Shared Web Hosting Providers

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Dec 152020

There are many different kinds of web hosting providers available on the internet. Some are free, others are paid, and all web hosting providers offer different services for different prices with varying levels of customer service and satisfaction. One web hosting option is shared web hosting. Shared web hosting providers are also called “virtual” hosts. This web hosting provider offers the services typical to web hosting while accomplishing support through a shared server. Plainly, multiple sites are hosted on one actual server. This kind of web hosting provider takes a lot of burden off of the individual sites as their costs are much lower due to sharing the expenses of web hosting.

The added expense for this kind of web hosting provider is that they have to organize an administrative team in order to orchestrate, organize and control the many users sharing the single system. Without this administrative element, this kind of web hosting provider could have a lot of problems and find themselves unable to offer adequate services to their users. Generally, this sort of web hosting provider utilizes a tool called a control panel. The web hosting provider is in charge of all aspects of server upkeep and has to accommodate all of their users.

Domain names are tricky with this kind of web hosting provider. Although the site must have one name, multiple users have unique sites using the same server. The web hosting provider must find a way to deal with this conflict either through the use of IP-based virtual hosting or dedicated IP hosting. Sometimes these web hosting providers overbook their servers and users may find their sites to be sluggish or to have considerable downtime. When searching for this kind of web hosting provider it is vital to research what percentage of space and power belong to you in relation to the other users. Your shared web hosting provider should be able to provide you with this information prior to your signing up.

Although shared web hosting may seem like a viable option because of its reduced cost, the potential inconveniences probably outweigh the small amount of money you might save by going with this kind of service. There are multiple web hosting providers on the internet that provide excellent services for reasonable prices. Shared web hosting providers may also be a bad choice for the future as some of the crucial technology is wrapped up in large lawsuits.