. This includes a full description of the used car, including engine size and date of first registration, so you can be sure of what you are buying. It will also tell you whether the used car has a finance agreement recorded against it, if the car has been written off, and whether the car has had any number plate or colour changes.

The power of silence in negotiations. The chances are that at some point you’ll enter into negotiations over the price. A good place to check for used car values and car pricings are at Have both a highest price and a target price in mind before entering into negotiations. If your two offers are some way apart, you try not to say anything. Used car dealers use this tactic all the time as people find silence uncomfortable. Try this and the seller will often suggest meeting half way, at which point you can propose meeting half way between your offer and the new offer, getting yourself a better deal.

Finally, if you really are interested in the used car, consider having it independently checked by a reputable garage or the RACV. Reputable sellers will understand this, so be wary of owners of used cars for sale who decline your request. It may be time to look elsewhere.


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Mobile phone deal: Grab the right deal at the right time

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Dec 162020

Are you one of those who can’t get their desired mobile phone because of the hefty price? If yes, then mobile phone deals can fulfill your dream of getting your most wanted handset.

Mobile phone deals are an ideal way to buy your desired phone at the most affordable price. In fact these deals are the most easiest way to grab your handset whenever you find a deal that suits your calling needs. No more have you to dream about owning a fancy handset. Offers like free handsets, free accessories, discounts, cash back offers allow you to afford the handset with high tech features. There are cheap mobile phone deals offering you stylish and sleek phones with free line rentals.

You just need to know what kind of mobile phone and mobile phone plan you require. All you need to do is go online and grab the best deal at the right moment. Various networks with various offers are waiting for you to be explored. These mobile phone deals are prepared keeping in mind your communication needs and calling habits of people belonging to different sections of society so that you are bound to find a deal that suits you. You can get the most out of your money by having the latest camera phone or music phone. The best part is that you get to own a free mobile phone!!

In this developing mobile industry, as the popularity of mobile phones increases, more and more handsets are becoming available with the new technologies, offering a variety of features. At the same time, the networks intend to offer a mass of tariffs to suit every customer. But before you choose the style, size and network plan, you just need to figure out your communication needs and then select the mobile phone deal that would work for you.

Shared Web Hosting Providers

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Dec 152020

There are many different kinds of web hosting providers available on the internet. Some are free, others are paid, and all web hosting providers offer different services for different prices with varying levels of customer service and satisfaction. One web hosting option is shared web hosting. Shared web hosting providers are also called “virtual” hosts. This web hosting provider offers the services typical to web hosting while accomplishing support through a shared server. Plainly, multiple sites are hosted on one actual server. This kind of web hosting provider takes a lot of burden off of the individual sites as their costs are much lower due to sharing the expenses of web hosting.

The added expense for this kind of web hosting provider is that they have to organize an administrative team in order to orchestrate, organize and control the many users sharing the single system. Without this administrative element, this kind of web hosting provider could have a lot of problems and find themselves unable to offer adequate services to their users. Generally, this sort of web hosting provider utilizes a tool called a control panel. The web hosting provider is in charge of all aspects of server upkeep and has to accommodate all of their users.

Domain names are tricky with this kind of web hosting provider. Although the site must have one name, multiple users have unique sites using the same server. The web hosting provider must find a way to deal with this conflict either through the use of IP-based virtual hosting or dedicated IP hosting. Sometimes these web hosting providers overbook their servers and users may find their sites to be sluggish or to have considerable downtime. When searching for this kind of web hosting provider it is vital to research what percentage of space and power belong to you in relation to the other users. Your shared web hosting provider should be able to provide you with this information prior to your signing up.

Although shared web hosting may seem like a viable option because of its reduced cost, the potential inconveniences probably outweigh the small amount of money you might save by going with this kind of service. There are multiple web hosting providers on the internet that provide excellent services for reasonable prices. Shared web hosting providers may also be a bad choice for the future as some of the crucial technology is wrapped up in large lawsuits.

Christmas Gifts: 7 Secrets to Getting More and Spending Hundreds Less

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Dec 142020

Let’s face it — just about every one of us feels the financial crunch Christmas gifts put on our wallet at Christmas time.

The more we have, the more we’re expected to spend on our Christmas shopping, and the fact of the matter is, some of us really don’t want to spend all that much. That doesn’t mean we don’t want to give our friends and family excellent Christmas gifts — but it does mean we want to do it within a reasonable budget.

If you’re looking for ways to make your Christmas shopping budget stretch like never before, read on…

1. Be an Early Bird

Those who are serious about saving money on Christmas gifts this year really do need to follow the example of the early bird.

If you wait until the last minute to buy your Christmas gifts, you’re really not going to have time to shop for bargains — and there may not even be bargains to be had at that exact point in time. Because of this, start looking for Christmas gifts now so you can jump on the great deals the minute the stores list them.

2. Be One of the Nutcases on Black Friday

I know, I know. We all like to laugh at the people who get up at the crack of dawn on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) to stand in line for the hottest deals of the year.

Don’t be so quick to judge!

Those people who are waiting in line are savings hundreds, maybe even thousands, of dollars on their Christmas gifts. DVD players for fifteen bucks, 14k gold bracelets for $19.99, toys for fifty percent off (and sometimes even free if you meet minimum purchase requirements). What more could you ask for?

On Thanksgiving morning, get the newspaper and start flipping through the store ads. Make a list of what you want, go to bed early on Thanksgiving night and wake up at about 4:00 a.m. on Black Friday.

But wait! Don’t leave your house just yet.

See if the online stores are offering the same deals as the brick-and-mortar stores. You’ll still have to be up early, but you won’t have to leave the house or deal with the crowds. Who knows — you may get every single one of the Christmas gifts on your list for a lot less than you would have paid any other day of the year.

3. Price Match

Okay, let’s talk about Black Friday again. When you’re looking through the Black Friday ads in the local paper, you’re going to notice that the hottest deals are only available between certain hours (usually 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 or 12:00 depending on the store).

How can you possibly hit all of the stores during those times? You don’t have to.

If you see things you want at two different stores and you don’t think you’ll have time to go to both of them, find out if one of the stores offers a price match policy. If they do, make sure they carry the item you want from the other store (make sure it’s the exact same item with the same UPC number, serial number, etc).

If the store price matches and carries the item, just go to that store with the flyer from the other store and get all of your Christmas gifts from the same retailer.

4. Become a Predator

If you really, really want to save money on Christmas gifts this year, you need to become a predator. What is it that you’re going to stalk?

Deals of course!

Take the time to hunt down the deals. Every week between now and Christmas, visit the various deals forums on the Internet and check out what’s going on that particular day or week. You’ll be surprised at the great deals you can on Christmas gifts find by hunting for deals as part of a pack.

You can find lots of great advice on how to save money on your Christmas gifts at

5. Hit the Outlet Malls

Outlet malls can be a great place to shop for Christmas gifts, but not too close to Christmas. Within the next week or so, go to your local outlet mall (even if you have to drive an hour or so to get there).

Many of the stores will be in the process of marking down merchandise to make room for the new stuff that will be coming in during the Christmas season. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to pick up some Christmas gifts at a great price.

6. Shop the Online Pre-Season Sales

Before Thanksgiving, thousands of websites put their items on clearance to get ready for Christmas. This means great savings for you. Don’t be surprised to find a number of online stores offering discounts of 70-percent or more and don’t forget to check out the overstock websites. It’s a great way to get Christmas gifts at unbelievable prices.

7. Regift

Yes, I know, it’s the four-letter word (okay, actually six-letter word) that no one likes to admit to. The fact of the matter is, there’s really nothing wrong with regifting as long as you don’t end up giving your gift back to the person who originally gave it to you, and you think the person will like the gift.

Did you get an expensive candle that you just can’t stand the smell of? Regift it! Did you receive a boutique sweater that you wouldn’t be caught dead in? Give it to Aunt Jan — she’ll adore it. If you’re creative and discreet, regifting is a wonderful way to save tons of money on Christmas gifts.

So now you know exactly what you need to do to save money on Christmas gifts this year. Put the advice to the test. Write down how much you save on every single gift and then total it all up when you’re done shopping.

The total amount you save on Christmas gifts may surprise you!

Resell Rights: The Quickest Way To Your Own Online Business

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Dec 132020

Right now there are probably tens of thousands of people around the world trying to make a living online; their numbers are increasing by the day, and with good reason. When you consider all its advantages there’s no doubt that selling online is just about the perfect start-up business opportunity. You can get going with little or no start-up capital; specialise in electronically delivered information products, you need not tie up any money in physical stocks of product and e-mail and website marketing is practically free when compared with traditional print and broadcast media. Most importantly of all, perhaps, your online store can be open 24/7, the year round, taking automated orders from millions of potential customers worldwide.

Doesn’t it sound as though it should be a cinch to set up a little online business and wait for the money to roll in while you head for the beach or the golf course? Truth be told, that’s not a lazy man’s fantasy, but a way of life that’s real and attainable. And there are many living it right now. Sadly though, there are also many hopeful newbies who not only are not making any money, or making very little, but are actually losing it. There can be many reasons for this, ranging from purely technical problems to weak sales copy and the good news is that these are usually easily soluble either with a little work and research on your own part, or with the help of the many professionals who offer these services.

But there’s one mistake that’s always and invariably fatal to your business; no exceptions. That’s when you bring to the market a product which the market doesn’t want. Now let’s be very clear here. It doesn’t matter how good you think your product is; or how much your partner or best friends like it. The market rules. And if the market says it sucks, it sucks. And neither the sum of advertising expertise on Madison Avenue nor the hottest direct marketing copywriter in the world will save it for you.

In case you still doubt this key point, let me give you an example from British industry. Back in the 1980s one of our best known inventor entrepreneurs was Sir Clive Sinclair. In the days before PCs he had made his name and a great deal of money as the developer of one of the first pocket calculators and other devices. Then for reasons perhaps known only to himself, Sir Clive decided to move into the field of personal transport and came up with the supposedly revolutionary electric car, the C5.

With Sinclair’s reputation he was able to secure massive publicity for the launch and indeed he could point to plausible advantages for the vehicle. It was economical, non-polluting, manoeuvrable in city traffic and easy to park. On the downside, though, the car was slow, of restricted range and looked downright dangerous alongside thundering conventional traffic. Worst of all perhaps, it exposed the user not just to the elements and apparent danger, but to widespread and immediate ridicule. The public took one look; said thanks but no thanks, and the project was dead.

For all his undoubted inventive genius, you see, Sinclair had neglected one of the fundamental rules of all business success: – research your market!

Problem is, though, that this inviolable rule can be tough in the observance for the eager new starter who’s just bursting with enthusiasm to get a product online and earning some money. Do you want to start in business by carefully researching a number of different niche markets before going to all the trouble and expense of producing a precisely tailored e-book or piece of software to meet its needs? Thought not; although you’ll make a lot of money if you do! But best leave that until later in the day when you have your business established and making you a comfortable living.

And that day need not be very far away, because there is an alternative and much quicker way of getting started, through what are known as resell rights. Put simply this involves purchasing a license to sell a product created by another.

Online these are currently offered on a huge variety of products, typically e-books and software programs. Creators will usually offer resell rights when they do not have the time, money, or expertise needed to sell their finished product. Some people are just much more interested in researching and creating new products than in marketing them (Sir Clive Sinclair being an excellent example!).

So this can be a really great symbiotic, or win/win relationship. The product creator is earning an income from the sale of the rights in addition to anything he may make from selling the product itself. Moreover, he will benefit from the “brand recognition” he will achieve by having his product sold in far greater quantities through his resellers than he would be able to obtain on his own.

You as reseller will benefit from having a ready made quality product you can sell in unlimited quantities to visitors to your site. And once you have recouped the cost of your reseller’s license, which will seldom take more than a handful of sales, you are into the zone of pure profit, retaining all further income for your own.

If this sounds attractive, it is! The profit potential of this kind of business is truly astronomical, and increasing all the time as more and more customers come online around the world.

But there is a catch, however. None of the above significant advantages of using resell rights remove the need to research your market. Before buying your licence you still need to pick a product that sells, and you can’t do this by guesswork, by selecting a product that you happen to like, or a niche in which you have an existing interest (although it does help to have a passion for the one you eventually choose). To make money you must research the market and learn what customers want and need to buy. Doing so will allow you to obtain the resell rights to a product that will be in high demand, and which will bring you correspondingly high sales and profits.
lt do, although you will need to set aside a little time. If you balk at this, just remember that once you have your hot-selling product online you’re well on the way to a lifestyle that the vast majority of people will only ever dream of.

Now unsurprisingly perhaps, the best way to learn about the products, topics, or issues that are currently popular on the internet is to use the internet. For example there is a great 2 hour audio program on the subject of resale rights at And the really good news is that it’s absolutely free!

You can use the search engines to tell you what niches are attracting heavy traffic and should have a look at for another great free tool. You can also check out what’s selling on eBay and the non-fiction best sellers on Amazon to give you ideas.

You may also want to participate in online discussions. You can easily do this by joining a number of different message boards in the possible areas of interest you’ve identified. With online message boards, many internet users post questions and product requests. If you are able to find a product, such as a specific software program or e-book, that is being requested on a large scale, that product may well be able to turn you a profit.

This research may seem like it would be very time consuming, but it needn’t be. The joy of the internet is that it’s just so vast that there’s bound to be an area of human interest – probably as yet largely untapped – that you can find and develop into a successful product very quickly. It helps of course, if you have an existing interest in that subject, but it’s by no means essential. What is vital, however, is that it’s a subject in which a significant number of other people are interested, because they’re your potential customers and your potential profits.

The resources above, coupled with your own imagination, will give you all you need to go find them.

Steve Smith
November 2006

Bad Credit Loans – Borrow without Fearing Adverse Credentials

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Dec 122020

Your bad credit should not bother you anymore. The loan market is full of lenders who are ever willing to make a loan offer to bad credit borrowers. Bad credit loans are very common these days as lenders now understand circumstances that compel people towards payment defaults. So just meet some conditions and lender will approve you bad credit loan.

Bad credit is labeled against a borrower’s name because of repeated payment defaults on his end and as a result he might have faced county court judgments. This is reflected in the borrower’s credit score. On FICO scale of credit score ranging from 300 to 850, a bad credit is labeled when credit score falls below 580. But do not be discouraged. You have many ways at hand for getting bad credit loan approved. Bad credit loans are approved for almost every purpose including home improvements, meeting medical, educational and wedding expenses or even clearing debts.

The main concern is interest rate which usually is higher in case of bad credit. However if you have property like home, automobile or jewelry, the property can enable you in taking a secured bad credit loan at lower interest rate. On the basis of collateral, you can borrow even greater amount at lower interest rate. The greater loan amount depends on higher equity in collateral. Another advantage of secured bad credit loans is that the loan is easily returnable. Lenders can give you option of larger repayment duration of up to 25 years. You can spread the loan amount in as many installments as suits to your repaying capacity. This way your monthly payment towards the loan installments gets reduced allowing some savings.

Tenants or non-homeowners can opt for unsecured bad credit loans. Unsecured bad credit loans are provided without taking any collateral from bad credit borrowers and hence are risk free for them. Unsecured bad credit loans are there in your pocket just for showing your annual income, employment certificates to assure that you possess adequate repaying capability. For covering risks, lender may charge a higher interest rate. You would be offer smaller amount for shorter repayment duration of say 10 years.

For a better deal, compare various bad credit loans providers on their websites. See who has suitable package. Look for lower interest rate. Ensure the lender has some experience in making deals with bad credit borrowers. Preferably apply to an online lender. Online lenders are capable of processing bad credit loans within days for you.

Certainly bad credit loans are there for taking. But make sure that you pay off each installment in time or you may fall in a debt. Surely you would not like to see credit score falling.

Tips for hurdle free Bad Credit Business Loans

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Dec 112020

Are you as a business person thinking that your bad credit may come in the way of borrowing from a professional lender? Well you need not to worry at all as there are many lenders around who are devoted to bad credit business loans. Having enough experience in handling bad credit borrowers successfully, these lenders make bad credit business loans look very easy for the business people. For business people, bad credit business loans also are an opportunity for making improvements in their credit score. An improved credit score enables in taking loans at easier terms in future. And of course a bad credit business loan goes a long way in enhancing business prospects.

A business person can utilize bad credit business loans for whatever purpose like buying machinery, equipment, paying bills or purchasing office furniture and so on. Surely after completing the works through the loan, the business only prospers. Do not worry about your bad credit now. The times have changed. With almost every borrower being labeled bad credit, lenders have no other alternative than to look other way in case of bad credit for remaining in the loan business. And so lenders now are more interested in present income or repaying capacity of a business person. So if you have confidence for timely repaying of bad credit business loan, lenders will approve it.

As the loan amount would be invested in the business a lender would like to see if the business is generating sufficient income or has the potential to do so for timely paying off the loan installments and the approval will come easy.

Though bad credit usually prompts lenders in charging higher interest rate, but there is a way out here. You should place a valuable property like home which has greater equity with the lender as collateral. You will be offered a bad credit business loan amount based on the equity and repaying capacity. After the lender has secured bad credit business loans, the interest rate may be lowered. Apart from secured bad credit business loans being of lower interest rates, the business person can repay the loan in larger duration of even 30 years. Surely because of larger repayment duration a business person has many years ahead for making a financial recovery.

It is clear now that for bad credit borrowers taking a loan for enhancing business prospects is much easier than is thought to be thanks to growing competition amongst lenders. There are many ways for offsetting the factor of bad credit which should be explored. Also compare various bad credit business loans offers on internet for a better deal. Apply online to the suitable lender for fast processing and approval of the loan.

Find Best and Cheap Smoking Shelter

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Dec 102020

What is Smoking shelter? Smoking shelter as per our idea is a shelter that provides a space for people who smoke. Not only it is safe but also it is a shelter that just gives you the sense of relaxation and easy smoking fun.

There are many companies in today’s era into manufacturing of smoking shelters. We find numerous competitions with the manufacturers in the market. However it is understood that every company that manufactures smoking shelter is Unique and they all have their pros and their cons related to them.

Well amongst all the manufacturers there is a N.I.M ltd Engineering company that deals with the manufacturing of low cost smoking shelters. There are varieties of ranges that company offers in this particular product. The standing of the company is on the top most because of its efficiency and service made available to its consumers.

The shelters that are sold by the company are 25%-45% cheaper than any other competitors in the market. The main reason behind this cheap deal is, because the purchase is directly made from the manufacturer that is the company with a lean manufacturing policy.

Brief description of the product:

The quality and the design of the smoking shelters are uniquely maintained. There are different types of smoking shelters manufactured as wall supported shelters, free standing shelters and so on.

The freestanding smoking shelters are made using the highest spec raw materials. All the shelters build are designed in such a way that it becomes an easy access, as well as there is easy smoke dispersal. They are made with the measurements of 2455mm x 1020 mm modular construct and are made of heavy-duty rectangular steel section. The sides of these free standing smoking shelters are 6mm thick and they are ultra violet resistant. The polycarbonate panels support the mid height horizontal steel bars.

There is not much difference between the dimensions in wall supported smoking shelters. They are almost the same as the freestanding smoking shelters.


The smoking shelters are always a good idea to keep away from the dangers of pollution and unwanted smoke.

Mobile phone deals: choose the deal and enjoy

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Dec 092020

One of the best ways to connect the world in the present time is through mobile phones. It has become the most important and essential gadget of this decade. Well, apart from the mobile phones, mobile phone deals are also important.Mobile phone deals are offered in the UK by different network service providers such as T-mobile, Three, Orange, O2, Virgin and Vodafone. All these network service providers offer mobile phone deals for consumers to have a cost-effective deal and services.

With the advancement in the mobile phone technology, mobile phone manufacturers are offering basic phones to latest mobile phones in the market. These mobile phones are endowed with camera, music player, Internet, office tools, and latest 3G technology for fast connectivity. These handsets include Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, etc. So, if you have a choice, you have different mobile phone deals available in the market. Choose the handset and the cost-effective deals exclusively for you.

Mobile phone deals include pay-as-you-go and contract mobile phones. In pay-as-you-go phone, you buy a phone and it is usually loaded with some amount. You cannot make a call if you don’t have sufficient balance. You need to purchase vouchers for adding credits. Other mobile services are also limited. On the other hand, in contract mobile phones, you will have to pay a fixed monthly line rental. There are many tariff plans under a particular deal, compare the plan and choose as per your requirement. A cost-effective deal and seamless connectivity must be the first priority for all the consumers. Contract mobile phone deals fulfil these entire requirements. First choose the handset and then look for the deals available for a particular handset. You may get free minutes, free texts, free line rental and free insurance as an incentive.

Don’t think twice, choose the mobile phone dealsand get connected with the people and the world anytime-anywhere.

Industry Website Provides Jewelers Opportunity to Show their Commitment to the Kimberly Process

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Dec 082020

The Kimberly Process Certification Scheme, though a good one, will not be able to stop conflict diamond trade on its own. It needs the support of the entire diamond industry from the diamond producers, to cutters, to bourses, and finally the jewelers. While participant nations and the rest of the diamond industry are being lauded for their efforts in implementing and following the guidelines laid out by the Kimberly Process it has been shown that many jewelers and jewelry retail stores are not holding up their end of the bargain. In 2004 a survey conducted by Global Witness and Amnesty International among diamond jewelers in USA showed that only 11% of the visited stores have a clear policy on conflict diamonds. Jewelers need to have a more active participation in seeing the Kimberly Process push through especially since they are the face of the diamond industry and are the ones who deal with the consumers on a daily basis. If the consumers notice the lack of participation by jewelers they would lose faith in the entire diamond industry.

To address this problem, a new industry website was launched with the aim of getting jewelers to adopt policies against the buying and selling of conflict diamonds as part of their store policy. The new website offers free membership to jewelers in exchange for their promise to abide the policies outlined by the website in accordance to the Kimberly Process. Jewelers then get the privilege of posting a “conflict-free” logo on their websites to show consumers and the rest of the world that they are committed to seeing the Kimberly Process push through.

The new step is simple. It only requires jewelers and jewelry store owners to sign up for membership at the Stop Blood Diamonds website. Membership is free but as mentioned earlier requires members to adopt the site’s policies against conflict diamond trade as part of their store policy. After jewelers and store owners have signed up, they then have the privilege of putting up a Stop Blood Diamonds Conflict Free logo on their websites. The easily identifiable logo will be an effective means for consumers to determine that website’s policies regarding conflict diamonds without having to search through it just to look for a written policy. This will also ease the minds of potential buyers who are becoming increasingly aware and educated about this extremely immoral trade practice.

For those interested in knowing more about acquiring the logo for their site you can visit StopBloodDiamonds and read more about the policies your store need to adopt to be able to join. Costumers can also visit the website to know more about conflict diamonds and what the diamond industry is doing regarding the issue.

If you are a jeweler and want to help show the world that you care please visit