How to Deal With Supposed Failures in Your Business

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Jun 252020

So how does someone have true enormous success in their home business? Is it because they found out some secret code that nobody else knows? Or maybe they were just lucky.

No, it’s actually none of the above. The reason for people succeeding and failing is all in perception. The perception of what is in question is failure. How do you perceive failure and what is your reaction to it?

Most people end up failing in network marketing because they struggle and think they have failed and quit. The people who make money in this industry are the ones who have changed their perception of failure.

Although many situations are unchangeable, you can change how you view them. The main idea here is the ability to detach your feelings from unfavorable events. Start to view everything as being meant to happen.

Look at failure as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes, it shouldn’t be a reason to quit.

However, the biggest reason people do completely quit in free enterprise is because they aren’t mentally prepared. Owning your own business is going to throw your emotions in all different directions.

One day you could get 40 leads and some calls and then the next day you get nothing. The way you perceive each of these events will ultimately decide your fate in the industry.

I don’t believe in failure, I believe that every event has a purpose. Every action you take is going to lead you closer to your ultimate goal. For that reason you must have a “why.”

Why are you starting your own business? Don’t say money, think deeper. Why do you want the money? What will the free time ultimately bring you? More time with your family or just the satisfaction of being your own boss?

You need to develop a “why” so strong that no matter what you will keep going. Find what is really driving you below the surface to get out of bed and strive towards your goals.

Once you truly find your “why” you will no longer have to be motivated by another person. You will develop a thing called self-motivation. Once that happens no amount of perceived “failure” can ever stand in your way.