Quick Start Your Online Business With Drop-Shipping

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Feb 062020

You plan to start you own business and decide to sell your products online. After doing some market analysis, you decide a range of products to sell. Things just get started, there are many others factors to consider before you can start running your online business. After deciding what products you will sell, you are immediately faced with many challenges:

First: “Where to store my products? I want to sell my products online and operate my business from home. I do not have much storage space for inventory at home, should I need to rent a store or a warehouse for this purpose?”

Second: “Since I do not have a physical retail shop because I operate my business from home, are the suppliers willing to deal with me?”

Third: “Many suppliers and distributors have a minimum order requirement if I want to purchase at wholesales price, it may cost thousands of dollars, but I don’t have that much of money, do I need to apply for a loan from bank to purchase them? What if these products not sell well, Will I tie up with debt for the money I owe to bank? Why should I tie it up in inventory?”

Fourth: “I will have to upgrade or install security system at my home as I keep my inventory here. And I may budget out my money to buy extra insurance to cover for my inventory to avoid heavy losses which may due by theft, fire, flood or twister”.

Fifth: “Shipping cost is another thing to worry. I need to pay the shipping cost for buy my products and I may need to pay to delivery goods out to my customers if I want to offer free delivery service to customers.”

Six: “How much do I need to spend in packaging and fulfilling orders? Will I need to hire employee to do the packaging job?”

Wow! There are so many things to take care before I can start my online business. Is there a shortcut for these? The answer is “Yes”. These problems can be reduced or eliminated by drop shipping.

Drop shipping is a method that enabled you to sell your products without the need of stocking your inventory, your drop-ship partners will take care of packaging, shipping and handling of your orders and they will directly delivery the orders to your customers.

First of all, you need to open a reseller account your selected distributor which can provide you with drop-shipping service, the distributor will become your drop-ship partner. Normally, some fee involve in reseller account set up. Once your reseller account has been set up, you can start your online business right away.

When you make a sale, your customer will pay you at your selling price plus shipping charge, you will route your order to your drop-ship partner and make arrangements to pay for the order at your wholesale price plus shipping charge. Your drop-ship partner then ships the product to your customer with your invoice and shipping label.

There are many advantages of using drop-shipping partners in your online business:

    You eliminate the high costs of holding inventory at your place
    You don’t get stuck with goods that don’t sell
    You don’t need to pay for other expenses associated with maintaining inventory.
    You not need to worry about packing, handling & shipping to fulfilling your customer’s order; your drop-ship partner will take care of it.

In Summary

The real advantage to drop-shipping arrangement lies in keeping your costs variable. Instead of being stuck with these expenses up front, whether you sell or not, you pay only when you make a sale. With drop-shipping arrangement, you can set up your online business fast & easy.

Have a little fun in the sun!

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Feb 062020

It should be no surprise that interest in solar power has significantly increased in lieu of the recent energy crisis in California. Rising costs, brown outs, and downright black outs make living in a technological world virtually impossible. Thanks to price gouging, energy costs have skyrocketed and made simple things like paying what used to be a minor bill – a major budgeting issue.

Anyone who depends on electricity to power large appliances has been affected at one time or another by the questionable moves of electric utility companies (like the infamous Enron for example), but price gouging isn’t the only problem behind electric woes. Electricity – as strong as it can be – can actually be fragile as well. Too much consumption for instance, can upset an entire grid system within a matter of minutes. A minor lightening storm or a strong windfall can have detrimental effects as well. Even pests can effect the efficiency of electricity in homes and buildings!

Solar power is affected by none of those things. Since it’s powered by the sun, it can not be affected by price gouging. (Hey, the last time we checked – the sun was free!) Nor can it be affected by over consumption or things like wire-chewing critters!


Solar power is energy from the sun converted into thermal or Electrical energy. It’s also defined as solar energy or alternative energy. The term alternative energy is appropriate when referring to any power source other than electricity. Solar power, or energy, however specifies energy from the sun.

Current Usage

Today, solar power has almost become a common household subject of discussion as we continue to deal with limited fossil fuels. But those who resist the idea suggest that solar energy is not efficient. They claim that it cannot be ever present or they claim that converting to solar power is more expensive to operate than electricity or gas.

If you’re interested in solar power, and you want to learn how it can indeed lower your bills all year round, then you need to read this article!

Types Of Solar Energy and How They Work

Solar power can be classified according to how it’s used. It can be a direct or indirect power source, for example. Direct solar power converts solar energy once before it’s used, whereas indirect solar power converts solar energy several times before it’s finally used.

An example of direct solar power is sunlight warming a surface that’s used to heat another object. An example of indirect solar power is sunlight warming a mechanical device that’s designed to run a motor – a motor that used to cut the grass or turn on a sprinkler system for example.

In addition to direct or indirect
solar power, passive solar power is the only source of energy for a particular use, where as active solar power is combined with other mechanics, like pumps, storage cells, or blowers.

Through the use of these different applications, solar power is used today to absorb heat, trap heat, and distribute heat for a very long time. Of course in warm weather, this same energy is used to trigger cooling devices.